The Kumiko goes "yuriiiiiiiiiii"
Hyouka Episode 3:
Right, if nothing else Kyoto Animation is proving to be the masters of putting out dull shit that makes me very tired from boredom. I have better things to do then watching the lazy jerk and the empty vessel try and solve the world's most trite mysteries. Moving on to a different show.
Why is nobody talking about the real Hibike OTP?
Hazuki X Midori
Goto X that tuba girl is actually better.
Hyouka Episode 3:
Right, if nothing else Kyoto Animation is proving to be the masters of putting out dull shit that makes me very tired from boredom. I have better things to do then watching the lazy jerk and the empty vessel try and solve the world's most trite mysteries. Moving on to a different show.
Why is nobody talking about the real Hibike OTP?
Hazuki X Midori
Goto X that tuba girl is actually better.
I think^_^Goto/tuba girl is pretty good too.
Sorry guys next episode has Trumpet in the title. The hype cannot be contained with your mere words.
Hyouka Episode 3:
Right, if nothing else Kyoto Animation is proving to be the masters of putting out dull shit that makes me very tired from boredom. I have better things to do then watching the lazy jerk and the empty vessel try and solve the world's most trite mysteries. Moving on to a different show.
guys, she has a name
riko nagase
Hyouka Episode 3:
Right, if nothing else Kyoto Animation is proving to be the masters of putting out dull shit that makes me very tired from boredom. I have better things to do then watching the lazy jerk and the empty vessel try and solve the world's most trite mysteries. Moving on to a different show.
It's misdirection.It also has straight in the title.
So you people actually want me to continue to endure Hyouka? I might do this but, well, you shouldn't be too surprised if it turns out I hate it and say more mean and nasty things about this show.
Hyouka Episode 3:
Right, if nothing else Kyoto Animation is proving to be the masters of putting out dull shit that makes me very tired from boredom. I have better things to do then watching the lazy jerk and the empty vessel try and solve the world's most trite mysteries. Moving on to a different show.
.Don't bother, you are not worthy!
.Don't bother, you are not worthy!
.Don't bother, you are not worthy!
This reminds me of when it was airing and everyone was all "where all da mysteries at???"
Hyouka: I thought it was K-ON at first. Then I saw "Kyoto Animation". Yep, looks like they've lost the ability to draw anything else. Pass.
Don't bother, you are not worthy!
It's more like the mysteries is damn trivial and minor in the beginning that people overlook it. I forgot when Hyouka started to shine, was it after the school broadcast announcement or the school festival?This reminds me of when it was airing and everyone was all "where all da mysteries at???"
Love Live S2
I stopped watching because
1. Nozomi being a real character is strange
2. Still not a fan of idol shows
3. I started to enjoy it
So you people actually want me to continue to endure Hyouka? I might do this but, well, you shouldn't be too surprised if it turns out I hate it and say more mean and nasty things about this show.
Don't bother, you are not worthy!
All the Euphonium artwork is just there to bait people. I don't think that this confirms anything happening in the actual show.
Hyouka Episode 3:
Right, if nothing else Kyoto Animation is proving to be the masters of putting out dull shit that makes me very tired from boredom. I have better things to do then watching the lazy jerk and the empty vessel try and solve the world's most trite mysteries. Moving on to a different show.
Hyouka is lame as fuck
kappaLiterally twitch chat.
The lillies are real!If you guys didn't notice what was weird about this poster... (and i'm not sure how many of you could even tell the difference offhand)
Well, either the person who drew it has no concept of the size of mouthpieces, or, given their painstaking attention to detail so far...that's a low brass mouthpiece, probably a euphonium mouthpiece. In her hands, that's way bigger than a trumpet mouthpiece.
Silence infidel.All the Euphonium artwork is just there to bait people. I don't think that this confirms anything happening in the actual show.
What happened to duckroll
i'm a new member, my account just got activated, the Ls in my name are actually capital I s.What happened to duckroll
Then you are to team up with CornBread. No wait, I think he's #teamYukino.
"Up 'till now" I'm already caught up, and I'm still on my initial team.
yeah I should probably pm a mod to change my name.
back on topic:
dungeon ni Deai etc ep 1 - current
I'm so surprised that I got hooked on dungeon ni Deai etc, its so gamey and its got me in such a gamey way,even though the conspiracy they allude to doesn't really do much for me.