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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

It can still be a new story. I'm not saying they have to adapt the Thrawn trilogy, just make him the antagonist.

This trilogy is going to be based on a Michael Arndt treatment, right? I doubt him or the Abrams brains-trust have even heard of Thrawn. Hopefully, Kathleen Kennedy takes a page out of the Marvel play book and uses the best of the EU characters/archs in those spin-off movies they keep talking about.
This trilogy is going to be based on a Michael Arndt treatment, right? I doubt him or the Abrams brains-trust have even heard of Thrawn. Hopefully, Kathleen Kennedy takes a page out of the Marvel play book and uses the best of the EU characters/archs in those spin-off movies they keep talking about.

Yea they could easily adapt the Thrawn trilogy and change it around to fit the later setting and older cast. They could also change various aspects of it to make it new and unique without just copying the books. While I loved the Thrawn trilogy, I don't think it would make for a proper epic SW trilogy, but think it would work as a good foundation.


cumberbatch would be awesome, the only downside that he was already in star trek.

but I could easily see him as a jedi, sith, an officer or anything star wars related. I would probably enjoy him as a fallen jedi the most. although spoiler: into darkness
that would be too close to his star trek role, too
That's assuming a) the "actual" Lucas outline is worth anything, storywise and b) they feel like adhering to it even if it IS good.

Nobody on the production has contacted him since he handed over his stuff, according to Lucas, so it's entirely possible they aren't using much of his outline, if any. Or maybe they're using a couple stray ideas here and there.

Arndt only got the job to write Episode VII after he turned in a 40-50 page outline for the whole trilogy, correct? I remember that being the story that came out shortly after his announcement. Just based on that alone, I'm inclined to believe whatever this story is, it's more Arndt than Lucas, really. And once Kasdan & Abrams get involved, they're going to leave their mark on it. And I could see Abrams/Arndt looking to cherrypick any already existing ideas Disney owns. They're going to be reinventing/repurposing lots of the Star Wars universe anyway.

That said: It's really, really, REALLY improbable that Expanded Universe characters are going to make the jump

And yeah, the Cumberbatch thing is part of what I was referring to last week. It seems really on the nose, though. Like, REALLY on the nose.


Bleeding Cool have a rumour that Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast.


LOL, bring on the whole cast. Chris Pine, Zoe Saladana, Zech Quinto

It is a safe assumption that anything from Lucas will be viewed by Disney as better than the paid fan-fiction.

Possible, maybe even probable. It might also be possible his "outline" wasn't great. or detailed. or anything more than a loose pile of papers with disjointed ideas on them.

Again, I'm not suggesting they're going to start lifting plotlines from Timothy Zahn or whatever. I really don't think that's the case. But i'd give a sideways glance idea that Disney would handcuff themselves to something of Lucas' if it wasn't very well concieved. At which point, I can see Arndt/Kinberg/Kasdan/Abrams filling in their own blanks. And it's not as if Abrams isn't known for looking at what's available and repurposing it. That mmmiiiiiight mean a character or a concept from a pre-existing bit of publishing/merchandising.

It likely doesn't, though. I'm basically Devil's Advocating at this point.
Possible, maybe even probable. It might also be possible his "outline" wasn't great. or detailed. or anything more than a loose pile of papers with disjointed ideas on them.

Again, I'm not suggesting they're going to start lifting plotlines from Timothy Zahn or whatever. I really don't think that's the case. But i'd give a sideways glance idea that Disney would handcuff themselves to something of Lucas' if it wasn't very well concieved. At which point, I can see Arndt/Kinberg/Kasdan/Abrams filling in their own blanks. And it's not as if Abrams isn't known for looking at what's available and repurposing it. That mmmiiiiiight mean a character or a concept from a pre-existing bit of publishing/merchandising.

It likely doesn't, though. I'm basically Devil's Advocating at this point.

Didn't Disney say they want to do a Star Wars film every couple of years forever? Once this trilogy is done, Thrawn and co. might get their chance at being repurposed a la Guardians of the Galaxy.


Cabbagepatch overacted as if his life depended on it in Star Trek. He's pretty good in Sherlock tho. I dunno, I'm pretty indifferent to this rumor.


For all the hype, there really was nothing memorable about Cumberbatch in Star Trek. All of his cool lines were in the trailers. Actually, with the amount of trailers they released, I think all of his lines were in the trailers.


Could be interesting casting, as others have said I could see them doing Thawn or a Sith of some sort with him, more likely to be a a non-EU character though if it is based off of Lucas scripts.

Didn't Disney say they want to do a Star Wars film every couple of years forever? Once this trilogy is done, Thrawn and co. might get their chance at being repurposed a la Guardians of the Galaxy.

I thought it was that they wanted to do a film every year during the new trilogy, so we would get two side stories inbetween 7-8 and 8-9. But I haven't kept up with news so I could be very wrong.


Some bets:

  • son/daughter of Luke Skywalker will be the new Luke character
  • new Han Solo type character will be a converted ex-imperial, like Kyle Katarn from the JEDI KNIGHT series
  • there will be a Grand Admiral type character at the helm of the Imperial remnant forces.Probably not Thrawn but similar
  • there will be a hunt after some ancient Sith/Jedi artifact or lost secret fleet/ship as the new doomsday device
  • doomsday device might have to do with Ba-dam-dish The Emperor as Force Ghost
  • there will be a more modern female C3PO droid character that will have witty dialogue with R2D2/C3PO - cause you know: IT RHYMES.
  • No reason not to have R2D2 back, let's hope he doesn't have jet packs.
  • MillenniumFalcon will be back - with upgrades!
  • Before the adventure begins, there will be a sendoff ceremony by the old triumvirate Luke, Han and Leia to hand over the fire to the new trio
  • New hero trio will be 1x female, 2x male. Think Obi, Anakin and Leia. A disciplined one, a hot shot and a girl. Let's pray it will not try to emulate TWILIGHT

In summary, the whole thing will probably feel strangely familiar to anyone who has consumed Star Wars video games or EU in the last 20 years.
I really hope it will be more than rehashed fan service...i really, really hope so.


Han Solo is also Ex-imperial. He joined the Imperial academy at a young age and was a tie fighter pilot for like 6 months.

EU stories aren't canon.

Young Han was in the early drafts of Episode III and was on Kashyyyk, so it's possible he could show up in Rebels, but it probably won't have anything to do with the EU "young Imperial" origin.



Didn't every story arc, new character, character death, etc have to be approved by Lucas himself?

No. There were things there were off-limits for EU authors, and it changed once each movie came out.

Prior to Ep1 all Vader origin stuff, even relating to the suit, was off-limits. Zahn wanted the Nogri's faces to look like Vader's mask, but Lucas killed that for an example.

The only stuff that's 100% canon is what happens in the movies, and that trumps everything else.

You can call the books "C-Canon" if you like, but that's still not 100% official canon that trumps everything.

Before Episode VII was announced, Lucas said this:

“I’ve left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That’s because there isn’t any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn’t at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn’t come back to life, the Emperor doesn’t get cloned and Luke doesn’t get married…”
^rofl that same quote says no Ep VII.


Didn't every story arc, new character, backstory, character death, etc have to be approved by Lucas himself?

Most of it, yeah. He got lazy with it at some points, though. iirc, he didn't know
Chewbacca died
until the book came out and people raged.

Robbler fails to understand that the official Star Wars website canonized much of the EU when the person in charge of maintaining the canon developed the "Holocron". It is known that film canon trumps EU inconsistencies, but that the EU itself cannot be dismissed. For every quote of GL saying the EU doesn't count, there's a quote from some other LucasArts executive or George himself saying it does.

Once Disney starts putting out their Star Wars, we can expect much of the EU to be ret-conned.

Read here and here to see how back-and-forth this whole debacle has been:
According to that Hidalgo guy who works at Lucasfilm everything is canon unless the movie explicitly says otherwise and even when it does someone comes up with a retcon explanation.

Disney CEO is even quoted as saying they want to take advantage of the thousands of characters from the movies, books, comics, etc.

Robbler said:
Before Episode VII was announced, Lucas said this:

Lucas lies all the time. He is constantly contradicting himself when it comes to Star Wars. According to him there would "never be an episode 7-9" LMAO did you even read the quote he posted?

Also, it's pretty funny that he disses Dark Empire in that quote when he A)Approved the comic B)Put visual homages and references in the Prequels based on it and C)Has previously said it was one of his favorite EU products

Demon Ice

Before Episode VII was announced, Lucas said this:

So if that's the quote you're using to decide that the EU is not canon, then Episode 7 and beyond are also not canon?

Most of it, yeah. He got lazy with it at some points, though. iirc, he didn't know
Chewbacca died
until the book came out and people raged.

That's interesting because the author of that book said he originally wanted to kill off somebody even more meaningful, one of the main trio, but somebody at LucasArts (I guess not Lucas himself) said no, and they gave him a list of characters that were okay to kill off.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
EU stories aren't canon.

Young Han was in the early drafts of Episode III and was on Kashyyyk, so it's possible he could show up in Rebels, but it probably won't have anything to do with the EU "young Imperial" origin.
I thought Han being former Imperial was more canon than the usual EU... Wasn't it mentioned in that really early Han Solo book trilogy, or in one of the novelizations or something? If so it might imply that it was from Lucas' notes.
Don't be a dick.

You're right. That was uncalled for.

That's interesting because the author of that book said he originally wanted to kill off somebody even more meaningful, one of the main trio, but somebody at LucasArts (I guess not Lucas himself) said no, and they gave him a list of characters that were okay to kill off.

lol I would not be surprised if it did go by Lucas and he just forgot. At that point, they were transitioning into where they were about to let just about anything go (Karen Traviss...). I'm not surprised Chewbacca was on that list, though.


I love Pokken!
since we are talking about canon(again), is the clone wars TV show G-canon? Considering that a movie was made for it.
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