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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Filler, anime original content, whatever. I just found those parts to be, 9 times out of 10, to be so much worse than the parts that came from the manga that I ended up disliking them. Can't say how I would consider them if I hadn't read the manga first, as I did and thus all the additional Tea Ceremony stuff and other such material became elements which I actively hated. Edit: And the makers of the anime need to burn, forever, for turning the Chestnut fist training into a special technique instead of just being a specialized speed training that it was.

Huh, alright. I've never read the manga, so I wouldn't know.


He deserved it sure, but it still doesn't change how repugnant the whole scene was, good god. Him talking as it happened only made it worse lol.

That is what happens when your medical staff has such a shady background. Sure, they call him Doctor Gil and he has a reputation for at least one successful heart operation, but it does seem that doing transplants was a bit too much. Dude might not even have a medical license, though I guess his treasury might contain even that.
That is what happens when your medical staff has such a shady background. Sure, they call him Doctor Gil and he has a reputation for at least one successful heart operation, but it does seem that doing transplants was a bit too much. Dude might not even have a medical license, though I guess his treasury might contain even that.


Soma 09
Now that was great to watch, Soma was able to put up a good fight! These kids never get a break from cooking do they? Ahahaha! Also the humming in the end from both characters made me laugh more than it should have.


A Dark Rabbit has 7 Lives
I couldn't fall asleep, so I hit play on this real quick since it has been sitting in my Crunchy queue for a long time, and I still have no idea WTF I just watched other than some loli stuff a high school and a lot of killing and violance. (Headless guy) Oh his other girlfriend was a cutie though, lol. What is this show and why is it on my list?
BBB 09

Maybe it's because it is so late but everything seemed to move at break neck speed this time, and I just couldn't make sense of the stuff I was seeing. So many questions. Now my ass is getting back to bed. I need to be up in 4 hours.
BBB 09

Maybe it's because it is so late but everything seemed to move at break neck speed this time, and I just couldn't make sense of the stuff I was seeing. So many questions. Now my ass is getting back to bed. I need to be up in 4 hours.

Here's a nice explanation of what occurred from someone else (I would of done it myself but I'm just lazy as of right now).

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that Despair dragged Femt and Aligura there claiming that they were going to see MUH GREAT COLLAPSE that he declared he was going to do a couple episodes ago, and they were both shitting on him for not actually doing anything to do with his supposed Master Plan.

During the battle atop that one skyscraper, something frays in the metaphysics of the city, presumably the barrier that keeps the Great Collapse contained, which was referred to in the previous episode as having been made by Casters/Psychics. Mary collapses from a stroke or something soon after, probably due to her life being tied to the barrier or something. Despair is apparently using an indirect method because his agreement with William in terms of body-snatching requires that he not harm Mary directly. Femt continues to shit on Despair for claiming that this is part of his Master Plan by saying, "COULD ALL THIS REALLY HAVE BEEN A COINCIDENCE?????"

Despair then talks about how none of their plans ever have meaning because they're all foiled and implies he's taking steps to remove barriers to his plan happening properly. Aligura understands what he means and gives him a device for stealing God-Eyes. By the fact that Despair wants Mary to take Leo's eyes, he probably sees Leo as the biggest obstacle to his plan working out.
Ibuseki Yoruna (Animator Expo)

Uhhh...Don't really know what to say about that. Felt like one really long trailer heavily inspired by 1984.

Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen (Animator Expo)

This was pretty cool, style wise. The part about polishing made me laugh, I dunno why.
Kill La Kill 16

So they finally explained the main plot of the story and... it's just sooooo fucking stupid. Like I know it's a stupid show but
mankind evolving thanks to a giant yarnball
is almost too stupid for even me to accept. It doesn't help that they treat this seriously (which is supposed to be part of it's intended stupididy, but again way too stupid for me to handle).

Also the Toonami version was way censored, and after finding out what got cut borders on sexual harassment, I'm not too shocked or mad.

Sword Art Online II 09

Speaking of stupid, holy shit at how stupid Deathgun is. I mean it's already stupid since the show made a very poor attempt at hiding who he is his first introduction, but then he comes in with some edgy bullshit that would make Shadow the Hedgehog embarrassed. And once more we get to see Kirito Jesus it up in front of the Tsundere/new haramette and show everybody how uberleet he is (even though he just started playing this game a few days ago and none of his stats transferred)


So what're the chances of a second season of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun? I remember seeing lots of fanart on pixiv around the time it was airing, so it must've been popular to an extent, right? Please tell me that the BD's did well or the manga got a boost! A show that good not getting the recognition it deserves would be quite a downer.


Oh wow, I've been off of AnimeGAF for a while now. Only thing I've been keeping up with is OreGairu, which I absolutely love at the moment. I've seen some Yamada-kun and Ore Monogatari as well, but other than that I haven't really been keeping up. What's been happening with you all? :)
Oh wow, I've been off of AnimeGAF for a while now. Only thing I've been keeping up with is OreGairu, which I absolutely love at the moment. I've seen some Yamada-kun and Ore Monogatari as well, but other than that I haven't really been keeping up. What's been happening with you all? :)

One Piece 695

Ok, out of curiosity I decided to watch the latest episode because I dunno. By my count it was 6 minutes, 20 seconds of recap, counting the OP. I think I've forgotten a lot of this stuff already because Dressrosa is boring and way too long. I probably remember Alabasta and Enies Lobby better then parts of Dressrosa.

The last episode I watched was probably in the early 400s, around Amazon Lily I think. And man, Toei has pretty much mastered the art of dragging things out. I have to at least give them credit on that part because at a certain point what are you going to do but it's so hard to watch. I got some semblance of nostalgic feelings from the voice actors, music, sound effects etc.

Kyros looks so fucking dumb jumping around on one leg

So what're the chances of a second season of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun? I remember seeing lots of fanart on pixiv around the time it was airing, so it must've been popular to an extent, right? Please tell me that the BD's did well or the manga got a boost! A show that good not getting the recognition it deserves would be quite a downer.

The manga is popular but they did the short specials things and adapted some of the best chapters. I dunno if there is enough material and it's a monthly series since it goes slow.
Oh wow, I've been off of AnimeGAF for a while now. Only thing I've been keeping up with is OreGairu, which I absolutely love at the moment. I've seen some Yamada-kun and Ore Monogatari as well, but other than that I haven't really been keeping up. What's been happening with you all? :)

Arslan Senki is pretty good so far. The art is by the lady that did Fullmetal Jacket Gear Panic Alchemist, and the story's from the guy who did LOGH.

I'm also trying to watch Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory but it's pretty bad so far.


The Light of El Cantare
It's because they switched directors midway through, and because of that a love triangle was shoe horned into it and made the story weaker as a result.

If someone had told me before I watched Stardust Memories that the worst character in the entire UC wasn't even Tomino's fault I would have called them crazy, but then I met Nina Purpleton. Yes, worse than Reccoa. Worse than Glemy. Worse than Quess. Worse than Katejina. The very worst.
It's because they switched directors midway through, and because of that a love triangle was shoe horned into it and made the story weaker as a result.

But dude, I'm not even halfway through the series, so I haven't even hit that part yet. I'm only four episodes in. It's like, bad right from the get go.

The show is super generic. Like, generic to the max.

The positives:

The animation is nice. I uh, I like the character designs. People actually have noses and stuff. The main Gundam looks pretty good, for a Gundam.

The main character isn't some high school kid who has to juggle his high school life with his fighting-a-war-with-a-giant-robot.

The negatives:

Um, how about everything else?

It's silly. At one point, the lady scientist dramatically goes "Oh no, please! Not both my Gundams!" like both WTC towers just got hit. How can you take something like this at face value.

It's blunt and hamfisted as hell. The same scientist is freaking out, so another character helpfully says:

"Nina, this is what it's really like, on the front, not in a factory. Civilians don't see this, only soldiers."

This is about only one step away from being a Hideo Kojima monologue about the tragedy of war and how we must all love one another.

The villain suffers from the Standard Villain Outbursts that a lot of generic mecha shows trot out. Observe:

"Who do you think you are, you can't possibly take me on! You're an amateur!"

"Without the Federation behind you, you couldn't do a thing! As a soldier, you're pathetic!"

"I have nothing more to say to you, you imbecile! Not to a man who doesn't even know what he's fighting for!"

"It takes a man to be a soldier, you're nothing but a kid!"
*villain proceeds to flail around for a bit and then flee the scene from the hero*

Rinse and repeat. This is not a good way to build up your villain.

The situations are ridiculous and unbelievable. There's a giant floating spaceship, and it's apparently under serious danger because it's being attacked by 5 or 6 enemy Mechs? This is apparently a huge problem... for a giant spaceship with naval cannons? Huh?

The main character is a huge bore. He's just real, real generic. Instead of actually building him up into a real character that the audience can connect with, the show just tries to bring everybody else down, so he's the one who looks good. He's somehow just got this really good connection with the prototype Gundam, so even though he's a rookie, he's able to "bring out its full potential", whatever that means. No hard work, no real character, just... hey, like this kid because he's super amazing and awesome with the hero Gundam. Oh boy. How many eye rolls can I make during this show.

Compare that with the main character of Exosquad, JT Marsh. Marsh isn't some super amazing elite pilot who's above everyone else, he's just pretty good in a normal way, because he's a veteran squad leader with years of experience. He's able to bring out the best of the rest of his squad with good leadership skills and that's why they're successful, not due to some uber amazing god skill that allows him to pop out of a trench and dust four enemy Mechs in quick succession in the blink of an eye (yes, this actually happens in 0083).

They bring in some veteran pilots, and right off the bat, they're all set up to look like fools. There's a randy misogynist guy who makes an ass out of himself by hitting on every female and competes with the hero for the prototype Gundam. They eventually set up a competition to see who wins the thing. Well gosh, it's a choice between our hero character, and this sexist, arrogant, overbearing asshole. I wonder what's going to happen? My, the suspense. Boy, I'm on the edge of my seat here.

Oh wait, just the opposite. Of course we know what's going to happen. Of course the asshole ends up losing and the hero wins. This shit is just the worst. Where is the excitement and the... the thing to hold my interest? There's absolutely nothing here you can't see coming. The show's just trotting out these bad caricatures to try and build up this main character, but it's such a lame and uninspired technique that I just end up feeling pretty down about the whole thing.

And again, I'm only four episodes in. How much worse does it get?
Sabagebu Specials 03


Isn't that the outfit that one girl in Yuru Yuri wears

Hey you know what sucks? Constant meta jokes about anime in an anime. Used sparingly and cleverly they can be great but most of the time it just comes off stupid as hell. It's like the difference between South Park Stick of Truth and Matt Hazard or Duke Nukem Forever, because in South Park they did the work of putting you into 16-bit land and it was super cool but in Duke Nukem Forever the most you get is "LOL POWER ARMOR IS FOR PUSSIES BECAUSE HALO RIGHT?" Y'know that girl in Symphogear who can only speak if she is going to make a joke about how this isn't an anime? Well fuck her. Good thing they only managed to cram 20 of them in these 9 minutes, wowwie. Hell I think the Yuru Yuri tomato costume is fine because they don't point it out.

Also took me a long time to realize Miou is just Mitsuru Kirijo. It's the hair
And again, I'm only four episodes in. How much worse does it get?

Honestly I consider Stardust memory one of the weakest entries in the UC timeline right up there with V Gundam. If I were you I'd drop it right away, but im bias so its up to you brave soldier. Research is a painful but necessary evil.


0080 war in the pocket is good if you havent already watched it. there's always zeta gundam, where tomino got his infamous "kill'em all tomino" nickname as well.
It's so bad that by the end the Titans are retroactively the protagonists of Zeta Gundam.

I haven't watched that one yet. I mean, I tried to, but the entire first episode seemed to be a girl chasing a boy around while yelling "Kamille!" I didn't have time to sit through that shit.

But yeah, this 0083 is bad. Which is disappointing, because I had just finished 0080 War in the Pocket and that was fantastic. Like, 0080 is basically what Pixar would make if they had to make a Gundam movie. It's that good. That's the level of quality that War in the Pocket had. There's an entire living world created in those 6 episodes, and it feels so honest and real. And unpredictable, too. I mean, I totally thought they were gonna go for a Romeo and Juliet angle on that relationship with Bernie and MacKenzie. It looked like it was heading that way. And you know, that does seem like the sorta thing that they like to do in these types of Mecha shows. 08th MS Team did that. And Macross did that too, with the ace pilot guy and that Zentraedi lady that shrunk herself. So there's been a pattern of that stuff happening. But 0080 is better than that, and it sidesteps that expectation. It goes for something deeper and more mature and caught me offguard.

Going from 0080 to 0083 is truly jarring and somewhat upsetting.


And again, I'm only four episodes in. How much worse does it get?
You could've just watch the compilation movie. Yeah it's rushed as hell but at least the pain is in smaller dose. And you aren't missing much anyway.
It's really a crying shame because I really love the art, animation and MS designs of 0083. And it has a pretty cool OP2 (or at least the song is).


Sidonia 2.08 - Well that's a total change of pace.

This is exactly what I imagined when people back in S1 called it a RomCom.

And it was kind of interesting to see Isana hanging out with her grandmother. Her looking almost identical is something I wished they touched on more.

I continue to be entertained by the tentacle Tsugumi, and how in contrasts she is to all other tentacle beasts in anime.
Sidonia 2.08 - Well that's a total change of pace.

This is exactly what I imagined when people back in S1 called it a RomCom.

And it was kind of interesting to see Isana hanging out with her grandmother. Her looking almost identical is something I wished they touched on more.

I continue to be entertained by the tentacle Tsugumi, and how in contrasts she is to all other tentacle beasts in anime.

Most of this season has been a total harem romcom. I'm not sure how this episode is a change from last week's.


The manga is popular but they did the short specials things and adapted some of the best chapters. I dunno if there is enough material and it's a monthly series since it goes slow.

Well, at least it's doing well for itself. I'll still hold out for a second season at some point.
Koi Kaze - 04

The amount of animation in this show is sparse but at the same time some of it can be quite detailed, like the tie movement (scene from the 2nd image). Similarly there's plenty detail to be found, e.g. creases in clothing and things like muscle contours or realistic looking cats (hi Shirobako!). The art direction in general is really good and in combination with really good framing makes for some rather impressive visuals here and there.

Now that is all fine but more so than that, the characterization is absolutely fantastic and the story doesn't pull any punches. Within just these 4 episodes Koshiro has become one of the most nuanced characters I've seen in anime. His insecurities and struggles are perfectly resembled by his mannerisms. He's constantly flustered and falters while speaking. Looking people in the eyes is a problem for him. He moves rather ponderously when his physique is fairly decent actually. And yeh, there's a bunch of more subtle attributes all helping in forming a really strong character. Tatsuhiro Satou from Welcome to the NHK felt like a similarly well written, flawed character, though Koi Kaze manages build up Koshiro much faster.

It's not just Koshiro though, his sister Nanoka is well written, too. She has ambitions, friends and her own doubts and worries. She isn't some mere 'little cute imotou', there to be some faceless incest-bait.

Koshiro's perverted male colleague is the worst and really cliche character but fortunately he gets very little screentime. Other than him though, everyone, including the female colleague and ex-girlfriend, is at least on a decent level and you feel like you're watching actual human beings - something which Welcome to the NHK also managed well.

Now to the story.... In my impressions on the first episode I mentioned how this show doesn't take the easy route to tackle this forbidden love / incest angle and god damn does this hold true. The last ~5 minutes of this episode made me quite uncomfortable—in a good way. By the way, this anime handles topics like sexual frustration very maturely.

Overall I'm thoroughly enjoying this and from this first third I'm already pretty darn sure this will be among my top anime. There's a chance it'll let me down later down the line but I expect more greatness.


A Good Citizen
If someone had told me before I watched Stardust Memories that the worst character in the entire UC wasn't even Tomino's fault I would have called them crazy, but then I met Nina Purpleton. Yes, worse than Reccoa. Worse than Glemy. Worse than Quess. Worse than Katejina. The very worst.
glemy owns
Here's a nice explanation of what occurred from someone else (I would of done it myself but I'm just lazy as of right now).
Thanks for this now I definitely understand. This episode was a bit weird, again I feel like everything happened way too fast, and the dialog was way too open for interpretation. I get that the thing about this show is letting the viewers soak in the information on their own with the visuals and stuff, but this week's episode just seemed incredibly rushed


Thanks for this now I definitely understand. This episode was a bit weird, again I feel like everything happened way too fast, and the dialog was way too open for interpretation. I get that the thing about this show is letting the viewers soak in the information on their own with the visuals and stuff, but this week's episode just seemed incredibly rushed
The episode only depict one single event afterall and simple flashback in the end, not sure what hard to track and whatnot from it.

BTW Latest episode of BBB is fantastic.. looking again I always dreamed about show like this, I'm not gonna say this will be my absolute favorite thing ever but I always want something like this created.. Storyboarding and directing telegraph what happened by mostly visual with minimal juxtaposition as possible, its great.. Its something like fast paced live action movie but with anime magical stuff instead gun and martial art.


Nanoha ViVid 07
Still really unhappy with the way they're treating Fate. She's nothing more than the fanservice character now.

And what the hell is up with all those new characters. I can already hardly remember the main group of ... 4 (?) as it is. I'm sorry but I really can't bring myself to care about this new generation of characters... There's too many of them and none of them, aside from Vivio and Einhart, left much of an impression on me...

I need my NanoFate T_T
Where is my NanoFate ;_;
Nanoha ViVid 07
Still really unhappy with the way they're treating Fate. She's nothing more than the fanservice character now.

And what the hell is up with all those new characters. I can already hardly remember the main group of ... 4 (?) as it is. I'm sorry but I really can't bring myself to care about this new generation of characters... There's too many of them and none of them, aside from Vivio and Einhart, left much of an impression on me...

I need my NanoFate T_T
Where is my NanoFate ;_;
NanoFate are old and thusly unimportant now.
Nanoha ViVid 07
Still really unhappy with the way they're treating Fate. She's nothing more than the fanservice character now.

And what the hell is up with all those new characters. I can already hardly remember the main group of ... 4 (?) as it is. I'm sorry but I really can't bring myself to care about this new generation of characters... There's too many of them and none of them, aside from Vivio and Einhart, left much of an impression on me...

I need my NanoFate T_T
Where is my NanoFate ;_;

The main group is vivio, einhart, flying kick - chan and golem-chan... ( here easy to remember ).
Also there is going to have a fighting tournament, if they don't introduce the foes a little beforehand, there is no point to it.. Just remember, everyone not introduced in this episode is a SCRUB and doesn't deserve your attention.

It's a standard shonen tournament, really.
Ps: forget about fate, you won't see her kick-ass in vivid..


Koi Kaze - 04

The amount of animation in this show is sparse but at the same time some of it can be quite detailed, like the tie movement (scene from the 2nd image). Similarly there's plenty detail to be found, e.g. creases in clothing and things like muscle contours or realistic looking cats (hi Shirobako!). The art direction in general is really good and in combination with really good framing makes for some rather impressive visuals here and there.

Now that is all fine but more so than that, the characterization is absolutely fantastic and the story doesn't pull any punches. Within just these 4 episodes Koshiro has become one of the most nuanced characters I've seen in anime. His insecurities and struggles are perfectly resembled by his mannerisms. He's constantly flustered and falters while speaking. Looking people in the eyes is a problem for him. He moves rather ponderously when his physique is fairly decent actually. And yeh, there's a bunch of more subtle attributes all helping in forming a really strong character. Tatsuhiro Satou from Welcome to the NHK felt like a similarly well written, flawed character, though Koi Kaze manages build up Koshiro much faster.

It's not just Koshiro though, his sister Nanoka is well written, too. She has ambitions, friends and her own doubts and worries. She isn't some mere 'little cute imotou', there to be some faceless incest-bait.

Koshiro's perverted male colleague is the worst and really cliche character but fortunately he gets very little screentime. Other than him though, everyone, including the female colleague and ex-girlfriend, is at least on a decent level and you feel like you're watching actual human beings - something which Welcome to the NHK also managed well.

Now to the story.... In my impressions on the first episode I mentioned how this show doesn't take the easy route to tackle this forbidden love / incest angle and god damn does this hold true. The last ~5 minutes of this episode made me quite uncomfortable—in a good way. By the way, this anime handles topics like sexual frustration very maturely.

Overall I'm thoroughly enjoying this and from this first third I'm already pretty darn sure this will be among my top anime. There's a chance it'll let me down later down the line but I expect more greatness.

Wow, an anime that actually takes the subject matter seriously.


He deserved it sure, but it still doesn't change how repugnant the whole scene was, good god. Him talking as it happened only made it worse lol.

the most cringey death in anime that Ive seen was some guy getting his head split open by a giant sword and then his head continued to slide down the blade.

A Dark Rabbit has 7 Lives
I couldn't fall asleep, so I hit play on this real quick since it has been sitting in my Crunchy queue for a long time, and I still have no idea WTF I just watched other than some loli stuff a high school and a lot of killing and violance. (Headless guy) Oh his other girlfriend was a cutie though, lol. What is this show and why is it on my list?

if you want to watch fun shows with rabbit girls watch Mondaiji and Getsumen To Heika Minna. Both are a lot of fun. One has magical space bunnies.
Koi Kaze - 05

I love how Koshiro's struggles really ruin the relationship to his sister (and father to a lesser degree). Because he's constantly he ashamed and worried that she might have seen him do s.th. messed up he's stressed out and gets angry when it's completely unwarranted. This episode he's downright scary in some moments. It's also interesting how he degrades Nanoka in order to justify his own shitty behavior.

But he's still not a bad person per se. Towards the end of this episode he realizes that he can't lie to her once again and for once speaks the truth (about forgetting her birthday, not the darker stuff) and that's actually mending the relationship some.

In general, it's really easy to empathize with Koshiro, he's a well written character with depths after all, and because of that it's just the more stressful to see him take actions that you cannot sympathize with. You understand why that character does it, but it's still clearly wrong and you just hope he manages to restrain himself.

I always loved that aspect in Breaking Bad: Walter White was also really easy to empathize with but god damn if you don't sit there at several times thinking "okay Walt, please don't do this, it's ethically wrong and will undoubtedly hurt everyone in the long run."


Oh and one thing I just realized too is that
Koshiro hasn't yet actually called out the attraction to his sister in his monologue yet. Like it's completely clear what's happening but he refuses to actively acknowledge this by not thinking about it head on. Bonus points for subtlety and not hammering it into the audience when it's readily apparent anyways.

Alright, I made this webm of one of my favorite scenes so far, near the end of this episode. 1m45s long.
GUNSLINGER Stratos - 08

Damn for a show with So many characters ( x2 ) , you'd think they 'd try to make me care for some characters a little more before making them die. In some cases they suceeded ( shidune ) but in all the other cases , they totally missed.

As for that rescue plan , well that plan was bollocks bad.They suceeded because someone had to die for it while having countless casualities..clap clap i'm impressed.

And the worst thing ? that professor, man he went to the dark side... did he needed some justification for it ? I'm not even sure why. i mean he was the only one working on the time cube technology from that side and his only opposition was his funding partner ... i thought it was a given that researchers needed money in order to make discoveries but i don't even know how that create stress when he's the only one not fighting , nor supervising the fights. Talk about a tought job.

He's totally gonna create another dead end.

Damn "dead end" , what a cheesy name... If it was sarcastic i wouldn't mind , but this stuff's serious !
For god sake , writters around the world , vilains, final bosses and stuff ..don't call yourself "dead end", don't name something "dead end" that name's bad ..STOP USING IT !!
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