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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


TurtleSnatcher said:
Did you check their profiles and see?

Also said you were copper in 1v1.. but are you copper in 2v2? Or are you in placement still?

I have never had a platinum 1v1 or 2v2 where I was paired with anyone below gold.. And I've only been paired with someone in Gold maybe 3 out of 40 times..
I'm in copper 2v2... I never played 1v1 (no one to blame loss on 8P)

The guy on my team is on silver 2v2, and the other skilled player opponent is on the gold 2v2.

That is really weird.
Hazaro said:
Pretty sure Queens are neither Light or Armored so they would only take 9.
Also 2 rows of queens can attack buildings and transfusion has a range of like 8 and heals instantly. Plus could could be teching to mutas or massing lings, or just make another 2 hatch to pump more queens out. :lol
Best part if T lifts off the queens AA is really powerful and they can't run. (Well maybe from a queen)

Only way is to test it.

You're right they are biological psionic.

But you arent getting my whole kiting thing.

I understand they can heal.. and yay if they can heal at a range of 8.. thats not the issue..

Their attack on ground units though only has a range of 3.. so what I'm saying is kiting can be really ez for marauders since they have a higher range and can already slow their shitty movement speed. Likewise Marines have a longer range too so a mix of those units can be fun..

That guy had 3 barracks.. I mean by the time he loses 3 units.. fairly sure he could have had another 3 out just with kiting those slow bastards around .. Its not like they can even catch up to their normal run speed lol..

Yea the zlings probably would have all died if he didnt make reapers and had more guys behind his wall..

The zerg probably would have still broken in.. but then its more of dancing with slow ass queens with your units that make them even slower.. and your units that have more attack range.. Then just wearing them down.

JWong said:
I'm in copper 2v2... I never played 1v1 (no one to blame loss on 8P)

The guy on my team is on silver 2v2, and the other skilled player opponent is on the gold 2v2.

That is really weird.

Probably is still looking in your leagues cuz I'm fairly sure it does.. though the system is set up to look for fastest possible matchup if it can not meet that criteria. Its even been stated on the Message of The Day News area on Bnet for the past few weeks (May not be at the moment but it is on Bnet forums)..

I'm somehow doubting 2v2 Random is the most popular thing out there at the moment so I bet it couldnt find 3 others in copper 2v2 random so it gave you others.

The more popular ladders at the moment are 1v1 and 2v2 (Pre organized team)


relies on auto-aim
TurtleSnatcher said:
You're right they are biological psionic.

But you arent getting my whole kiting thing.

I understand they can heal.. and yay if they can heal at a range of 8.. thats not the issue..

Their attack on ground units though only has a range of 3.. so what I'm saying is kiting can be really ez for marauders since they have a higher range and can already slow their shitty movement speed. Likewise Marines have a longer range too so a mix of those units can be fun..

That guy had 3 barracks.. I mean by the time he loses 3 units.. fairly sure he could have had another 3 out just with kiting those slow bastards around .. Its not like they can even catch up to their normal run speed lol..

Yea the zlings probably would have all died if he didnt make reapers and had more guys behind his wall..

The zerg probably would have still broken in.. but then its more of dancing with slow ass queens with your units that make them even slower.. and your units that have more attack range.. Then just wearing them down.
But then he would be killing his buildings / wall. Anyway it's pointless to talk unless we go ahead and test it.
Hazaro said:
But then he would be killing his buildings / wall. Anyway it's pointless to talk unless we go ahead and test it.
Then he'd just attack those attacking his buildings?

I mean he can run damn circles around queens with Mars..

Not to mention those things were doing some AMAZING AWESOME dmg to buildings (not rly)


Still Tagged Accordingly
TurtleSnatcher said:
Their attack on ground units though only has a range of 3.. so what I'm saying is kiting can be really ez for marauders since they have a higher range and can already slow their shitty movement speed.
is there a "cap" to the marauder slow? so if the target is already innately slow the concussion slow has no effect?

or does the concussion grenade always apply a slow to the unit's base speed regardless of how slow they already are?


Scrow said:
is there a "cap" to the marauder slow? so if the target is already innately slow the concussion slow has no effect?

or does the concussion grenade always apply a slow to the unit's base speed regardless of how slow they already are?

They stay at certain (slower) speed. You can't stop units with marauders wtf :b
Scrow said:
is there a "cap" to the marauder slow? so if the target is already innately slow the concussion slow has no effect?

or does the concussion grenade always apply a slow to the unit's base speed regardless of how slow they already are?
Pretty sure its just 50% on whatever their base speed is.. doesnt stack.. but its just 50% slower then their normal walk.


relies on auto-aim
Scrow said:
is there a "cap" to the marauder slow? so if the target is already innately slow the concussion slow has no effect?

or does the concussion grenade always apply a slow to the unit's base speed regardless of how slow they already are?
50% speed no stacking, but can refresh slow timer.


Ashhong said:
god i absolutely suck. i have zero strategy for this game and can never win. ridiculous...

watch replays, copy what your opponents are doing, once you get better, continue to watch loss replays, cuz the people you lose to will usually be better than you so you keep learning

ps how does your avatar change with every refresh?


Zzoram said:
watch replays, copy what your opponents are doing, once you get better, continue to watch loss replays, cuz the people you lose to will usually be better than you so you keep learning

ps how does your avatar change with every refresh?

hmm guess i could put some effort into it :lol i just get so out of focus if the game lasts more than 15 minutes that i dont know what to build. one day...



Ashhong said:
god i absolutely suck. i have zero strategy for this game and can never win. ridiculous...

A good psychological tip I got from one of Day[9]'s videos is to pick a strategy, and then pretend that it's the best strategy ever when you go to play. Of course, make changes based on what you scout your opponent doing, but try to be confident in what your overall plan is for the game. You can't enter a match with no plan and expect to do super well. It's easy to fall into the "Well, I guess I could get a spire-- now? I've been at lair tech for a while" trap where you just kind of randomly get tech buildings with no real planned reason behind it.

I try not to do this too, but sometimes when I see my money getting high I'll randomly buy a bunch of things I don't/didn't plan on using (like infestors or something). :p

And of course, the obligatory "look at some replays" suggestion. Especially the ones you lose. And really pay attention when you're watching! It's so easy to just say "Arg, screw that guy!" about your opponent and move on without really learning anything. Keep an eye on the timer and make mental notes about when things come out. Could you have gotten your Roaches a little faster? Maybe refrain from throwing down 2 gas right away to save up some minerals? Maybe you could have expanded at XX:XX time but you didn't for some reason? A lot of that stuff comes from experience but it's important to watch yourself to try and catch the little mistakes that add up.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Dreavus said:
It's easy to fall into the "Well, I guess I could get a spire-- now? I've been at lair tech for a while" trap where you just kind of randomly get tech buildings with no real planned reason behind it.
lol, i did that the other night.

built a baneling nest and didn't make a single baneling the entire match. :lol


hmm interesting tips thanks. the problem right now is that i still dont know what teams work right, or even if i do, i cant get them to work right. after i watch some more replays though i should be able to focus on a game plan and stick to it.

my past few games ive been doing some mass zealot/stalker building, and then when i feel that that wont cut it, i get to work on carriers and bring out a mothership. shit dont fly though because im no good at attacking really and my mothership just dies in 5 seconds or something. we'll see...


Three things...

1. I still suck. I've watched replays, watched my own replays, read up on a few things, watch a bunch of games from HDStarcraft's youtube channel, and have played multitudes of games against the CPU with my handicap at 50%. I still lose alot.
My current 1v1 record is 4-15 and I'm in the bottom 10 of my Copper League division.

2. I've found Blizzards matchmaking system to be horrible as I keep getting paired with Bronze and Silver league people, and when I get someone who doesn't say their league after the match when/if I ask them, I watch the replay of the last match and their average APM is in the 60's to 80's! They need to fix the ranked matchmaking. (Or tune it better.)

3. I think there should be a league lower than copper. Like tin or pewter or something, because at this rate Copper isn't even the bottom for me. I'm really bad.

Maybe I'll upload some replays of mine later and show you how I play and if any of you can help me.
MrMister said:
Three things...

1. I still suck. I've watched replays, watched my own replays, read up on a few things, watch a bunch of games from HDStarcraft's youtube channel, and have played multitudes of games against the CPU with my handicap at 50%. I still lose alot.
My current 1v1 record is 4-15 and I'm in the bottom 10 of my Copper League division.

2. I've found Blizzards matchmaking system to be horrible as I keep getting paired with Bronze and Silver league people, and when I get someone who doesn't say their league after the match when/if I ask them, I watch the replay of the last match and their average APM is in the 60's to 80's! They need to fix the ranked matchmaking. (Or tune it better.)

3. I think there should be a league lower than copper. Like tin or pewter or something, because at this rate Copper isn't even the bottom for me. I'm really bad.

Maybe I'll upload some replays of mine later and show you how I play and if any of you can help me.
You need to only use one build and play a lot more (20ish games isn't enough). After your opening is near-perfect then you can experiment more. What race are you playing?


darkpaladinmfc said:
You need to only use one build and play a lot more (20ish games isn't enough). After your opening is near-perfect then you can experiment more. What race are you playing?
Terran is my main, I suck with Zerg so I never play it, and Protoss I'm starting to get a handle on... but 90% of the time I go good ol' Terran.

My usual very early build order is...

-11 SCV's
-Supply Depot
-3 SCV's
-2 Supply Depots
-4 Marines
-2 Refineries


MrMister said:
Terran is my main, I suck with Zerg so I never play it, and Protoss I'm starting to get a handle on... but 90% of the time I go good ol' Terran.

My usual very early build order is...

-11 SCV's
-Supply Depot
-3 SCV's
-2 Supply Depots
-4 Marines
-2 Refineries

Try doing this build a few times:

-At 10 population (while 10th scv is building) build a supply depot on your ramp
-Build another scv to hit 11 pop
-When the depot finishes use that scv to make a barracks
-Continue producing scv (1 at a time, do not fill the queue)
-Build refinery (make sure your still producing scvs tho, build the refinery after you have enough resources to do both)
-When the barracks complete wait for your currently building scv to finish and upgrade your command center
-Train a marine
-Build a second supply depot to fully block your ramp
-upgrade your barracks with a tech lab
-Build second refinery
-Call down a mule and start building another scv as soon as the orbital command upgrade finishes
-Build a second barracks when you have the minerals
-Start building marauders from your barracks with the tech lab

From here you you have a fully blocked ramp, a great economy (if you kept building scv and continue to do so) and can take your strategy wherever you want, my personal favorite is to follow this part of the build up with a third barracks and a starport (just ignore the factory you build to get to the starport) with 2 tech labs and 1 reactor on the barracks along with a reactor on the starport. With that base setup you can continuously produce 2 marauders 2 marines and 2 medivacs (or vikings if your enemy is using air) from a single base.

Also for longer games (eg no serious battle has happened and 10 minutes has passed) don't be afraid of chucking up more than 1 expansion or even multiple at once, expansions are cheap in starcraft 2 and if you have the right army to hold off an enemy you can come off alright. A few tips with expansions:

-Pull some workers (usualy 6-8) from your main base and put them on your expansion, this way you can build workers efficiently at both bases AND you mine out your main base slower AND you have workers ready to repair/defend at the expansion if need be

-If you manage to get an expansion up and running (or 2) be sure to upgrade your production facilities accordingly, a 2 base Terran with full workers on each base can produce from a LOT of buildings and with 4 refineries going full time you have no excuse not to upgrade the attack/defense of whatever units you are massing. It shouldn't be unusual for you to have 5 barracks with 3 tech labs and 2 reactors producing non stop if you have an expansion.

-USE THE PLANETARY FORTRESS. Do not listen to ANYONE who dismisses this upgrade, this upgrade will help you especially at lower level play where other players might not be aware of exactly what it does. The fortress has a slow fire rate but a huge damage per hit and it also has an area of effect attack allowing it to destroy GROUPS of zerglings with a single shot, being a large terran building also means it can be repaired quickly, easily, and cheaply so make sure you grab all your workers and right click on it if its under attack.

Some general unit tips:

If you're a beginner, make marines + marauders + medivacs, you can attack move in huge groups and the only micro you need to use is pressing the 'T' button when your group is selected to use stimpacks on every marine and marauder, the medivacs will auto heal if you use the attack move command and the marauders ability is passive on their attack so you do not need to to anything if you build this army.

If you do want to branch out to more interesting things don't try and become a master of the difficult units too fast, hellions and reapers are good units in the right circumstance but they also have almost no hitpoints and rely on constant micro, clearly they are not designed for a new player.

If you make thors, which you probably should do at least once because they are hilarious, make sure you bring a BUNCH of SCV's with you into battle with autocast repair turned on. these little guys will auto repair any damaged thor if you keep them nearby and they repair them very fast, thors are a cool unit but they are also very squishy so this is one low micro way of being able to use a fun unit.

If you ever get 3 bases going at once, try switching to battle cruisers. The lowest micro highest pay off unit in the game they are quite incredible although rarely seen in higher level play, just make sure you get their attack/defense upgrades (which are cheap compared to the ships themselves) and make sure you build a bunch of starports, 2 starports will NOT produce an army if battle cruisers and will lead to your untimely death with 30000 minerals and gas. 4 Starports is a nice number and allows you to also spend some minerals and gas on other units (pure mass battle cruisers is almost impossible to get to).


^Thanks I'll try it out, although I can't say it's not too different from my strategy... maybe it's just because I'm too slow.

I watched my replays again and it seems I always come in 3rd when it comes to APM. (or I tie for last.)


Damn you just can't do too many banelings against Terran. Haven't seen mech builds since... I don't remember. I tend to lose the natural to marauders too often. Then again I rarely resort to roaches... but the fear or opponent researching air n' shit seems to be completely stupid. MMM ball to infinity.
MrMister said:
Three things...

1. I still suck. I've watched replays, watched my own replays, read up on a few things, watch a bunch of games from HDStarcraft's youtube channel, and have played multitudes of games against the CPU with my handicap at 50%. I still lose alot.
My current 1v1 record is 4-15 and I'm in the bottom 10 of my Copper League division.

2. I've found Blizzards matchmaking system to be horrible as I keep getting paired with Bronze and Silver league people, and when I get someone who doesn't say their league after the match when/if I ask them, I watch the replay of the last match and their average APM is in the 60's to 80's! They need to fix the ranked matchmaking. (Or tune it better.)

3. I think there should be a league lower than copper. Like tin or pewter or something, because at this rate Copper isn't even the bottom for me. I'm really bad.

Maybe I'll upload some replays of mine later and show you how I play and if any of you can help me.

lol tin or pewter league would be hilarious.


Not Wario
The biggest problem I'm still having isn't coming with a strat, understanding all the units, scouting, or all the other various game principles, it's simply being able to physically execute everything. I always have a queue of things I'm trying to get to by midgame and I just can't get to it all in time. I use hotkeys but I have the unfortunate habit of having to look down to hit anything past 4 and I'm still pretty slow at them.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I noticed that my APM has already improved. I hovered around 30-40 last week, but I had a placement match where I was consistent around 60. Not bad...
MMKirby said:
I'm disappointed with the audio in this game. Lucky for new comers, this issue will be irrelevant for yew.

New comers as in players who never played the original StarCraft? Because I'm loving the audio and I'm no new comer.


I love Starcraft. But the game doesn't get strategic unless you get a good build order memorized. That's annoying and outdated.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
DrLazy said:
I love Starcraft. But the game doesn't get strategic unless you get a good build order memorized. That's annoying and outdated.

There are lots of different build orders. Choosing the best one for the situation requires strategy.


Paz said:
Try doing this build a few times:

-At 10 population (while 10th scv is building) build a supply depot on your ramp
-Build another scv to hit 11 pop
-When the depot finishes use that scv to make a barracks
-Continue producing scv (1 at a time, do not fill the queue)
-Build refinery (make sure your still producing scvs tho, build the refinery after you have enough resources to do both)
-When the barracks complete wait for your currently building scv to finish and upgrade your command center
-Train a marine
-Build a second supply depot to fully block your ramp
-upgrade your barracks with a tech lab
-Build second refinery
-Call down a mule and start building another scv as soon as the orbital command upgrade finishes
-Build a second barracks when you have the minerals
-Start building marauders from your barracks with the tech lab

Thank you for this tip, by using this I actually won my first match (I'm still in the first 5 to get ranked).
I won because I turtled in my base and my teammate rushed both of the other people, I think one quit too.


Everything is moe to me
*pick toss*
*pick terran*



3-2, placed in gold.



Is there something wrong with the EU bnet? Had 3 games that ended with a disconnect of my opponent today......


Just got murdered early on a 2v2 from a quick 4 Zealot rush. Talk about cheap.

I did the build order Paz stated too... it worked on some maps but not against a 4 Zealot quick rush. Wiped out my depots and my 2 little marines standing were gone... I even used the SCV's and by the time I wiped all 4 out he sent the rest of his troops along with his pals.

Damn this game is cruel to me all the damn time... Still can't crawl outta the bottom of the Copper pit.

For some positive news I did actually win a few games since my last post. My record though is still 7-16.


Everything is moe to me
Halycon said:
Did they not wall or something?
2 zergs and a terran, the terran tried and delayed me for about 4 minutes while i made a baneling nest.

the zergs were hopeless, they kept letting their queens fight.


MrMister said:
Just got murdered early on a 2v2 from a quick 4 Zealot rush. Talk about cheap.

I did the build order Paz stated too... it worked on some maps but not against a 4 Zealot quick rush. Wiped out my depots and my 2 little marines standing were gone... I even used the SCV's and by the time I wiped all 4 out he sent the rest of his troops along with his pals.

Damn this game is cruel to me all the damn time... Still can't crawl outta the bottom of the Copper pit.

For some positive news I did actually win a few games since my last post. My record though is still 7-16.

learn to turtle. examine this thread on wall-ins: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=113627

when you wall in like this, no unit can enter your base. as a newb, i wouldn't recommend trying to wall in on maps with bigger ramps (like scrap station) because you'll spend an ordain amount of time trying to figure it out and you'll end up being behind, but for most maps, just follow that guide.

if you really want to play it safe, try this build order:

8 scvs
on 8th, start first supply depot at wall. when you get 100 minerals again, send another scv to start second depot and bring back first scv to mine. by the time second depot finishes, you should have enough to start barracks and build it to complete the wall.

build one or two more scvs then stop building them - save up minerals until 150 minerals, at which point barracks should finish, then make orbital add-on at command center. when barracks is finished, set rally point to inside your base and build a marine or two, that way they spawn on the proper side of your wall.

while waiting for orbital to finish, build a refinery and make sure 3scvs are collecting from it when its done.

when orbital is finished, call down mule. (still haven't built any more scvs at this point). but you can now start building scvs to mine more.

if its timing is right, you'll have 50 gas to spend on a reactor at barracks and you can start pumping marines while pumping scvs. remember to set barracks rally point to inside your base so it spawns on the right of the wall. if you can't place reactor due to wall, don't be afraid to lift off and move the barracks, just as long as you still maintain the wall.

starting this process at 8th scv means you get early wall, but you'll have a slight economic disadvantage in the early game. though at this level, don't worry too much about it. you can experiment starting at 9, or even 10th scv for better economy if need be.

the main concept of this build order is to delay early rush, build orbital command center add-on and use mules early, saving yourself some minerals for marines. remember to keep calling down mules every 50 energy. if you go tech lab instead, you can get early marauders and early tech like marine shield.

i prefer reactor so i can save gas and get medivacs earlier, or start weapon/armor upgrade earlier, then worry about marauders later.
So has Blizzard mentioned anything about the Mac beta recently? I'm wondering when I should switch over my beta settings to OSX from my XP boot camp partition since the chances will be higher of me getting in like that.


Tworak said:
you hate Day[9]? whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

TheLittleOne picked up by Liquid` :D
Yeah, he really annoys me. Gets way too excited about certain things. Actually makes me enjoy Husky and HD that much more haha.

Shalashaska161 said:
So has Blizzard mentioned anything about the Mac beta recently? I'm wondering when I should switch over my beta settings to OSX from my XP boot camp partition since the chances will be higher of me getting in like that.
Last thing that was said was it was either coming out end of March or at the end of April. So most likely at the end of April lol.
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