I'm thinking when it comes back up it might be an open beta. Just a guess but it will be awfullyclose to launch..
My friend and I have been playing as double zerg in 2v2s. Top in our Silver league division. He leads off with a 6 pool, which I support with an 8 pool moments later. 75% of the time we seem to deal massive damage if not outright making people ragequit since they end up with 12+ lings in their base when they have a single zealot, handful of lings, or one marine.
This doesn't always work of course. Picking double zerg often makes people go into panic mode and make fast canons or whatever their defense of choice is against a zergling rush.
There is almost no reason NOT to ling rush. You have a good chance of killing your opponent or at least killing some workers. Also don't forget that if he pulls workers off to escape from/fight lings that lost mining time for an addional econ hit. As an added bonus you get to scout their base thoroughly.
Build order-wise back at your own base you need a pool anyways, and if you don't neglect things you should have a queen and gas starting about the time your first lings reach the enemy base, so by the time the ling rush is either succesful/epic fail you can decide to get speedling tech or lair.
I go for speedling tech if the ling rush is working well and I sense a kill. If it fails then I go lair and toss down a roach warren (roach warren goes down eitehr way, actually). My friend always begins to expand and tech mutalisks (unless the lings are working out, in which case we just both push out more lings).
As a divergent strategy from the usual roach/hydra build I go, I will sometimes go baneling/roach if any surviving opponents are terran. I'll try to bust down their front door and take them out with a timing attack. If not I find that when a terran loses their front wall they have a tendency to immediately go into defensive mode and even if my bust attempt only kills some depots it prevents a counterattack and keeps them off-gaurd for a bit.
After that I usually settle back, drone up my expansion (its important to expand or tech when attacking) and mass up a ground force of hydra/roach, sometimes with banelings mixed in for fun and good times. Usually when I am in this stage my partner has started some sort of Muta harrass. If all this hasnt broken the opponent then he techs to broodlords and we win the game (assuming the enemies don't kill us first).