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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module


It could be easily controlled by mind. We already have mind and muscle controlled prosthesis, let alone 300 years from now :)

The problem isn't the boots. It's that either A: You're dangling with one foot without gravity while the other is solidly attached to the ground, making maintaining balance very hard or B: Walking goes stiff and is very intensive on the muscles, making you feel tired faster.

But I guess they could implement such an adaptive system or a small exoskeleton that corrects/powers movements.


I set up the NeoGAF organization, feel free to join it.

As of now you can only join one organiztion, but there will be no such requirements when the character system is set up later. Since this is the case I think I'll hold on to this org instead of giving it to another gaffer later as I had considered before - this can be the social hub anyone can join just to connect to other gaf members or set up events and such, and people can make specialized orgs/squadrons if need be and I'll connect them (if possible); I wouldn't feel comfortable heading one of those just yet myself.
I set up the NeoGAF organization, feel free to join it.

As of now you can only join one organiztion, but there will be such requirements when the character system is set up later. Since this is the case I think I'll hold on to this org instead of giving it to another gaffer later - this can be the social hub anyone can join just to connect to other gaf members or set up events and such, and people can make specialized orgs/squadrons if need be and I'll connect them (if possible); I wouldn't feel comfortable heading one of those just yet myself.

Signed up! Thanks for setting that up.


I set up the NeoGAF organization, feel free to join it.

As of now you can only join one organiztion, but there will be such no requirements when the character system is set up later. Since this is the case I think I'll hold on to this org instead of giving it to another gaffer later as I had considered before - this can be the social hub anyone can join just to connect to other gaf members or set up events and such, and people can make specialized orgs/squadrons if need be and I'll connect them (if possible); I wouldn't feel comfortable heading one of those just yet myself.

Signed up! Though I haven't check on the game for so long I didn't know I'd been rewarded with a fish. :|


Seek victory, not fairness
All right, I'm in. CasualSpaceGAF engaged


The ill-fated competition: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs/listing?sort=size_desc

I bet there will be a little sales bump today just for adding this feature, lol.

To add an avatar picture: (took me a minute to find it...)
- go to "My RSI" at the top > Settings
- Click PROFILE on the left
- Click ADD next to the picture

If it looks bugged afterward, wait. Mine took about 15 minutes to kick in.
I'll be creating my marxist/dependency theory underground movement through in game back channels. Cannot be official while attempting to be anti-system :D (aka using the organisation system)


Are there any negatives by being in an organisation?

Socially, yes. Organizations could have rivalries, and anyone who has access to your handle can see your public organizations and judge you. Some organizations may be exclusive and not allow joining any org but theirs and those in their alliance.

Right now you can only join one org and there's not many tools for org admins though, it's the bare essentials of the system.

Otherwise it's just as in real life, you could join as many groups as you want, sewing clubs, book clubs, whatever you want; the groups could be extremely open/broad, like I intend the NeoGAF org to be, or there could be groups just focused on piracy, or on anti-piracy, or act as mercenaries for other orgs.


I voted for pirate interceptor. Not even sure why, since I always play the good guy. But in this game? I kinda want to wreak havoc.


At $37 million, you’ve unlocked a new star system at the center of a nebula:

Tanga System – At the heart of an unusual rectangular planetary nebula, lies Tanga System. The inner planets were engulfed as the star entered the red giant phase. The expanded habitable zone unfroze a small world on the former outer ring and for several hundred million years made it habitable. Life began to emerge and was just reaching a primitive state when the star collapsed into a white dwarf, throwing the planet back into a deep freeze, then blasting the atmosphere away with the resulting planetary nebula. That’s how the system was found: Only two worlds (speculation that there could have been three to four more) but both are dead planets with no atmosphere.

The last poll was a hard-fought contest, but it looks like the explorers continue to have an advantage: the winning selection is an “unexplored natural wonder.” As a result, we’re adding a new system (based on a recent, real-world discovery) for you to discover. We intend to stock it with some impressive surprises for the explorers who manage to locate it! Here’s the description:

UDS-2943-01-22 System – Breaking news: UEE astrophysicists based at the famed Klavs observatory station have utilized advanced telescopy and other remote sensing technologies to identified a truly unusual star system on the fringes of know space. The object, once thought to be a single massive star, is actually a trinary star consisting of two white dwarfs and an active pulsar orbiting one another. Because of the complex gravitic factors at work, it is now believed that a jump point leading to the system likely exists in or near explored human space. Beyond the bizarre stellar makeup, the composition of the system is all but unknown. Could planets exist in this carefully balanced web? What else might have been drawn there? One thing is certain: the first Citizen to travel to UDS-2943-01-22 will have one hell of a view!

Now it’s time to vote for the final system stretch goal, which will be unlocked at $39 million.

e: I now realize I'm quite late on posting this, but I still like to quote these as I found important info like this being reposted useful in the past
This is going to hit like 100million in funding before it's out , isnt it...

Hopefully they don't keep worrying about adding stuff all the time and just worry about finishing the product and sending it out. The more they add, the more time is added to complete it also.

I think they are good funding wise lol. The original plan in this game was to make it with what, 2,000,000 as the original goal? Something like that.

I really hope the universe doesn't end up like Eve Online though. There should be many ways to get into a region and not just a a few " gates " that you have to fly through to get into a region. Eve Online is completely controlled by a few factions and noone will just explore out into space due to anytime you go through a gate entering low or null sec you will most likely get killed unless you have a specific set of skills that can get you through stealthily.

There should be massive incentives to being a bounty hunter or someone who polices / patrols the unsafe regions of the world. I see all the economic potential out in the universe in Eve Online but the potential is killed because you will never see a cargo ship going through eve online with fighters defending the cargo or whatever. Null/Low sec in Eve is a ghost town and anyone you run into will instantly try to kill you. Gets boring and old real fast. And all of that due to certain groups sitting at gates waiting for anyone to jump through so they can instantly kill said person. I laughed when I would go through a low-sec gate inside a mining craft and would instantly have 20 people jump through to try and kill me. I always thought .. wtf is the point to that? There are 600+ zones out here all with asteroid belts and planets to mine and whatnot .. why worry about 1 single mining craft? Why not allow the economics of low-sec to get going? You could have ammo being delivered to local stations, you could have weaponry and armor and ships and whatnot .. but nope all those stations are barren of any material due to noone being able to get through safely to deliver supplies.

Eve could be so unbelievably epic, but in these types of games it is the community itself that ends up killing it. Absolutely no sense of fun, it is just mindless killing each other in null / low and then everyone else is stuck in high sec where it takes 6 months to gather enough funds to buy a Battleship lol.

We'll see how it goes. So much potential in this game.


Hopefully they don't keep worrying about adding stuff all the time and just worry about finishing the product and sending it out. The more they add, the more time is added to complete it also.

I think they are good funding wise lol. The original plan in this game was to make it with what, 2,000,000 as the original goal? Something like that.

While the game is to be released in substantial form in 2015, the game will be by no means finished by then, ongoing support will update the game with new and promised features for many years.

The $2m kickstarter was to gauge interest, with the rest of the funds intended to be provided by private investors. The continued funding means they will only have to answer to the community, and to accelerate the growth of the company for increased production. They now have several CIG and contracted studios founded or working for them around the world.
While the game is to be released in substantial form in 2015, the game will be by no means finished by then, ongoing support will update the game with new and promised features for many years.

The $2m kickstarter was to gauge interest, with the rest of the funds intended to be provided by private investors. The continued funding means they will only have to answer to the community, and to accelerate the growth of the company for increased production. They now have several CIG and contracted studios founded or working for them around the world.

Yeah but they seem to always put up a new " stretch goal " in case they hit a certain new fundraising milestone. Dunno if they do that to try and entice the funds to keep going in, or that is something they had planned the whole time.


Wow, that was quick, wasn't expecting that.

Well, I guess my Connie will be available for GAF funrides when Star Citizen is finally released.
Yeah but they seem to always put up a new " stretch goal " in case they hit a certain new fundraising milestone. Dunno if they do that to try and entice the funds to keep going in, or that is something they had planned the whole time.

This stuff has always been planned, they are just putting it up to encourage new donations, obviously. It's a PR thing.


Yeah but they seem to always put up a new " stretch goal " in case they hit a certain new fundraising milestone. Dunno if they do that to try and entice the funds to keep going in, or that is something they had planned the whole time.

Read the stretch goals for the last $10M or so. The game was already going to include a lot of systems and a lot of ships, many of which haven't even started preliminary design. Considering that the stuff would have been built anyway, it's easy for CIG to do a little concept work ahead of time and call it a stretch goal.

Most of the stretch goals since the campaign ended are purely for PR. There have been a few bigger goals since then but they're almost all extensions of systems that were discussed during the original campaign.

Don't get me wrong, this project is obviously still very ambitious and it could easily go up in flames. I'm only saying that the post-campaign stretch goals aren't going to be the catalyst.


I kinda wish we would get a random goodie for everyone as the next stretchgoal. All these systems and whatnot are fine, and I'm certainly not complaining, but an odd snail for the aquarium or a paintball rifle or heck, a rug for our hangar would be refreshing. Ever since the LTI offer ran out I've been checking the site far less frequently.

On the Org thing: I'm a fervent believer in The Lamp, so y'all will have to excuse me for now. Once multiple org membership is in I will obviously join the glorious ranks of Neogaf.


I really hope the universe doesn't end up like Eve Online though. There should be many ways to get into a region and not just a a few " gates " that you have to fly through to get into a region. Eve Online is completely controlled by a few factions and noone will just explore out into space due to anytime you go through a gate entering low or null sec you will most likely get killed unless you have a specific set of skills that can get you through stealthily.

There should be massive incentives to being a bounty hunter or someone who polices / patrols the unsafe regions of the world. I see all the economic potential out in the universe in Eve Online but the potential is killed because you will never see a cargo ship going through eve online with fighters defending the cargo or whatever. Null/Low sec in Eve is a ghost town and anyone you run into will instantly try to kill you. Gets boring and old real fast. And all of that due to certain groups sitting at gates waiting for anyone to jump through so they can instantly kill said person. I laughed when I would go through a low-sec gate inside a mining craft and would instantly have 20 people jump through to try and kill me. I always thought .. wtf is the point to that? There are 600+ zones out here all with asteroid belts and planets to mine and whatnot .. why worry about 1 single mining craft? Why not allow the economics of low-sec to get going? You could have ammo being delivered to local stations, you could have weaponry and armor and ships and whatnot .. but nope all those stations are barren of any material due to noone being able to get through safely to deliver supplies.

Eve could be so unbelievably epic, but in these types of games it is the community itself that ends up killing it. Absolutely no sense of fun, it is just mindless killing each other in null / low and then everyone else is stuck in high sec where it takes 6 months to gather enough funds to buy a Battleship lol.

We'll see how it goes. So much potential in this game.
Lol, sounds like DayZ xD


Eve Online is completely controlled by a few factions and noone will just explore out into space due to anytime you go through a gate entering low or null sec you will most likely get killed unless you have a specific set of skills that can get you through stealthily.

Thats not true. Actually moving through low-sec is a joke for experienced players. Null-sec is harder, but its still manageable, especially with scout ahead.
I actually were flying with scout ahead on second account and could move anywhere i wanted in null-sec.


I set up the NeoGAF organization, feel free to join it.

As of now you can only join one organiztion, but there will be no such requirements when the character system is set up later. Since this is the case I think I'll hold on to this org instead of giving it to another gaffer later as I had considered before - this can be the social hub anyone can join just to connect to other gaf members or set up events and such, and people can make specialized orgs/squadrons if need be and I'll connect them (if possible); I wouldn't feel comfortable heading one of those just yet myself.

signed up.

Dr. Kaos

Thats not true. Actually moving through low-sec is a joke for experienced players. Null-sec is harder, but its still manageable, especially with scout ahead.
I actually were flying with scout ahead on second account and could move anywhere i wanted in null-sec.

Oh, so all you need is a second account and a second machine?

Well then! Why are people complaining? :p


Oh, so all you need is a second account and a second machine?

Well then! Why are people complaining? :p
I imagine it's simpler than this, or maybe someone can use a virtual machine, but I like to imagine someone sitting looking at 3 monitors, with a computer mouse in EACH HAND, simultaneously flying two different ships as an everyday Eve mission. :p


I imagine the abandoned systems will be quite, well, abandoned. I think when you've got a decent exploration ship you don't really need to worry about being blocked access to systems. As long as you can stay alive in the nothingness that is unexplored space.

I imagine it's simpler than this, or maybe someone can use a virtual machine, but I like to imagine someone sitting looking at 3 monitors, with a computer mouse in EACH HAND, simultaneously flying two different ships as an everyday Eve mission. :p

Virtual Machine Double Star Citizen. Bro what kind of pc do you have?


Oh, so all you need is a second account and a second machine?

Well then! Why are people complaining? :p

Not really, i played on the same PC and just alt-tabbed between clients :) But yeah, You need second account for something like this.

Of course You can also fly without scout in null sec, its just more risky, but i've done that a lot too.
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