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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Godamn, I want to play.

Love marathons on a Saturday morning when nothing is happening. Bah, if the servers were down, at least it could go down in the evening when I'd be watching hockey instead.
GregLombardi said:
Reallllly really bad timing for them to go down too.

If they can't handle like 15000 peeps how are they going to handle 10 million?:lol

Thats the point of a beta to fix kinks.. and to just randomly assume its down due to the amount of users is stupid.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So here's a few replays from last night.


Mint (T) / BaginaPunch (Z) vs Zealous (Z) / Panda (P)
Twilight Fortress ~ 40 minutes

Highlight: Panda goes horribly wrong by blocking my zerglings with his sentries just before storming them to death. =P


Demi (T) / Haly (P) vs Zealous (P) / Moofaa (P)
Kulas Ravine ~ 11 minutes

Moofaa and I go crazy, decide to do a double proxy rush. It works!


Demi (T) / Zealous (T) vs Moofaa (P) / Panda (P)
Kulas Ravine ~ 27 minutes

Demi and I try to tech air, Mass Vikings and Mass Banshees. It doesn't work.


Mila, Panda, azn, do you want to share your ingame names? I couldn't seem to find anyone I really knew in the online thread. I'm gafbliz.gafbliz if you just want to add me.

Or you can RUN AWAY so I don't make you hate SC2 like SC1! :lol


I got in 1 game while it worked.

I'm finding Zerg the easiest to play. Terran and Protoss seem to be much harder to defend since they reinforce a lot slower than Zerg.


Not Wario
Sorry bout that mint; I was in a game. (Which I actually won, fwiw) Looks like the servers went down since I got in, though. Judging by this thread, I guess this has been happening off and on all afternoon?


GregLombardi said:
Reallllly really bad timing for them to go down too.

If they can't handle like 15000 peeps how are they going to handle 10 million?:lol

Is this the highest peak concurrent they've had since the beta started? It's pretty sad if they weren't ready to handle 15,000 people online. This game needs a smooth launch.


Everything is moe to me
then click the multiplayer button on the side of your replay screen. :p

a pack of my own:

Panda/Mint Vs. Borg/Vautrin - we're tied 1-1 now.
Panda Vs. Soap - super bluff wins the game.
Panda Vs. Mila - Mila always beats me. :(
Soap Vs. Haly - best. game. ever. a shame spectator commentary isn't saved.
Panda/Mila Vs. Mint/Moofaa - *highfives mila*

@blizz: I'm Panda.Craft


Mila linked me to the list (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19850112&postcount=806) which I apparently hadn't found, sorry about that. I added several people.

Two things I just found out, and someone please educate me if this is wrong:

1. No EU vs US play even on release? Does this mean we can't join a korean/EU/whatever server to play friends? That's sad. :( Maybe there was a huge discussion on this already and I just missed it.

2. If you only add people as "starcraft 2 friends", you can IM them, but is there any way for them to view your profile, add you as a friend, etc. just from the chat window? Otherwise I don't think they can even block you without asking for your ID.identifier. o_O


mint said:
put them in C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Replays\Multiplayer
I see them in the game, but when I play the replay file it keeps saying "replay desync!". What am I doing wrong?


Hey door,

try going to your replay folder, right clicking on the replay you want to watch and choose the starcraft 2 as the program to open it with fix that issue when I had it. Might work with you.

Man, I took a few days break from sc 2 to play gow3 and some ff13, came back and I am doing horrible lol. Either I got rusty very fast or people got very good fast, hell maybe a combo of both.


You can't watch replay with the AI hack Door2Dawn (you need to keep the original file to watch replays and switch with the other file when you want to play AI or you must reinstall each time ^^;)
Zzoram said:
Can someone play custom games with me? Waiting around for matchmaking to come back is torture.

i was idling along with 5 other gaffers, had no idea why nobody was playing and i didnt want to be the guy to be like "hey letrs all join a party, but you guys play each other" :)


Ice Monkey said:
i was idling along with 5 other gaffers, had no idea why nobody was playing and i didnt want to be the guy to be like "hey letrs all join a party, but you guys play each other" :)

Custom games are saying "No server available. Please try again later."


Zzoram said:
Custom games are saying "No server available. Please try again later."
I have a third stupid question then. Are custom (and otherwise) games not P2P anymore? Or is it just the server that keeps track of matches that might be down?


Blizzard said:
I have a third stupid question then. Are custom (and otherwise) games not P2P anymore? Or is it just the server that keeps track of matches that might be down?

No idea, but this is really annoying.


Blizzard said:
1. No EU vs US play even on release? Does this mean we can't join a korean/EU/whatever server to play friends? That's sad. :( Maybe there was a huge discussion on this already and I just missed it.

Yeah I wasn't sure as long I didn't have the beta myself, but this could be a real dealbreaker. No idea what Blizz was thinking there. :/

Also I'm at 3:2 on my placement matches. Expected much worse.

Playing random I have to say that I really like Protoss so far. Lots of fun stuff there.
Not so hot on Terrans. Not exactly sure why.
Well and the random god doesn't seem to hand out Zerg to me. So yeah!
is there anyone here who didnt get a friend invite beta key other than me? This is starting to piss me off that somehow I wasn't part of the elite group who got friend invites.


God, I need to learn how to spend ressources properly as soon as possible. Just had an 1h17min game against a Terran, who tried to rush with Banshees, but had no gameplan after that failed. He didn't even expand. Only flew around his main after he ran out of minerals. Shame on me, should have been able to end this game much faster. :(


Not an asshole.
Won said:
God, I need to learn how to spend ressources properly as soon as possible. Just had an 1h17min game against a Terran, who tried to rush with Banshees, but had no gameplan after that failed. He didn't even expand. Only flew around his main after he ran out of minerals. Shame on me, should have been able to end this game much faster. :(

I feel you. It's definitely easy to get overwhelmed trying to maintain micro/macro across multiple bases while simultaneously maneuvering your army and trying to run harass. A lot of times when I'm doing well with harass I forget to macro entirely.

Its a tricky balance, but really rewarding when you do well.
Hey Zzoram, not sure what happened I'm guessing you had to go or got disconnected after our match, I went AFK for a sec and when I came back our chat box was gone and you were offline, so if you did say bye or whatever, I didn't see it, but good games earlier and thanks for all of the tips!


MisterAnderson said:
Hey Zzoram, not sure what happened I'm guessing you had to go or got disconnected after our match, I went AFK for a sec and when I came back our chat box was gone and you were offline, so if you did say bye or whatever, I didn't see it, but good games earlier and thanks for all of the tips!

I'm eating dinner, might play more after if I'm not going out. Ya those were fun games.
haha wow. Me and FromTheFuture (Alumnus) just finished our 2v2 placement and we got... platinum. LOL

I expect to lose every game here on out but man we had a good laugh.

Turns out the best way to win a game is to assume the opponent is going with the most obvious strat and going with a counter to it. Once you get obs and you see what he's actually doing you can change. When we were up against terran/protoss I made collosi, like clockwork the enemy opponent went MMM/zealots teching to carriers. My collosi destroyed the MMM and we killed the protoss player before he could make more than one carrier. Games with zerg we assumed they were going to roach rush and I would tech to immortals. Worked for the last 5 games perfectly. Although now that I'm in platinum Im guessing this wont work so well anymore.


Freakinchair said:
haha wow. Me and FromTheFuture (Alumnus) just finished our 2v2 placement and we got... platinum. LOL

I expect to lose every game here on out but man we had a good laugh.

Turns out the best way to win a game is to assume the opponent is going with the most obvious strat and going with a counter to it. Once you get obs and you see what he's actually doing you can change. When we were up against terran/protoss I made collosi, like clockwork the enemy opponent went MMM/zealots teching to carriers. My collosi destroyed the MMM and we killed the protoss player before he could make more than one carrier. Games with zerg we assumed they were going to roach rush and I would tech to immortals. Worked for the last 5 games perfectly. Although now that I'm in platinum Im guessing this wont work so well anymore.

Nope. Platinum 2v2 shouldn't last longer than 10 minutes to be honest. (unless its on Twilight Fortress)


It'll be atleast another 4 or 5 ai practice matches before I feel like losing badly online again I think. I atleast got the hang of doing an early game with the terrans now, I can get a good starter economy going.

So now I've been messing around with mid-game and late game developments and I think building 2 structures for whatever unit it is you are going for seems to be a better idea. I'm also slowly figuring out some of the newer units, a pack of 4 ravens with maxed out energy can prove hilariously devestating to a base- you simply summon up 16 sentry guns.

I'm still not sure how I feel about having hellions and maruaders over firebats. Or the current setup for how nukes can only be stored 1 at a time at a ghost research building but whatever, I'm shitty enough that I doubt I can get far enough into a game to worry about ghosts :p
Freakinchair said:
haha wow. Me and FromTheFuture (Alumnus) just finished our 2v2 placement and we got... platinum. LOL

I expect to lose every game here on out but man we had a good laugh.

Turns out the best way to win a game is to assume the opponent is going with the most obvious strat and going with a counter to it. Once you get obs and you see what he's actually doing you can change. When we were up against terran/protoss I made collosi, like clockwork the enemy opponent went MMM/zealots teching to carriers. My collosi destroyed the MMM and we killed the protoss player before he could make more than one carrier. Games with zerg we assumed they were going to roach rush and I would tech to immortals. Worked for the last 5 games perfectly. Although now that I'm in platinum Im guessing this wont work so well anymore.

Your right on most games, because right now MMM/Roach are probably the strongest strats available for Terran/Zerg (although certianly not the ONLY viable strats).

Protoss have good counters from Immortal/Collosus/Templar but right now it feels like it takes them a bit too long to get those higher-tier units assuming everyone is equal skill level. MMM in particular seems strong and from the number of people playing Terran it seems likely. Its not unbeatable but it seems as Protoss I have to work harder to beat it than I do against, say, Roaches.

PvP matchups seem pretty boring. Almost like whomever gets the first Collossus and doesnt get out-micro'd wins. I haven't played too many PvP matches though since everyone wants to play Terran/Zerg.

Protoss still get some cool stuff, like proxy pylon/gateway builds. :D


been teaching my friend how to play. frustrating. Why is zerg so hard and why do noobs pic them!?

Anyways been playign heaps of terran, ever since warp gate got nerfed by toss is troubled.

I started a new terran BO in which I do 2 supply depots instead of supply depot barracks to keep my income up. Also, when do you guys go com stat station?


Everything is moe to me
there are alot of tools to deal with a roacher, so its not that bad. :\ you just see alot of them because they're obvious and easy to use.

i'm actually starting to find that banelings and FE's can be much more potent.
DemiMatt said:
I started a new terran BO in which I do 2 supply depots instead of supply depot barracks to keep my income up. Also, when do you guys go com stat station?

double depot slows down orbital command, which in turn slows down mule, not to mention leaving you open against an early game rush.

I usually go orbital command on about 16 supply right after my rax is done.

when I fast expand (almost always against Zerg, save for a couple of maps, not so much against Terran and only on a couple of maps against Protoss), I hold off getting gas until after the CC is going.

SC2 workers are much more efficient at getting minerals than gas, and Terran can actually hold off quite a bit with marines+bunker+SCV repairing, so if you're trying to get an economical advantage with a fast expand I would suggest looking into skipping gas and just getting marines from one rax, then a second one after the CC is build+bunker.

For replays, check out Morrow or strelok's stuff from the the EU servers ( http://www.goodgame.ru/demos.php?ocd=view&id=22747 for a recent replay pack w/ them in it). Be warned though that the US servers are full of annoying people who have their own stupid brands of cheese and all-ins that you'll lose to from time to time with builds like this because the things they do are so awkward/ridiculous that you won't see them coming.
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