That is beautiful, but, isn't it just a cinematic loading screen?
Should we do the usual and make a thread for the cutlass commercial?
Really hope such a massive, popular game like this using Cryengine leads to wider adoption. Nothing else comes close to games like Ryse and this at the moment, although of course there are no UE4 games out aside from Daylight(lol)
Pick me up an extra one.
890 is available again for those interested, 782 left atm
I wonder how the Vanduul will fit into S42 and the persistent universe. From what we've seen of them so far, including the latest commercial, they don't strike me as a particularly intelligent race. Much less so than the Kilrathi, for example, although they obviously must be, since they're a spacefaring and therefore fairly advanced civilization. I have the feeling S42's story will revolve around them as much as it will around some sort of internal UEE conflict / power struggle, Wing Commander IV-style. A mix between WC3 and WC4, if you will.
Everything we know about the UEE points towards lots of internal division and extrmeley questionable politics right?
I would love a mission concerning rebels.
890 is available again for those interested, 782 left atm
Almost two and a half hours later, 725 remaining. WHAT HAPPEN, CIG?
Almost two and a half hours later, 725 remaining. WHAT HAPPEN, CIG?
only so many whales out there, I guess
Didnt the y just make like almsot 2 million dollars in less than 24 hours?
I used the hornet, and I never want to go back. The cockpit, the sounds, the guns in combination with a HOTAS is like.... I need new pants.
Have they made brochures before? never paid a lot of attention to this game but that luxury spaceship brochure was awesome, a lot of great concept art
Yeah it's pretty incredible, I'm going to upgrade to 315p from my Aurora then probably upgrade that to a Hornet after I get some extra money, such a smart idea on their parts to let people try the ships, I'm sure it's going to lead to a lot of upgrades and purchases.
890 is available again for those interested, 782 left atm
As an Aurora backer...
Hornet in Vanduul Swarm = shooting gallery ezmoad
350r in racing =![]()
Dear god let me be your cabin boy.
I wonder what the grey market will be like after launch?
I've never been a fan of the Cutlass, but I gotta say ...
... yeah.