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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Got the beta, installed it... and then a fatal error appears whenever the latest patch finish to download APJSFAFKMAFÑLMFALKMAFSLKMAFÑKLMFA


Milabrega said:
Don't forget a few sentries to split forces/cut off retreat/shield/illusion.

I wonder if you could use the force field to sandwich the enemy. So have zealots up front, force field behind them, and then storm right on top of them :). That would be sick but I can't micro like that even if it would be useful.
MeshuggahMan said:
I never thought I'd see someone complain about a probe "redesign". Maybe I'm not very observant of art, but all the units look and feel like I'd expect them to from the graphic overhaul.
The probe has two 'eyes' or sensors laid out on the left and right sides of its 'face'. In this one, they are on top of each other, and instead of electricity for mining (which I liked because it is a primary source of energy), it is now a light beam/laser. The laser upgrade, maybe, but transferring its main design source (circles) to something completely different (what looks like the shape of a Gundam head) is completely alienating to me from a continuity perspective.

zoukka said:
Here you seem to slip into insanity. SC2 is pretty damn faithful to the original designs. The whole Terran army is more realistic looking than in SC.
:lol Probably because it's driving me insane. It looks like half of the mechs went through a trash compactor and were reduced to a skewed perspective, like Super Deformed gundams:


Yeah that's why Haly and I both prefer Colossi to deal with MMM balls. Attack/Move is easier than micro, especially if your opponent is good at micro and moves out of the storm area quick enough. Colossi can still attack, but bad placement on storms leaves you with useless HT's.
Give Archons back their AoE plz
Colossi are also quicker to get out.
Major Williams said:
To be 'fair', almost all of the 'Toss units look pretty decent, except the ground troops (Zealot, Templar out of proportion), and some of the Humans do look similar to the line art, though the large boots is something I haven't been a fan of since the beginning.

The Battlecruiser is inexcusable though. No matter how far you zoom out, you cannot excuse the large neck and the weird proportions of an in-atmosphere and space-bound capital ship. It's huge, and you need to make it small enough to look big, but not overpower the entire viewpoint. But still, don't make it look like it's a 1,000 foot ship that went through the trash compactor to become a 36 foot ship. This is the kind of crappy art I'm talking about that slips through the cracks.

They just borrowed art direction from something that shouldn't be borrowed from.

Dude...the Battle Cruiser looks great and I'd argue is the best looking Terran unit. WTF are you complaining about? It looks better than the original and maintains the exact same silhouette from StarCraft 1. They shouldn't borrow art direction from StarCraft: Brood War? :lol

And also:

Major Williams said:
Looks like the same graphic artist penned it, and that's not a good thing when you're entirely switching universes.

They did...they use the same concept artists for all of their games (lead artists at least). Samwise and Metzen are awesome. They both were artists for the original StarCraft as well.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
MisterAnderson said:
Always get warpgates. It should be the first thing you research as soon as the cyber core is done. And build lots of them as you get more minerals so that you can warp in a lot of troops at once.

Quick question: At high yield expansions, are the vespene geysers also high yield? I thought the answer to this was "no", but in the map editor there's a "high yield geyser" and I'm making a 2v2 map and want to know if I'm supposed to use that or the regular geyser at a gold mineral location.
Its in the editor but not in game because it would totally unbalance it considering gas is a much needed item for certain builds

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Top down racing

Top down shooter

3rd person shooter

First person shooter

some cool stuff

OUCH for Mac beta client waiters:
The Mac client is not released for the beta yet, so you can only download a PC version for now. As soon as the Mac beta starts (which should be in a couple of weeks), you will be able to play the Mac version with the same beta key.
MisterAnderson said:
Dude...the Battle Cruiser looks great and I'd argue is the best looking Terran unit. WTF are you complaining about? It looks better than the original and maintains the exact same silhouette from StarCraft 1. They shouldn't borrow art direction from StarCraft: Brood War? :lol

And also:

They did...they use the same concept artists for all of their games (lead artists at least). Samwise and Metzen are awesome. They both were artists for the original StarCraft as well.
You mocked me when I said that they shouldn't borrow across universes. Not from within the universe - Brood War is within the Universe, but whatever, that is neither here nor there.. The neck is much wider on the SC2 verson, and is more bulky for such a far out view of the unit.

I am HUGE fans of both Samwise and Metzen (more Samwise, but whatev). Look at the guy's avatar in this thread:

It looks awesome!

However, their sketches for WoW are great as well. But I don't want to see that VERY specific Universe-centric art-style in another Universe that has literally nothing to do with it. What I was implying was - who cares if it's the same artist, I don't want to be able to tell that in a game, where multiple people have touched and penned one given character.

And besides, it seems to me that their art DOES vary between Universes, so it should look just as different when creating it in 3D.
ZealousD said:
High Templars tear MMM to toasty bits. Back em up with zealots and stalkers.
Storm yes, but FEEDBACK the medivacs, they can't heal with no energy, effectively making storm more usefull at the same time.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Heh, finally finished my placement matches, won my first 2 handily, but lost my last 3 pretty horrifically. Copper League, WOOT!

It's so different than SC1, still learning what the buildings do and such. Really fun though, they could ship this now and sell millions.


Mengy said:
Heh, finally finished my placement matches, won my first 2 handily, but lost my last 3 pretty horrifically. Copper League, WOOT!

It's so different than SC1, still learning what the buildings do and such. Really fun though, they could ship this now and sell millions.

I'm glad they haven't. The battlenet UI is still pretty piss poor. No chat channels, also I had someone message me.... I wanted to add them as a friend but it doesn't display their full user, and there's no options to add them as a friend.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Milabrega said:
Yeah that's why Haly and I both prefer Colossi to deal with MMM balls. Attack/Move is easier than micro, especially if your opponent is good at micro and moves out of the storm area quick enough. Colossi can still attack, but bad placement on storms leaves you with useless HT's.
Give Archons back their AoE plz
Colossi are also quicker to get out.
Not to mention they're sturdier, more mobile, better for breaking a turtle and won't be completely shut down by ghosts. Also, I love me some observers so I really dislike going down templar path because it feels like I spent 200/100 JUST for the ability to make observers.

I"m not fond of the mineral/gas ratio of templars either. Too skewed, forces me to make more zealots to compensate and I only make them to burn off excess minerals after stalker/sentry spam.


Forever Platinum
val and I should be starting in the near to immediate future, for anyone who wants to watch.

EDIT: going on now, get in game and send a message to one of us if you want to watch later rounds.
Major Williams said:
You mocked me when I said that they shouldn't borrow across universes. Not from within the universe - Brood War is within the Universe, but whatever, that is neither here nor there.. The neck is much wider on the SC2 verson, and is more bulky for such a far out view of the unit.

I am HUGE fans of both Samwise and Metzen (more Samwise, but whatev). Look at the guy's avatar in this thread:

It looks awesome!

However, their sketches for WoW are great as well. But I don't want to see that VERY specific Universe-centric art-style in another Universe that has literally nothing to do with it. What I was implying was - who cares if it's the same artist, I don't want to be able to tell that in a game, where multiple people have touched and penned one given character.

And besides, it seems to me that their art DOES vary between Universes, so it should look just as different when creating it in 3D.

I'm not mocking you I'm just disagreeing with you. I don't believe that any of the units in-game are "borrowed art" from WarCraft, they are only borrowing art from StarCraft which was the point I was trying to make, and even then you're complaining about the borrowed StarCraft art (BC's, probes, etc.) You proved my point in my eyes when you posted pictures of that Ultralisk. The Ultralisk in SC2 looks like a larger, beefier version of the Ultralisk from BW...doesn't look to me at all that it would be something I'd ride in WoW. Zerg look just as slimey and with the great new building morphing animations they look even more "Zergy."

The proportions you're complaining about (aside from the BC as I have no idea why you're complaining about proportions on a spaceship) is a very clear and focused design direction from Blizzard that I applaud. The reason Marauder's are so fat are to give them a clear silhouette and distinction from marines. Another reason why they probably got rid of field medics and combined their role with the dropship is for this reason, not including the practicality of it from a game design standpoint. Something that has always bothered me about other RTS games is that often times I find myself wondering where the hell I put that one unit I built...10 minutes later I find out it was mixed in with another group all along and I couldn't even see the difference.

Being able to immediately identify units without being confused is important and obviously things are going to be out of proportion since our field of view is from the damn sky and they need us to be able to clearly see everything from that viewpoint while not making a Battlecruiser 1000 feet long because it would realistically cover the entire sky. But by exaggerating certain things it gives units a better and more easily identifiable silhouette. Whether you like how it looks or not (clearly you don't) is obviously up for debate, but the fact of the matter is that the art style makes units easily distinguishable which makes the gameplay that much better. Aside from the great art (IMO), they've accomplished this aspect of the game.

One other thing, did you also say the Zealot's and High Templar's proportions are off? I just don't get you dude lol. I'll stop now, I don't want to derail the thread or anything, it's just that I always find Blizzard's art direction some of the best in the bizz and I'm a huge fan of it across the board. And this is just one of those things where I just can't see where you're coming from. For example, one of the first things I got psyched about was when I saw the new Battlecruiser model. Totally geeked out about how awesome it looked. The perfect balance of staying true to old art while making it look new and improved IMO.

And yeah, I am more of a Samwise fan so we can at least agree on that, lol.


Awesome advice so far. I'm leaning towards colossi early game as they are quicker to get out. Mid game I think I'd tech towards storm.

Do love me some colossi. Did a PvZ match where I had 2 colossi with my main force and a colossi/warp prism for some expansion harass. That was probably my best game so far.


Williams, I am not sure why you have so much hate for the SC2 art. I used to be a HUGE WoW player and I am not seeing this similarity like you are. For the most part I have really enjoyed all the redesigns, although I do miss some of the SC1 unit designs maybe a little. But in SC1 it was really hard for me to make out what the units were supposed to look like, and now in SC2 the units are very clear and that problem no longer exists for me. In the end I still think the art stays true to its SC1 roots, but it has been 12 years since then so obviously it is going to look quite different.


It was always my impression that this was supposed to be a nod to Starcraft so it's SUPPOSED to look like a Zergling or whatever.

Exhumed said:
Awesome advice so far. I'm leaning towards colossi early game as they are quicker to get out. Mid game I think I'd tech towards storm.

Do love me some colossi. Did a PvZ match where I had 2 colossi with my main force and a colossi/warp prism for some expansion harass. That was probably my best game so far.
IMO, there is NOTHING quick about getting Colossi lol. They take so damn long. >_<


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Even though they have a similar design, that Felhunter from WoW doesn't look anything like a zergling in SC2. The art styles are completely different.



Dance In My Blood said:
Even though they have a similar design, that Felhunter from WoW doesn't look anything like a zergling in SC2. The art styles are completely different.
What I'm saying is its design was a nod to the Starcraft Zergling. Not the Starcraft 2 Zergling. That game wasn't out then...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dude trash, you train up charge lots. A colossi is like, nothing XD


MeshuggahMan said:
So my friend got his beta key via amazon.. in which it states it is only good until May 17th. Is the beta rumored to end then?

I'm guessing he needs to use the key by then. According to Bnet access is available until the beta is over (no date given).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Trasher said:
What I'm saying is its design was a nod to the Starcraft Zergling. Not the Starcraft 2 Zergling. That game wasn't out then...
Was more talking to the people before and making use of you quoting the picture for comparison.

Another picture just because I think the game looks so good.
I appreciate the lengthy reply Anderson, and I understand what you are saying completely.

Gameplay is king. However, art direction, to me, is very important and I'm definitely not in the minority in my entire circle of gaming friends when I say that the art direction looks like everything is deformed and put on a whacked out smaller scale.

Sure the Battlecruiser model looks cool, but its not to scale with itself, and doesn't look like it did on the CG cutscenes in the first game. That's what I'm talking about. I love the painting and actual art that is produced by the studio. The in-game 3D models just throw me way off, and make me feel like I'm playing Warcraft in the Starcraft Universe.

If they don't make serious updates to this, I honestly doubt I'll purchase it - and in doing so will result in at least all 7 of my mutual close gaming friends not purchasing as well (group mentality for game purchases haha). It means that much to me, which might be high-nose of me, but I don't want to waste my time on a game I don't enjoy looking at.
MeshuggahMan said:
So my friend got his beta key via amazon.. in which it states it is only good until May 17th. Is the beta rumored to end then?

it might be a timed thing. mine expires 5/31. i bought the preorder on 4/22


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you want to scale units you should try SupCom (not 2, I heard it's terrible)


Major Williams said:
I appreciate the lengthy reply Anderson, and I understand what you are saying completely.

Gameplay is king. However, art direction, to me, is very important and I'm definitely not in the minority in my entire circle of gaming friends when I say that the art direction looks like everything is deformed and put on a whacked out smaller scale.

Sure the Battlecruiser model looks cool, but its not to scale with itself, and doesn't look like it did on the CG cutscenes in the first game. That's what I'm talking about. I love the painting and actual art that is produced by the studio. The in-game 3D models just throw me way off, and make me feel like I'm playing Warcraft in the Starcraft Universe.

If they don't make serious updates to this, I honestly doubt I'll purchase it - and in doing so will result in at least all 7 of my mutual close gaming friends not purchasing as well (group mentality for game purchases haha). It means that much to me, which might be high-nose of me, but I don't want to waste my time on a game I don't enjoy looking at.
A reason why I think this was the art direction they chose was because it is not as graphic heavy as more realistic games. Blizzard was always known to cater to the crap computers and SC2 does a good job with that.
Fair enough, but just to clarify on this:

Major Williams said:
Sure the Battlecruiser model looks cool, but its not to scale with itself, and doesn't look like it did on the CG cutscenes in the first game. That's what I'm talking about. I love the painting and actual art that is produced by the studio. The in-game 3D models just throw me way off, and make me feel like I'm playing Warcraft in the Starcraft Universe.

I'm not sure if you're aware but Starcraft 2 takes place years after the first game. The units are not meant to look identical to the SC 1 units. The Battlecruiser in-game model looks identical to the "cinematic model" of the Battlecruiser from StarCraft 2...


(My desktop wallpaper, heh :p)


Halycon said:
Dude trash, you train up charge lots. A colossi is like, nothing XD
I was talking about how long they take to build.

In regards to what you are saying though: A good Protoss player will either keep their Colossi behind their army, up on cliffs, or they will protect them with Sentry force fields. Easier said than done!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Halycon said:
Not to mention they're sturdier, more mobile, better for breaking a turtle and won't be completely shut down by ghosts. Also, I love me some observers so I really dislike going down templar path because it feels like I spent 200/100 JUST for the ability to make observers.

The templar path is more flexible, I think. It's easier to get upgrades like charge and blink, you aren't vunerable versus air as long as you have stalkers to back you up. You can also throw up a dark shrine to get some DTs out onto the field, which works great for harassment and forcing your opponent to use scans instead of mules. Plus you get the strong overall mobility and power of having warp gates. You usually don't have as many warp gates when you go a colossi path.

And you don't just throw down robotics facility just for observers. When you go the templar/warp gate path, you also NEED warp prisms.

And well, storm is just scary effective. The mere fact that MMM clumps into balls reinforces it, and it has a psychological effect as well.


Terp it was funny playing you in 2v2 ladder the other day. My partner raged because I told you he was a noob and then died.

Sorry to those who have wanted to play, alot of my RL friends want to play, sorry but will play soon Pyro and Alum!
That battlecruiser cg shot is pretty bad ass :eek:

Is anyone out there a good zerg player? So ZvP game, zerglings get eaten up by colosi in nothing flat, do roaches, being armored right, last more like 2 or 3 waves? I realized after the fact that I should've made an infestor once I knew he was going to have them, but hey I'm no pro :p


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Orangepeel said:
Is anyone out there a good zerg player? So ZvP game, zerglings get eaten up by colosi in nothing flat, do roaches, being armored right, last more like 2 or 3 waves? I realized after the fact that I should've made an infestor once I knew he was going to have them, but hey I'm no pro :p

When toss goes colossi, you should be going mutas.

Anything else will get roasted. Roaches won't do the job, as immortals are just a click away.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I cannot beat zerg as protoss unless I push really early :/

When they got mass units Im always fucked, even with Immortals/colossus :/


Corran Horn said:
I cannot beat zerg as protoss unless I push really early :/

When they got mass units Im always fucked, even with Immortals/colossus :/
Mid-game push with about 4 immortals, 8ish stalkers, 8ish zealots, and about 4 sentries does the trick almost every time.

Also, don't forget to bring a probe with you to put a pylon down for close proxy reinforcements.


Ferrio said:
Okay what is the advantage of a warpgate? ... Does it have any other benefits other than having the build time charge AFTER a unit has been built?

One advantage I thought of is the time between when you decide you want a unit to when you actually get it. Since the wait time is moved to after you get the unit it enables you to react much quicker to your opponent or a situation.

For example, I am playing Protoss and I scout some Reapers coming to my base. With warpgates I can get Stalkers within 5 seconds of that ( warp in time ) and then I deal with the cool down time after the unit. Without warpgates I start building stalkers and have to wait for them to come out before I can really react. So that difference in time results in the reapers pillaging your mineral line and setting your economy back.

I hope that makes sense. Just a thought, don't know if it's correct or not.
Just started downloading the beta (gmail thought the invite was spam :lol ). I haven't played starcraft in about 10 years and the last RTS I played was War3! Is protoss good for a beginner?
So I just finished my 2v2 map (enough to at least test it), but for the life of me I can not figure out how to lay down start locations...I used to mess around with the old BW and WC3 editor and I remember it being easy to find. Maybe I'm just missing something. Does anyone know where I can find this? And am I able to test the map out in a custom game or that's yet to come in an upcoming patch?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Corran Horn said:
I cannot beat zerg as protoss unless I push really early :/

When they got mass units Im always fucked, even with Immortals/colossus :/

I've beat Zerg a few times late game with fleets of Void Rays. Get enough Void Rays and they can seriously fuck some shit up in a short amount of time. Most of my games don't reach the late game, though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
GhostRidah said:
how do you guys counter stalkers with terran? im getting raped by guys who rush mass stalkers.

Marauders and Medivacs can be pretty deadly against Stalkers from what I've seen.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
GhostRidah said:
how do you guys counter stalkers with terran? im getting raped by guys who rush mass stalkers.
Marauders, and some turrets at the outskirts of your base to prevent blink-ins.
Here's a screenshot of the 2v2 map I've been working on today. I still have to make the terrain not totally symmetrical aesthetically and add doodads and what not, but I'm hoping some of you wouldn't mind testing it out with me sometime.

Tentatively called Shattered Plains:



Unconfirmed Member
FleckSplat said:
Just started downloading the beta (gmail thought the invite was spam :lol ). I haven't played starcraft in about 10 years and the last RTS I played was War3! Is protoss good for a beginner?

I'd say no. They are by far the most micro-intensive class in the game. I would go Terran personally, simply because they are a nice mix of learning micro and macro, but obviously take the advice of the more experienced (read: better :lol ) players over mine.
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