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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Just googled it to see what it looks like. This is an older anime right? The style looks super nostalgic. Kinda reminds me of an anime called Princess Sarah, or The Wonderful Adventures of Nils.

Yeah it came out back in 1995 and is a part of the Word Masterpiece Theater. I haven't actually seen Princess Sara, although that too looks amazing and was actually storyboarded by the man who Directed Romeo's Blue Skies and is also a part of the World Masterpiece Theater and produced by Nippon Animation. I really love these types of shows, and if you do too then I think you'd enjoy Romeo without a shadow of a doubt :)
Staff for Euphonium ep 10 was revealed today. For director/storyboards, we have Animation Do's Takuya Yamamura. Yamamura is the first episode directory/storyboarder to repeat on Euphonium (Ishihara and Yamada co-drew ep 4's storyboards, but Yamamura is the first of the non-main staff to do so. Yamamura previously drew storyboards/directed episode 3 as well as episodes 5/11 of Amagi, ep 6/11 of Free! ES (directed ep 3, which was an Utsumi storyboard), and Chu2Ren's ep 7/shorts.

For animation directors, we have Kazumi Ikeda and Seichi Akitake co-listed. Ikeda was Yamamura's AD for ep 3 while Akitake has worked on episodes 1 and 8. His inclusion hints that this episode had animators at both Animation Do and the main studio (Ikeda works at Do).
Koi Kaze Manga

So read through the majority of it and I think the anime is superior in most ways. Maybe it's because I was rushing through the manga somewhat but the anime had some really poignant scenes, seemed to tackle most themes a bit better and made use of good voice acting and, while the visuals weren't anything to get hyped about it, the strong direction still meant it was ultimately nicely looking.

The adaptation turned a solid manga into a great anime.


Yahari Ore-10

Final boss time! Needs more Blumenkranz though.
So this pretty much ends the Christmas arc and I thought they did a fairly good job with it. They maybe should have expanded on the party itself but I guess it's pretty inconsequential at this point. The show gets the point across and it's not like it's a collection of stills. Seeing the other school get blown the fuck out was immensely satisfying. It's clear the show is laying the groundwork for Yukino's arc, which is going to be rough for pretty much all parties.

I'm again impressed by how good the character animation was this episode. The directors/animators do such a great job portraying emotions and thoughts through body language. For example the way characters might shift their eyes, such as at the ending of the episode, makes it clear what they're thinking. The improved character designs are also showing their worth and combined with the quality animation are making the show much more enjoyable than it might be otherwise.

Oh and
I'm dead. A ghost is typing this post.


Subete no aware
Mostly Hachiman confronting Hayama about Hayama's social mask. It's not anything super elaborate but should be still satisfying to watch.
Batman and Joker having their final fight then! lol

So does this mean that the show has caught up with all the books again?


Batman and Joker having their final fight then! lol

So does this mean that the show has caught up with all the books again?


More like the warmup fight in preparation for the major one, that will be Yukino/Haruna's arc.

They're caught up apart from a side-story book. So we're going to be stuck waiting a few years for the novels to finish. I don't know how they would handle a third season unless the final arc is super long, which might get tedious.

More like the warmup fight in preparation for the major one, that will be Yukino/Haruna's arc.

They're caught up apart from a side-story book. So we're going to be stuck waiting a few years for the novels to finish. I don't know how they would handle a third season unless the final arc is super long, which might get tedious.

And if they do it like Oreimo, ending the anime( with OVAs) and the novels together?


The best thing about Komachi is that it feels like she was written by someone who actually has a living breathing sister, instead of the fetish shit we get nowadays.
The best thing about Komachi is that it feels like she was written by someone who actually has a living breathing sister, instead of the fetish shit we get nowadays.

Yup. Their relationship is super genuine, no pun intended. No incest or fetish garbage in sight.

Screw the the new Vol 11 Cover of SNAFU.

Poor Yui she looks too terribly sad :(

The worse part is its on her birthday, truly suffering.

Errr are these spoilers? ..
The best thing about Komachi is that it feels like she was written by someone who actually has a living breathing sister, instead of the fetish shit we get nowadays.

I got those really cheap incest-pandering vibes when I was watching this anime and it was one, among many, reasons of dropping it rather quickly. So I'll disagree with that, albeit based on only season 1 (and even that I just skimmed through for half the episodes or so).


I got those really cheap incest-pandering vibes when I was watching this anime and it was one, among many, reasons of dropping it rather quickly. So I'll disagree with that, albeit based on only season 1 (and even that I just skimmed through for half the episodes or so).

It really isn't. They play around/joke a lot but it's very much a genuine normal relationship. A good number of the jokes are kinda meta in that they both kid around about scoring points with each other but it's more of an excuse for them to express their familial love than anything else.

Komachi and Hachiman both understand each other fairly well in that Komachi knows Hachiman won't do anything for himself so sometimes she provides him a reason.
I got those really cheap incest-pandering vibes when I was watching this anime and it was one, among many, reasons of dropping it rather quickly. So I'll disagree with that, albeit based on only season 1 (and even that I just skimmed through for half the episodes or so).

Get your mind out of the gutter.

Edit: See the post above.
I got those really cheap incest-pandering vibes when I was watching this anime and it was one, among many, reasons of dropping it rather quickly. So I'll disagree with that, albeit based on only season 1 (and even that I just skimmed through for half the episodes or so).
Too much anime does these things to people. You can go in worry free, there's absolutely none of that shit in here.
Yeah I never really saw any of their interactions like that. Komachi teases him a lot but thats it.

If Rumi was his sister then yeah but as is theyre good.
Too much anime does these things to people. You can go in worry free, there's absolutely none of that shit in here.

Well I 'went in' worry free and got trap pandering and some annoying Butt Monkey before that sister even appeared. Towards the end it also appeared as if MC was a hero in disguise with some contrived story to make for extra drama.

I really don't hold the writing of this show in high regards and am pretty certain my impressions concerning the sister weren't entirely unjustified. Perhaps I'll one day go back and take another look at the show and point out the exact details, but I usually don't go back to a show I considered terrible.


Well I 'went in' worry free and got trap pandering and some annoying Butt Monkey before that sister even appeared. Towards the end it also appeared as if MC was a hero in disguise with some contrived story to make for extra drama.

I really don't hold the writing of this show in high regards and am pretty certain my impressions concerning the sister weren't entirely unjustified. Perhaps I'll one day go back and take another look at the show and point out the exact details, but I usually don't go back to a show I considered terrible.

The trap stuff is again more of a running joke than anything else. I guess you could say that it's representative of how some men can't get along with women and so fetishize some men in the manner in that they wish a guy was a woman instead, but that's generally true of most traps. I suppose for Hachiman who has had terrible relationships with most women, that he might feel more comfortable being around males than females. Still though, it's just comedic fodder. That said, season 2 pretty much eliminated almost all of that apart from a few scenes here and there.

As for the MC being a hero, well he is and he isn't. That's what a good chunk of season 2 has been about, mainly calling Hachiman out on a lot his actions and also questioning whether his methods even have results in the first place. The Batman comparisons really are a good analogy. Mainly because you could argue whether Batman is producing the results that he would want to, and that if he actually tried being a good man as Bruce Wayne, whether that would produce better results for Gotham.

As much as firehawk uses Batman and Joker (for Hachiman and Hayato's relationship), a better comparison would be Batman and Superman. It's an interesting look at what it takes to inspire people and a dissection of the Machiavellian theory, in that it's not just the results that matter but the means you use to get them.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Komachi is a huge bro and goes out of her way to try and hook Hachiman up with girls, none of which are herself, by the way.


The Pet Girl of Sakurasou ep. 6-END

OK, so I misread this one a little bit, there was NO true romance in it.. The focus on this anime is just another school-age show pandering about love. The Jim/ Misaki side love story was much much better here than our main wishy-washy protag, that did eventually choose one girl, but it wasn’t a "romantic" moment at all. The most "romantic" moment didn't even involve the MC,:

There must be another VN or additional manga behind to story, because they ended it on the friendship note, but also plugged future events in the process. Episode 18 about Jin and Misaki's relationship was heartfelt and really well written. The same can be said about the graduation ceremony were the plot was realized.
The show’s focus was on the relationships in the dorm as well as the hardships and struggles faced in the real world that they are headed towards. There was an opportunity to make this more emotional and more heartfelt, but they choose not to, which tells me that there is more to this story in the final year of their HS that was not animated. I can’t say it was a complete waste of time as the last few episodes were well done from a slice of life standpoint and there were many heartfelt moments. You can feel the struggles they were all going through trying to get to the next level of both their personal lives and their relationships with one another. There were also some pretty funny moments in the series as well. Below is what we should have seen more focus on becuase of all the characters, her developement should have been a core plot line, but they removed themselves from that focus early on for some reason. I guess I'm still a little irked about the ending, it was so non-commital for the MC but everything else was all-settled.


There was also a homage to 2D-Kun in the series. This guy was great...

Adding to this. The Saturday night 23:30-25:00 time area was part of Tokyo MX's collaboration with Sony Music Entertainment's E!TV timeslots. That label was removed last year, but the timeslots are still bought by Aniplex of Japan each season. It's always fun to see what Aniplex does with that area and which shows they are heavily promoting with prime slots.

In summer, it'll look like this:
23:30-24:00: Durarara!! X2 - pt 2
24:00-24:30: Charlotte
24:30-25:00: Working!!! (s3)

(Currently it's Gunslinger Stratos/Unlimited Blade Works/Plastic Memories)

DRRR will likely have 12 episodes, Charlotte is probable for 13 (and maybe OVA to match Angel Beats), and Working!!! is likely for 13 as well. It'll be interesting to see what Aniplex puts in the 23:30 slot on September 26 as the season has 13 available slots.
Toradora has a KugiRie tsundere in it, that already put it in my shit list when I first saw it and nothing about the story salvaged it from that list.


(1)Sakurasou was a pretty terrible romance anime.
(2)Not worst than something truly awful like Toradora, but close.

I'll agree with the first statement and totally disagree with the second statement. The problem I see with this one is that there really was no romance in it. They started to build it in the beginning, even so much so it gets aggrivating watching another spineless MC vomit on himself constantly and just when you think the character development will pay off, the show completely drops all romance involved, removes itself from teh character developement and starts digging in on a new issue. By the time the series starts winding down, they start to get back into it and close those relationship gaps, but they just never do it. The author must have planned another series for their final year of HS to revisit the relationships and completely explore and close them, but just deceided it wasn't worth it, or sales just sucked so bad they didn't bother animating it. Either way the ending came off non-commital after they had finally progressed past that point. It was a let-down as they couldn't even give it that 1 defining moment of a romace.... Well, other than the side Love story I mentioned earlier. That was another great moment.

Oh well, another cleared off my Crunchy queue... What's up next I wonder...
Watch KareKano (His and Her Circumstances) if you want a show that focuses on romance and excels at it, while also managing to be quite a competent comedy.
Watch KareKano (His and Her Circumstances) if you want a show that focuses on romance and excels at it, while also managing to be quite a competent comedy.

Isn't that the show directed by Anno that ended up unfinished because of some feud he got into with the writer of the manga IIRC?
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