Some random impressions and opinions of the game after a week or so, played a few different characters, my highest is a Lv14 Jedi Shadow. I haven't done PvP. If you're going to get offended at my opinions that are negative, I recommend you don't read this.. I know people want this game to succeed, I'm one of them. I'm not trying to bash the game.
-First of all the graphics are better than I expected, but that's not saying much. I play on max settings for the beta, and we're talking slightly below ME1 PC Max settings quality here. Will they release an Ultra texture pack? who knows. Big areas but they are pretty bland looking so far.
-Voiceovers are typical Bioware quality, outstanding. Story is not too engrossing yet imo. (Jedi Consular) They want you to care about certain characters you've JUST MET. Good/evil/neutral answers as usual.
-Music, sounds, (enemy death is amusing), blasters, all sound great. Lightsabers sound perfect, from drawing them, closing them, idling and striking something it sounds perfect. I noticed my double bladed Shadow's saber sounded different from my single bladed one. I'm a sound geek so I love the special attention to this. Music/Sounds/Voiceovers are the best parts of this game I've experienced so far.
-Enemies just standing around in packs waiting to get killed.. Animations (Jedi are the most polished), droids don't break into lego pieces like the movies, (sadface) using the same animations as PC's (dodging, sword fighting). Enemies are just standing around firing at you, not running for cover, and using the same animations. I tried playing a BH but the animations just look silly and out of place to me. The flamethrower, the firing in place, the running, the SHORYUKEN... just seemed off.
-Quest items are global, will be a nightmare in release unless there's a few channels or not global. Same for quest mobs. Competing for quest mobs or items with just ONE other player right now = 3 min. respawn time for that item/mob on average. Retail will be ridiculous.
-Skin tight space suits everywhere, 4 body types, skinny/normal/thicker/huge. No sliders at all on char create. Everything with 2 legs uses the same animations, why are flesh raiders and random thugs using trainer Jedi blades and doing the same battle moves as my trained Jedi?
-Lightsabers sold in stores........
Will things improve from here? Of course. But as it stands right now:
SW geeks will eat this up
People tired of WoW but want more of the same will eat this up.
People looking for "something new" or "the next thing in MMO evolution" are looking at the wrong game I think. It's still beta, what do I know? /flameon