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Star Fox Zero & Guard - Review Thread


Scoring higher than I expected given the initial reactions, still it's a star fox game, so not one for me unfortunately.


Okay, honest question: what the hell does "bringing rail shooting into 2016" even mean? If you mean evolving the genre, I can't really comprehend how any game designer is supposed to do anything other games haven't done without discarding the 'rail' part of the equation entirely, and we already have space sims, even arcadey ones (hello, Strike Suit Zero!).

Seriously, 360-degree aiming is kind of a huge innovation in and of itself, what the hell more do you want to change things up? Serious question.

Maybe that's not the best way to word it, but ultimately what I'd like is to have a bigger game. Presentation values, more levels, more interesting levels.

It's not that the Rail Shooter hasn't been done well recently, it's more that Star Fox just doesn't seem that interesting compared to its predecessor. What I should have said is that Star Fox fails to bring Star Fox into 2016. It feels real dated. As others have pointed out, there's a lot of rail shooters that have done interesting things in the time since 64. Zero doesn't do any of that.

Even if you dig the controls, I honestly don't think they bring a whole lot to the experience.


Gotcha, thanks gents. And to think, Nintendogs would receive that same accolade just 7 yrs or so later...


Nintendogs was probably the start of it, sure, but I think the real indicator of Famitsu's decline was when they gave Peace Walker all 10s and the same issue had an ad with the EIC playing it.


They did not even try to hide it.

My understanding is that at this point it is generally accepted in Japan that Famitsu reviews are just advertisements and should not be taken as real criticism.


$60 for a sub 5hr game, you gotta be having a laugh. It's pretty clear at this point that Nintendo is done with the WiiU.


I don't really trust critic reviews very much and personally think the game looks really cool. I like how smooth the transitioning between Walker and Arwing is, and the general speed of the game seems incredibly fast and well designed.

How is not being perceived non-critically? As in, how are random fans finding the new game?
$60 for a sub 5hr game, you gotta be having a laugh. It's pretty clear at this point that Nintendo is done with the WiiU.
I mean...Star Fox 64 was an hour long game and Assault was about that length. Was anyone really expecting this to be all that lengthy?
I thought people wanted another 64??? I think the timing has to do with the resulting product. The Wii U was guaranteed to do shit. Maybe if it was near the beginning of the system's life, it would have ended up ambitious. But then again, maybe not because it's Star Fox. A cool IP but only big through name recognition.
They do want another 64. A game like 64 without garbage gimmicks, without on foot sections that play like ass, without forced touch screen controls, and with traditional arcade game play.

Zero could've been that but of course decided forcing the game pad was a great idea.


Well, I ordered this last night. I had gotten to the point where I wanted to try it despite the control scheme and wanted some straight forward action game to play. I bought it fully aware that the controls might kill it for me and that at most it'd be light fun for me. I hope it is the latter.


SFZ seems to be scoring about as well as I'd expected. I'll probably give the game a go myself at some point. I'm expecting them to put up a demo on the eShop though, so I'll likely try that out first.


$60 for a sub 5hr game, you gotta be having a laugh. It's pretty clear at this point that Nintendo is done with the WiiU.

Was Star Fox ever longer than that? It's an arcade-style game that you are supposed to replay a lot. It might be a style of game that has fallen completely out of fashion, though. (It's also the reason I never was much into the Star Fox games.)
Polygon just isn't a site I take seriously for reviews. It's a lot of reactionary click bait pandering disguised as righteousness and final-word-authority. Just looking at past Platinum reviews, a 6 for Wonderful 101 because the reviewer was frustrated with the controls. Yes, the controls take a lot of getting used to, but once they clicked for me, the game turned from a confusing experience into one of my favorite games of all time. Did the reviewer go back and replay any of the old levels that he had first tried when the controls were still raw and disorienting? Try something different? Try to *learn*? Or, if the controls really never clicked with him, why not write something more thoughtful than simply "it frustrated me, so I don't like it"? Yeah, I've just never been impressed with their writing staff.

As far as Platinum's involvement with Star Fox goes, is there a definitive word on how much of an impact they had on the development? Were they like script doctors, brought in to provide some action polish, or did they actively develop whole levels and boss attles?
A lot of times it seems games journalists lack actual gaming skill and perspective but make up for it with contrived sensational writing flair as if they were writing a term paper after swallowing a thesaurus. I know both is possible but I'd rather read a review from a gamer than read one by an English major.


So Star Fox Guard is scoring higher than Star Fox Zero? Interesting.

I hope I'm on the positive side of these reviews. I've been looking forward to the game, but I always feel a sense of dread when I think about how lame the story part of the game is going to be. I hate that it's a rehash of Star Fox 64 AGAIN (it feels like the 3DS remake just came out, particularly since I only played it a couple years ago). It could've been any other story, however simplistic, and I would've liked the idea more.

I hate that Star Fox can't shake free of Star Fox 64. The story is a huge drawback for me. That said, looking forward to it for the gameplay at least.


Was Star Fox ever longer than that? It's an arcade-style game that you are supposed to replay a lot. It might be a style of game that has fallen completely out of fashion, though.
Yeah. We need tons of cutscenes and filler fetch quests to be a GOTY contender these days.


Nintendo should release a demo of this game, I knew those fucking gyro controls were trouble Star Fox didn't need that shit they should patch in pro controller support


Another review thread, another thread where people try to disavow reviews they don't want to agree with by purely talking down about the person reviewing the game or the site it's reviewed on.

Let's face it folks, you won't really know if you like this or not until you play it.


Pretty much what I expected review-wise.

I was a huge fan of the 64 and SNES Starfox games back in the day and this one's kind of grown on me as I've seen more of it. Either I've formed a more informed opinion or the marketing is working, I'm not sure which.


The reviews are what I expected. Some will enjoy the controls, others won't. Around the 70s on metacritic. I'm still as excited as always.


Yeah. We need tons of cutscenes and filler fetch quests to be a GOTY contender these days.

I mean, I don't need Star Fox to even be a GOTY contender, but I think cutscenes and a bit more depth to the story can help it a lot. It's what made Star Fox Assault great, IMO. It's a shame so many let the on-foot missions ruin that game for them. It's my favourite Star Fox, personally.


From the start, I never expected this to review well as the control scheme wasn't conventional. I've never been the biggest fan of Star Fox. The on rails sections do look dated. I think the best elements are the boss fight and I think this is where Star Fox Zero delivers. I don't know if we will ever see another game in the series.


From the start, I never expected this to review well as the control scheme wasn't conventional. I've never been the biggest fan of Star Fox. The on rails sections do look dated. I think the best elements are the boss fight and I think this is where Star Fox Zero delivers. I don't know if we will ever see another game in the series.

There's one boss battle that made me want to throw my controller at the TV. Some of the bosses in this are really obtuse.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
These crazy people thinking that Nintendo could apply some kind of evolution to their franchises.

I disagree that evolution means bloating. Some genres are more suited to short playtimes and replayability and that's perfectly fine.


Arcade-style (single-sitting) action games (talking about the original Star Fox games). Of course, they're in completely different genres and Isaac has huge random elements, but they aren't incomparable.

This. A game where you can play an entire start-to-finish campaign in one sitting is amazing and is something sorely needed in the world of 100 hour campaigns.

The goal of Star Fox is to play the same missions over and over until you aren't even consciously going "If I wait one and a half secons longer I can take out all five of these guys with one charge shot...any sooner or later and I only get three of them," you just do it. I can memorize 64's 16 missions to that level of depth, and Zero's bigger but not horrifyingly so. If there were 400 missions, forget about it, no.

Star Fox should give you the same drive for mastery as wanting to beat an arcade cabinet on one quarter. Length will only hurt uour quest for mastery.
Was Star Fox ever longer than that? It's an arcade-style game that you are supposed to replay a lot. It might be a style of game that has fallen completely out of fashion, though. (It's also the reason I never was much into the Star Fox games.)

They haven't made a Star Fox game for consoles in forever. I don't think it's outrageous to expect the series to improve or modernize in all this time.
Another review thread, another thread where people try to disavow bad reviews by purely talking down about the person reviewing the game or the site it's reviewed on.
Wasn't shocking was it?

Although to be fair, you've played the game and have first hand experience, people that are discrediting bad reviews might end up having the same opinions like Those reviews, just haven't had a chance to realize it. Ironically


Sounds Souls-like. Count me in.

As a gigantic souls fan, I can say it's not souls like. It's just really lame design coupled with camera issues thanks to the gamepad.

The bird one?

Nah, that one's pretty inoffensive. It was the Gorilla and the Alternate route UFO thing. Any time the game wants you to fly toward a moving, shooting object while using the First Person mode to aim feels really, really bad.


Was Star Fox ever longer than that? It's an arcade-style game that you are supposed to replay a lot. It might be a style of game that has fallen completely out of fashion, though. (It's also the reason I never was much into the Star Fox games.)

i think the issue is that it feels or appears to be shallow, that there isnt much "depth" to it

not that i particularly agree with that sentiment but i think its a valid complaint tbh


Just played the first two levels. Controls are fine. I got used to them easily and I never played that much splatoon using gyro. Also it's balls to the wall cheesey fun. Just like starfox should be. That's one thing most reviewers don't seem to realise. It is mean to be like that. As for campaign length well yeah, it meant to be like a space opera film , a two to three hour rollercoaster ride of action and fun. Then you replay it to get high scores and alternate routes etc. It's starfox for fucks sake!
Also the music is damn epic. Borderline Wonderful 101 in epicness.
They haven't made a Star Fox game for consoles in forever. I don't think it's outrageous to expect the series to improve or modernize in all this time.
Where's the incentive though??? It's a known but very niche Nintendo IP. I'm actually surprised they made another one. Miyamoto was probably looking at a list of all unused IPs to see what game could use the Gamepad and this one rang a bell.


My biggest pet peeve is that the chatter from the creatures come out from the GamePad and not the TV...like wtf. I won't be buying it until I can hear the chatter from the TV.

Petty? Maybe. But it's what is stopping me from buying it.
I disagree that evolution means bloating. Some genres are more suited to short playtimes and replayability and that's perfectly fine.

There can be other aspects that add value. Being lenghtier also doesn't mean bloat. But rehashing two decade old concepts with shitty controls certainly isn't the way to keep modern standards. This should have at best been a downloadable title. If they do blatant rehashes with clearly no budget, then they should at least place them where they belong - alongside the likes of Pacman CE and others for a low price.
It's not that the Rail Shooter hasn't been done well recently

Has it? I'm sure I'm missing some stuff but here's a list of some high quality Star Fox-style rail shooters with their release dates.

Star Fox - 1993
Panzer Dragoon - 1995
Panzer Dragoon Zwei - 1996
Star Fox 64 - 1997
Rez - 2002
Panzer Dragoon Orta - 2003
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - 2010
Child of Eden - 2011
Kid Icarus 3DS - 2012

This particular sub-genre isn't exactly overflowing with new releases these days.


Where's the incentive though??? It's a known but very niche Nintendo IP. I'm actually surprised they made another one. Miyamoto was probably looking at a list of all unused IPs to see what game could use the Gamepad and this one rang a bell.

The SNES and N64 games sold gangbusters. It's really been the mismanagement of the IP and divisive hardware that's plagued the franchise.


A lot of people are talking about an "evolution" vs. a "return to form".

Honestly, they could have done either, but they ended up doing neither. The game is neither a great return to classic star fox nor a great step forward from what's been established. I think that had they done one or the other, I would have enjoyed it more. If it was a crazy departure that really owned up to what it was doing rather than clinging to the past, I would have been down as long as the design was good. If it was a straight remix of Star Fox 64 but with bigger levels, more challenge, and more straightforward rail shooting, I also could have gone for some of that.

Ultimately, what we got was kind of in-between. It's not a broken game, and I would certainly never call it a bad game, but just disappointing and largely mediocre.

Anyway, I'm sure to fall on the more negative side. Judging from the diverse reviews, I bet a lot of you will find this game to be a blast.


I respect the honesty really. Professional movie critics tell you when they walk out of movies, too. Life is too short for bad entertainment products.

fwiw, yeah, I'm fine with Gies telling me he didn't like it enough to finish it. I'd rather have honest and possibly weakly-substantiated criticism than grandstanding like "rail shooters aren't a thing in 2016".
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