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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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The yuri is strong in this one.

You have no idea.


I cant waver. #TeamYui forever. I need to push her out


I hear ya, but that stare Hiki gave Iroha at the event as she walked away, what was that expression? Gratitude, admiration, satisfaction, love? Hmmmm...

Stay strong my friend, stay strong, Yui still has a shot, she just has to make the first move.


Fantastic Children

Wow, this was quite a ride. 26 amazing episodes and damn were they good.

A story that's not just complex, but if talked about in the slightest of ways, could be considered a spoiler, it's incredible. From 26 episodes, only one was a filler or rather, retelling of the events thus far, every other single episode had fantastic direction and purpose. We follow Thoma, Chitto and Helga for a large portion of the story. With the three kids, we also have a pack of children looking for someone very important; white haired, blue eyed kids. The story revolves around these two groups of people and the way the story opens up; it's always done deliberately. The lore behind what's going on is just as interesting as everything else about Fantastic Children; it's weird, it's very sci-fi and odds are, you won't really know what's going on until halfway through the show where things really pick up pace, though believe me, the show starts off quite quickly and almost never slows down.

The animation and artstyle used in Fantastic Children, almost reminds me of Akira Toriyama's art style. The faces and especially the eyes of most children and cast, shouted Akira Toriyama inspired to me; not that anything is wrong with that either, since it works pretty well in Fantastic Children. The colors used too, are pretty diluted and muddy, compared to what I've been watching lately. Animation though, is pretty good, most things come off as fluid and smooth with enough detail where it needs to be, so nice job. The way it's all drawn though, is what makes Fantastic Children look so..well... fantastic! I never thought it was boring or dull at all.

The only problem I had was, Fantastic Children loved to have the eyes shake or rather vibrate at intense speeds.... A lot of shock and awe happens in the show, so every time someone is shocked, their eyes start shaking, honestly, after seeing it happen 5+ times, I was a little annoyed of the effect and it almost made me mad.

One of the best things about Fantastic Children however, is the use of music. My goodness, I don't believe there was a single episode that didn't use an arrangement of music at all. The orchestrated sounds that came into effect when a story element was being exposed was flawless. The piano arrangements were superb and a delight to listen to as well. In-fact, all the music that I heard whilst watching Fantastic Children was remarkable, well timed and just perfect for the emotions and feelings they (creators and what-not) tried to get across. Absolutely adore the music used.

The cast of characters and the seiyu that went along with them was pretty good too. I didn't really like Chitto much and I hated having to listen to all the short "ah's" and "oh's" and breaths. There would be like 5 minute long expositions for story elements where characters would watch in terror at what was happening "ah'ing" and taking breaths in fear. Honestly was a little annoying. The worst thing about it all though, was having to listen to Thoma scream. I absolutely hated that; even if it didn't happen often or much at all, the screams he did was just so... obnoxious almost. Aside from those few things, everyone did a great job and just listening to the cast/seiyu was really nice.

I think one of the absolute best things about Fantastic Children is that it takes itself very seriously. It's a serious story about serious interactions that take place on a series of islands. In-fact, the combination of how the story is presented and the way the music is played during episodes, I swear I must have had goosebumps on me for atleast 18 of the episodes; not because they're scary, but because the overall effect given was enough to give me the heebie-jeebies!

If you're looking for something different, with a nice sci-fi element to the show, with a story that is very wild, take a look at Fantastic Children. Try and watch an episode or two, I feel like most would get sucked in for sure.

Spoiler stuff:
So Dumas.... until the very end, really felt like a dumbass to me and because of his name, he's still a dumbass to me. The plot/story about how Georca was jealous that he didn't get the kingdom and that he was the younger brother, goodness gracious that's just pitiful. He killed Tina originally, killed Tina's mother and all sorts of crap. The seiyu for Georca, Tetsuo Komura did a phenomenal job doing his voice. He sounded like a big bad guy who was 100% the meanest dude around; props to Komura for that performance. To be honest, the story about Greecia isn't even that good I don't feel. What makes the story good is the whole "Fragment" thing, the sci-fi elements introduced to Earth and the people there, the experiments, that's what I felt like was a really good story. I would have felt bad for Thoma too, if it weren't for the fact that Thoma/Seth killed Soran and stuff, that was just terrible. The overall theme about rebirth and reincarnation though, that was incredibly interesting stuff, really enjoyed that aspect of lore from the anime.


I hope your right considering most if not all of Young Jump's anime adaptations have been shit.

It's a curse.
Madhouse is generally very good about adapting, of course Murata is a huge bar to come up to compared to HXH (especially with how inconsistent HXH art is due to his health) or Ore Monogatari (whose manga art isn't exactly great either... but the anime art is amazing) out of recent examples. Ippo is also adapted very well and goes above and beyond in some regards compared to the source material.


i tried to convert the OP into something useful like OT1

but since the thread is locked, i dont want to pull the HTML code and turn it into BB code.

Euphonium is as much about the music as it always was.

Wish people would stop blowing the supposed yuri stuff so far out of proportion.

Remember when Euphonium was about music?

It still is tho. The yuri stuff is overblown, with some people just teasing about it

edit: beaten

I hear ya, but that stare Hiki gave Iroha at the event as she walked away, what was that expression? Gratitude, admiration, satisfaction, love? Hmmmm...

Stay strong my friend, stay strong, Yui still has a shot, she just has to make the first move.

#teamyui has my sword

Until the bitter end. I already know that it's already extremely unlikely, but I will hold on until there is literally no hope left.

Brothers ;_;


That's the ending we need.



You are done.



I would watch a show about real shipping. You know, boats and stuff.

Boats are underutilized in anime.

Are we talking about a show where the boats are captained by cute girls or where the boats are cute girls because of those exists.
I would watch a show about real shipping. You know, boats and stuff.

Boats are underutilized in anime.

Wanna help me create my dream pirate anime? It'll be Sid Meier's Pirates the anime. Very ship heavy anime.

With the only demand I make that at one point in the anime we have the joke of

Pirate: What be a pirate's favorite letter in the alphabet?


Pirate: No. A pirate's only love be the C.

If you can't accept these demands we can't work together.



This OVA help me to break into this series quite well to the point I continue watching the TV series as of now. Because this is very short (4 episodes), it isn't a hard watch at all.

Each episodes explain quite well with the main characters you will be following. They're enough character development with the main character to the point it's fun watching them trying to solve the problem they face. The 1st episode talk about the two main female characters (Natsumi and Miyuki) and how they meet for the 1st time and try to work together to solve a situation and start a bonding as friend. The 2nd episode continue with this with a much bigger situation which can come down in life and death. Also, they bring in Miyuki friend and secret lover, Ken and how he help the two main character in they fight to save a kitten while at the same time to stop a racer during the situation. The 3rd episode talk about Miyuki and Ken and the love interested between themselves to the point it get to very sticky situation. The final episode which dealt with the breaking up with the main character and how they react with the situation and at the same time try to bring back normality even the trouble time between them. Don't worry, it end well at the end.

Also, the animation for the OVA still look great and age fine for today still. I still like the hand drawn animation and you can see how beautiful it look when you watch it. Unfortunately, if you continue watching this to the TV series (mostly in season 1) you will see the animation quality drop quite a bit. This is noticeable if you got yourself the You're Under Arrest DVD bundle from ANIMEIGO which I own.

For music, it's those 90s catchy tune which match the show well. Nothing feel out of touch and do listen to it once a while when I am at work. The intro song still catch my attention a bit more than it should be.

For the show and franchise itself, I guess if you never have the chance to read the manga but want to see if you will like the show, go watch the OVA as watching the OVA will give you a good idea if you like the show as the TV series (mostly season 1 as I am still watching), it's following the same formula in some way and another. Also, from the TV series, it will follow the typical 90s anime which each episode have is own story line which don't make it hard to watch and also, the plot isn't hard follow which is great if you just want to watch a show to have fun.

If you want to watch a fun 90s show that give you nostalgia of Japanese anime, give this show a try. It's well worth the watch and because 4 episodes, it's an easy watch. If you like it, go watch the entire series as it's a fun series to get yourself into.

Now, some pics from the show


This show is amazing and special. I own all of it.
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