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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Releasing Date: Dec 20 NA/EU - NDA Lifted]

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Morn said:
They've already said there won't be an open beta.

Did they at least state people who signed up to get into the beta, WILL get into this last month before launch?

I don't understand WTF is the point of not letting people in to sway them to a purchase. Maybe they aren't that confident in their product.

Whatever, I'm done sweating it. If I get in, great. If not, their loss because I won't be buying without hands on time first.


zlatko said:
Did they at least state people who signed up to get into the beta, WILL get into this last month before launch?

I don't understand WTF is the point of not letting people in to sway them to a purchase. Maybe they aren't that confident in their product.

Whatever, I'm done sweating it. If I get in, great. If not, their loss because I won't be buying without hands on time first.
Its polished and ready for release. I don't think that is what they are worried about.


gatti-man said:
Thats really not true. I think wow is pretty bad and I love this game. Well yes it is true since they play semi similar however I think if you dont like wow you could really like TOR as well.

Vague impressions. I really like this game. In the beginning it was meh but as I grouped and started getting into the plot I found it to be very enjoyable. The level of choice to me isnt gimmicky and keeps things fresh so far. Ive logged around 7 hours.

I have to say my favorite thing is the combat. Some parts are just delicious. Leagues beyond wow for me in this department.

See people..was that too hard? Thanks for what you said above.

And for those worried about NDA...just say "a friend of a friend said.....". You'll be fine...of course I am not in Beta so I can easily say just fucking spill your guts...but hey it is info from a friend that knows a friend that knows some dude so it is all good.


zlatko said:
Did they at least state people who signed up to get into the beta, WILL get into this last month before launch?

I don't understand WTF is the point of not letting people in to sway them to a purchase. Maybe they aren't that confident in their product.

Whatever, I'm done sweating it. If I get in, great. If not, their loss because I won't be buying without hands on time first.

It'll be months later for free trials to go into effect. So you have a bit of a wait if you don't get into weekend betas.


gatti-man said:
Thats really not true. I think wow is pretty bad and I love this game. Well yes it is true since they play semi similar however I think if you dont like wow you could really like TOR as well.
I have to say my favorite thing is the combat. Some parts are just delicious. Leagues beyond wow for me in this department.

I couldn't agree less.

You could like wow and like this, but you could also hate wow and be bored of this once the novelty of voice acting wears off. Nothing is too functionally different (not that that's necessarily a bad thing) but when you've played years of wow it's nothing too new, from what has been released to the public~


Got like 10 minutes of hands on with this. Very cool, but do the enemies get tougher? Level 11 Inquisitor + companion were dropping 3 enemies in like 12 seconds. Need some challenge!


Neverfade said:
Got like 10 minutes of hands on with this. Very cool, but do the enemies get tougher? Level 11 Inquisitor + companion were dropping 3 enemies in like 12 seconds. Need some challenge!

This is where a lot of my interest will hang I don't want another modern WoW where the hardest part of the game, pre-raiding, is filling in your account information.


Neverfade said:
Got like 10 minutes of hands on with this. Very cool, but do the enemies get tougher? Level 11 Inquisitor + companion were dropping 3 enemies in like 12 seconds. Need some challenge!
From what I hear, it doesn't. Some mobs seem to hit like a truck when they shouldn't and others barely that hard. If you were playing a class that has even some semblance of a self heal, it's even easier because of mitigating downtime. However most classes don't even need that.

Or so I'm told~


Neverfade said:
Got like 10 minutes of hands on with this. Very cool, but do the enemies get tougher? Level 11 Inquisitor + companion were dropping 3 enemies in like 12 seconds. Need some challenge!

Yea it can be, but mobs for the most part are relatively easy.


It depends on the mob. Some are meant to be easy because they are labeled weak mobs, but they are usually in packs. Some are very hard.


Gvaz said:
I couldn't agree less.

You could like wow and like this, but you could also hate wow and be bored of this once the novelty of voice acting wears off. Nothing is too functionally different (not that that's necessarily a bad thing) but when you've played years of wow it's nothing too new, from what has been released to the public~
Well good thing I have played years of wow. The gameplay is visually very different. Impact is done FAR better.

You make it sound like its wow reskinned when it really isn't. There are many features that separate it and give it its own feel.


So, my friend texted me a picture of his beta invite yesterday. He's spent all day messaging me on Steam whenever he finds something else that is awesome with this game.

Feels bad man. :-(


Cyrillus said:
So, my friend texted me a picture of his beta invite yesterday. He's spent all day messaging me on Steam whenever he finds something else that is awesome with this game.

Feels bad man. :-(
Yeah my buddy called me up today asking if I wanted to go hang out with some friends. When I said sure he went oh wait nevermind I need to play The Old Republic some more. Never have I wanted to commit murder and theft as much as then


antonz said:
Yeah my buddy called me up today asking if I wanted to go hang out with some friends. When I said sure he went oh wait nevermind I need to play The Old Republic some more. Never have I wanted to commit murder and theft as much as then

Just made myself stop. Put in 9 hours today with a break to go to the gym.


antonz said:
Yeah my buddy called me up today asking if I wanted to go hang out with some friends. When I said sure he went oh wait nevermind I need to play The Old Republic some more. Never have I wanted to commit murder and theft as much as then
I would recommend hiring this guy, but he specifically states he will not perform the legendary murdersteal.


I don't think this game will be polished enough in time for November/December release. IMO, should be pushed into 2012, let WoW patch their garbage this winter season and get SWTOR for spring release.

edit: I actually haven't touched beta for 3 weeks. Patching now and continuing the grind.

Jarmel said:
I have a feeling alot of you guys are going to be letdown once you spend some quality time with the game.

It should be a good refreshing substitute for burnt out WoW players and good for new MMORPG players; especially SWG shutting down/shut down.


Jarmel said:
I have a feeling alot of you guys are going to be letdown once you spend some quality time with the game.

I've spend 3 weeks of quality time and nope. Not everyone is going to love it obviously, same could be said about any game, but a lot of people who are KOTOR fans or Bioware fans in general are going to love it.


BattleMonkey said:
You really have it out for this game.

Because it's really nothing special for the most part. The combat is good but everything else does wear down pretty quickly. It just doesn't have the impact of KOTOR.
Jarmel said:
Because it's really nothing special for the most part. The combat is good but everything else does wear down pretty quickly. It just doesn't have the impact of KOTOR.

If you go in expecting KOTOR 3 perhaps. The game was always going to be hindered in that aspect because it is just a MMO.


BattleMonkey said:
If you go in expecting KOTOR 3 perhaps. The game was always going to be hindered in that aspect because it is just a MMO.

It feels very much like a MMO with a KOTOR skin. Nothing so far has had the impact of Taris burning in KOTOR 1(currently on Nar Sha). Storywise for me so far it's been an absolute bust but I know I'm not that far into the Jedi Knight class story.


Gold Member
Jarmel said:
Nothing so far has had the impact of Taris burning in KOTOR 1(currently on Nar Sha).
Heh. What's funny is that, that moment had about the same impact to me as when Tarkin blew up Alderaan, i.e. I didn't really care.


BattleMonkey said:
Well that is what it is....

Yes but it's sure as hell not KOTOR 3-10.

Parn said:
Heh. What's funny is that, that moment had about the same impact to me as when Tarkin blew up Alderaan, i.e. I didn't really care.

I agree I really didn't care either which is the problem. I was pretty apathetic to that scene and nothing has even come close to that.

The problem is consequence and the storyline essentially has none so far. Companions can't leave and you can buy their approval with gifts so who cares on that front. Nothing planetwide is going to happen because it would affect how you and other players could interact. For example on Taris, the Governor comments that your actions should reduce the rakghoul population and yet there is no visible change.

There's no bite to it.
Jarmel said:
Yes but it's sure as hell not KOTOR 3-10.

They were talking about the amount of game content and story based on how much they wrote and recorded. Pretty much everyone knew this, why their was such an uproar about the game being a MMO and not a SP game.


All these complaints and I'm still pumped. I guess being a casual for MMOs has it's benefits!

Parn said:
Heh. What's funny is that, that moment had about the same impact to me as when Tarkin blew up Alderaan, i.e. I didn't really care.
The first time I saw Alderaan I was too young to understand (been watching SW since it hit VHS, and I was just a baby). So, I never had that surprise moment. Watching Taris go actually helped put Alderaan into perspective for me.


BattleMonkey said:
They were talking about the amount of game content and story based on how much they wrote and recorded. Pretty much everyone knew this, why their was such an uproar about the game being a MMO and not a SP game.

Even then that's bullshit as alot of the stuff is going to be redundant for alts. I almost don't wait to play a different Republic class for launch because 80% of the stuff is going to be the same. The class exclusive stuff is pretty minute compared to the rest of the quests.
I was glad to see Taris leveled, because I hated that city and how boring it was. Game got so much better when it was over.

Jarmel said:
Even then that's bullshit as alot of the stuff is going to be redundant for alts. The class exclusive stuff is pretty minute compared to the rest of the quests.

And this is different from any other mmo how? This game at least has unique class quests and characters, while all other mmo have you repeat the same things over and over with no change at all. Really this game is more alt friendly compared to other mmos. Each class has its own story quests, two factions, and all have five unique companions with their own stories.


I planned to try and stay neutral, but doing so is pointless as there doesn't seem to be any special gear for those who don't go extreme light/dark (contradicting what they said early on in interviews).

However, I don't care because I didn't realize how much fun it was to be a total asshole to annoying MMORPG NPCs. I try and keep it professional though, I'm a bounty hunter after all.


BattleMonkey said:
I was glad to see Taris leveled, because I hated that city and how boring it was. Game got so much better when it was over.

I can't even explain with words how much better the game gets after Taris. It's like you're playing some mediocre, half-baked game and all of a sudden BAM it gets absolutely amazing all within 20 minutes.
Mupod said:
I planned to try and stay neutral, but doing so is pointless as there doesn't seem to be any special gear for those who don't go extreme light/dark (contradicting what they said early on in interviews).

However, I don't care because I didn't realize how much fun it was to be a total asshole to annoying MMORPG NPCs. I try and keep it professional though, I'm a bounty hunter after all.

I think the light/dark side gear is only for high lvl players from what I read.


BattleMonkey said:
And this is different from any other mmo how? This game at least has unique class quests and characters, while all other mmo have you repeat the same things over and over with no change at all. Really this game is more alt friendly compared to other mmos. Each class has its own story quests, two factions, and all have five unique companions with their own stories.

Exactly. It doesn't do enough to separate it from other MMOs. I'm sure if people go in expecting a reskinned WoW with a better storyline, they'll get it. However I'm seeing nothing else.

Oh and space combat is the worst.

Morn said:
No there is gear that requires Light or Dark as early as level 10 or so.



Just got in.

Not exactly sure what to expect. The typical MMO mechanics with a Star Wars skin or something different?


It borrows a lot from WoW, no denying that. But WoW borrowed a lot from EQ etc, and most of the stuff TOR steals are logical things.

The combat reminds me more of City of Heroes though. Minus the flight and superspeed.

And, honestly, I'm really enjoying the storyline and presentation. The one flashpoint I did was really cool, although sitting through that dialogue again might be tiresome.


Sure, TOR takes all the good things but it then goes on to not have the polish of everything else that's been released so far.

It's a bunch of good ideas not completely realized and implemented in the best way.


Gvaz said:
Sure, TOR takes all the good things but it then goes on to not have the polish of everything else that's been released so far.

It's a bunch of good ideas not completely realized and implemented in the best way.

So you're saying it's unpolished and has poor execution in its design?


Well, that doesn't sound reassuring. Let's say that I'm burned out on WOW, is it worth it to download the 30+gig for something that doesn't sound good from the start?


DTKT said:
Well, that doesn't sound reassuring. Let's say that I'm burned out on WOW, is it worth it to download the 30+gig for something that doesn't sound good from the start?

Why don't you play and form your own opinion?
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