Seems that way. Nothing we've seen in trailers is inconsistent with the leaks. I guess this is what we will get, unless there's some insane fakeout planned.So the leaks were true, all of it
Seems that way. Nothing we've seen in trailers is inconsistent with the leaks. I guess this is what we will get, unless there's some insane fakeout planned.So the leaks were true, all of it
Just like people where calling an always on Xbox console with kinect in box a fake thingSeems that way. Nothing we've seen in trailers is inconsistent with the leaks. I guess this is what we will get, unless there's some insane fakeout planned.
i think there is also some of the mechanical arm that moves him around in this. LOL. it really is like a theme park now! animatronic Palpatine. they might as well put it in Galaxy's Edge.
this trailer feels like confirmation of most of the leaks, only it also looks so drab and uninspired on top of things. the Death Star fight in the water looks very muddy and not very interesting to me. the whole idea is very lackluster.
Rey being all mad all the time, I guess that means she is Palpatine's granddaughter, like the leaks say? so they are straight up going to give him the Skywalker legacy? make the reason for all her powers cos of her grandfather? Rey Random people will be so disappointed. so the force isn't available to anyone? to be really good u have to be related to the Senate? what kind of a retcon is that? sorry broom kid maybe Palps knocked up your mom maybe he didn't.
i dunno. maybe. thankfully, i don't care what they do, cos it sounds and looks like it's going to be stupid and uninspired hackery as usual.
more leaked images. guess this might be real?
reddit leaks said:Sideous then shoots lightning into the sky at Resistance ships.
more leaked images. guess this might be real?
That's what I'm saying. TLJ already killed this trilogy, so might as well have Sheev show up and do some serious trolling and cackling. UNLIMITED POWAHYep, gonna watch this for sure now. Was indifferent before, but now. I cannot miss this spectacle, shitshow or not.
Yeah that was a stupid ass claim. You gonna say everyone haTes the St because of rlm next??
more leaked images. guess this might be real?
jj has penis envy... everything is "bigger, more powerful and badder " than the original better movies he apes. Its really stupid what he has done to star trek and star wars.I'm out.... this is fucking retarded. Like the distastfully bad deragotory meaning for the word retarded not the early 1900's definition, I don't wish to insult mentally challenged individuals by associating them with this film in any way
So luke and leia will do a goku kameha on cell, sort of.
Pretty shitty end to a shitty handled franchise . I don't know why we need rogue one or solo. Those 2 films could have been better allocated to new world building but nope
Blame JJ all you want RJ fanbois, but imo the handlers of the new triology needs to be fired for wasting 2 films slot on nostalgia. And JJ had nothing to do with them.
But Rogue One was decent enough and the only good Star Wars that we've had from Disney.
Completely +1 on everything you wrote.But Rogue One was decent enough and the only good Star Wars that we've had from Disney.
It was actually a 'war' film, had cool cameos, dogfighting/star ship porn, and felt like it captured the spirit of the OT without completely ripping off the OT (like TFA)
Solo was def unecessary though.
Maybe they could have introduced a droid or alien in Rogue One that survived and could be used in later films for 'world building' but I actually really liked the fact that everyone died to sell the bleakness of the struggle of the Rebels.
Rogue One wasn't perfect but it was a decent movie and not a waste of time in my opinion.
I'd also argue that TFA and TLJ wasted more on nostalgia than Solo or Rogue One. Both Solo and Rogue One actually managed to feel different than other Star Wars movies where as TFA and TLJ reused so much old shit from the OT.
I actually agree with the top half of your list. I think the last Jedi is better than the phantom menace which is better than attack of the clones, but lets face it none of those 3 are great+1 to this.
I'm my humble opinion, Rogue One is the second best Star Wars film. From best to worst:
The Empire Strikes Back
Rogue One
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones
The Last Jedi
The Phantom Menace
Completely +1 on everything you wrote.
The only thing I hated on Rogue One was the "Vader"-Fanboy-Porn at the end, which felt unnecessary.
edit: My list:
The Empire Strikes Back
Rogue One
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
The Phantom Menace
Revenge of the Sith
The Last Jedi
Attack of the Clones
As much as I hate TLJ, AotC is simply one of the worst movies I have ever seen in a cinema.
Rogue One is alright when you don't think about it. the movie itself is incredibly stupid. why does Forrest Whitaker just stand there and let himself die? he's a Rebel extremist for years and now he's just going to stand and let himself get exploded?
why are the rebels trying to assassinate Galen after he's already completed the Death Star? wouldn't it make sense to capture him for info? ah, but Cassian is on a secret mission to kill him. then he decides not to, out of the... goodness of his heart? and then the rebels come in and bomb the place minutes later killing the guy anyways. just wtf was the plan for any of this?
it's a fine movie to sit and watch if you turn your brain off. but i think it's only rated because the other Disney films are so bad by comparison. RO tries it's best to not screw up the OT and succeeds, ironically, given it is the most direct ANH ripoff even more than TFA).
For me it just represents yet another wasted opportunity for a potentially great Star Wars movie.
They clearly understand the popularity of Darth Vader or they would not have him enter the movie in the last few minutes.
So why not just create a movie that is about Darth Vader hunting down the stolen plans?
Open with the plans being stolen and then work from there.
I think every Star Wars since RotJ has basically done this thing where they tease WAY more interesting stories and then deliver something that's a bit flat.
Revenge of the Sith. Let's put Vader on screen for about a minute at the very end. Why?
The Force Awakens. Luke is missing. Let's find Luke. What happened to Luke? Oh he's standing by a cliff? The End!
Solo. Here is a really slow and plodding and weightless movie. Hey, did you know Darth Maul is still around and is some kind of crime lord?
I can't be the only one who watched that closing scene of Rogue One and thought "hang on I want to see THIS movie".
oh i think they know. i'd say they are too aware tbh. artists should never prioritize the audience over the art. when you change your art to match what you think an audience will want to see, that is dumbing it down. you are no longer making art, you are making product, designed specifically for a market.Seems like the people running the show are completely clueless about what the fans actually want
i just started watching the show this year. the two episode arc with Anakin rescuing R2 where R2 is tortured for information and has to fight off an evil droid was 100x better than anything in the ST.I'm joking about the animated Clone Wars movie coming in ahead of 8.... maybe.... or am I?
The Clone Wars show is largely solid. Several really good arcs. But TCW movie (2008) is not very good. The show itself is largely much better.i just started watching the show this year. the two episode arc with Anakin rescuing R2 where R2 is tortured for information and has to fight off an evil droid was 100x better than anything in the ST.
So far all the leaked scenes look too blue. Death Star in ocean is blue. Palpating throne is blue. Animatronic emperor room is blue. Ice planet is blue. Like a holdover from the Teal and Orange trope.
One thing I liked about the old sets is they had little coloured lights and stuff. Can we get some eerie green lights on these walls here? It’s fantasy does it have to look so four? Everything has to look like Game of Thrones now.
interesting. PT was indeed very art deco, operatic, Metropolis & Flash Gordon, 1920s inspired. OT yeah was more about 60s genre cinema, Luke as sort of a hot headed kid a la American Graffiti, which had Han Solo racing cars instead of spaceships. as the PT referenced the dawn of serial films & pulp literature, the OT referenced the genre media of the 60s (sci fi/western/fantasy/monster movies). together the two trilogies explore the evolving aesthetics distinct periods in the history of genre cinema.They wanted clean modern design to keep the PT -> OT progression (1920s phone to 1960s phone) but the art is shit.
AOTC #1Going by personal favorites:
I don't consider the Disney stuff to be SW but if I did they would all rank behind ROTJ.
oh i think they know. i'd say they are too aware tbh. artists should never prioritize the audience over the art. when you change your art to match what you think an audience will want to see, that is dumbing it down. you are no longer making art, you are making product, designed specifically for a market.
the "problem" with Lucas in the PT was he didn't really care that much about audience expectations. yeah people likely wanted mean killer Vader for all 3 episodes, but that wasn't the story he wanted to tell, and the PT era had so much more to go into in addition to Vader's fall (Anakin's innocence, Obi Wan's adventures, rise of the Empire, rise of Palpatine). more and more I respect Lucas's decisions to go with his guts and ignore the criticism. in the long run it will pay off.
the new guys, i'd say they are entirely too concerned with fan expectations. JJ quite obviously, just throwing references non-stop at people. RJ was entirely too concerned as well, and it ruined his movie, when he could have just done something new, rather than address fan expectations. from JJ's recent comments, it sounds like he is second guessing his own second guesses and trying to let the fans decide the plot. IMO this is the worst way to write any media. a creator needs to have their own vision. leaning on the audience's is not a way to create anything new.
Don't talk shit, people hated the prequels before the Internet was even mainstream.Most prequel hate is because of RLM, which created a cottage industry on YouTube of hating on the prequels. It was $$$ to hate on them.
Now ATOC is still shit with horrible CGI, but Phantom Menace and Sith aren't that bad. All though Phantom Menace would of been a lot better with no Jake Lloyd, making Anakin more Lukes age. Also would of saved us from Hayden since Anakin would of been cast earlier.
The prequels came out at the perfect time for complaining. The internet was just taking off and people were looking for content. It gave an outlet for nitpickers to complain about the smallest things and you had a bunch of manbabies who grew up with Star Wars able to vent online.
Here we go, Rey is so great they had to resurrect Palpatine, so they can have her kill him all over again,
Is Kathleen Kennedy the biggest c*nt in Hollywood, or what? Asking for a friend...
Wait, Palps looks exactly the same?!
I thought that after he was thrown down that giant shaft and exploded like a nuclear bomb, he would at least have taken a little surface damage.
Like maybe get a bit creative with his design rather than rolling out the same old thing?
Fucking hell.
I hope he 'transfers his essence' into Rey's body at the end of the movie and, after she absorbs his dark side load, she transitions from a woman to a wrinkly old man with saggy breasts.
Go on Disney, go full woke and stick some transgender issues in this please.
Think of the children.