Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Keep at it. It gets more interesting towards the end.
Absolutely. Starts out pretty bog-standard, takes turns I didn't expect at the end.
Keep at it. It gets more interesting towards the end.
Yahari S2 - 10
Komachi glorious wingman. Did the Sargeras of Yahari just show up? That stare, now you fucked up, you don't use Batman as bait
This would actually sense. Too much sense even. I'm not part of #teamYukino but if it is so, Hachi better find a way to fix it.
Yuru Yuri 3rd season (YuruYuri San Hai!) broadcast starting this October. August, September brand new Nachuyachumi+ anime broadcast planned (1 ep/month) with new (theme) songs. According to reports from the event.
Has anyone posted the new GuP movie preview yet? Because their choice of music is amazing.
The power of Mizushima[/IMG
"Der Film"
German is truely the language of senshado.[/QUOTE]
Now top 3 of whole season livestream ratings in niconico are all Mizushima shows.
PanzerfahrenThe power of Mizushima
"Der Film"
German is truely the language of senshado.
Golden Time
Ahhhhhh!!! Thank the stars that last episode went the way it did. If it didn't, I would have been absolutely upset with the outcome; so happy it ended the way it did! /phew
Note: Ever since I've watched Toradora!, I feel like I've seen all the anime since then (Clannad and ~After Story~ excluded). I have this strong case of déjà vu type of dreams and even though I know I've never seen things like Toraodra or Golden Time, it feels like I have because I "remember" some things about them. Pretty scary stuff, since I have trouble actually recalling the déjà vu dreams themselves.
You're right about the ending. I almost lost my shit at ep.20, my heart sunk. Screw the writer for screwing with us right there, lol.
Like you, I love a goodso I was very happy with the way things turned out.happy ending
Oh and 2D-Kun is the best man indeed.
This show was really improved by the tea club , kaga kouko and 2D-kun ..
They saved this show ...
Honey and Clover - 01
That was an underwhelming first episode. Instead of properly introducing its characters Honey and Clover throws a lot of slapstick comedy with annoying screaming at you. There's also a 12 years old looking 18 years old girl that immediately infatuates the MC in the most mundane 'love at first sight' scene.
This better get better quickly or I'm done with it.
Aha! Aside from like 4 episodes 2D-Kun wasn't really involved with much, but I agree, he does essentially save the show. Totally agree Cornbread, no reason for the writers to do what they did, except to toy with us. I was bouncing all over the place with my legs shaking, hoping it wasn't going to turn out that way!!!
None-the-less, because it ended the way it did and because it had Kaga Kouko, 2D-Kun, Tea Club and some others, totally worth watching anime in my opinion.
Yeah, bit 2D-Kun stepped up when it counted most, lol. Also, I forgot to mention it earlier but most of the people here that hated the ending hated it because of theeverything else was fine."ghost" and supernatural aspect. The only thing that bother me about it was that "his memories" handed him the ring to give to her at the end
All I remember from the first one is the tail-gasm. I should watch it again.Holy shit, Utawarerumono 2 anime announced, coming this fall.
Welcome back ray romano
Has anyone posted the new GuP movie preview yet? Because their choice of music is amazing.
Hmm, I can see why people don't like it, but it was a part of the show from like halfway through or so; heck probably a little earlier than half way through we see it. I thinkthe giving of the ring to modern Tada Banri was more or less of a "My time is over, sorry for messing up so much of your life" kind of thing. I mean, he is the one that dropped the ring in the first place. Personally, I hated all the elements of "past" Banri. I wanted him to just go away so we can have Kaga Kouko and Banri be together in sweet love.
The one thing you can always rely on is Wit productions just falling apart.
Love Lab - 13 [Finale]
So this last episode had some really bad drama that was tough to sit through but other than that it was a quite enjoyable show. It was moderately funny (you know, causing smiles and smirks however no real genuine laughter), was well animated with plenty hilarious facial expressions and to my surprise wasn't episodic or particularly formulaic.
Riko and Natsuo were fun characters and Sayori had her moments, too. Yuiko and Suzu, though, offered very little.
7/10 from me.
Has anyone posted the new GuP movie preview yet? Because their choice of music is amazing.
Yeah theotherwise it all worked out and the best girl won, so it's all good. Crazy ride thete though. What's next?ghost was only a representation of his old memories so it didn't bother me at all until the ring handover on the bridge, lol.
Nagato Yuki-chan 10.
Hey look at that. An episode, a Haruhi-less episode, that kept my attention.
It did certainly make me think Disappearance Yuki was gone pretty early on. If she didn't recognise people I might have thought it was amnesia. So I guess its original timeline Yuki.
Of course why that would happen from a near miss accident is another matter.
Now I feel the urge to watch some original timeline Yuki just to see how like that she is acting.
This idea is too good to pass up on.
But if he doesn't,will be expelled!Megumi
Calling them trans would be a bit of a stretch. It would imply they were legitimately queer gendered and they're clearly just played off as a kind of visual/psychological gag.
Shuichi Nitori would be trans. And, if you can get over the stereotyping, the Okama kingdom in One Piece. Saika is just a joke though, in the vein of Hideyoshi from BakaTest.
Otokonoko is too hard to spell, say or even remember, I'll just dance around it like I always have on GAF.Frankly, I'm not too worried that it'll get us in trouble and if it does, duckroll can just step in and lay down the ground ruleswhenever he stops playing Terra Battle for a second to do his job.
But for the interim, I guess I'll switch to otokonoko like a filthy weeaboo.
After all the hype for dolphins, the general renown of FSN and all the talk in this episode about establishing rapport and exchanging body heat,Not complaining though.I expected things to go a bit farther than they did.
The summoning circle in Shirou's house is also something I wondered about but If my nr 1 suspect behind its appearance is a correct guess, I imagine its also something that will be only revealed in HF.