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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Just found out there's no way to actually buy the Patlabor TV series blu-rays in the UK :( #fuckanime

unless I'm being really dumb with blu-ray regions and whatnot.


I rewatched 2 episodes of Daimos recently and thus can objectively conclude that all old mecha anime is shiiiiit. Time to take off those nostalgia goggles !

they never trully stopped from being ones ..just because they changed the way they get powers doesn't mean the ones fighting are going to change.

Hm? Not sure I follow you.

So like, they still have to keep on fighting the Vertex? But what about the body parts issue? Is that still very much a threat?


Hey cornbread, are you looking for a cute, happy show on Crunchyroll? I'd like to throw a suggestion for Hanayamata your way. Always brought a smile to my face.

The choreographed dancing in the opening is precious. Always cheers me up.
Needs to come out on bluray asap. This show is way too pretty to be stuck on DVD. Companies, do the right thing.

I tried so hard to like this movie, the villain
was so 1 dimensional and the plot "twist" was predictable.

But I used to have a Patema avatar.

Which has similar hair and skin colour to my current one.

What does this mean?

edit: and sinon has similar hair colour too, what the hell.

You have good taste in waifus and hair color.

Saikano 02

It feels like this is moving really quickly - the
timeskip after the air raid meant that we didn't see a lot of the changes Chise went through with her body. She's concerned about how she's growing, but we only very briefly saw what she was like before that. Shuji's decision for them to run away also doesn't seem like the best of ideas. He even admits it himself! Given that he stopped Chise from taking down the military helicopter it also doesn't look like he has any semblance of a plan, either.
I'd gathered that Chise is
constantly being monitored
during episode one, but the implications it could have on Shuji as well could prove to be quite a strain on their relationship.

It was kinda funny when some
ballistic missiles fell out of her back. Did she make the missiles? Or were they stored inside her beforehand? Not too important really, but it did seem a little silly!

Saikano has some pretty over the top scenarios but it gets the message across pretty well, dragging everything and everyone down to hell with it.

Good to know. I've been sitting on the Blu-ray for a while now, I'll probably watch it this week, could always use a good movie to watch.

Too true, Nazrin is really cute ~~!

So if anyone missed it or people actually read what I wrote (Lurkers included), heres what I watched this weekend.

Strike Witches
Couldn't Become A Hero
Hand Maid May
Fuujin Monogatari (Windy Tales)
Vividred Operation

Sorry if the continued format gets boring to read without an in-depth analysis for these shows (or past ones too), really enjoyed what I've seen, as you can tell.... a particular theme for this weekend ~ =)

You have had quite a weekend! Hopefully your enthusiastic watching phase lasts a long time because Anime still seems magical and incredible during that phase and you'll miss that eventually once youve seen enough of it and it seems routine. Most notably you will notice all the tropes and how they keep getting reused in a lot of unimaginative shows.

Is it 2012 again since this whole thread argued about SAO for way too long? lol glad I slept through it all.

It needs more Sinon in it. Also a nendoroid with cat ears would be nice!
Cross Game 01-50 [Final]

So what is this show? It's a sports anime that however also has a strong focus on family and how to deal with losing someone very close to you. I have to say the setup for the main characters for this show is actually a fairly interesting one and I was somewhat eager to see this scenario play out, even though it was overly predictable.

No actually, predictable doesn't even come close to describing this show. By the end of episode 1 you can roughly guess the direction it'll take, by the end of episode 2 you'll be almost certain where it's heading—and you'll be completely right by then. Now we're talking about 48 further episodes here, so is it worth watching anyways?

While predictability is pretty much always a major deterrent for me, even in a show where it may not matter quite as much, what matters the most is still execution. What can I say, the core of this anime was good enough for me to keep going. The main duo Kou and Aoba were easy enough to empathize with and I was interested enough in following their as well as some others characters' growth (such as Azuma and Akaishi).

I also decided to learn the rules of Baseball, to be able to actually enjoy those matches properly as well, though I did have to do all that research myself as the anime doesn't explain the sport at all really. And yeh, that helped a bunch and I should've done so earlier than I did. Because man how are you supposed to feel the same tension when you just aren't quite sure what's going on and at stake.

Really though, I think what really kept me going was the fairly strong direction. Visually there was simply a good flow most of the time and I rarely ever felt outright bored.

However, it absolutely needed that strong direction because jez are there myriad issues with the writing in this show, even if the core is solid. First of all, the writing is almost devoid of any subtlety and could hardly spell out certain relationships or themes any harder; hence also the predictability I mentioned above. I mean someone 'has a dream' in the first episode and you immediately know it's gonna take place just like that and it'll be recalled by several characters a million times anyways. The lengths this show goes to show you that Aoba and Kou are really, really, really, mostDefinitelyReally very similar, despite on the outside not liking each other is ridiculous. Then there's just a lot of extremely flat side characters that get way too little development for how much time they still take up, which is a real detriment in a sports anime. There's plenty of unnatural sounding dialogue, too. Whenever the show wants to tackle its themes these teenagers just don't talk like real people would.

It needs to be said though, that this show's target audience must be early teens and thus I give some leniency in regards to its overtness. Like, I'm 24, and thus roughly a decade too old for this, I need to take this into consideration. It still heavily hampered my experience but I also kept thinking that I would've enjoyed this show a lot more when I was 13 or so.

Anyways, overall it gets a 6/10 from me. It's hard to recommend it to adults but if anyone has a child around that age or younger sibling, this may be a good watch. There's no fanservice btw.


Let me introduce you to the loser-king of the friendzone, a white knight of the first order and...a mountaineer (lmao).

Mizuki - he gets to be friendzoned for ~40 episodes and has no other purpose! What a character!


Huge Nickleback Fan
When prison school air, we're going to have a nice discussion about human evolution:^)

Danmachi final

Bell saved the day using his deus ex machina skill, but then again he is zeus grandson...I expect more, but the final battle feel...flat. okay series i guess.


Also the LN has a scene where the big bad bribed Kirito which is why he basically forgave him at the end. "Sure you killed thousands of people but you rendered this nice 3D world..."

They should have just stuck a nervgear on that dudes head and fried the fuck out of him.

Oh yes, Yuri maddness again.. everyone should just go watch Sakura Trick if it doesn't work out...

This is a pretty good option. At least you know it will end protecting the garden!

Hm, this sounds pretty interesting. I might give this a shot!

But basically what you're saying is that this movie is the story all about how her life got flip-turned upside-down? :p

Yes quite literally.
She is so cute too!

Would buy Hidasketch Portal 2 mod for $5.

Dude, I would buy that for 60$.

You missed Plastic Memories, for one. You should rectify that!

Saikano 04

This is already pretty deep in the pit of despair and depression and I'm not even halfway through yet. I don't know how much worse it can get!
he says naively.

Oh, its not even a few feet into the pit yet. That pit goes so much deeper you cant see the bottom yet.


Cross Game 01-50 [Final].

Interesting write up! I actually watched the first 20 or so ~ episodes of this quite recently. The age comment intrigues me because the manga is one of my absolute favourite things and we're the same age :).

The anime didn't really blow me away either though, a lot of people view the anime as having 'clarified' some of the less overt stuff in the manga , and it's definitely an even more obvious/straightforward telling of a pretty straightforward story from what I saw. Even though the adaptation looks the part and the story isn't hard to adapt I'm not sure it really captured the kind of slice of life angle of the manga.

Have you seen the Touch (also by Adachi) anime? I tried to watch that last year and eventually stopped after 30 or so~ eps.


Oh the tension. Will he edit in time or not? Hold on to your seats!

Wait he actually posted THE GIF?

I mean, do you honestly see mods approving of people being linked to NSFW content? Because I don't. People seem to get away from it from time to time because GAF is pretty big, but as far as I understand it you don't NSFW content or link to it either.

Ive seen NSDFW links being allowed yes. The whole point of the tag is to mark those things but still allow them to exist. For some reason it doesnt work with anime stuff.

You'd be surprised.

Bully :(
Interesting write up! I actually watched the first 20 or so ~ episodes of this quite recently. The age comment intrigues me because the manga is one of my absolute favourite things and we're the same age :).

The anime didn't really blow me away either though, a lot of people view the anime as having 'clarified' some of the less overt stuff in the manga , and it's definitely an even more obvious/straightforward telling of a pretty straightforward story from what I saw. Even though the adaptation looks the part and the story isn't hard to adapt I'm not sure it really captured the kind of slice of life angle of the manga.

Concerning the viewers age, I don't it's unlikely for an adult to enjoy this as I've rated it above average with 6/10 myself, but rather that I see more merit in it for a teenager audience. It would be a good first 'slice of life' (which it does have plenty) show and could get these younger folks interested into baseball or other sports as well..

Have you seen the Touch (also by Adachi) anime? I tried to watch that last year and eventually stopped after 30 or so~ eps.

Hmm just read the MAL synopsis and am not sure if I heard about it 'til now. Not sure if I'm gonna give it a go though. Since Cross Game wasn't particularly impressive for me I'm not sure if I want a show that's likely to be somewhat similar. Though I'd profit from knowing the baseball rules now. But yeh, not gonna check it out anytime soon most likely.

Wait he actually posted THE GIF?

Not if it was THE GIF, as that may as well be the famous ice cream scene but it had to do with 'mana transfer' how they like to call it in that stupid franchise.


Just found out there's no way to actually buy the Patlabor TV series blu-rays in the UK :( #fuckanime

unless I'm being really dumb with blu-ray regions and whatnot.

The 7 episode OVA is available in the UK on Blu-ray however The First Movie as well as the Second and Third and the TV Series + Sequel are only available on Blu-ray in the US (the second and third film aren't out yet) however as with most Sentai Blu-rays they're easy to circumvent the region lock. They pretty much work out of the box on UK PS3's for example and there's tricks to get them to boot up on UK blu-ray players. The trick is to go to the correct title/chapter. For the TV series collection 1 go to title 6 for English and title 7 for Japanese and on both discs 2 and 3 you go to title 5 for English and title 6 for Japanese etc. Basically you just have to fiddle about and find the correct title to jump to the start when you get to the region lock screen. This means that you can't access the main menu but you can still use the popup menu for options and to select episodes etc. Sorry for being very vague, it probably sounds more difficult than it is haha.

If you're looking to buy them, The TV series is available in multiple parts on Blu-ray: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and the sequel OVA (The New Files)

You might be able to find them elsewhere cheaper such as RightStuf (they had a nice sale last Christmas).
If Prison School is 1 cour I guess they will end it right after
Kiyoshi and Chiyo return from the sumo match and Kiyoshis outbreak is exposed.
That would be a decent ending point I feel.

However if they are doing 2 cours (which I doubt) we will definitely be seeing the wonders of human evolution.


Cross Game took a number of narrative cues from Adachi's other baseball manga: Touch, which was written during the eighties. Manga was written differently back then. You may call it predictable; I call it consistent writing. Not everything has to be laden with plot twists and red herrings to entertain an audience with short attention spans. Characters grow in Cross Game, both as human beings and as baseball players. That is the hook. Saying it isn't suitable for adults is a bit like saying Nintendo games are for children.


Hmm just read the MAL synopsis and am not sure if I heard about it 'til now. Not sure if I'm gonna give it a go though. Since Cross Game wasn't particularly impressive for me I'm not sure if I want a show that's likely to be somewhat similar. Though I'd profit from knowing the baseball rules now. But yeh, not gonna check it out anytime soon most likely.

Yeah it wasn't really a recommendation hah, more just wondering if you'd seen it due to obvious author based similarities.

The 7 episode OVA is available in the UK on Blu-ray however all three movies and the TV Series + Sequel are only available on Blu-ray in the US (the second and third film aren't out yet) however as with most Sentai Blu-rays they're easy to circumvent the region lock. They pretty much work out of the box on UK PS3's for example and there's tricks to get the to boot up on UK blu-ray players. The trick is to go to the correct title/chapter. For the TV series collection 1 go to title 6 for English and title 7 for Japanese and on both discs 2 and 3 you go to title 5 for English and title 6 for Japanese etc. Basically you just have to fiddle about and find the correct title to jump to the start when you get to the region lock screen. This means that you can't across the man menu but you can still use the popup menu. Sorry for being very vague, it probably sounds more difficult than it is haha.

Wow this sounds really promising :D thanks! Been eyeing up those Tv series blu rays for a while, gonna look into this ps3 angle. RIP my wallet though.


Saikano 07

I've watched enough anime for today, but man, things aren't looking too good for anyone here!

Even though he isn't hitting girls and going behind Chise's back with Fuyumi anymore, he still isn't helping matters and apparently still doesn't comprehend exactly what Chise is going through. Atsushi's gone off to war, where he's almost certainly going to be just one among the thousands of other dead soldiers. Akemi doesn't actually love Atsushi and probably won't care too much if he dies, and seems to be using the fact that Chise and Shuji broke up in order to snag Shuji for herself, which isn't exactly helping Chise out - it's just gonna make things worse. No one understands Chise either, who's clearly now long broken. The soldiers on her side fear her as an angel of death, and with the war apparently coming to a standstill Chise's body is surely no longer useful to the military, or will at least become that very soon. Fighting seems to be Chise's only reason to live - she can never be a normal girl again because of her body, and the only thing her body is good for is fighting. If there's no war, there's no reason for her to fight and therefore no reason for her to live. This probably means that she'll be deemed too dangerous to walk free, with her relationship with the military now appearing to essentially be a lengthy truce.

In any case, this isn't going to end well.


Wow this sounds really promising :D thanks! Been eyeing up those Tv series blu rays for a while, gonna look into this ps3 angle. RIP my wallet though.

I've updated my post with some links and such so hopefully that helps get you started. I asked MVM in the UK in regards to why they aren't releasing the TV Series in the UK and it was basically due to BBFC costs being too high and the reason why the New Files OVA is DVD only is due to them sharing the release with Madman in AU who are also going DVD only and apparently the Early Days OVA Blu-ray sold poorly in the UK too so I don't see these getting released in the UK anytime soon in case you're wondering if you should wait.

You're wallet might get a beating, but man Patlabor the the greatest anime series of all time bar none and nothing comes close. Worth it! The series holds up amazingly on Blu-ray too, looks amazing.


Don't want to get banned? Don't post NSFW shit. Even linked and marked. Don't say fucked up shit either.

It's not at all a hard task for the overwhelming majority of us. If you can't bear to not share your lewd gifs and weird fetishes, do it somewhere else.

Its probably best not to post any links at all, but Ive definitely seen non anime related NSFW things posted.
I think the tag is sufficient AS LONG AS its not depicting any young girls. Thats pretty much the overriding situation.

Guys, please don't suffer the same fate as FigureGAF. Use common sense and don't link to sketchy material that you wouldn't want your boss to see. Remember the "W" part of "NSFW".

Im still salty about this one. I never posted a pic of any such figures and really enjoyed that community. I miss it terribly although we relocated elsewhere. Just not the same.

i showed my brother shokugeki no soma last night

forgot about the peanut butter squid scene


I showed Mother the first episode of Fate Zero and forgot about the worms scene.

Homie. This is the internet, not your kindergarten classroom.

As long as people are hiding images / linking, it's on you if you open it or not.

Thats how I feel but Gaf is beholden to Google and their rather strict rules.


This is what happens where there is no anime to watch.

Probably so. But soon that wont be an issue.

Just wanted to say that while you guy are talking about important things, the reveals in the new yuki yuna books are awesome.

Where is my S2 of yuki yuna, japan ? This book ending on a ( yet another ) cliffanger is NOT good.

I would love more Yuki Yuna. It made me forget that Prism Nana was just a pachinko machine.


Amagi Brilliant Park 3

Things getting lewd huh. Moffle is annoying. Wonder what's bothering Isuzu. Also that cliffhanger hmmm.
Yahari S2 - 13 [End]

I'm fine with it ending like this, but then again I cared little for the two involved and their supposed outcome. I guess it helps that in season 1 I viewed the female cast as friends at best, and nothing more.
I just never got the emotional response that Hachiman wanted more, and it has sticked with me since. Thus, I never really watched this for the romance part, but more for Hachiman's interactions and thoughts in general.

I think this season had more "highs", like "Tobe sacrifice", "genuine" etc. However I don't feel they quite reached the same impact the "roof scene" had on me in season 1.
Yahari did receive a visual upgrade, which worked great with the increased attention to facial expressions, and body language in general. Just in this last episode alone for example, Yui's clenching fist remains one of the things I remember the most.

Overall I think this season was great, now give
Komachi spin off


I showed my Mom DBZ, she told me how she didn't understand why the "man in the orange top" held his arms up for the whole episode, but jokes on her, she didn't notice the spirit bomb.


°Temp. member
Finished watching Unlimited Blade Works last night.
It was interesting seeing them both a little older, and I was really surprised and glad to see Luvia make an appearance in the final episode. I was expecting Saber's ghost to make an appearance when Shirou visited her grave but I guess it wasn't to be. I'm hoping that after they do the 3rd and final arc (I think it's called heaven's feel?), I'd like to see them continue this and see how Shirou goes on to become Archer, how he ends up, and how Rin ends up. It's a real shame that Illyia's already dead because it would be cool to see her team up with Luvia lol.


Strike Witches 2

Yoooshikaaaaaa-chaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!! That's how I feel after watching this amazing and totally spectacular anime!

Continuing off from Strike Witches, 6 months have passed since the end of Strike Witches, a new
Neuroi hive
has appeared, destroying the old one and any plans of
between the
humans and Neuroi
, which really sucks, I wanted to know so much more about the
humanoid Neuroi, poor thing was destroyed right away

Strike Witches 2 continues to follow the same story telling that the original did. Many episodes are about building friendships and trust through hardships that occur. If you felt that some characters weren't given screen time in Strike Witches, worry not, the rest of the girls all get some time where we can learn more about them. I feel like this way of episodically telling us, the viewers, works really well. Once again, most of the anime doesn't revolve around the main plot until the last 2-3 episodes; some may call it rushing, but I think it works. Once we get more characterization for the girls, the plot advances and so on. A really neat thing I noticed was how similar many of the beginning episodes in Strike Witches 2 resembled Strike Witches, uncanny in how it was taken care of, so I thought that was really cool.

The OP.... is seriously one of the best songs I have ever heard in Japanese anime history, it's so happy and sounds so freaking good. Have a listen, you won't be disappointed! There is fantastic music used throughout the anime, once again the people behind this aspect have out done themselves, it's just absolutely fantastic to listen to. Certain scenes even received music for the occasion so really nice job. The ED Over Sky isn't bad either, a fun listen as well, but I love the OP.

Art Style continues to be amazing as well as the animation involved, colors are popping, the screens are amazing, the girls are incredibly cute, it's all just a lot of good!

A couple shout outs to a few episodes:

Episode 6 - Once again Yoshika-chan helps out another girl in the Strike Witches unit. This time the focus is on Eila and Sanya, which is pretty fantastic because more screen time of Sanya is always appreciated. The cinematography for this episode was pretty astounding and when Sanya and Eila go into the stratosphere, I was really impressed with the world. I loved the song that played during the fight when Eila was able to use her shield to protect Sanya. It’s also great to see that more of the girls are understanding more and more about why Yoshika-chan wants to protect everyone. Eila had some great reaction faces this episode and as a pair, Eila and Sanya are too cute, just too cute!

Episode 7 - Many many ecchi scenes and boobies in this episode, look forward to it, it’s a whole lot of fun!

Episode 8: Yes!!! It was so obvious that Yoshika was growing and having issues with her magical output, the striker unit she used just couldn’t keep up at all! It was so incredibly to see Yoshika get angry and go crazy on the Neuroi, she’s the strongest, the best and her love for Lynne should never be tested. This episode made me tear up and choke up, it was so well done. Yoshika is phenomenal, absolutely incredible!

Episode 9 - ...... well here's a gif of two girls kissing, because that's the take a way this episode.

Over all, Strike Witches 2 is a beautiful and ecchi filled show that everyone should really try watching. Sure there is a lot of pantsu shots and sometimes it's really extravagantly detailed, but that's okay(It might even be really welcomed =), it has an amazing set of characters to fall for and get behind, a beautiful world to watch and explore, amazing moments of friendship and trust; it's just a whole lot of fun!

The choreographed dancing in the opening is precious. Always cheers me up.

You have had quite a weekend! Hopefully your enthusiastic watching phase lasts a long time because Anime still seems magical and incredible during that phase and you'll miss that eventually once youve seen enough of it and it seems routine. Most notably you will notice all the tropes and how they keep getting reused in a lot of unimaginative shows.

I honestly hope I never lose this magic.... It's a good thing I love to watch the slowest and cutest slice of life anime, I feel like that gives me an edge to keep this enthusiasm going on forever. =( It's a really sad thing to think about.... =(

That song..... seriously made my day a whole ton better and it's been a very good day today too! Going to watch this and Prism Ilya this week, I'm so missing out. I've listened to it at least 15 times already, it's so good. Music and anime like this, I'm positive I'll never get tired of it!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
what is happening

no really I have no idea what you guys are upset about now


Bowing out for tonight. I don't want anything drastic to happen while I'm gone, alright?

disclaimer: on mobile, didn't actually see if the gif is worth making a fuss over
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