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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I love destroying people who try to use cheese tactics. Last night I had a Zerg player rush me with lings right as I finished walling off my ramp but before I had finished any marines. I had to rush my SCVs over to repair my depots and barracks while his lings pounded on them. Once I got my first marine out he retreated and I proceeded to mass produce marines and went for siege tanks as fast as I could. Once I had around 15 marines and 4 siege tanks I made a push (sending one marine ahead to scout the way) and discovered that he was pushing towards me with a bunch of lings and some hydras. His army smoked my scout marine and continued to advance so I put my siege tanks into siege mode and kept my marines close. A few seconds later his army reached mine in the middle of the road and was quickly obliterated by siege tank fire. When I arrived at his base he only had a few units up and quickly quit the game without a word.


2v2 last night, other Protoss player cheesed my partner with a cannon rush. Partner left. I countered with a 1 gate Zealot rush and won!


I got cheesed by a zerg some days agp, he went like 9 pool and ling rushed me im steppes of war, my rax finished when the lings arrived, attacked my CC and I fighted back ith my SCVs, then 1 marine joined, then two, micro the hell out of those marines, dude only attacked moved so SCVs blocked the lings.
Then I countered, 3 marines + 9 SCVs allin and killed his base, good times :D


Zefah said:
I love destroying people who try to use cheese tactics. Last night I had a Zerg player rush me with lings right as I finished walling off my ramp but before I had finished any marines. I had to rush my SCVs over to repair my depots and barracks while his lings pounded on them. Once I got my first marine out he retreated and I proceeded to mass produce marines and went for siege tanks as fast as I could. Once I had around 15 marines and 4 siege tanks I made a push (sending one marine ahead to scout the way) and discovered that he was pushing towards me with a bunch of lings and some hydras. His army smoked my scout marine and continued to advance so I put my siege tanks into siege mode and kept my marines close. A few seconds later his army reached mine in the middle of the road and was quickly obliterated by siege tank fire. When I arrived at his base he only had a few units up and quickly quit the game without a word.

I don't really consider that cheese. I start almost every match with a 10 pool, and rush with 6 lings as soon as my pool is up. If the other team doesn't have anything to defend their base that early in the game, then they deserve to lose. 90% of the time though, they do, so I'll just try to harass where I can, get some scouting in, and retreat before I lose all my lings.

I just always try to keep pressure on my opponent, especially as zerg. If I play zerg as turtle mode, letting the other team do whatever they want for 10-15 minutes and just try to out produce them, I lose almost every time.


to my fellow Zerg players, what are your favorite build orders? I have 2 that I choose from (10 pool or 13 pool/15hatch) with slight variations depending on my scouting. What are you guys doing?


I made a terrible noob mistake the other day. it was TvZ and I forgot to raise my supply depot. Needless to say, 10 lings came in and wrecked havoc on my econ whereas if I had remember to raise my depot, my two marines would have been able to handle them =(


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
scoobs said:
to my fellow Zerg players, what are your favorite build orders? I have 2 that I choose from (10 pool or 13 pool/15hatch) with slight variations depending on my scouting. What are you guys doing?

Most people do 13/14 Pool 15 hatch. 10 pool is pretty early, no reason to do that unless you're rushing with zerglings.


In big maps such as Kulas ravine, Scrap station, Metalopoli, etc, I have seen Z go 15 pool, 16 hatch, 2 more drones, then 2 queens. Then they macro like crazy, roach or hydra depending on your scout, 2 early queens with full usage of generate larva is pretty lethal, specially if enemy FE.


scoobs said:
to my fellow Zerg players, what are your favorite build orders? I have 2 that I choose from (10 pool or 13 pool/15hatch) with slight variations depending on my scouting. What are you guys doing?

I usually 10 pool. Everything falls into place nicely when you start with that. Right after you start your pool, make an overlord. If you time it well enough, you will have about 300 minerals once your pool finishes. I use the 300 to turn the 3 larva in the zerglings, and spawn a queen. Then I build a gas and start working on drones while I am using my 6 lings to scout/harass. I'll expand usually around 17 or 18 and I use my first 100 gas to start my lair production. If my lings are doing enough damage early on, then I'll just set my rally point in front of their base and continue to resupply my army at the opponents door. Although usually I end up having to back off and I'll park my lings at the watch towers.

Sometimes I try the 14 pool 16 hatch stuff, and it works pretty well, but I like the early aggression that a 10 pool brings.

I'm not sure if it's a great build order, but it's what I do and it's worked out pretty well for me so far.


I'm only in Bronze league but it amazes me how much other players just let their minerals go unspent. This one player completely obliterated my base at the beginning because I spent resources on making a reaper counter with a bunker and instead he came in my front with marines and marauders. The game lasted for about half an hour but planetary fortress, moving my buildings around, and just out producing him let me win despite the massive economic advantage he had in the beginning.

Getting better 'kill' instincts
Spending minerals
Creating enough facilities to properly use your mineral income and quickly replace lost units

Seems to be something generally lacking in Bronze League.

Almost Silver now.

And freaking Seige tanks, I've had several matches against Terran whom, if they had gotten Seige tanks, would have killed me, it's like people have forgotten they exist. It took me a little while to get used to building Seige tanks again, to be fair.

I'm having a hard time against Zerg though.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Zen said:
I'm only in Bronze league but it amazes me how much other players just let their minerals go unspent. This one player completely obliterated my base at the beginning because I spent resources on making a reaper counter with a bunker and instead he came in my front with marines and marauders. The game lasted for about half an hour but planetary fortress, moving my buildings around, and just out producing him let me win despite the massive economic advantage he had in the beginning.

Getting better 'kill' instincts
Spending minerals
Creating enough facilities to properly use your mineral income and quickly replace lost units

Seems to be something generally lacking in Bronze League.

Almost Silver now.

And freaking Seige tanks, I've had several matches against Terran whom, if they had gotten Seige tanks, would have killed me, it's like people have forgotten they exist. It took me a little while to get used to building Seige tanks again, to be fair.

I'm having a hard time against Zerg though.
copper is the same. people just forget to build new unit-structures, hot-key them, and set way-points to wherever is most convenient.

hell, even when I'm rolling an opponent, there's usually an additional three or so void rays on their way.

the problem with me is that I don't have a solid enough early build-order yet. my mid-late game macro is usually pretty solid. I need to be way more offensive early on.


Rez said:
copper is the same. people just forget to build new unit-structures, hot-key them, and set way-points to wherever is most convenient.

hell, even when I'm rolling an opponent, there's usually an additional three or so void rays on their way.

the problem with me is that I don't have a solid enough early build-order yet. my mid-late game macro is usually pretty solid. I need to be way more offensive early on.
this is why we'd be the perfect team


Junior Member
ZealousD said:
Most people do 13/14 Pool 15 hatch. 10 pool is pretty early, no reason to do that unless you're rushing with zerglings.

I 10 pool vs Terrans on small maps because I fear the Reaper ;-)

And sometimes I do 10gas/13 pool/hatch for a solid baneling bust, especially against Terrans on small maps. I'm getting pretty good at early pressure, though I probably won't leave Copper before the hiatus. We'll maybe. Bronze, here I come :D

Last match I took down a stargate with lings seconds before a Void Ray came. Lesson: Early cannons as toss is a pure invitation for baneling busting :D
I'm having trouble countering a terran going marines/thor/ghosts as protoss. Any suggestions? It's mainly the thors that own me, my typical counter of immortals is destroyed by ghost emp... so yeah not sure what would be a good counter.


relies on auto-aim
storm(and feedback) or collosi + stalkers stalkers stalkers. Add in some sentries to reduce marine and ghost DPS.

Thors usually build up 150/200 energy so feedback will do that much damage to a thor.
Same goes for trying to feedback ghosts or storming them.

If you are having trouble feedbacking ghosts try using a pylon behind the Terran line to warp in templar so they can insta feedback and ghosts hiding on the sides or behind the terran line.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
remz said:
this is why we'd be the perfect team
I just need to get a mic! Typing and playing just don't work.

This weekend: you, me, SC2. Death to others. Or ourselves, whatever.


I go 14 pool, 15 hatch most the time. Sometimes I will go 10 pool with an early harass on small maps, but rarely do it. Most people are ready for an early push on small maps, you can catch some people napping though. On large maps not much point in going early pool.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
-COOLIO- said:
anyone having luck with late game reaper harasses?

Reapers aren't terribly effective in the late game. Making them essentially prevents you from having any infantry, and they're so fragile that every run is like a suicide run. Medivac drops are much more effective for late game harass.


relies on auto-aim
A small squad of reapers late game can be pretty effective at hit and runs with the upgrade if you opponent has 3 bases he needs to guard. They make short works of cannons and probes. Even better if you can get into their main to snipe critical buildings.


Not an asshole.
yeah I'm currently on a 9 win streak in my bronze league and it's pretty much the same shit that was detailed above. I am able to win almost 100% of the time with an early 4 'racks push. In the rare instance that they out-micro or otherwise beat my army I can usually do an easy tech switch into banshees or something to seal the deal.

Many times I can win with 3 or 4 marines off a fast 'racks, especially against toss. Throwing down a bunker just drives that last nail in the coffin.

I'm hoping I get transferred to Silver soon... Bronze is kinda boring ATM.


So I'm a bit behind on my news the past few days... could someone sum up how long Blizzard is shutting down the beta for (approximately)?
I just had a thought about a 2v2 strat on maps where you are close together if one of you is a zerg. Have the non Zerg Eco up as if they were to fast expand and instead donate to your ally so they can fast expand while they tech to Muta / Hydra or whatever and have the ability to mass them at the exact time they get it.


Forever Platinum
Hilarious game just occurred. Ezrarh and I were sitting on our couch watching our other roommate play street fighter and he says: "Let's do a 2v2 worker rush game."

We both pick toss, for the regenerating shields, take our starting workers and rush. get there, kill some workers, mostly chase them around and do nothing. So we pulled back and switched to macro, knowing we'd already lost the game but wanted to try anyway. We rushed a toss and his partner, terran, came for ezrarh with MM, I couldnt really get there to save him. Simultaneously we were teching up to void rays, he gets his just in time, I take mine and go screw toss over.

Ezrarh loses his base, I hold my ramp, we gut both enemy bases with void rays, I expand and attempt to macro with toss :)lol :lol my minerals were at like 2k the entire time) and eventually won, despite mass cannons and dts from the toss that refused to give up.


The replay if you guys are interested. Subtitled: pro has no toss game.


LaneDS said:
So I'm a bit behind on my news the past few days... could someone sum up how long Blizzard is shutting down the beta for (approximately)?

1 Month+, I think. They said it will come back in July.


Totally, but at least we'll still be in the Beta when it comes back in July.

Random comment aht adds nothing of value: I like the game a lot. It would be nice if Units had a little bit more micro a la SCI, but I am really enjoying how all the races seem to have more meat to them in terms of depth.


momolicious said:
if it comes back in July how will that be enough time for phase 2 if its releasing in that month?
Think July is only a stress test. They will mass invite a ton of people to make sure their servers can handle the load. I dont think they will be looking to tune a whole lot during that time, but Im sure they will use some of the data to tune later.


ZealousD said:
I've just tried this several times with 13 gate. I either get supply blocked on the first zealot or the gas comes too late to build a stalker once the cyber finishes.

Tried it with 10 gate too. It simply doesn't have the economy to get the cyber up when the first gateway finishes, and when the first gate DOES come up, not enough minerals to get the first zealot.

You're making a sacrifice SOMEWHERE.

Edit: Oh, you're sacrificing a zealot? I've been having this discussion in terms of PvP, which means I need zealots blocking my ramp. Trying to stop a double gateway rush, and 1 stalker won't stop 5 zealots.

Actually I am able to produce a zealot as soon as the first gate is done. Maybe I'm smoking crack, i will test it out when I get a chance. My rough build is

11 gate
12 gate
13 assim

Once the first gate is done I have about 200 minerals, which I use to first build the cyber. i then get my frist zealot almost immediately after and chrono boost. by the time the cyber is done i have around 90 or so gas, which i can use to warp first, then stalker second. also get an assim when cyber is up.

edit: of course if youre going up against 5 zealots this probably wont be enough :lol


So is the whole bronze, silver, gold, platinum thing final? I don't mind it but I think there should be things in between them. The jump from gold to platinum is pretty difficult as in I get my ass kicked :(.


eosos said:
So is the whole bronze, silver, gold, platinum thing final? I don't mind it but I think there should be things in between them. The jump from gold to platinum is pretty difficult as in I get my ass kicked :(.

i think there was talk of a super duper platinum league, so that may help you?


Ashhong said:
i think there was talk of a super duper platinum league, so that may help you?
Thanks SO much for the help. Now I can rest easy while pwning n00bs know that my l33t haxorz skillz won't go to waste.
holy crap, it amazes me how much lying blizz can get away with. didnt browder himself say 3v3 and 4v4 will come in mid-may? and now the beta is going offline may 31st? what in God's name is their collective problem?!


To anybody who's tried to play against me, I am truly sorry! The newly-built computer I'm using has some defective hardware and power cuts randomly when I play. Since this makes it essentially impossible to play more than 10min, I will put it on my laptop. My laptop sucks though... there's a solid chance I won't really get in any more matches before it's over :'(

EDIT: And I need to learn how to better handle zergling rushes. While they don't always kill me outright, they sure cripple my progress...
I'm thinking when it comes back up it might be an open beta. Just a guess but it will be awfullyclose to launch..

My friend and I have been playing as double zerg in 2v2s. Top in our Silver league division. He leads off with a 6 pool, which I support with an 8 pool moments later. 75% of the time we seem to deal massive damage if not outright making people ragequit since they end up with 12+ lings in their base when they have a single zealot, handful of lings, or one marine.

This doesn't always work of course. Picking double zerg often makes people go into panic mode and make fast canons or whatever their defense of choice is against a zergling rush.

There is almost no reason NOT to ling rush. You have a good chance of killing your opponent or at least killing some workers. Also don't forget that if he pulls workers off to escape from/fight lings that lost mining time for an addional econ hit. As an added bonus you get to scout their base thoroughly.

Build order-wise back at your own base you need a pool anyways, and if you don't neglect things you should have a queen and gas starting about the time your first lings reach the enemy base, so by the time the ling rush is either succesful/epic fail you can decide to get speedling tech or lair.

I go for speedling tech if the ling rush is working well and I sense a kill. If it fails then I go lair and toss down a roach warren (roach warren goes down eitehr way, actually). My friend always begins to expand and tech mutalisks (unless the lings are working out, in which case we just both push out more lings).

As a divergent strategy from the usual roach/hydra build I go, I will sometimes go baneling/roach if any surviving opponents are terran. I'll try to bust down their front door and take them out with a timing attack. If not I find that when a terran loses their front wall they have a tendency to immediately go into defensive mode and even if my bust attempt only kills some depots it prevents a counterattack and keeps them off-gaurd for a bit.

After that I usually settle back, drone up my expansion (its important to expand or tech when attacking) and mass up a ground force of hydra/roach, sometimes with banelings mixed in for fun and good times. Usually when I am in this stage my partner has started some sort of Muta harrass. If all this hasnt broken the opponent then he techs to broodlords and we win the game (assuming the enemies don't kill us first).
Arthrus said:
I need to learn how to better handle zergling rushes. While they don't always kill me outright, they sure cripple my progress...

I still find the best way to avoid a zergling rush is one of the following -

1 - Fake Proxy. If terran build slightly outside of base (a place they will not scout) then fly it back, as Protoss hide it in a base corner or somewhere near your natural expansion. They will then think they are gonna be rushed and will waste lava on zergling / spine crawler, slowing them down.

2 - Base trade.

3 - Build around your mineral line, giving lings less room to move.
Arthrus said:
To anybody who's tried to play against me, I am truly sorry! The newly-built computer I'm using has some defective hardware and power cuts randomly when I play. Since this makes it essentially impossible to play more than 10min, I will put it on my laptop. My laptop sucks though... there's a solid chance I won't really get in any more matches before it's over :'(

EDIT: And I need to learn how to better handle zergling rushes. While they don't always kill me outright, they sure cripple my progress...

Build structures around your choke/ramp. As Protoss, just leave a single space and have your zealot hold position there. Zerglings will never be able to get inside. You could possibly get a fast Sentry out and use Force Field as well. As Terran, Supply Depot + Barracks + Marines = failed rush. As Zerg, make Zerglings...

Scouting is very important in the beginning as well. Send a probe to your opponent's base early on to make sure their Spawning Pool isn't too early.

I almost always beat players that ling rush me because if I can hold it off, their economy is so behind. Many times, I can just counter attack with mass Zealots and Sentries.


relies on auto-aim
eosos said:
Thanks SO much for the help. Now I can rest easy while pwning n00bs know that my l33t haxorz skillz won't go to waste.
They talked about a invite only Pro league. Don't know how much that will help.
fatty said:
The beta allows you to create a custom game against the computer on 'Very Easy' difficulty. It is a very easy opponent, basically it is there just so you can play around with the different units and see how the operate.
Oh, ok, figured it out. Thanks! Did a Terran vs. Terran match, but held off on killing them just so I could use all the units and upgrades and stuff. Will probably want to practice some more before playing multiplayer though.
FromTheFuture said:
Step 1 - Don't listen to ChronicleX

....and by doing so continue to get owned by <10 pools. If your so wise, why not state your method for a <10 pool defence?

Ashhong said:
seriously Chronicle, horrible advice there.

It was advice to defend against a <10 pool rush and it works. Any other type of pool rush is too slow to arrive before you have a wall/units up.
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