That's assuming a) the "actual" Lucas outline is worth anything, storywise and b) they feel like adhering to it even if it IS good.
Nobody on the production has contacted him since he handed over his stuff, according to Lucas, so it's entirely possible they aren't using much of his outline, if any. Or maybe they're using a couple stray ideas here and there.
Arndt only got the job to write Episode VII after he turned in a 40-50 page outline for the whole trilogy, correct? I remember that being the story that came out shortly after his announcement. Just based on that alone, I'm inclined to believe whatever this story is, it's more Arndt than Lucas, really. And once Kasdan & Abrams get involved, they're going to leave their mark on it. And I could see Abrams/Arndt looking to cherrypick any already existing ideas Disney owns. They're going to be reinventing/repurposing lots of the Star Wars universe anyway.
That said: It's really, really, REALLY improbable that Expanded Universe characters are going to make the jump
And yeah, the Cumberbatch thing is part of what I was referring to last week. It seems really on the nose, though. Like, REALLY on the nose.