This is where the earlier confusion is from, overdesign has a negative connotation to mean that too much has been thrown in to the pot, that the practicality or the objective of something has been lost for something more convoluted.
A lack of a traditional UI and to push other things they want rather than traditonal/contemporary designs, to take a pragmatic and realistic approach to design is what they've been going for since the beginning.
I use overdesign in its neutral connotation, the one more close to an engineering approach. You do both research and design, and once you've found what you need through research, you spent a lot more for design than is actually required for the thing you made to function. This is not a bad thing per se, because it can be more practical in use, look nicer,... but it is something the costumer didn't necessarily ask for. It do costs a lot more money though, and the biggest feats of engeering have been those who managed to be cost efficient. In case of games and art, your product may improve greatly from it, but you have to be careful not to burn through your money. More specific to Star Citizen is that ships are a crucial part of the game, and deserve any extra care put into them. But do we really
need to have a gun that costs $10,000 to model, especially seeing as this isn't the only gun in the game?
Yes, they want to do an immersive space sim with high-end-tech. I don't see how very detailed models, textures and the like can be considered overdesigned taking into account what CIG is aiming at. By that logic you could also say "Why aren't they just releasing on PS3, PS4, WiiU, Xbox360, Xbox One and PC, the graphics aren't really important anyway.".
But those screws and texture work is point of Star Citizen.
They didn't want to create just next space sim game. They wanted to create game that will be amazing space sim game and deliver first and foremost immersion.
I think you both misinterpreted what I was saying. I was merely stating something I observed. Nowhere did I say what they are doing is a bad thing or that I don't understand why they are doing it.