Sweet to see.webrunner said:Blizz posted a point by point about the changes:
A random excerpt:
Sweet to see.webrunner said:Blizz posted a point by point about the changes:
A random excerpt:
The Thor Strike Cannons have become an upgrade to try to help out the Ultralisk, who is countered so hard by this attack that we see very few Ultralisks in Terran vs. Zerg. This is (of course) not enough to really change that relationship, but we have some more plans for the Ultralisk in the next patch.
Ultralisk- Damage has been increased from 18 to 25.
We are buffing the Ultralisk, but we dont think this buff is sufficient. Expect more changes to the Ultralisk in the next patch.
Should just be in the video options?Datwheezy said:does anyone know if you can set the resolution to 800x600 and if so, how?
Yaweee said:My computer locked up as exiting the game, so I had to force a full restart.
rhfb said:Any other OSX users having issues trying to quit the beta? Twice now I've had to do a hard shutdown as when I click exit it hangs (music is still playing, just nothing else happens).
rhfb said:Any other OSX users having issues trying to quit the beta? Twice now I've had to do a hard shutdown as when I click exit it hangs (music is still playing, just nothing else happens).
vista user with this problemrhfb said:Any other OSX users having issues trying to quit the beta? Twice now I've had to do a hard shutdown as when I click exit it hangs (music is still playing, just nothing else happens).
Dynamic3 said:Now when I try to log in it says I need to enter my authenticator code. Problem is, I don't, and never had, an authenticator.
Doesn't mean it's been hacked. Same thing happened to some other guy in this thread and his account was all fine and dandy.Yaweee said:Your Bnet account was hacked. Maybe my a keylogger, maybe by using the same PW and email at a different site. Contact Blizzard.
Yaweee said:Your Bnet account was hacked. Maybe my a keylogger, maybe by using the same PW and email at a different site. Contact Blizzard.
Dynamic3 said:Now when I try to log in it says I need to enter my authenticator code. Problem is, I don't, and never had, an authenticator.
webrunner said:Looking over the SC2 tech forum there seems to be a large number of people reporting this tonight.
Can you log into battle.net site?
Trin3785 said:what do the Terran use as turrets for base defense? Is it just the bunkers and you have to fill them with guys?
Missile Turrets.Trin3785 said:what do the Terran use as turrets for base defense? Is it just the bunkers and you have to fill them with guys?
Feep said:Okay, I spent a couple hours messing around.
First off, the Very Easy AI is fucking retarded. Even with my shitty skills, my final resource graph after the game shows mine increasing at a rate at least 5x his.
Feep said:I'm using Protoss now, as I was told it was the easiest to learn. Regarding my "micro", what's the best way to go about this? I've been mapping the Nexus to "1" and spamming Probe and Chrono Boost. I map a single Drone to "2" and use it solely for building new structures. I map the first Gateway to "3", and then if I build a second Gateway (I do), I use Shift + 3 to add it, so I can control both at once.
It's also my understanding that sending any more than 3 probes to each Assimilator for Vespene is a waste of time, correct?
After I build Probes + Pylons + Gateway + Assimilator + Gateway (my initial order), from there, it looks like I should either expand out with a second Nexus, or maybe a Cybernetic Core so I can build units other than Zealots. Which should I build first, the Stalkers or the Sentries? What are the differences between these two units?
I then think I build a Robotics Facility to I can make an Observer to go check out what's up, and then maybe the Aircraft making facility (whatever it's called) because Void Rays seem to be fucking awesome. After this I really have no idea what to do, I usually mass my combined forces and roll down to my opponent's base and maybe fuck up his economy, I don't know.
Tips? Recommendations?
Feep said:Okay, I spent a couple hours messing around.
First off, the Very Easy AI is fucking retarded. Even with my shitty skills, my final resource graph after the game shows mine increasing at a rate at least 5x his.
I'm using Protoss now, as I was told it was the easiest to learn. Regarding my "micro", what's the best way to go about this? I've been mapping the Nexus to "1" and spamming Probe and Chrono Boost. I map a single Drone to "2" and use it solely for building new structures. I map the first Gateway to "3", and then if I build a second Gateway (I do), I use Shift + 3 to add it, so I can control both at once.
It's also my understanding that sending any more than 3 probes to each Assimilator for Vespene is a waste of time, correct?
After I build Probes + Pylons + Gateway + Assimilator + Gateway (my initial order), from there, it looks like I should either expand out with a second Nexus, or maybe a Cybernetic Core so I can build units other than Zealots. Which should I build first, the Stalkers or the Sentries? What are the differences between these two units?
I then think I build a Robotics Facility to I can make an Observer to go check out what's up, and then maybe the Aircraft making facility (whatever it's called) because Void Rays seem to be fucking awesome. After this I really have no idea what to do, I usually mass my combined forces and roll down to my opponent's base and maybe fuck up his economy, I don't know.
Tips? Recommendations?
Well...I mean...yeah, but...webrunner said:So would you say that it is very easy to defeat?
Ah. I just sort of meant my "keyboard tactics", since getting good with shortcuts is clearly the key to a quickly moving economy.webrunner said:You're confusing "macro" and "Micro" i think. Macro is building/economy/srategy, micro is unit control/tactics.
Which is why I can use one probe to build everything. Cool.webrunner said:One of the big benefits of protoss is that they don't need to keep a probe working, they can send it right back to minerals.
So if I'm running into battle with Zealots, Stalkers, and Sentries, what's the best way to go about laying down a barrier and telling Stalkers not to go beyond it? Should I hotkey each individual type of unit to three different keys and control them that way? Because picking small units out from a quickly moving battlefield seems ridiculous.webrunner said:Stalkers and Sentries are entirely differnet units, and actually complement each other quite well: Sentries have an ability which lets you place down a temporary force field which acts as a physical wall: enemy units must go around it or be blocked. Stalkers, being ranged units, can fire from behind it.
Gotcha.webrunner said:One thing is that you should try to get your cyber core a bit faster if your fighting terran, because you need some range to fight early terran units better than zealots (which are pure melee)
Arthrus said:I haven't been in here in a while, but is it possible for someone on a PC to play against someone on a Mac?
Yaweee said:Any suggestions on Zerg versus Protoss, what I should do against Mass Collosus + Stalkers? I tried Hydras and Corruptors, but every fight ended up basically a wash.
He's not online, and he hasnt posted here for a while either..ZealousD said:I guess valenti vs alumnus didn't happen tonight?
thestopsign said:I mean, I'm probably not as good as you, but I found that Brood Lords make Collosi irrelevant. I only played one game that went that long so far, but I baited some of his stalkers forward with a few roaches, away from his Collosi killed them. Then moved in with Brood Lords and focus fired his remaining stalkers and his Collosi were toast after that. It only took 3 BLs too.
Edit: Wait, are you saying that those corruptors were upgraded into Brood Lords, because wouldn't they be useless other wise (besides for their ability I guess)?
Yaweee said:Collosi count as both ground and air units as far as targeting is concerned, so air-only units can still hit them (and that includes missile turrets). So Corruptors and Broodlords are both good Zerg counters to them.
Regardless, watching the replay made it clear how effective broodlords would have been. I was trying to upgrade to them, but it had come too late.
Jokey665 said:I played today for the first time in about half a week (my laptop really can't handle this game...) only to find I got demoted to bronze. Rank 90 in bronze, to be exact (from 40~ silver). I decided this was an opportune time to try out a new strategy. I'm 3-0 with it so far. :lol
Haha yeah it's a 6pool, the fastest ling rush you can do. You build your spawning pool without ever building any drones. If it fails you're completely fucked, but if it works it's a pretty guaranteed win. The first game was a test run that went surprisingly well, and the third felt like I was running a well-oiled machine. The build is so easy it's ridiculous. It's a good thing I'm only in bronze right now, though! :lolMrCompletely said:watched your replays, you won each game inside of 4 minutes!
Were these just normal ling rushes? I might be too noobish to see what you did there.
Mix in some infestors, and take over some of the Collusi. This will help a lot. Infestors just got nerfed a little though, so unsure how the increase in energy will hurt yet.Yaweee said:Any suggestions on Zerg versus Protoss, what I should do against Mass Collosus + Stalkers? I tried Hydras and Corruptors, but every fight ended up basically a wash.