FFXIII for reference.
- 1.8m shipped for Japan only at launch
- Over 5m shipped WW for US launch
These are the SE released PRs.
real numbers in that context means sold to consumers, not shipped to retailers (on top of digital copy sold)
You can try to hide a decline or to reach a milestone by boosting the shipment. GungHo did that with Puzzle & Dragons in Japan, and Level 5 too with Yokai 3. And Square is certainly not afraid of overshipping, if you look at their history.
By real I meant sold to consumers, the numbers that matter.
It's not a "real" number in the sense that it represents only how many copies Square Enix have shipped to stores - not how many copies consumers have actually bought. We're not getting reliable retail estimates until the next NPD/PAL charts/MC.
GAF is usually quick to point out this inaccuracy, and this thread isn't any different.
I'm interested in this as well.I wonder what the console split was?
Because usually sold means sold through. 5 mio. is shipped + sold digital.
Because usually sold means sold through. 5 mio. is shipped + sold digital.
And the title doesn't say "SE has sold 5 mio.", read again, "were sold" heavily implies sold through.
I'll just say this before the thread takes a downturn. Good Job SE. Hopefully the game continues to sell well. I'm having a damn good time with it.
It is not...The 5M in question is Sold to Retailers and Digital. If you're SE, you sold 5M copies. The title is still factually correct.
The 5M in question is Sold to Retailers and Digital. If you're SE, you sold 5M copies. The title is still factually correct.
It is not...
SE sold-in 5m copies including digital.
That is correct.
Thread OP needs to be fixed like happens with every other game.
FFXV sold-in plus digital sales reached 5 million units.I'm confused >_> Would we assume that "SE sold-in 5m copies" to not mean in all formats (inc digital)?
Maybe I'm being pedantic but i feel i'm missing the point.'s the same old Square?FFXIII for reference.
- 1.8m shipped for Japan only at launch
- Over 5m shipped WW for US launch
These are the SE released PRs.
Not if they just sit on the shelves before being blown out in clearance.I had assumed it was shipped numbers and not sold to consumers. I'm sure most people here did. It still strikes me as a healthy amount of copies to get out there in the wild for a game that's not even a week old.
I wonder if it's enough for them to start developing XVI ASAP.
yeah probably shipped, since sun/moon is at 3+ mill
yeah probably shipped, since sun/moon is at 3+ mill
I wonder if it's enough for them to start developing XVI ASAP.
I wonder if it's enough for them to start developing XVI ASAP.
yeah probably shipped, since sun/moon is at 3+ mill
i would say they already started with that 1-2 years ago
I'm interested in this as well.
Verendus said they would only start with it if XV was a success!lol
I would guess they have been working on it for that amount of time, yeah, so maybe in 2-3 years it could be out.
A good chunk are probably working on dlc, and also I think Tabata said he doesn't want to work on another ff title for awhile(understandable but Rip type-1)So are the XV team and Tabata moving into new projects or current ones like KHIII and FFVII?
I hope so. With the FFVII:R game having multiple parts and each part being a full 30 hour FF game sized story, it'd make sense. Plus I want it next year!So are the XV team and Tabata moving into new projects or current ones like KHIII and FFVII?
So are the XV team and Tabata moving into new projects or current ones like KHIII and FFVII?
I'm curious to see how the inevitable PC release is handled. They will either need to price it at $40 or include all of the DLC for immediate success, given that it is likely to be late by several months.
I would think they're still making FF15 content.I wonder if it's enough for them to start developing XVI ASAP.
Several months is very optimistic
Id imagine that since they have a grip on the engine, they might begin FF16. Tabata must have ideas in his mind for what he wants a game to be considering he was making a game that someone else mostly designed (character and setting wise).So are the XV team and Tabata moving into new projects or current ones like KHIII and FFVII?
So I guess that so-called decline in popularity for the franchise was a myth then? People have been saying for years now that Final Fantasy isn't the name it once was, but if XV can pull in impressive numbers like this then I'd say it's still an IP that's very much flourishing.
Of course, Remake will blow XV out of the water.
It only matters with Final Fantasy apperently. You could make the case for pokemon sales declining in Japan but more people are emotionally invested with ff