Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So now any normie non-Force user can become a Force Ghost?
Well, coming back as a Force Ghost was a feat even for a Jedi. Now normie smugglers can do it.Some SW fan educate me, but wasn't bringing people back from the "dead" or healing them was some big thing and basically no Jedi has done it and only a rumor of a Sith doing it but probably a lie?
Wasn't that the what Palps used to turn vader, to teach him how to heal his wife? And we don't know if that story is even true.
And now both Rey and Kylo can do it? WTH? Is this in some comic or cartoon show or some shit. Why didn't Yoda revive some Jedi? Yoda is always protrayed as one of the wisest and greatest Jedi you telling me he can't force heal but Rey/Kylo can? Sounds like Palps is a real ahole he could of forced healed Anakin after he got all burnt up by Obi Wan. Instead sticks him in a crazy robotic suite.
*shrugs* The force?Some SW fan educate me, but wasn't bringing people back from the "dead" or healing them was some big thing and basically no Jedi has done it and only a rumor of a Sith doing it but probably a lie?
Wasn't that the what Palps used to turn vader, to teach him how to heal his wife? And we don't know if that story is even true.
And now both Rey and Kylo can do it? WTH? Is this in some comic or cartoon show or some shit. Why didn't Yoda revive some Jedi? Yoda is always protrayed as one of the wisest and greatest Jedi you telling me he can't force heal but Rey/Kylo can? Sounds like Palps is a real ahole he could of forced healed Anakin after he got all burnt up by Obi Wan. Instead sticks him in a crazy robotic suite.
Isn't this a mainstream news site? Because if so, ouch.
Kathleen Kennedy was asked about the difficulty in closing out the series...:“Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack,” she said. “There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels. We don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be.”
yes it was the crux of his entire fall. the power to stop death (heal) is what ultimately seduced him to the dark side.Wasn't that the what Palps used to turn vader, to teach him how to heal his wife?
Yep, it's so incredibly stupid she said that 'no source material' thing.That really is an amazing quote.
Look, this isn't like Marvel, we can't just ape characters and stories from existing content. It's not like we have an expanded universe of content to pull from or anything, literally all we have to work with here is a roomful of people chatting about where things could go and billions upon billions of dollars to hire more talent. Give us a break here.
Some SW fan educate me, but wasn't bringing people back from the "dead" or healing them was some big thing and basically no Jedi has done it and only a rumor of a Sith doing it but probably a lie?
Wasn't that the what Palps used to turn vader, to teach him how to heal his wife? And we don't know if that story is even true.
And now both Rey and Kylo can do it? WTH? Is this in some comic or cartoon show or some shit. Why didn't Yoda revive some Jedi? Yoda is always protrayed as one of the wisest and greatest Jedi you telling me he can't force heal but Rey/Kylo can? Sounds like Palps is a real ahole he could of forced healed Anakin after he got all burnt up by Obi Wan. Instead sticks him in a crazy robotic suite.
Yep, it's so incredibly stupid she said that 'no source material' thing.
lol right, but what gets me is the line about how all they have to work with is some writers. Yeah, no shit lady, that's where new writing comes from, and you have more resources than literally anyone else on the planet, so there is no excuse at all for releasing turds.
the original plan was a 10-12 and milking the franchise yearly.you know how i know the whole "End of the Skywalker Saga" stuff was pulled out of their ass?
cos if they had planned that from the beginning, they would have used it to sell every movie. you KNOW they would have marketed the hell out of it right from the start. if that truly was the goal of this trilogy,
why is that third movie the first time we're hearing of this? it's not like they have been gun shy about exploiting anything else. it's because it is a last minute marketing trick, not something they planned from the start. had that been the case we would have been hearing about the "Skywalker saga" and how important it is over the last 4-5 years. instead they have told us re: the old characters that "it isn't their story".
I agree that this stuff is all bullshit, but I also agree withLOL spiritual journey? acting like an entitled brat and spouting some poetry before killing people is a spiritual journey now?
um... this is "The End of the Skywalker Saga" why is the Skywalker name carrying on a good thing? that doesn't make any sense. more mixed messaging.
also how is she going to carry it on? start a Jedi academy? i already seen that movie 30 years ago.
again, i hate this! her parents died trying to protect her. what a terrible message.
(2) Darth Plagueis rumored unobtainable healing ability; a mystery for the entire saga; causes Anakin's fall; but now Rey and Ben can just do it like it's nothing. Even if you can say Sheev knew how to do it all along and is just trolling Anakin, still... Rey and Ben can just do it like it's nothing all of a sudden...
Anybody else notice that for all the semi-major new characters they’ve added since TFA, the good guys are all women and the bad guys are all men?
Rose Tico and Admiral Holdo vs whatever Benicio’s character’s name was
And now in this new movie we have Zori Bliss and Lando’s daughter vs General Pryde
Maybe I’m overthinking it.
We know Palpatine drains life force from people now, and he's somehow still alive. If they were smart, they would actually reference Plageuis, and say Palpatine finally figured it out, or knew it all along, but it requires you drain the life from someone else so it's a dark side power. He could even teach Kylo the power at the beginning of the movie when they meet.The more I think about it the funnier it is.
Imagine in Lord of the Rings that Frodo and Sam go all the way to Mount Doom to destroy the ring. The ring got Boromir killed. Got Denethor killed. This big and elaborate plan to destroy it. People giving up their lives. Sam and Frodo going to hell and back just to get the job done.
30 years later. The One Ring is back!
It's OK though lads May Rey Sue Baggins jumps on an eagle and flies over Mount Doom and drops it back in. No problem!
Bring out a new Jaws movie but the shark dies in the first 10 minutes by choking on a plastic bag.
New Rocky movie. Rocky doesn't bother training and wins all of his fights in the first round. Easy!
We know Palpatine drains life force from people now, and he's somehow still alive. If they were smart, they would actually reference Plageuis, and say Palpatine finally figured it out, or knew it all along, but it requires you drain the life from someone else so it's a dark side power. He could even teach Kylo the power at the beginning of the movie when they meet.
Then at the end, Kylo uses it but sacrifices himself, making it a light side version of the same power. And it would sorta bookend the 9 movies referencing the power Anakin looked for in the PT.
But they won't be smart enough to do that.
We know Palpatine drains life force from people now, and he's somehow still alive. If they were smart, they would actually reference Plageuis, and say Palpatine finally figured it out, or knew it all along, but it requires you drain the life from someone else so it's a dark side power. He could even teach Kylo the power at the beginning of the movie when they meet.
Then at the end, Kylo uses it but sacrifices himself, making it a light side version of the same power. And it would sorta bookend the 9 movies referencing the power Anakin looked for in the PT.
But they won't be smart enough to do that.
It's entirely intentional, from day one.
Yeah, that would have been so much better.No they definitely won't be smart enough.
I honestly believe that fans were 100% correct way back and Snoke was indeed going to be revealed as Darth Plageuis.
It was the most prominent theory simply because it's the most sensible and logical progression on this kind of story.
Plageuis was alive and waiting in the wings until Palpatine was dead.
With Palpatine gone he can come back and find a new apprentice (Ben Solo) and off we go.
For whatever stupid reason the creators of this garbage decided to take an aggressive and needlessly combative stance with the fans for these movies.
No, their Snoke theory didn't suck. The trilogy needed a new big villain and the Star Wars lore had one sitting there ready made.
The Plagueis book was published in January 2012 and Disney buys Star Wars that same year.
There is NO WAY they didn't at least check out this book when they were coming up with new stuff for the new movies.
I understand the annoyance. People who spend all their time trying to second-guess movies and shows are usually not nearly as smart as they think they are. To just throw the whole thing in the bin in favor of "hahaha Snoke is nobody" is so unbelievably petty.
Then the next director comes in and goes "actually Palpatine is still alive and has been behind the whole thing all along".
So you know something is going on behind the scenes there.
You can see JJ setting it up. This mysterious figure who appears as a freaking massive hologram and is training Kylo Ren to be a Sith.
Wonder what his back story is. Find out in the next episode.
RJ then just throws it all out. Nah, he just dies. No big deal. It's subversive.
The JJ comes back thinking "what the hell did you do to the big mystery Sith villain I was setting up". I guess we bring back Palpatine then.
Going immediately to Palpatine to give the series a "big bad" and even going so far as to just drop him into the teaser trailer so that the fans definitely know is just a really blatant and obvious rebuttal to what Johnson did with TLJ.
It's about as close as you could get without outright saying "this guy fucked it up and we are trying to fix it somehow".
I don't believe there was NO plan for the trilogy.
I believe that they saw criticism of TFA for "copying" ANH and as a result allowed Johnson to do whatever he wanted and "surprise" the audience.
Things like Leia in space are so "out there" I just can't believe that any sensible person would write that into a Star Wars film.
legends is more canon than the disney trilogy tbh.
Yeah, that would have been so much better.
I guess if JJ didn't want to bring back Palpatine, he could have had Snoke be still alive in RotS. Either option is far from ideal though. TLJ is such a dumpster fire.
legends is more canon than the disney trilogy tbh.
that was one of the few scenes i really enjoyed and thought was doing something genuinely new. kind of nuts it took 8 films to figure out "oh yeah a force pull in zero g would be useful". i totally get the criticisms of it tho. first and foremost due to the decision to not pursue her force journey from the start and make her a "General" (eyeroll here). given that she is a now a secret Jedi it makes all this make even less sense. like if she was a Jedi, or at least force curious, from the start, if they planned any of this shit out, it would be more coherent.Things like Leia in space are so "out there" I just can't believe that any sensible person would write that into a Star Wars film.
or Snoke was a puppet from a secret hereto unknown dark Sith from the unknown regions, major new villain drop, grumpy Luke was a for evil clone puppet and the real Luke is trapped in battle on a dark force planet, stay tuned for episodes X-XII. how hard was that? took me 2 minutes and im not even fully awake.I guess if JJ didn't want to bring back Palpatine, he could have had Snoke be still alive in RotS. Either option is far from ideal though. TLJ is such a dumpster fire.
And now you'll start to notice the same pattern everywhere.Anybody else notice that for all the semi-major new characters they’ve added since TFA, the good guys are all women and the bad guys are all men?
Rose Tico and Admiral Holdo vs whatever Benicio’s character’s name was
And now in this new movie we have Zori Bliss and Lando’s daughter vs General Pryde
Maybe I’m overthinking it.
Imagine you could have the likes of Timothy Zahn or Mike Stackpole who have been into writing much beloved Star Wars fiction for 30 years writing your sequels, but then decide to go with some slutty just out of college chicks, just because you want to annoy your fan base.
yes it was the crux of his entire fall. the power to stop death (heal) is what ultimately seduced him to the dark side.
here i guess Rey does Force Heal to Kylo and also a random space worm.
that was one of the few scenes i really enjoyed and thought was doing something genuinely new. kind of nuts it took 8 films to figure out "oh yeah a force pull in zero g would be useful". i totally get the criticisms of it tho. first and foremost due to the decision to not pursue her force journey from the start and make her a "General" (eyeroll here). given that she is a now a secret Jedi it makes all this make even less sense. like if she was a Jedi, or at least force curious, from the start, if they planned any of this shit out, it would be more coherent.
but IMO the scene failed mostly because of Rian constantly subverting expectations. she is on a ship, Kylo is going to kill her, then he does, then she gets blown out anyways, we think she is dead, then she wakes up, saves herself, yay, but then she is in a coma. all this happens in like 5 minutes, all these emotional turns keep overturning one another. it's like he is jerking the audience around. there is no time for any of these beats to land, he is so insistent about subverting what you expect. you end up expecting nothing to matter and for everything to be quickly retconned in favor of the next subversion.
Imagine you could have the likes of Timothy Zahn or Mike Stackpole who have been into writing much beloved Star Wars fiction for 30 years writing your sequels, but then decide to go with some slutty just out of college chicks, just because you want to annoy your fan base.
And then complain about your fan base being annoyed because the sequels you created are shit.
Imagine you could have the likes of Timothy Zahn or Mike Stackpole who have been into writing much beloved Star Wars fiction for 30 years writing your sequels, but then decide to go with some slutty just out of college chicks, just because you want to annoy your fan base.
And then complain about your fan base being annoyed because the sequels you created are shit.
Imagine you could have the likes of Timothy Zahn or Mike Stackpole who have been into writing much beloved Star Wars fiction for 30 years writing your sequels, but then decide to go with some slutty just out of college chicks, just because you want to annoy your fan base.
And then complain about your fan base being annoyed because the sequels you created are shit.
My dirty mind, soyboy :* .Where does the slutty part come from?
My dirty mind, soyboy :* .
That short blue hair really gets you going?
Are they going to explain how Emperor Palpatine convinced someone to have sex with him while in grotesque form in order for Rey Palpatine to be a thing?
Correct.But they won't be smart enough to do that.
Correct.Honestly I doubt they thought about it much beyond the fact that they needed a plot device so that Rey could heroically sacrifice herself to save the galaxy but also not die for real because come on she’s Rey not even the icy hand of death can hold yass queen back.
Yeah, he was backed into a corner. They tossed Snoke aside like nothing, leaving them with no villain for the finale. The idea of Snoke being Plagueis was so much better. But bringing back Palpatine for IX is better than inventing another new main villain for just one movie.Then the next director comes in and goes "actually Palpatine is still alive and has been behind the whole thing all along".
So you know something is going on behind the scenes there.
You can see JJ setting it up. This mysterious figure who appears as a freaking massive hologram and is training Kylo Ren to be a Sith.
Wonder what his back story is. Find out in the next episode.
RJ then just throws it all out. Nah, he just dies. No big deal. It's subversive.
The JJ comes back thinking "what the hell did you do to the big mystery Sith villain I was setting up". I guess we bring back Palpatine then.
Correct.legends is more canon than the disney trilogy tbh.
He probably "Force Created" her or some shit. Does the movie even explain how Palps came back?Are they going to explain how Emperor Palpatine convinced someone to have sex with him while in grotesque form in order for Rey Palpatine to be a thing?
The latest leaks indicate that it won't be explained, for what that's worth.He probably "Force Created" her or some shit. Does the movie even explain how Palps came back?