the one thing im wondering is, why leak Palpatine before the movie? they could have had it be a massive twist instead if they kept it a secret. were they worried about JJ lying about him not being in it, and the backlash that would have, trying to avoid another Khan situation? were they worried about the backlash from the dumb idea of bringing back the Emperor itself, and decided to prep the audience beforehand through leaks? i wonder...I'm so glad al this spolier shit leaked. they deserve to have this piece of shit ruined, as they ruined it for everyone else.
the one thing im wondering is, why leak Palpatine before the movie? they could have had it be a massive twist instead if they kept it a secret. were they worried about JJ lying about him not being in it, and the backlash that would have, trying to avoid another Khan situation? were they worried about the backlash from the dumb idea of bringing back the Emperor itself, and decided to prep the audience beforehand through leaks? i wonder...
ST has a lot of audience manipulation going on. the way trailers are cut, how mysteries are dropped, how events are played out, how characters are delayed (waiting til the last minute to reveal Luke, Emperor) for maximum value, how expectations are setup ("You think I'm going to walk out with a laser sword..."), etc. one thing that is most frustrating is that time and time again they fail to deliver on their own setups.
clearly this is part of a strategy, to let us know ahead of time. i do wonder what the reaction would be if nobody knew Palp was coming back going into this. seems at some point they decided it was too risky to let the audience find out in ROTS, better drop hints before the film comes out. whether this is a good strat or not remains to be seen.
personally it proved to me they had zero new ideas and there is no reason to see this.
“They” are already in control here as well.The leaked images are no longer allowed to be posted on the reddit page called "Star Wars Leaks".........
Does Disney have control over the entire internet? How long until they are after this place?
because they know that sycophants will write the story for JJ. already people are excusing poor Kylo for having nothing to do with the Hosnian Prime destruction, despite being a commander on a star destroyer literally watching it happen and trying to kill the people who are trying to stop it. look at Reylo being a non-ironic thing at all. people will do any twists in their minds to make the preferred ending make sense.How the hell they will redeem Kilo with a blue light saber without killing him darth vader like in ROTJ?
because they know that sycophants will write the story for JJ. already people are excusing poor Kylo for having nothing to do with the Hosnian Prime destruction, despite being a commander on a star destroyer literally watching it happen and trying to kill the people who are trying to stop it. look at Reylo being a non-ironic thing at all. people will do any twists in their minds to make the preferred ending make sense.
feel like this could be one reason for all the early leaks. give the Cheebos of the world time to figure out their arguments in advance as to why doing all this dumb shit is actually ok. get ready for a lot of attacks on the OT once this comes out, in order to make ROTS make sense. ROTJ about to get shit on endlessly by Di$ fanboys.
also, RJ has stated that Vader was way worse, so the filmmakers themselves have a dumb view of their characters, and will continue to. they are simply repeating the OT, so this is what the OT did. justifying it will be left to the comic books/novel tie ins.
/r/StarWarsLeaks is weak. The vast majority of what is posted there isn't actually a "leak", and it's not always easy to sort through the bullshit to find "actual" leaks and spoilers on there.The leaked images are no longer allowed to be posted on the reddit page called "Star Wars Leaks".........
Does Disney have control over the entire internet? How long until they are after this place?
what do you mean by this? are there other leak sources saying the film is otherwise? id be interested to hear of them.The vast majority of what is posted there isn't actually a "leak"
ive updated the original post to include leaked images that have been scrubbed from reddit. also there is the leaker response to the trailer.
some other updates from recent days:
- new comic book is out about Kylo Ren, suggests the crucial event at the heart of the backstory, School Shooter Ben, which occurred largely offscreen and was poorly described in TLJ through a 5 minute sequence told 3 different ways, didn't go the way people imagine it would (of course). there was always the question of what happened to Luke's other students, who TFA suggested were killed, or that "he took half with him", suggesting maybe they were the Knights of Ren. now this comic book confirms they were not the KOR, the KOR are some random other guys. furthermore it might be that Kylo was actually fighting in self defense (???) and that in reality it was the students who thought Luke was dead (apparently being a Jedi has now nothing to do with being able to tell if people are alive or dead) trying to kill him which drove him to the dark side, which, LOL, now we are retcon ruining characters we thought had died tragically just two movies ago, great job.
- another book is being released that has Han Solo pawning off Luke's medal for blowing up the Death Star for drinking money. him being an alcoholic isn't in any of the movies but i guess this is canon now that any jackass writing a comic is creating official canon. got to make him seem like a piece of shit to justify your uwu Bendemption. poor widdle baby nofing is his fawlt.
as long as it is used to support their agenda they will buy anything. look at TLJ. a film full of idiotic characters doing dumb things, all of which is overlooked because it supports a feminist agenda. more and more I believe that RJ got so much leeway from KK due to this, that it is something they both agree on. this is why she liked his script so much and signed off on his own trilogy. they have decided the ST needs to aim to a female market and place females at the center of everything, and he is more than accommodating to this aim.Won't even the wokenatti audience who these movies are made for question wtf Palpatine is doing in the film? He was dropped down a mile lone vent shaft, and if that somehow didn't kill him, the death star blowing up certainly did... It's like Dragonball Z now or something.
personally i see nothing inherently wrong w feminism and am open to arguments in favor of justice but the more i look at the ST, and TLJ specifically, the more it seems like a purposeful agenda driven film. time and time again the relationships between men and women in this film are never normal. there is not a single stable, respectful, realistic relationship between two members of the opposite sex, everything is framed in a combative way. moreover the character all act unrealistically given the supposed seriousness of the situation. Laura Dern's character has this weird, smarmy, needlessly aggressive tone to her. it is like Rian wanted to show off how feminist he was with these characters.Rey Skywalker makes sense.
She is taking the Skywalker name from the patriarchy. It was steeped in toxic masculinity. You can't have the Galaxy knowing the Skywalker name because of what some MAN did. And a WHYTE MAN to boot.
Now the galaxy will think of female and WOMANZ power when they hear Skywalker. Rey did what not even Luke or Anakin 2 smelly men could do, she killed the ultimate PATRIARCH Donald Trump, er I mean Palpatine.
what do you mean by this? are there other leak sources saying the film is otherwise? id be interested to hear of them.
Hopefully if Han is there to forgive him Leia is there as well. Then again she did tell Luke he was too far gone didn’t she? Would be very shitty for Han to show up and redeem him and Leia just not be there.
Austin Film Fest: Lawrence Kasdan on sequels, Solo, and why he's done with Star Wars
Speaking at the Austin Film Festival, longtime Star Wars scribe Lawrence Kasdan explained why he's walked away from the
Lawrence Kasdan, writer on the Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens, and Solo, is done with working on the series. they sent people to his house with a new script and he turned them down. also he says they "Blew it" with Solo.
I would suggest you listen to the radio drama of Episode IV, it gives you an extra hour of content about stuff that happened before Tantive IV got captured. Really good stuff.That's why I stick to to the original six films and nothing else. All the other stuff, including Clone Wars and Rebels, just doesnt fit.
If the leaks about conveniently having R2, 3PO, Lando, Leia, and Chewie all huddled in the Falcon when it gets blown up turn out to be true, there will be riots. It's like "which classic characters are still alive? ...gotta take care of that all at once!". And while I don't much like the idea of Rey hearing some dead Jedi voices, which gives her the power to deflect the Emperor's lightning back at him and kill him... taking it a step further and having Rey use lightning to cripple an entire fleep up in orbit? I will literally burst out laughing in the theater. I have my tickets for opening night because I am a masochist, but the one good thing about these leaks and spoilers is that they have my expectations set about as low as they can possibly go.I refuse to watch it honestly and that’s because of the spoilers.
killing Chewbacca would make me yell out “I can’t believe I paid for this shit” and walk out anyway. No one wants to see their dog die. Assholes, complete fucking clueless assholes. Fuck Disney and their cookie cutter, soulless and completely unoriginal Marvel garbage. They’re literally the modern day Empire and we all just seem to be okay with it and want more? Wake up!
I used to adore Star Wars up Until Disney Wars. Rogue One I enjoyed quite a bit and I’m sure Filoni and Favreau are doing their best to save Star Wars with Mandolarian but the sequel trilogy is a ducking abomination that makes me appreciate the prequels more so than I already kinda did.
It does not please me to see everything I loved about Star Wars literally fucking murdered in front of me.
Second time ever I’m not going to see a Star Wars movie in theatres. First was Solo (which was better tha 7 and 8) but no fucking way will I pay for this. Not happening.
why George? Why!!!????
About 15 years ago when I used to go on sites like and on a daily basis I remember there being a review of a script leak of the movie The Village. It was so god damn goofy that it went from being a "I don't give a shit about this movie" to "This is so dumb I need to see if that leak was for real".
It was real (other than the rumored final line of the movie)
These Ep9 leaks have taken it to "This is so dumb I need to see if it's true" territory. If they're true, then wow this movie sounds bad, interesting bad.
What do you guys think it will do in the box office? I'm thinking slightly less than TLJ.
killing Chewbacca would make me yell out “I can’t believe I paid for this shit” and walk out anyway. No one wants to see their dog die. Assholes, complete fucking clueless assholes. Fuck Disney and their cookie cutter, soulless and completely unoriginal Marvel garbage. They’re literally the modern day Empire and we all just seem to be okay with it and want more? Wake up!
Those combined with this seem like a little... much: of interesting post from MakingStarWars, admitting JJ was leaning either Palpatine or “nobody” and that there was no plan. Given how extreme those two positions are, it seems pretty obvious there was no plan. The fact Jason keeps leaning on “no plan in the OT either!” is telling.
What did Luke and Leia know about Rey and what will the Rise of Skywalker tell us? | Making Star Wars
Spoilers from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! Do not share the contents of this article open on social media. Make it up as you go Since the sequel trilogy began, we Star Wars fans have all been a bit on edge trying to discover what the big conspiracy is. Is there even a conspiracy …
The idea that “nobody” and “granddaughter of the Emperor” were both acceptable outcomes is just LOL
Also apparently Snoke was a clone. There are barrels of Snoke clones just sitting around LOL
Exclusive: How Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker answers the final mystery of Snoke! | Making Star Wars
DO NOT OPENLY DISCUSS THE CONTENTS OF THIS ARTICLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! SPOILERS! A new beginning Sometime ago, I reported on the original opening of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. That information was correct at the time I reported it. However, that sequence has now been moved to the
I have opening night tickets but I've already told my kids (who I haven't spoiled) that I'm prepared to walk out if this actually is in the fucking film.
Not a chance in hell that Disney kill Lando. A non-binary black man. Imagine the backlash.
One would hope. You'd think at the end of the day they want money. And that particular choice would cost them a lot of money. Too much smoke for there not to be fire, but yeah, probably was in an earlier script or earlier cut... I'd be pretty surprised if something like that made/makes it info the final cut.I think the rumor is fake or will be edited out of the movie because JJ can't be that stupid.
yeah it is weird to keep seeing this myth spread around. no less by this insider. makes me think he is really connected, since pretty much every time he drops a leak, he seems to try and justify it. it reads like he gets a little info about the plot, then he does all the headcanon explaining and includes that in every drop. he sounds like a guy trying to will this thing into making sense.And no, Jason from MSW.. this trilogy not having a planned framework isn't the same thing as the OT not having a planned framework.