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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


OK back with another dumb question.
If a unit is not classed as armoured would it become classed as armoured by researching the armour upgrade for it?
or to be phrased in a different way, could something like a zergling ever be classed as an armoured unit?


The Everyman
Zertez said:
I still cant beat it playing as Zerg. Broodlords are not available yet, and everything else just melts to the firepower. Only thing Ive found to beat it, is not let Terrans get a Mech army. Im looking for any suggestions from high level Zerg players on how they beat a Tech army mid game.
as a terran player, roaches and hydras are pretty destructive against helions, even with pre-ignitor. and nueral parasite counters the thors. borrowed roaches can f up the tanks (ive never seen anyone do this but im not sure why not)


iamblades said:
Use smart casting.

Basically you just select your sentries, hit the ff hotkey. Then hold shift and click where you want the fields, and boom you are done.

Its really easy once you get the hang of it. Smart casting can also be used with other spells like psi storm or yamato cannon.

So simple and makes perfect sense. Doh.


I'm glad they're doing this. A major revision of B.net 2.0 is what we need. Bring channels back!! I can't stand making conversation chats every time I log in.


relies on auto-aim
Zertez said:
I still cant beat it playing as Zerg. Broodlords are not available yet, and everything else just melts to the firepower. Only thing Ive found to beat it, is not let Terrans get a Mech army. Im looking for any suggestions from high level Zerg players on how they beat a Tech army mid game.
This is it. Keep throwing shit at the Terran. You can out produce him just try to snipe the tanks if you can. Harass with mutas, sent baneling traps outside spawn. Just delay delay so you can get expos running to outproduce (you can't win with equal food). Also drone up anytime you have a chance so you get a macro advantage.


spazzfish said:
OK back with another dumb question.
If a unit is not classed as armoured would it become classed as armoured by researching the armour upgrade for it?
or to be phrased in a different way, could something like a zergling ever be classed as an armoured unit?
No. All classes are permanent. They don't change nor get added.


war of titties grampa
Hazaro said:
This is it. Keep throwing shit at the Terran. You can out produce him just try to snipe the tanks if you can. Harass with mutas, sent baneling traps outside spawn. Just delay delay so you can get expos running to outproduce (you can't win with equal food). Also drone up anytime you have a chance so you get a macro advantage.

do banelings explode by themselves if a unit crosses them and they are burrowed? Or do i have to make them explode manually?


Trin3785 said:
do banelings explode by themselves if a unit crosses them and they are burrowed? Or do i have to make them explode manually?
You have to explode them manually, but you don't have to unburrow them if you don't want to


Just got into the beta a few days ago, now that I'm all patched up...does anyone have any beginner Zerg replays/voice-overs? I played SC1 a little, but didn't really play online (just games against the CPU) and I feel overwhelmed with all the new shit in the game. Just looking for something to help me get familiar with the new Zerg units, a build order, when to expand, etc.
When the beta comes back after its hiatus.. its going to feel like a diff game I bet.. kinda like how in wc3 during the beta they had a massive overhaul on lots of things.. Hopefully even the graphics get a nice bolster like wc3 :p Doubt it but that'd be a nice little surprise :p
TurtleSnatcher said:
When the beta comes back after its hiatus.. its going to feel like a diff game I bet.. kinda like how in wc3 during the beta they had a massive overhaul on lots of things.. Hopefully even the graphics get a nice bolster like wc3 :p Doubt it but that'd be a nice little surprise :p
that would be a great suprise


cdyhybrid said:
Just got into the beta a few days ago, now that I'm all patched up...does anyone have any beginner Zerg replays/voice-overs? I played SC1 a little, but didn't really play online (just games against the CPU) and I feel overwhelmed with all the new shit in the game. Just looking for something to help me get familiar with the new Zerg units, a build order, when to expand, etc.

http://www.youtube.com/psystarcraft is an excellent place to check out for Zerg tips. GAF has also been very helpful posting tips or answers to any Zerg questions I have.

Best advice I can give you is to hop into a custom match with the AI. They're dumb as rocks and it will give you a chance to build all your units, check them out, play with their abilities, etc. Then once you've done that, check out psy's youtube channel to learn how to apply those units/abilties, then just start playing.


The Lamonster said:
Is it a major fix? I have a Mac friend who is basically unable to play due to slow performance, and apparently this is a common issue. Fixed now?
Hm, it said it was a fix for extremely long error reports when SC2 crashes. So I'm guessing that's not fixed yet :/
Beta ending on the 31st? And no custom maps yet? WTFFFF

Speaking of beta ending, will we still be able to create custom maps with the beta editor? Like will they somehow disable the use of the editor or something?


Can't manage for sh!t
cdyhybrid said:
Just got into the beta a few days ago, now that I'm all patched up...does anyone have any beginner Zerg replays/voice-overs? I played SC1 a little, but didn't really play online (just games against the CPU) and I feel overwhelmed with all the new shit in the game. Just looking for something to help me get familiar with the new Zerg units, a build order, when to expand, etc.

Watch Psystarcract on youtube. I play Zerg and watching him has helped a lot. Plus he's a funny guy. http://www.youtube.com/my_subscriptions?pi=0&ps=20&sf=added&sa=0&dm=0&s=GH2ECi3I8_w&as=1


-COOLIO- said:
as a terran player, roaches and hydras are pretty destructive against helions, even with pre-ignitor. and nueral parasite counters the thors. borrowed roaches can f up the tanks (ive never seen anyone do this but im not sure why not)
Good players dont fall for the burrowed roaches. I tried it a few times, but they got scanned out.

The fight basically goes like this. First my army is scouted and right at the beginning of the fight, I get scanned. The Hellions move in and take out any Zerglings I have and then focus fire down my Infestors. I am trying to get fungal growth on the Hellions long enough to get neural parasite off on the Thors. Thors are out of range at the start of the fight for it. The Thors and Tanks take out the Roaches first, and finish the wipe up of the Hydras. With the Roach nerf, I am limited to my Roaches and they seem pretty useless in the fight with someone higher than silver. Im thinking of skipping Roaches due to the nerf and just focus on Hydras in hopes that raw damage can drop the Thors and Hellions and use a mop up Zergling force to use their splash damage against them.

This is a mid game fight though, so some of the higher tier Zerg options are out. Neural parasite finishes researching just moments before. It is a very specific build with good timing in the mid game. Once the army is assembled, there is little I can do. Right now any time I start to see a mech build, I harass even more and try to prevent the army from even being assembled. I just dont see a Zerg counter right now in the mid game. I thought maybe air units were the answer, but I cant make enough Mutas to overwhelm the Thors and Broodlords are still minutes away. The build has become popular over the weekend and Im looking for high lvl Zerg players who have killed the build or even countered the army. All of the higher tier Zerg tools are out. This a mid game build that is timed just right that the fight takes place before the Zerg can tech to some better counters.


No one ever expects a planetary fortress to be backing up the army you've parked outside their base. :lol I tricked someone into basically losing their entire ground army because they were too foolish to scout outside their base prior to sending their army out after my bait.

I'm sure there are more mineral effective investments, but that hundreds of HP + the heavy damage really helps make a difference even when you have the smaller army.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Anyone know how the hacked (or whatever its name) version of SC2 is going? Like if Battlenet goes down, can we play multiplayer games through it yet or still on the AI stuff?
So when I'm Zerg I simply can't do anything against a Terran who goes Marines/Siege Tanks/Raven.

Twice in a row now I've lost to that, the second time I fared a bit better (as in lived longer) by fending off his initial attack but nearby losing my Lair in the process. I 14 pooled, 15 hatched (Scrap Station), started massing Zerglings/getting Banelings as I upgraded to Lair. I busted his supply depot early on with some Banes to try to do some damage with Zerglings but I didn't really do any damage aside from scout his base.

I was able to flank his Tanks with my Speedlings/Hydras (I got some after I got Lair, Mutas would have been instant death since he had some vikings and all those Marines) when he would de-siege them to reposition, and my Banelings - when they were able to close in during his tank repositioning - were able to take out a good size of his marines, but good Terran players walk their siege tanks forward which was the case in the first game so my Banes were useless in that game.

What am I supposed to do against this? In the first game I tried Roaches and that was even less effective than just throwing wave after wave of Speedlings at his army to try to hold him off, which did work on his first attack and did make it at least a little difficult for him on his final attack, but I just can't see it ultimately working and winning the game.


The Everyman
MisterAnderson said:
So when I'm Zerg I simply can't do anything against a Terran who goes Marines/Siege Tanks/Raven.

Twice in a row now I've lost to that, the second time I fared a bit better (as in lived longer) by fending off his initial attack but nearby losing my Lair in the process. I 14 pooled, 15 hatched (Scrap Station), started massing Zerglings/getting Banelings as I upgraded to Lair. I busted his supply depot early on with some Banes to try to do some damage with Zerglings but I didn't really do any damage aside from scout his base.

I was able to flank his Tanks with my Speedlings/Hydras (I got some after I got Lair, Mutas would have been instant death since he had some vikings and all those Marines) when he would de-siege them to reposition, and my Banelings - when they were able to close in during his tank repositioning - were able to take out a good size of his marines, but good Terran players walk their siege tanks forward which was the case in the first game so my Banes were useless in that game.

What am I supposed to do against this? In the first game I tried Roaches and that was even less effective than just throwing wave after wave of Speedlings at his army to try to hold him off, which did work on his first attack and did make it at least a little difficult for him on his final attack, but I just can't see it ultimately working and winning the game.

would a ton of roaches work? just mass roaches?


MisterAnderson said:
So when I'm Zerg I simply can't do anything against a Terran who goes Marines/Siege Tanks/Raven.

Twice in a row now I've lost to that, the second time I fared a bit better (as in lived longer) by fending off his initial attack but nearby losing my Lair in the process. I 14 pooled, 15 hatched (Scrap Station), started massing Zerglings/getting Banelings as I upgraded to Lair. I busted his supply depot early on with some Banes to try to do some damage with Zerglings but I didn't really do any damage aside from scout his base.

I was able to flank his Tanks with my Speedlings/Hydras (I got some after I got Lair, Mutas would have been instant death since he had some vikings and all those Marines) when he would de-siege them to reposition, and my Banelings - when they were able to close in during his tank repositioning - were able to take out a good size of his marines, but good Terran players walk their siege tanks forward which was the case in the first game so my Banes were useless in that game.

What am I supposed to do against this? In the first game I tried Roaches and that was even less effective than just throwing wave after wave of Speedlings at his army to try to hold him off, which did work on his first attack and did make it at least a little difficult for him on his final attack, but I just can't see it ultimately working and winning the game.

Brood Lords?
-COOLIO- said:
would a ton of roaches work? just mass roaches?

I tried getting Roaches (although I wouldn't call it massed at that time since I died before I could really mass anymore) and with what I had they seemed very ineffective as their short range and slow speed off creep (prior to upgrade) forces me to walk slowly up to the siege tanks as they are getting taken out by Siege Tank fire and Marines. If I choose to attack the Marines first, the Siege Tank fire owns me anyway. Also Siege tanks do bonus damage against armored targets.

I figured waves of Zerglings would be best since they can close the distance to the Marines much easier than Roaches, and they would hopefully take out some Marines by getting some Tank splash friendly fire. Then I'd mop up the remaining tanks with Zerglings as they'd unsiege and move, which worked to defend against that opening attack. It just wasn't that effective and I feel like I just got lucky.

Won said:
Brood Lords?

Brood Lords aren't really an option 6-7 minutes into the game, heh. I should have clarified that both games I was attacked prior to the 10 minute mark.


MisterAnderson said:
So when I'm Zerg I simply can't do anything against a Terran who goes Marines/Siege Tanks/Raven.

Twice in a row now I've lost to that, the second time I fared a bit better (as in lived longer) by fending off his initial attack but nearby losing my Lair in the process. I 14 pooled, 15 hatched (Scrap Station), started massing Zerglings/getting Banelings as I upgraded to Lair. I busted his supply depot early on with some Banes to try to do some damage with Zerglings but I didn't really do any damage aside from scout his base.

I was able to flank his Tanks with my Speedlings/Hydras (I got some after I got Lair, Mutas would have been instant death since he had some vikings and all those Marines) when he would de-siege them to reposition, and my Banelings - when they were able to close in during his tank repositioning - were able to take out a good size of his marines, but good Terran players walk their siege tanks forward which was the case in the first game so my Banes were useless in that game.

What am I supposed to do against this? In the first game I tried Roaches and that was even less effective than just throwing wave after wave of Speedlings at his army to try to hold him off, which did work on his first attack and did make it at least a little difficult for him on his final attack, but I just can't see it ultimately working and winning the game.
Stagger your army andsend it in waves. Send a small force of Banelings/Zerglings in, against players with suspect micros, it draws the first round of tank rounds. After the round hits, send in your main group of Banelings and the rest of your Cracklings. You should melt the Marines in no time. Use whatever lings you have left to draw the tank fire and hopefully use their splash damage against them. Your Hydras should be able to mop up fine. This fight is all about out microing the Terran player. Roaches are useless after the nerf in larger fights. You just cant mass enough for them to be effective in big fights. Im sure pro players will prove me wrong though.


I just won a 45 minute match against a top ranked gold player. That was amazing. He went mech so i went infestors and stole all of his Thors :)


MisterAnderson said:
Brood Lords aren't really an option 6-7 minutes into the game, heh. I should have clarified that both games I was attacked prior to the 10 minute mark.

They are, you just need to believe in yourself.
Against Terrans should I just avoid doing an FE altogether? The only real advantage Zerg have against them is out macro-ing since matching army for army the Terran (should) always come out the victor. Zerg need to outproduce, and 14 pool 15 hatch seems to be a pretty normal starting build order I thought when it came to Zerg.


relies on auto-aim
MisterAnderson said:
Against Terrans should I just avoid doing an FE altogether? The only real advantage Zerg have against them is out macro-ing since matching army for army the Terran (should) always come out the victor. Zerg need to outproduce, and 14 pool 15 hatch seems to be a pretty normal starting build order I thought when it came to Zerg.
2 gas tech straight to mutas. While lair/spire is going down use the excess gas to go baneling and pressure/bust the front.

Just try to to delay the push then harass with your mutas. I would think you would get them out before the standard timing push at 65-70 food.

From there take your expo and deny the T expo. Drone up hard on your 2 base. Overwhelm T with macro, engage him on creep if possible (Raven makes this hard), blings for marines, lings for tanks, mutas for fuckery. Every turret or depot that goes down is 2 less marines for you to deal with. Try to pincer of flank with speedlings and force your banelings (with speed) in a good position.

Pure theorycraft btw.

*The main problem of course is the Terran can adapt very quickly. You need to strike before that.


MisterAnderson said:
Against Terrans should I just avoid doing an FE altogether? The only real advantage Zerg have against them is out macro-ing since matching army for army the Terran (should) always come out the victor. Zerg need to outproduce, and 14 pool 15 hatch seems to be a pretty normal starting build order I thought when it came to Zerg.

Actually againt terran is usually the safest matchup for a fast expand. Only thing you really have to worry about is fast reapers really.
iamblades said:
Actually againt terran is usually the safest matchup for a fast expand. Only thing you really have to worry about is fast reapers really.

I find this to be generally not true though. Between an early Marauder and Hellion push to take out your FE or Tanks and Marines, I get wrecked like 75%-90% of the time I FE in a Terran matchup as Zerg.

Chris R

I hate being grouped with turtlers. Worst race I've found for this are Ts. Just finished a match where my partner built ~20 missile turrets and had probably 8 siegeged tanks just sitting protecting his only base. No real expansion, never really tech'ed up or pushed. Ugh.


I'm mostly a 1v1 player but Ive been trying some 2v2s with a friend and we have a hard time ever winning. Anyone got some pro tips to a 2v2 noob?


scoobs said:
I'm mostly a 1v1 player but Ive been trying some 2v2s with a friend and we have a hard time ever winning. Anyone got some pro tips to a 2v2 noob?
Unless ur zerg, dont even think about fast expand
scoobs said:
I'm mostly a 1v1 player but Ive been trying some 2v2s with a friend and we have a hard time ever winning. Anyone got some pro tips to a 2v2 noob?

Scout. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many 2v2 games start out with an early rush from the opponent. Always expect Void Rays if there's a Protoss player. Harass the opponent early and try not to let them tech up or expand.

Not sure what else to tell you since I don't know what you're doing wrong.
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