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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

ChronicleX said:
I still find the best way to avoid a zergling rush is one of the following -

1 - Fake Proxy. If terran build slightly outside of base (a place they will not scout) then fly it back, as Protoss hide it in a base corner or somewhere near your natural expansion. They will then think they are gonna be rushed and will waste lava on zergling / spine crawler, slowing them down.

2 - Base trade.

3 - Build around your mineral line, giving lings less room to move.

Ling rush rapes your proxy pylon and you gg. :lol

Your entire strategy completely assumes that the opponent will act according to plan and do a <10 pool rush. You would have to send out a scouting probe as soon as the game began to react accordingly, otherwise you wouldn't throw down a pylon and gateway fast enough because your "fake proxy" is so far away from your mineral line.

Even if you somehow prevented this ling rush, your proxy buildings are so prone to being sniped later on. You simply can't be defending your proxy buildings AND your mineral line at the same time because zerlings can run right into your base.

If you do a base trade, well, zerglings pretty much rape everything if they're on creep. A good zerg player would probably have a Queen out as well to further rape you.
watervengeance said:
Ling rush rapes your proxy pylon and you gg. :lol

Your entire strategy completely assumes that the opponent will act according to plan and do a <10 pool rush. You would have to send out a scouting probe as soon as the game began to react accordingly, otherwise you wouldn't throw down a pylon and gateway fast enough because your "fake proxy" is so far away from your mineral line.

Even if you somehow prevented this ling rush, your proxy buildings are so prone to being sniped later on. You simply can't be defending your proxy buildings AND your mineral line at the same time because zerlings can run right into your base.

If you do a base trade, well, zerglings pretty much rape everything if they're on creep.

The Fake proxy is not far away from the mineral line, its a FAKE proxy, not an actual proxy. It is just in an area that will not be scouted. An example is the east/west part of your base on scrapnation. Once you have stopped it all furture raids will be blocked by wall / sentries.

The base trade is with proxy gateway. Zelots will kill a undefended zerg base faster than zerglings will kill yours + get back to kill your proxy's.


Easiest method of 6-10 pool defense for any race is simply scout at 10 food, know it's coming, and use your choke point and or workers.

You should come out ahead against the super early pools and come out even against the 10 pool (which is not an all-in and considered an decent opening on some maps with close rush distance zvt).

With the workers just remember that you can easily bunch them up or micro them out of a battle by right clicking on minerals causing them to walk through all collision.
ChronicleX said:
....and by doing so continue to get owned by <10 pools. If your so wise, why not state your method for a <10 pool defence?

It was advice to defend against a <10 pool rush and it works. Any other type of pool rush is too slow to arrive before you have a wall/units up.
:lol :lol :lol
ChronicleX said:
The Fake proxy is not far away from the mineral line, its a FAKE proxy, not an actual proxy. It is just in an area that will not be scouted. An example is the east/west part of your base on scrapnation. Once you have stopped it all furture raids will be blocked by wall / sentries.

The base trade is with proxy gateway. Zelots will kill a undefended zerg base faster than zerglings will kill yours + get back to kill your proxy's.

Why would you even want to do this? You're basically letting zerglings into your base so they can kill probes. Your zealots wouldn't be able to defend in time nor counterattack fast enough. A player that already intends to win the game by rushing would not retreat. If they notice that something is wrong, then they'll just stop sending zerglings and leave them at the base.
Alright, noobie, how's this?

As any race, you should fear early Zergling cheese mostly on 2 player maps, as your opponent knows where you are, and possibly, but less likely, on 3-4 player maps if your opponent does an early drone scout or has scouted you quickly with his first Overlord (or if you're in Copper, which I'm assuming ChronicleX would be located in). Regardless of what you think your opponent might be doing, you should be scouting for this kind of stuff anyway!

As Protoss against a Zerg, it's generally a good idea to create a choke at the top of your ramp that is spaced 1 hex (block, square, whatever you want to call it). This can be done by simply placing your first Pylon and Gateway at the top of your ramp, and creating that 1 hex hole. This hole can be plugged easily with 1 Zealot, which negates a large amount of Zerglings, since your Zealot will be facing 1 Zergling at a time.

As Protoss on 2 player maps where the opponent knows where you are, they can easily pull off Zergling cheese. The best way to get your Zealot out quickly is to get a quick 10 Gateway. A build that I personally like to use that doesn't sacrifice economy or endanger you in the long run (fake proxies, lol) is a 10 Pylon, 10 Gateway. You should then always be Chronoboosting your first Zealot immediately after the Gateway finishes, and plug that 1 hex hole with hold position. Keep producing Zealots to block your choke as needed, while you safely tech up in the background. Easy. A quick great thing I'll mention about this build is that if the opponent opts for a fast expand instead, you can continue to Chronoboost Zealots and harass your opponent, deal damage and make them pay for doing so (but that's not exactly here nor there). On 4 player maps, you will be a lot safer due to positioning and scouting patterns of the Zerg player. Most of the time, you'll be able to just get away with your standard 12-13 Gateway timings.

As Terran against a Zerg (or any race, really), you'll often find a wall at the top of your ramp. This is self explanatory. If a Zerg ever does some Zergling cheese, you should have your wall up already, or if not, you should be able to plug the space for your 2nd depot with some SCVs (which, even though they have been nerfed, still pack a punch) and have Marines producing behind to pick off the lings. If you didn't wall off, micro of SCVs and marines is key. If you did wall off, you're in the gold. Use marines to pick off the Zerglings as they pound away helplessly at your building wall, and send a couple of SCVs to repair your buildings.

The problem with everything you're mentioning is you're essentially fighting cheese with cheese. Why? Instead, play solidly, safely, and calmly. If you see above, it doesn't take much to hold off some silly cheese. Why try to trick your opponent? It's as simple as building your Gateway earlier (which can also provide benefits with few detriments). Keeping your composure is also a stronger option (utilizing workers, etc).

Any Zerg worth anything will run right past your 'fake proxy' and into your mineral line to cripple your economy. You're essentially giving them a free pass. If they're paranoid to hold back because you might have proxied them, they're an even bigger idiot than you are (which would be incredible in and of itself)! And even if you did proxy, do you really think your handful of Zealots can kill off a Zerg Queen, Drones and any other spawning Zerglings before he destroys your economy?

There's just so much wrong with everything you're spewing in this thread, and I wish you would stop.

Edit. I even forgot to mention that you'll be incredibly far ahead of your opponent if you successfully defend against their Zergling cheese!


relies on auto-aim
Ashhong said:
im afraid i still dont understand the point of this "fake proxy"...
If an opponent scouts you and doesn't immediately see a pylon/gate in your base they will

1)Think you suck
2)Are proxying

So if you stick your pylon+gate at the toptop right of your base they may not find it.

But then you are fighting lings on open ground so it doesn't make much sense to me.


:lol why not just build those at the ramp...nice strategy

FromTheFuture said:
:lol :lol Sorry, he just irritates me to no end and I haven't said a thing until now so I'm letting it all out!

same guy that complained about putting codes in this thread instead of in the "key begging thread" right? :lol
Ashhong said:
im afraid i still dont understand the point of this "fake proxy"...

There IS no point. It's just an overly convoluted way of playing mind games with the opponent and also screwing yourself over faster. It's even WORSE than simply building normally inside your base.
watervengeance said:
Why would you even want to do this? You're basically letting zerglings into your base so they can kill probes. Your zealots wouldn't be able to defend in time nor counterattack fast enough. A player that already intends to win the game by rushing would not retreat. If they notice that something is wrong, then they'll just stop sending zerglings and leave them at the base.

You will not have a complete wall up to stop them intime. Even if you did wall off completely the zerg will just mass expand since you can now no longer attack them (unless your Terran). If a zerg sees nothing in your base he will not rush out of fear of being rushed himself and instead make extra zerglings to scout/destroy your non existant proxy.

In short faking proxy will not work vs people who are thick and rush blindly since no matter what you do they will just continue with 1 trick pony, but why would you need advice to beat such people?

Ashhong said:
im afraid i still dont understand the point of this "fake proxy"...

Makes them waste Ore/lava/time defending against something that is not going to happen, and not rush you because of it.

Hazaro said:
If an opponent scouts you and doesn't immediately see a pylon/gate in your base they will

1)Think you suck
2)Are proxying

So if you stick your pylon+gate at the toptop right of your base they may not find it.

But then you are fighting lings on open ground so it doesn't make much sense to me.

On maps like scrapnation zerg will arrive long before any wall you can make due to its wide ramp, that is the main reason todo it. An incomplete wall is as good as no wall at all so you would be fighting lings on open ground regardless of fake proxy or not.

FromTheFuture said:
There's nothing to understand, it makes absolutely no sense. Pretty much like everything else that ChronicleX posts in this thread.

Looks like you need to borrow the family braincell to get out of the copper league :lol

watervengeance said:
There IS no point. It's just an overly convoluted way of playing mind games with the opponent and also screwing yourself over faster. It's even WORSE than simply building normally inside your base.

No it does not. Building in the side of your base is exactly the same as building in the middle, it makes no difference if you are not walling.


Fromthefuture in copper league :lol

even in scrapstation, you can build most of the wall. all you have to do is hold against the first 6 ling rush and then you can finish the wall with a supply depot or two. done. with protoss, 2 gates hole up scrapstation iirc, leaving a hole in the middle for a zealot. i get 2 gates going at 11supply.


Proxy pylon?

Only do it if:

1) Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees all in etc

2) When you move out with your army bring a probe and build a proxy pylon so you can get reinforcements.
Ashhong said:
Fromthefuture in copper league :lol

even in scrapstation, you can build most of the wall. all you have to do is hold against the first 6 ling rush and then you can finish the wall with a supply depot or two. done. with protoss, 2 gates hole up scrapstation iirc, leaving a hole in the middle for a zealot. i get 2 gates going at 11supply.

That is the ideal method but my advice was to help someone who does not have the skill to use their probes/workers to defend vs the first 6. If you can use mind games to not get rushed then lacking the skill to defend vs one is no longer an issue.


Forever Platinum
ChronicleX said:
That is the ideal method but my advice was to help someone who does not have the skill to use their probes/workers to defend vs the first 6. If you can use mind games to not get rushed then lacking the skill to defend vs one is no longer an issue.

No. Honestly, your advice would only build a poor game mindset. Seeing base trading as a viable strategy is nonsense. Yes, a solid counter to a proxy gate is to send some zerglings to the toss main, but sacrificing your base to do so is utterly stupid.

And your "fake proxy" idea is equally ridiculous. Thinking a player would interpret a pylon in your natural as anything other than a fast expand is insane. If you were to proxy a pylon near their base in an obvious location anyone with half a brain will think either: It's too early for warpgates, what an idiot! or: what an idiot! That pylon gets destroyed asap with w/e is on its way to your base and you lose 100 minerals for 20 seconds MAX of time. And more seriously, if you spot cheese unless you take your scouting worker to build your "fake proxy" immediately, it will be up far too slow to do anything.

Having a nice sim city around your nexus/cc is decent advice, however.
ChronicleX said:
That is the ideal method but my advice was to help someone who does not have the skill to use their probes/workers to defend vs the first 6. If you can use mind games to not get rushed then lacking the skill to defend vs one is no longer an issue.
:lol Copper league? Yeah, no thanks, I'm in Platinum. Copper is reserved for people like you. I'd love to play you and see all these tricks you have up your sleeves.

But really, it's crap advice like this that is keeping players in Copper league. First of all, it doesn't work. Second of all, it makes you look like an idiot. If you can't send a handful of workers to defend a small choke , I think you've got bigger problems to worry about involving the game. Rather than try to get around the issue with some half assed 'might work might not' stupidity, learn how to deal with trouble in a way that is guaranteed and makes sense. Did you even read my post above?


ChronicleX said:
That is the ideal method but my advice was to help someone who does not have the skill to use their probes/workers to defend vs the first 6. If you can use mind games to not get rushed then lacking the skill to defend vs one is no longer an issue.

honestly, while you will lose many workers, a group of your workers and 1 marine or zealot will kill the first 6 easily. youll just be behind a bit, but at least u can finish the wall.


Forever Platinum
FromTheFuture said:
:lol Copper league? Yeah, no thanks, I'm in Platinum. Copper is reserved for people like you. I'd love to play you and see all these tricks you have up your sleeves.

But really, it's crap advice like this that is keeping players in Copper league. First of all, it doesn't work. Second of all, it makes you look like an idiot. If you can't send a handful of workers to defend a small choke , I think you've got bigger problems to worry about involving the game. Rather than try to get around the issue with some half assed 'might work might not' stupidity, learn how to deal with trouble in a way that is guaranteed and makes sense. Did you even read my post above?

Don't worry alum, I respect the man that knocked me out of winners, I got you.


ChronicleX said:
That is the ideal method but my advice was to help someone who does not have the skill to use their probes/workers to defend vs the first 6. If you can use mind games to not get rushed then lacking the skill to defend vs one is no longer an issue.
Chronicle just go play HoN, actually don't..you'll get bashed even harder :lol
ChronicleX is right about getting zerglings into your base before you can wall on certain maps. Theres at least two 2v2 maps with huge ramps.

Additionally, with a 6 pool on smaller maps I can get there before some opponents (not all, remember I play at silver/gold level) can even build their second depot to complete the block, and on almost all maps I can get lings there before their first marine pops.

Same thing vs protoss, they often don't have that critical zealot to block their ramp (and at my level most protoss don't even try, they just plop buildings down willy-nilly).

6 lings can kill 2 marines or 1 zealot without even trying. Some people mention micro-ing workers in concert with the zealot/marine to fend off the rush. This just puts you on even footing with the zerg at best, since you just lost 150 or more minerals worth of mining time, not to mention possibly losing workers.

Since I play 2v2 my perception of things is probably skewed. I don't need to scout with a drone or overlord because 6-8 pool ling rush will get there quick enough to see whats going on anyways. The only exception might be a terran that somehow gets a wall up, still a problem with normal drone scouting anyways.

The ling rush doesn't really give a HUGE advantage to the opponent if the rush fails. As zerg I needed to spend 200 mineral on a spawning pool anyways, since its needed for queen, zerglings, spine crawlers, and just about everything else. Assuming the zerglings were killed without dealing any damage, thats 150 minerals. That small of an advantage could probably be capitalized on somehow by a really good platinum player but for most of us here I don't think it will make a huge difference.

I don't see what good a proxy would do real or fake. If I am 6-8 pooling I'm not pulling a starting drone to scout to see "zomg he must be proxying me". Reason being that zerg counter to that is to fast pool anyways.

the <10 pools are strategies that are set in motion before scouting.
FromTheFuture said:
:lol Copper league? Yeah, no thanks, I'm in Platinum. Copper is reserved for people like you. I'd love to play you and see all these tricks you have up your sleeves.

But really, it's crap advice like this that is keeping players in Copper league. First of all, it doesn't work. Second of all, it makes you look like an idiot. If you can't send a handful of workers to defend a small choke , I think you've got bigger problems to worry about involving the game. Rather than try to get around the issue with some half assed 'might work might not' stupidity, learn how to deal with trouble in a way that is guaranteed and makes sense. Did you even read my post above?

1 - Your opinion is your opinion, not truth.
2 - Mind games are one of the core elements of RTS.
3 - Denial of 2 makes you a self obsessed elitest with no strategy of his own. The kind of person who will use a strat posted by a great player then use it badly/wrongly and wonder why it did not work, then complain about it.
4 - I suck at this game compared to most but currently the top of my division in gold up from bronze in the space of 2 days, and am now having to loose on purpose/not play in order to not get promoted into plat.

Ashhong said:
honestly, while you will lose many workers, a group of your workers and 1 marine or zealot will kill the first 6 easily. youll just be behind a bit, but at least u can finish the wall.

I know that, I am just throwing alternate ideas out there for people who have trouble with such a situation. I am pretty sure I said this around 3x now.........

valenti said:
Chronicle just go play HoN, actually don't..you'll get bashed even harder :lol

Na. HoN is reserved for retards who have no teamskills, though that might explain why you praise it so much :lol

fanboi said:
Wow, you are going hard against Chronicle...

Yep. Some people just lack the ability to think outside the box. "Oh player XXXX does not do that so THIS guy must be wrong!". I do not mind though, I find their stupidity hilarious :lol

DurielBlack said:
ChronicleX is right

Glad to see not everyone is a mindless HoN lovechild :D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I actually dreamt about this game last night.

And not just a random dream either, I dreamt that Blizzard were removing the cybernetics core and putting the warp gate upgrade on the nexus.

I never dream about games. The hell is wrong with me?
Rez said:
I actually dreamt about this game last night.

And not just a random dream either, I dreamt that Blizzard were removing the cybernetics core and putting the warp gate upgrade on the nexus.

I never dream about games. The hell is wrong with me?

You weren't dreaming, read the patch 13 changelog.

Ultralisk upgrades are researched at the evo chamber now too.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ChronicleX said:
but currently the top of my division in gold up from bronze in the space of 2 days, and am now having to loose on purpose/not play in order to not get promoted into plat.

:lol :lol :lol


ChronicleX said:
1 - Your opinion is your opinion, not truth.
2 - Mind games are one of the core elements of RTS.
3 - Denial of 2 makes you a self obsessed elitest with no strategy of his own. The kind of person who will use a strat posted by a great player then use it badly/wrongly and wonder why it did not work, then complain about it.
4 - I suck at this game compared to most but currently the top of my division in gold up from bronze in the space of 2 days, and am now having to loose on purpose/not play in order to not get promoted into plat.

I know that, I am just throwing alternate ideas out there for people who have trouble with such a situation. I am pretty sure I said this around 3x now.........

Na. HoN is reserved for retards who have no teamskills, though that might explain why you praise it so much :lol

Yep. Some people just lack the ability to think outside the box. "Oh player XXXX does not do that so THIS guy must be wrong!". I do not mind though, I find their stupidity hilarious :lol

Glad to see not everyone is a mindless HoN lovechild :D
HoN is no teamskills? It is a game that necessitates team skills..

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
DurielBlack said:
You weren't dreaming, read the patch 13 changelog.

Ultralisk upgrades are researched at the evo chamber now too.
*eyebrow raise


ChronicleX said:
You got a link for that?

:lol :lol :lol :lol

and yes you are providing alternatives....but they are horrible. just horrible. i havent even wrapped my head around your other alternatives because im just bewildered by the idea of a fake proxy
valenti said:
HoN is no teamskills? It is a game that necessitates team skills..holy crap.

Yeah but is full of asshats that lack it, hence the poor community and massive flaming between anyone and everyone who have a difference of opinion. For example you flaming towards me because you have a different opinion to mine for no reason other than you fancy a self epeen rubdown to boost your ego.


Forever Platinum
Chronicle, you're not thinking outside the box or giving new and groundbreaking ideas, you're giving bad ones. If and when you scout a proxy or cheese you have to alter your primary build, which you're already in the process of, to handle the situation. You don't seek to base trade, you don't waste resources on a gamble that could leave you out resources that you would need to defend.

I can't speak for anything besides zerg, but when I scout cheese I don't expand to my natural, but sometimes I hide an expo. I save larvae for zerglings if my pool isn't done and throw up 2 spine crawlers asap. In the case of a cannon rush you need to expand the creep rather than inject larvae and get your spine crawlers in a position to snipe the cannons.

We don't care what your rank is, or what league you're in, we're just calling you on advice you should not have given.
Ashhong said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol

and yes you are providing alternatives....but they are horrible. just horrible. i havent even wrapped my head around your other alternatives because im just bewildered by the idea of a fake proxy

Fake proxy is not my idea but one I use. I actually noticed some high level plat protoss use in on one of the HDH games or something on scrapnation, and it worked. I have even seen NoNy do things I thought were just stupid that worked amazingly well, like inbase proxy building.

Also Learn 2 Quote proper. This has nothing todo with a patch 13 changelog. For someone who cannot even read posts correctly you sure talk big :lol

Procarbine said:
I can't speak for anything besides zerg, but when I scout cheese I don't expand to my natural, but sometimes I hide an expo. I save larvae for zerglings if my pool isn't done and throw up 2 spine crawlers asap. In the case of a cannon rush you need to expand the creep rather than inject larvae and get your spine crawlers in a position to snipe the cannons.

You scout X so you change your build and end up not rushing but wasting all your resource on a cheese counter when no cheese exists. You have just stated exactly why it works :lol


ChronicleX said:
Fake proxy is not my idea but one I use. I actually noticed some high level plat protoss use in on one of the HDH games or something on scrapnation, and it worked. I have even seen NoNy do things I thought were just stupid that worked amazingly well, like inbase proxy building.

Also Learn 2 Quote proper. This has nothing todo with a patch 13 changelog. For someone who cannot even read posts correctly you sure talk big :lol

are you joking? i was laughing at the quote, and then responding to you in general underneath.

For someone who cannot even read posts correctly you sure talk big :lol


Forever Platinum
ChronicleX said:
Fake proxy is not my idea but one I use. I actually noticed some high level plat protoss use in on one of the HDH games or something on scrapnation, and it worked. I have even seen NoNy do things I thought were just stupid that worked amazingly well, like inbase proxy building.

Also Learn 2 Quote proper. This has nothing todo with a patch 13 changelog. For someone who cannot even read posts correctly you sure talk big :lol

No one in HDH used a "fake proxy" to deter a cheese. No, I've watched every single game. NoNy and WhiteRa use proxies and cheese all the time. They pull of nasty strats like mass phoenix, I've even pulled proxy hatch off against some unlucky opponents, but no one uses "fake proxy" to counter. Ever.

And it's Scrap STATION.


Forever Platinum
ChronicleX said:
You scout X so you change your build and end up not rushing but wasting all your resource on a cheese counter when no cheese exists. You have just stated exactly why it works :lol

No, I never rush. And if I do build that counter I'll send the lings out immediately and see that you bluffed, leaving us in virtually the same position, you wasting resources and me wasting resources, except mine transitions into the fast pressure of 1 hatch zerg and yours ends up nowhere.

You make the faulty assumption of turtling without scouting, indicative of sub-plat play. I'm done with this "debate" and going to bed, will read the flames in the morning.
Ashhong said:
are you joking? i was laughing at the quote, and then responding to you in general underneath.

For someone who cannot even read posts correctly you sure talk big :lol

You were laughing at a quote asking for a Patch 13 changelog link when the current patch is 12.1? Reasonable question considering alot of the next patch's content has been revealed and it is currently being tested.

Your easily amused arnt you? :lol
Procarbine said:
No, I never rush. And if I do build that counter I'll send the lings out immediately and see that you bluffed, leaving us in virtually the same position, you wasting resources and me wasting resources, except mine transitions into the fast pressure of 1 hatch zerg and yours ends up nowhere.

But X did not waste resources. Placing a building in the left of a base costs the same as placing it in the middle. You send out the lings to scout for something that isnt there giving the extra minute needed to get a decent number of zelot / sentry out for example.

The only person who wasted anything is you as the other player did not have to alter his build at all, but you did.

You make the faulty assumption of turtling without scouting, indicative of sub-plat play.

No you make the faulty assumption that you have perfect scouting of the entire map within an instant.
lol I was being facetious about the patch 13 notes.

The closest thing to a fake proxy I ever experienced was someone hiding a key building somewhere in their base, such as a stargate.

If I decide to tech to mutalisks I sometimes hide the spire at my expansion, so when terrans scan me they aren't likley to see it. I've actually seen that done before on some team liquid tourney stream.

Otherwise if your going to fake a proxy you may as well just actually do one.


Forever Platinum
ChronicleX said:
But I did not waste resources. Placing a building in the left of a base costs the same as placing it in the middle. You send out the lings to scout for something that isnt there giving the extra minute needed to get a decent number of zelot / sentry out.

The only person who wasted anything is you as the other player did not have to alter his build at all, but you did.

In the left of a base? What the fuck are you even talking about? No, I didn't go to bed because now I'm legitimately annoyed. If you're somehow thinking that building a rax/gate somewhere else in your main will trick someone into thinking you're proxying or just not building it at all...wait, let's take a step back. Let me make something clear: Unless I see the barracks/gateway going up on my side of the map I'm not building the counter, regardless of whatever I find in your main, and rest assured, if it's not at your ramp and I don't see anything, I scout the entire thing before I go.

This post has confirmed that I'm wasting my time with this, and you have no idea what you're talking about.
DurielBlack said:
lol I was being facetious about the patch 13 notes.

You were right about Ultralisk upgrades coming though.

The closest thing to a fake proxy I ever experienced was someone hiding a key building somewhere in their base, such as a stargate.

If I decide to tech to mutalisks I sometimes hide the spire at my expansion, so when terrans scan me they aren't likley to see it. I've actually seen that done before on some team liquid tourney stream.

Everyone hides key buildings, that just common sense.

Otherwise if your going to fake a proxy you may as well just actually do one.

No because a real proxy can be found + countered if it is found, a fake proxy cannot be found because it does not exist.

Procarbine said:
This post has confirmed that I'm wasting my time with this, and you have no idea what you're talking about.

No it proves the opposite. It proves that you only scout certain things in a certain way, which is why you are annoyed since this kind of mindtrick seems to confuse you.


ChronicleX said:
You were laughing at a quote asking for a Patch 13 changelog link when the current patch is 12.1? Reasonable question considering alot of the next patch's content has been revealed and it is currently being tested.

Your easily amused arnt you? :lol

uh...about the fact that you actually believed that they would suddenly remove the entire Cybernetics Core? yea, i was pretty amused, i will admit


To make this clear:

If I don't see any defense in your base with my Zerglings, who are at this point probably also my scouts, I will attack your mineral line. Doesn't matter what you do or not do, I'm already here, in your base, there is are party and everyone seems to be invited, wooooooooooo!
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