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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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I don't understand this. A fucking battle royale to the death were the winner gets any wish they want is fucking serious. The grimdark atmosphere that fate zero has fits perfectly to what is actually happening.

Then you have that piece of shit that UBW is were while people could die any moment you spend time waifu-ing saber, eating breakfast with childhood friends and having your dumb teacher being dumb as a pillow and pretty much role playing K-on anytime they could. Not to mention the "although i could kill you right now I won't because we have a second season to air and you will probably kill me first then".

I don't hate UBW that much, but Zero was my first introduction to the series and god what a disappointment UBW was.

I don't want to hate on Fate/Zero, because I don't hate it. I'll just say a lot of the later twists and turns were basically just piling on so much misery and angst that it crossed some kind of threshold of bullshit for me. It got to a point where it was almost funny. It also suffered from a lot of talk-talk-talk the same way UBW does. Yes, they're novels and that's how novels tell their stories, but that's an adaptation problem. When you're in a visual medium, the more time you spend telling instead of showing is going to be an issue in my eyes. (This is an issue I have with Kekkai Sensen's love of required reading.)

As for the difference in tone between the two entries, that has a lot to do with the authorship change. Nasu isn't nearly as cynical as Urobuchi. As a result, Fate/Zero has almost zero levity whereas Nasu, I think smartly, recognizes that his strength is in characters, and spends a lot of time making his characters likable, or at least enjoyable to hate. I mean, save for Rider, Iri, and (arguably) Kiritsugu, very few of the things Urobuchi added to the universe are particularly memorable.

Basically, I think both entries are deeply flawed. I just think UBW is even more deeply flawed; even with its more memorable cast, the story misfired a lot. But as someone who experienced Fate/Stay Night first, I can't say I have no affinity for its special brand of stupid.


God, after finishing Plastic Memories I really want to binge on more shows like it. Are there any other shows that have the same kind of poignant, sorrowful, melancholy tone that Plastic Memories does? Something fairly subdued and not overly complex. (Angel Beats, Clannad, Kanon and other Key things don't count :p)


God, after finishing Plastic Memories I really want to binge on more shows like it. Are there any other shows that have the same kind of poignant, sorrowful, melancholy tone that Plastic Memories does? Something fairly subdued and not overly complex. (Angel Beats, Clannad, Kanon and other Key things don't count :p)

First, Your Lie in April.



Saikano. It's a Cajun rec that's next on my list..



First, Your Lie in April. .


Saikano. It's a Cajun rec that's next on my list..


Oh man, I totally forgot about Your Lie in April. I got to about episode 8 or so, then got sidetracked by real-life commitments. Did it have a satisfying ending?
Seen Saikano around here a few times and always mistake it for Saekano... I guess I should see what it is I keep getting mixed up about!


Oh man, I totally forgot about Your Lie in April. I got to about episode 8 or so, then got sidetracked by real-life commitments. Did it have a satisfying ending?
Seen Saikano around here a few times and always mistake it for Saekano... I guess I should see what it is I keep getting mixed up about!

Yes, with some really good and really painful moments along the way; it's just really good..


Shigatsu is pretty big on the melodrama though, calling it melancholic feels kinda dishonest.

Shigatsu's biggest achievement is the belivable portrait of musicians and their struggle with music - something shows like Euphonium fail to capture.


Yamada Witches 12

I enjoyed that well enough. Not my favorite Sunday show, but the way it used all of its magic powers was pretty creative, and the cast interactions were great. Just overall entertaining, as far as magical romcoms go.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I can't be the only one who thinks anime Alice on Soma looks weird and has a weird voice.
I can't be the only one who thinks anime Alice on Soma looks weird and has a weird voice.

Lots of people have said that. I wouldn't know though since I haven't read the manga.
Btw, that girl in the china dress who appeared for a split-second last episode is an actual character right?


I can't be the only one who thinks anime Alice on Soma looks weird and has a weird voice.

Did you and your wife finish Plastic Memories? If so, how did it go?

Shigatsu is pretty big on the melodrama though, calling it melancholic feels kinda dishonest.

Shigatsu's biggest achievement is the belivable portrait of musicians and their struggle with music - something shows like Euphonium fail to capture.

That would just be focusing on the music abd the MC's growth though. The relationship part should not over looked.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lots of people have said that. I wouldn't know though since I haven't read the manga.
Btw, that girl in the china dress who appeared for a split-second last episode is an actual character right?

Her name is Hojou, but I usually just call her Qipao

I think all the big boobed girls look weird in those white chef things in the anime version.

Specially tailored form-fitting cooking apron catsuits for girls with boobs the size of their head, yeah. Actually I mostly just think they drew Alice's face weird so she looks nothing like she does in the manga.


u wot mate?

Where is the struggle in Euphonium? Learning instruments is childsplay in Euphonium - something that is done in passing. If something doesn't work you sit down for a day and emerge a better player on the next day.
I don't see characters struggeling with their instruments and the music, something which is central to a musicians life. Now, Euphonium might focus on its characters and their interactions mostly, but for a show that centers around making music
I feel the show isn't doing a very good job of portraying the struggle of playing an instrument.


Huge Nickleback Fan
I can't be the only one who thinks anime Alice on Soma looks weird and has a weird voice.

Me too. Might take a while to get used to her voice.

Fist of the North Spirit 13

Finally the appearance of the best Nakiri.
Nothing more to be add other than this show is really great, and they somehow make Erina more bearable than the manga version.

Lots of people have said that. I wouldn't know though since I haven't read the manga.
Btw, that girl in the china dress who appeared for a split-second last episode is an actual character right?
Yup, actual character.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They just made her look way more exotic and aggressive in the anime, which is just weird because it doesn't match. I guess I'll get used to it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I can't be the only one who thinks anime Alice on Soma looks weird and has a weird voice.
akasaki is one of the better vas working on the series so you're objectively wrong.
Where is the struggle in Euphonium? Learning instruments is childsplay in Euphonium - something that is done in passing. If something doesn't work you sit down for a day and emerge a better player on the next day.
I don't see characters struggeling with their instruments, something which is central to every musicians life.
also objectively wrong. i'm even more baffled when shigatsu wa kimi no uso is used as a point of comparison. euph show is lined with failures and drop outs. shigatsu wa kimi no uso is about child prodigies.
Where is the struggle in Euphonium? Learning instruments is childsplay in Euphonium - something that is done in passing. If something doesn't work you sit down for a day and emerge a better player on the next day.
I don't see characters struggeling with their instruments, something which is central to every musicians life.

Are you actually watching Euphonium? Did you see last week's episode? Because I'm having trouble understanding how you can assert this without trolling.

Shigatsu with it's hyper-dramatic relationships, fantasy-invoking imagery when the cast plays music, and laser-tight focus on said dramatized relationships being the driving reason why a given performer can/'t perform works in some areas, but "believable" is not a word I'd reserve for that show, especially when contrasted with Euphonium.
Where is the struggle in Euphonium? Learning instruments is childsplay in Euphonium - something that is done in passing. If something doesn't work you sit down for a day and emerge a better player on the next day.
I don't see characters struggeling with their instruments and the music, something which is central to a musicians life. Now, Euphonium might focus on its characters and their interactions mostly, but for a show that centers around making music
I feel the show isn't doing a very good job of portraying the struggle of playing an instrument.

I mean last episode of Eupho for instance had one of the better episodes concerning just that struggle that I've seen.

Meanwhile Kimi no Uso wants us to believe that Kousei literally cannot 'hear the notes', so that even other people talk about it nonchalantly "oh did you hear? Kousei cannot hear the notes!" Like it's a common fucking condition when one would've hoped it was (and I hope still is) supposed to be metaphoric. Oh and in general I cannot take much of the show serious considering the level of the written dialogue (and the monologues in particular).
As a result, Fate/Zero has almost zero levity whereas Nasu, I think smartly, recognizes that his strength is in characters, and spends a lot of time making his characters likable, or at least enjoyable to hate. I mean, save for Rider, Iri, and (arguably) Kiritsugu, very few of the things Urobuchi added to the universe are particularly memorable.

Fate Zero actually spends time with its Master-Servant duos and develops them throughout it's run, whereas UBW just gives them one episode before they are unceremoniously killed off.
The Grail dialogue allowed all the major players to have a meaningful discussion about their goals and develop them further so they aren't just cardboard cut-outs and you can actually root for the non-protagonist team. Rider in UBW barely does anything and her relationship with Blue haired guy is barely of any note.
Rider and Waver in FZ make a crazy good duo and have a lot of non-serious moments.
Lancer and Saber's notions of chivalry and honour aren't just minor character traits, they form a fundamental part of their interaction and the plot delves into and works with this. Whereas Lancer in UBW just pops in and out of the story as needed. Gilgamesh, is far better developed in Fate Zero compared to UBW, as he gets fully fledged dialogue and meaning to his character. The rivalry between Kiritsugu and Kirei is fully built up throughout the show and leads to a fitting final battle between the two. Whereas In UBW Gilgamesh shows up halfway through and barely does anything of real significance before the last arc and barely interacts with Shirou.

One of the major problems with FSN is it's visual novel roots. It's story is spread over three routes, so instead of getting one complete decent story, you get three badly told ones. Instead of developing one well thought out romantic plotline, it has serveral bad ones involving absolutely ridiculous cheap porn style happenstances to get the characters into sexual scenarios, coupled with dialogue so cringeworthy your face nearly becomes permanently disfigured. UBW suffers the worst perhaps because it deeply involves Rin, who has become the standard bearer for shitty "tsunderere" characters in all of Japanese animation. Not to mention the constant rule changes and defiance of the shows internal logic, all cheap thrills intended to keep a VN reader invested but proves annoying in a visual format as the show has to constantly explain exactly why things don't break the rules even though they clearly do..
Where is the struggle in Euphonium? Learning instruments is childsplay in Euphonium - something that is done in passing. If something doesn't work you sit down for a day and emerge a better player on the next day.
I don't see characters struggeling with their instruments and the music, something which is central to a musicians life. Now, Euphonium might focus on its characters and their interactions mostly, but for a show that centers around making music
I feel the show isn't doing a very good job of portraying the struggle of playing an instrument.

Shuuichi still can't play well and Hazuki
didn't even pass the auditions
. Even Kumiko, who has been playing for a long while still has trouble.


Fate Zero actually spends time with its Master-Servant duos and develops them throughout it's run, whereas UBW just gives them one episode before they are unceremoniously killed off.
The Grail dialogue allowed all the major players to have a meaningful discussion about their goals and develop them further so they aren't just cardboard cut-outs and you can actually root for the non-protagonist team. Rider in UBW barely does anything and her relationship with Blue haired guy is barely of any note.
Rider and Waver in FZ make a crazy good duo and have a lot of non-serious moments.
Lancer and Saber's notions of chivalry and honour aren't just minor character traits, they form a fundamental part of their interaction and the plot delves into and works with this. Whereas Lancer in UBW just pops in and out of the story as needed. Gilgamesh, is far better developed in Fate Zero compared to UBW, as he gets fully fledged dialogue and meaning to his character. The rivalry between Kiritsugu and Kirei is fully built up throughout the show and leads to a fitting final battle between the two. Whereas In UBW Gilgamesh shows up halfway through and barely does anything of real significance before the last arc and barely interacts with Shirou.

One of the major problems with FSN is it's visual novel roots. It's story is spread over three routes, so instead of getting one complete decent story, you get three badly told ones. Instead of developing one well thought out romantic plotline, it has serveral bad ones involving absolutely ridiculous cheap porn style happenstances to get the characters into sexual scenarios, coupled with dialogue so cringeworthy your face nearly becomes permanently disfigured. UBW suffers the worst perhaps because it deeply involves Rin, who has become the standard bearer for shitty "tsunderere" characters in all of Japanese animation. Not to mention the constant rule changes and defiance of the shows internal logic, all cheap thrills intended to keep a VN reader invested but proves annoying in a visual format as the show has to constantly explain exactly why things don't break the rules even though they clearly do..

I think I've said a few times I think Fate/Zero is better than UBW. Including in the post you partially quoted. My saying the characters are more memorable in Nasu's work is coming from my experience with the VN; the anime mishandles a lot of it. (You will get nothing but agreement from me on the stupid porn crap; Realta Nua at least takes that shit out.)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fate Zero actually spends time with its Master-Servant duos and develops them throughout it's run, whereas UBW just gives them one episode before they are unceremoniously killed off.
The Grail dialogue allowed all the major players to have a meaningful discussion about their goals and develop them further so they aren't just cardboard cut-outs and you can actually root for the non-protagonist team. Rider in UBW barely does anything and her relationship with Blue haired guy is barely of any note.
Rider and Waver in FZ make a crazy good duo and have a lot of non-serious moments.
Lancer and Saber's notions of chivalry and honour aren't just minor character traits, they form a fundamental part of their interaction and the plot delves into and works with this. Whereas Lancer in UBW just pops in and out of the story as needed. Gilgamesh, is far better developed in Fate Zero compared to UBW, as he gets fully fledged dialogue and meaning to his character. The rivalry between Kiritsugu and Kirei is fully built up throughout the show and leads to a fitting final battle between the two. Whereas In UBW Gilgamesh shows up halfway through and barely does anything of real significance before the last arc and barely interacts with Shirou.

One of the major problems with FSN is it's visual novel roots. It's story is spread over three routes, so instead of getting one complete decent story, you get three badly told ones. Instead of developing one well thought out romantic plotline, it has serveral bad ones involving absolutely ridiculous cheap porn style happenstances to get the characters into sexual scenarios, coupled with dialogue so cringeworthy your face nearly becomes permanently disfigured. UBW suffers the worst perhaps because it deeply involves Rin, who has become the standard bearer for shitty "tsunderere" characters in all of Japanese animation. Not to mention the constant rule changes and defiance of the shows internal logic, all cheap thrills intended to keep a VN reader invested but proves annoying in a visual format as the show has to constantly explain exactly why things don't break the rules even though they clearly do..

The biggest problem with FSN is that Saber and Shirou are awful characters and that's 2/3rds of the main cast.
That it manages to be fun at all is because the idea of the Grail War and the servants is kind of cool.


Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches-END
Man, another good one to follow until the end. I almost dropped it after 2 episodes, but I'm so glad I didn't because it really grew on me. The mix of relationship buildin, mystery and very mild drama was just right through the the series. This was definitely my spring surprise and it had a really great moment to end it all! I'm really going to miss these shows this summer.


I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job

Ecchi ecchi fun.

I Couldn't Become a Hero is a pretty fun show about a guy who, as the title says, who couldn't become a hero. He works in a magic item store, reluctantly of course, when a new girl appears with a resume in hand and wants to work at the same store. The new girl, named Fino, has a really interesting background, so interesting that it can change the course of the world!

The story, for the most part is a very fun slice of life about working in a retail store when competition emerges, forcing everyone to work harder to make the store more known and popular. It's not until the last 3-4 episodes where a plot appears from quite literally no where and changes the direction of the anime.

The girls, Fino, Elsa, Airi, Nova, Saera, Lore and Lamdimia are all really insanely cute and pretty. The art style, like many harems and anime that want to accentuate cuteness, use red blemish marks on the skin, typically around the thighs, breasts, cheeks, elbows shoulders, things of that nature; it works really well and it make all the girls so much cuter! ! !

Fino, the main girl of the anime, is a totally adorable demon with a bright passion for wanting to succeed and to become something with her life; she's also has an incredibly infectious cheerful and peppy personality, making her a lot of fun to watch and care for. Raul, our main guy for I Could Become a Hero, is like most MC's in a harem based situation; he gets flustered when breasts are near him, he loses composure when a girl clings to him, but aside from that, he can be a cool guy, he'd obviously be a lot better if he made some magic happen.

There are some minor characters that become a little important during the last 2-3 episodes of the anime, but I don't think I really enjoyed seeing the drastic and entirely different direction the anime went into. I guess in many ways, it makes sense and works, but I'd rather not have seen Fino get manipulated and toyed with.

The music in I Couldn't Become a Hero, is surprisingly good. The OP and ED are quite amazing and will probably find the artist who did the songs, but the background music was good and so were the ambient based sounds, I didn't really expect that at all.

Like I mentioned before, the art style is one that accentuates cuteness and is animated in such a way to make sure you notice the bouncing boobies and beautiful girls, a lot of good.

I Couldn't Become a Hero is really a show for people looking for a lot of ecchi. We have pantsu shots, both the front and the back, we have beautiful bouncing breasts, we have nipples and amazing ass shots. The first couple episodes start off really strong on the fan service aspect too, even having a couple tentacle(hands) scenes that when explode, turn into a white mess....
I can't be the only one who thinks anime Alice on Soma looks weird and has a weird voice.

She looks about the same as she does in the current manga to me. When she first appeared she looked a bit different.


It's the lips methinks

Edit: I don't know why but sometimes images randomly shrink to like 200px for me when they are linked, I dunno if anyone can see it normally but I don't know how to fix it

Lots of people have said that. I wouldn't know though since I haven't read the manga.
Btw, that girl in the china dress who appeared for a split-second last episode is an actual character right?

Yes she is

I think all the big boobed girls look weird in those white chef things in the anime version.

You don't understand the greatness of Nakiri genes to be able to breathe in such circumstances you peasant, that's why Meat only wears bikinis


Tragic victim of fan death
I think I've said a few times I think Fate/Zero is better than UBW. Including in the post you partially quoted. My saying the characters are more memorable in Nasu's work is coming from my experience with the VN; the anime mishandles a lot of it. (You will get nothing but agreement from me on the stupid porn crap; Realta Nua at least takes that shit out.)

But we're comparing the UBW anime to the F/Z anime... this seems like a moot point.
Man, I just haven't been able to make any time to watch anime in the last two weeks. I'm behind on everything.

Aside from Baby Steps which I just got caught up on. That show always gets me so pumped after watching it.

Hopefully I can get caught up on Euphonium some time this week.


also objectively wrong. i'm even more baffled when shigatsu wa kimi no uso is used as a point of comparison. euph show is lined with failures and drop outs. shigatsu wa kimi no uso is about child prodigies.

I actually dropped You Lie in April the moment Kaori started playing Mozart in her own style. Aside from the fact that it would just be a kind of bizarre thing to do in a competition, it also completely ignores that music prodigies are considered prodigies because they are inherently good at playing music in the style suitable to the time period in which it was written. What that reflected to me was that the person writing it really had no idea what they were writing about, which creates a lack of credibility in everything else that happens in the show, even if we should be considering it metaphorically. When you consider that, it's no real wonder that a main source of drama in the show is unrealistic problems like not being able to hear music or see colors or whatever.

What I took it as was somebody tried to draw direct parallels between how a visual artist develops and a musician develops, and although the two are both arts, they're really very different in practice. With Euphonium, I see a lot more realism in the ways the characters focus on music - and it's not childplay to learn, because it doesn't require drama to learn an instrument, it requires a lot of practice, and surprise!, we see them practicing every episode.


I cannot take Fate series seriously. Holy grail war is like "Which of this fan-fiction heroes will win!" to me.


also objectively wrong. i'm even more baffled when shigatsu wa kimi no uso is used as a point of comparison. euph show is lined with failures and drop outs. shigatsu wa kimi no uso is about child prodigies.

Yes, child prodigies that struggle to make music, unlike Euphonium's characters! Failures and dropouts are a possible result of struggle but tell us nothing about the person or the struggle itself. As I said, all Euphonium does is sit characters down to practice when things don't go their way only for them to magically emerge a better player the next day. There is much more to improving than that. I feel Shigatsu did a much better job at showing exactly that.

Meanwhile Kimi no Uso wants us to believe that Kousei literally cannot 'hear the notes', so that even other people talk about it nonchalantly "oh did you hear? Kousei cannot hear the notes!" Like it's a common fucking condition when one would've hoped it was (and I hope still is) supposed to be metaphoric. Oh and in general I cannot take much of the show serious considering the level of the written dialogue (and the monologues in particular).

What? Of course it is meant in a metaphorical way! It's the MCs internal struggle to find his own sound, something that didn't exist because of how his mom tought him piano for just winning competitions. His mom's death set him free from these shackles but ultimatly he never learned to really play the piano. All he ever learned was playing the correct notes at the right time. There was no soul in his playing, nothing of himself in his music. He had no idea how to interpret music in a performance. As a result of that he was clueless as to how his music should sound. If you can't hear how the music you want to play is supposed to sound internally you can't "hear the notes".

Everything in that show is about the MC parting with his mom and what she imprinted into him musically. Also, I am just speaking about the portrayal of musicians in Shigatsu, as for the rest of the show it had its fair share of problems. If you don't think the rest of the show is any good all the power to you. Personally I found the melodrama to be unbearable.


But we're comparing the UBW anime to the F/Z anime... this seems like a moot point.

You are now, but this started with my saying Prisma Illya is my favorite Fate anime in part because it doesn't take itself so goddamn seriously. I've never claimed UBW to be superior to Fate/Zero, because it isn't.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Then you have that piece of shit that UBW is were while people could die any moment you spend time waifu-ing saber, eating breakfast with childhood friends and having your dumb teacher being dumb as a pillow and pretty much role playing K-on anytime they could. Not to mention the "although i could kill you right now I won't because we have a second season to air and you will probably kill me first then".

Okay, I lol'd. Why the fuck were they still going to school ever during a huge fuck-off battle to the death? How was that ever supposed to make a lick of sense?


I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job

Ecchi ecchi fun..

Yup, that about sums it up, lol. She is a cutie and it never truly delves into a harem, so it was a pretty good watch for ecchi fun. Some of those more serious scenes were actually pretty interesting as well, but it really is all about the demon girl doing her thing.


I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job

I Couldn't Become a Hero is really a show for people looking for a lot of ecchi. We have pantsu shots, both the front and the back, we have beautiful bouncing breasts, we have nipples and amazing ass shots. The first couple episodes start off really strong on the fan service aspect too, even having a couple tentacle(hands) scenes that when explode, turn into a white mess....

I dunno why, but I always get taken aback when you talk about lewd things like this - my mental image of you as Nazuna doesn't line up with your words!
Can we stop talking about Fate stuff?

Let's talk about cool things instead. Like G Gundam. Or TTGL. Or Shin Mazinger Z. Or Gundam Build Fighters S1.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You know, the more I think about it, my suspension of disbelief at Plastic Memories' plot is being held together with duct tape.

The entire concept of full aware androids that die at some precisely calculated second is like.....I don't know guys, maybe you should upgrade your robots to a 64-bit OS or something. Like 30 years prior even.
Can we stop talking about Fate stuff?

Let's talk about cool things instead. Like G Gundam. Or TTGL. Or Shin Mazinger Z. Or Gundam Build Fighters S1.


I think you severely overestimate how many people watch mecha in here

You know, the more I think about it, my suspension of disbelief at Plastic Memories' plot is being held together with duct tape.

The entire concept of full aware androids that die at some precisely calculated second is like.....I don't know guys, maybe you should upgrade your robots to a 64-bit OS or something. Like 30 years prior even.

From the first and only episode I watched it felt like a Psycho Pass situation where you need to accept something really stupid for the whole plot to work to begin with and I don't really like omg so emotional the feels shows to begin with so I never continued
Better yet...guys, am I the only one that feels like there are some yuri undertones in Hibike! Euphonium? Let's discuss!

I like the fact there's an OVA episode, as if the Yuri thing is left open to interpretation at the end of the tv run people can argue about it for months until the ova is out.
Better yet...guys, am I the only one that feels like there are some yuri undertones in Hibike! Euphonium? Let's discuss!

yeah, KYOANI is baiting us so hard! It literaly has a negative impact on my enjoyment of this show since potential yuri relationships are the only reason why I watch it.
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