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Star Fox Zero & Guard - Review Thread



Arthur Gies hated Star Fox Zero so much he didn't finish it so he can't give it a review score


How can he consider himself a game critic when he gets paid to write reviews and instead he doesn't finish 3 hours games? As bad as a game is (which I doubt this one is that bad) you owe it to your audience if you consider yourself a game journalist to finish and score the game.


After that awful Bayonetta 2 review, I've learned to never listen to Polygon.

I see that I'm still right with that.

A lot of polygon reviews are fine. I just specifically don't like Gies (who also wrote the Bayo 2 review) because he has a tendency for bombastic rhetoric and being overly nitpicky.


Too many people here getting buthurt and attacking reviews with low scores. We knew this was gonna be a divided game. people will hate or love the motion controls and the short campaign. Assault got universally shat on but I got it anyway and loved it. So don't necessarily take reviewers word to heart especially if its divided. If your interested try it if not then don't. This goes with any game.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
ITT: People can't handle the fact that different people have different opinions on games. Is it always like that in review threads? It's unbelievable...


I respect the honesty really. Professional movie critics tell you when they walk out of movies, too. Life is too short for bad entertainment products.
To be fair, life is also too short to be reading Arthur Gies articles.
ITT: People can't handle the fact that different people have different opinions on games. Is it always like that in review threads? It's unbelievable...
Yep, always like this.
Is there a reason they can't give the game to, you know, someone who CAN finish it?
It seems an odd thing in games journalism where someone is given a game despite if they like the genre or not.
It is why I cannot take game reviews fully to heart.

Just noticed that Famitsu gave it a 35/40 with Guard getting a 31/40, they are a strange lot.
Never forget FFXIII. I am still surprised that garbage scored so high with reviewers.
I think they get their point across without needing a score. They didn't like the game at all.

And that's totally fine--he can hate the game all he wants.

But I think a proper review should be done by someone who at least beat a game that's apparently barely 2 hours. We know the controls take a while to get used to, and he didn't even give them a chance. That's his prerogative, but it's a poor-ass review if it's meant to reflect the site


Why are people complaining about the campaign length? Binding of Isaac Rebirth might be my favorite game ever and its campaign is one hour long...and you replay it and get good at it and unlock more features until you've played it 150+ hours like I have.

Star Fox has always been about score attack and finding the perfect route to get the most points. It's like some of you have never played an arcade rail shooter before.
Just noticed that Famitsu gave it a 35/40 with Guard getting a 31/40, they are a strange lot.

I never really understood why Famitsu scores get any attention at all, though my opinion on them is colored on hearing that (I don't know if this applies now, or if it was true to begin with) you could essentially just buy a perfect score, so long as you weren't also advertising your game in the same issue.
A lot of polygon reviews are fine. I just specifically don't like Gies (who also wrote the Bayo 2 review) because he has a tendency for bombastic rhetoric and being overly nitpicky.

Oh, man, I hated that Bayo 2 review! I remember posting my opinion about it here and being crushed by some gaffers who thought I was really stupid. Good times :p

L Thammy

A lot of polygon reviews are fine. I just specifically don't like Gies (who also wrote the Bayo 2 review) because he has a tendency for bombastic rhetoric and being overly nitpicky.

The first time I heard of Athur Gies was when he claimed (I think this was on Twitter) that Ninja Gaiden 3 on Wii U suffers because Nintendo doesn't follow the standard created by Microsoft of having the A button on the bottom. That coloured my impressions quite a bit.
It's not that Star Fox Zero is hard, really. It's often bizarrely easy, until it suddenly isn't, in part because twitch shooting or action is so dependent on motion control with the GamePad. It is, to be blunt, a miserable experience, and the idea of playing more fills me with the kind of deep, existential dread I can't really justify. The game itself actually seems fairly short, but it has the standard Platinum complement of challenges within each mission, collectibles to find, and more to pad out its length. There's also a co-op mode that allows two players to share control of an Arwing, before, I assume, they commit intense physical violence against each other.

In many ways, Star Fox Zero actually feels like a launch title for the Wii U console, full of half-fleshed out ideas that don't quite stick. But the Wii U has been out for almost four years now, and I can't help but wonder what happened.

This isn't a review of Star Fox Zero. Save for very rare, extreme circumstances, Polygon reviews require that a game be completed, or at least a good faith effort be made to complete it.

I am not playing any more Star Fox Zero.

It is pretty fucking savage.


This fucking guy, a paragon of games journalism I'm sure.

Arthur Gies hated Star Fox Zero so much he didn't finish it so he can't give it a review score


Gies personifies to me, gutter level tabloid journalism in the gaming space. Hyperbolic nonsense. Sounds like he's too incompetent to a) write a decent review and b) handle the controls. He makes aiming with the gamepad sound like it's on the same level of difficulty as plotting the re-entry trajectory of the fucking space shuttle. Penis.


How can he consider himself a game critic when he gets paid to write reviews and instead he doesn't finish 3 hours games? As bad as a game is (which I doubt this one is that bad) you owe it to your audience if you consider yourself a game journalist to finish and score the game.

Gies sucks, but why does he have to score the game? He just let the audience know what he felt about it. Would him slapping a 2 or 3 on top of what he wrote there change anything?


Looks about where it was expected to land. Not a disaster, but pretty underwhelming. I'm really surprised by the comments about the disjointed nature of the game and how little momentum there is to the campaign... I was expecting this game's problem to be the awkward control scheme and the technical limits it brought, not the game design itself.
Seems like a huge waste of the opportunity to bring Starfox back. Even if it's not a bad game, this doesn't seem like it'll rejuvenate the series much. All they had to do was just make a 64 clone with new worlds to see and wii remote controls (failing that, TV-only gyro aiming) and this would have been great. The kind of faux-innovation we got here only seems to have made the game worse...

It's frustrating to me that this game was commandeered just to show off the gamepad, and in the end it only highlighted how useless and ineptly conceived the controller is and always has been. Tropical Freeze did the right thing by just blanking the screen out and not even attempting to wedge it in in any way (yes, Mario Maker is great. Gamepad is still pointless for most Wii U games).

The result is more a loose collection of segments than anything approaching a complete experience. It’s a tech demo for equipment long past its prime.
God dammit.



Obligatory. Hope i'm not late.

I feel like that image is not really relevant these days. I don't think anyone is saying this game is terrible. The reason why most games don't go below 6-7 is that most games are pretty good these days. If they weren't and most games were actually terrible and worthy of a 2-3/10, the industry would probably crash.
I think the worst review thread are those with universal acclaim, but that one review that gives it a 7/10.

Look at all these 10/10, but everyone ignored them and attacks the 7/10.

Anyways, Star Fox is where I guess it was at and hopefully people have fun with it. It's nice to see the return of a classic series.


I still want to try this one out regardless of the reviews. I may not pick it up immediately. Star Fox 64 is one of my favorite games. Never had replacement AAA batteries for the ol' Stone of Agony that came with it.


Why are people complaining about the campaign length? Binding of Isaac Rebirth might be my favorite game ever and its campaign is one hour long...and you replay it and get good at it and unlock more features until you've played it 150+ hours like I have.

Star Fox has always been about score attack and finding the perfect route to get the most points. It's like some of you have never played an arcade rail shooter before.

The experiences of playing Issac over and over and Star Fox over and over are nothing alike.


Gies sucks, but why does he have to score the game? He just let the audience know what he felt about it. Would him slapping a 2 or 3 on top of what he wrote there change anything?

Because the site reviews score games so why leave one out? And I was more talking about not finishing the game not about scoring it.


Whenever these threads pop up I occasionally check a few high/low reviews to see if some consistent patterns emerge. One comment that struck me was this:

"...it feels like the time for this type of game has come and gone."

This is such a odd notion to me. I think that ANY genre or type of game is valid. Sure, some genres may not be dominant anymore, but that doesn't mean their time has passed. I'd love more arcade racers like F-Zero and Extreme-G, or music games like Gitarro Man and Samba de Amigo, or oddball games like Super Monkey Ball and Chibo Robo. On rail shooters may not be prominent nowadays but if Rez or Ikaruga were released today would they somehow be lesser games? They're great examples of a certain genre and aren't somehow diminished because the current landscape doesn't focus on them. If anything, it makes them more special, not less.


How can he consider himself a game critic when he gets paid to write reviews and instead he doesn't finish 3 hours games? As bad as a game is (which I doubt this one is that bad) you owe it to your audience if you consider yourself a game journalist to finish and score the game.

Nah, "it's so bad that I couldn't finish it" is a valid opinion. He doesn't owe anyone anything.


This game is sounding great based on the reviews. The main thing people seem to be complaining about (being too much like SF64) is exactly what I've been asking for. I didn't have much trouble with motion controls in Splatoon so I doubt it'll be a hassle here either.


Yikes. I was expecting more 8s than 7s but looks like it was the opposite even with a few 6... I was thinking in getting this depending on reviews but I'm simply sick of motion based controls and judging from the reviews, the game seems more like Star Fox 64.5 rather than a brand new SF experience wich kinda sucks. Nintendo as always trying to rely on nostalgia and I'm also getting tired of that. Looks like I'm gonna pass on this one :( Besides. the game is $82 freaking dollars here in Mexico so nope.


Because the site reviews score games so why leave one out? And I was more talking about not finishing the game not about scoring it.
I thought people would be happier with not having a low review score tarnish the beauty of the metacritic average.



ITT: People can't handle the fact that different people have different opinions on games. Is it always like that in review threads? It's unbelievable...

Welcome to every review thread ever. Fanboys will do and say anything to invalidate negative review scores.
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