iamblades said:Nydus is so much better than OL drop it's not even funny.
For one, your units aren't vulnerable to sniping during transit.
Also it allows you to pump reinforcements in if you successfully grab a beachhead.
Banelings are nice for breaking a wall, but you still have to funnel your units through a narrow choke or a ramp after that. Nydus allows you to pop your units up where the enemy has no defense.
Even if the guy is smart and has vision of his entire base, you can still pop one down if his army gets out of position(or if he just isn't paying enough attention) and it will finish well before his army has a chance of getting back to defend. The threat of nydus can force an enemy to be less aggressive with his army, or leave some units back to defend the back of his base.
I've seen this work wonders against terran mech or protoss robo builds, as it takes forever to move those armies around. Hell, nydus the back of his base with just a handful of units, and then rush his front door as he's panicking trying to kill the worm.
I personally don't use it much(or OL drops, or banelings) because I go with a ling muta build, cause the speed of mutas make it more effective for me.. Occasionally if I see a terran spending a crap ton on turrets, i will down tech to roach/speedling and drop a nydus somewhere in his base. That kind of switch catches almost everyone by surprise. They think they got the muta problem under control, then bam, they have like 60 speedlings in their mineral lines.
Not like nydus is that expensive either, 250/300 in total is cheap when you consider the damage it can do.
Opiate said:There are effectively multiple ways to measure balance, and I don't envy Blizzard the task.
The most obvious is equal skill balance 1v1. Make sure that Protoss = Zerg = Terran.
However, one must also consider that what is unbalanced at low skill levels (for example, void rays) is not necessarily unbalanced at high levels. Some things which are weak when you don't know what you're doing (Phoenix) are very strong if you do know what you're doing. Balancing so that the factions are simultaneously equivalent for Bronze all the way up to Diamond is a challenge.
Then, one must consider 1v1/2v2/3v3/4v4. While I just argued that Zerg is slightly too weak, I think we all assumed this was in reference to 1v1 (it was). However, I would argue that Zerg is decidedly not too weak in 2v2, and is likely OP in 3v3/4v4, simply because a multiple 6 or 10 pool rush is ridiculously strong. It's nigh impossible to fend off.
I can come up with solutions to these problems (or try, at least), but it's very challenging to tweak one problem (for example, void rays are too powerful at low levels of skill) without inadvertently changing other metrics (Protoss may be too weak at high levels of skill and/or in 3v3/4v4 etc).
ChronicleX said:I never play seriously in custom games ever because there is no reason to, so for them I am mostly drunk. I just have fun in customs and I remember that game you are referencing. I was testing too and you cried for a good 5/10 mins because my testing hindered your testing, as you died. Pretty pathetic TBH though it was not as bad as one of the games the next day you played vs NRN where you lost to a probe rush.
If you want to see me play "serious" then wait for that EU tourny to continue, I might have to take Miroi seriously. You on the other hand, never :lol
-Not everyone wants Facebook support.
-Game being regionlocked, so US cannot play EU etc.
-Bnet 1.0 is far better.
Won said:Seriously guys. Just ignore him already.
:lolChronicleX said:Yet I outrank the pair of you skillwise, go figure :lol
fanboi said:Grow the fuck up and stop insulting people and be less of an arrogant asshole and maybe you will be able to join the next EU gaf tournament.
ChronicleX said:I am not insulting anyone, they are attempting to insult me and failing. If they find their failure insulting then they should stop attempting to insult me :lol
mescalineeyes said:you still come off as a huge dick and should probably bail out now.
F#A#Oo said:I can't wait for retail release....I use to play SC1 but only single player...MP was something I always thought was out of reach for me as a player so I never once went online (yeah I was that lame, didn't even TRY) in however many years I owned a copy of the game and expansion.
When I got the beta key and a new computer I thought I would try playing MP as they seemed to have made it alot more user-friendly and accessible...(I don't know if this is true but it looks like it)
The past few months I've gone from being a one-handed playerto using the keyboard...:lol I'm now a gold player (top 10 in my division in 1v1)...even though placement matches put me in platinum...:lol If someone had told me in February I would have made such dramatic progress playing I would have said they were talking utter nonsense...
I'm sorry to those EU gaffers who I have added but never played but I lack serious confidence and thus could never muster the balls to join any of your sessions...![]()
nilbog21 said:im glad TL did that poll. im sure that shit is gona b discussed in conference at blizzard (lets hope LOL)
Won said:Seriously guys. Just ignore him already.
Milabrega said:Chat rooms likely, since well they do technically exist in the annoying form of conversations atm and Blizzard Reps have said they will be coming. The rest I won't be too certain of. They are intentionally creating a closed platform and with Activision at the helm we know what that means (pay content, pay for features). I'd even go so far as to say the restriction on custom game searches will result in some kind of pay map features getting preferential treatment on queue's and lists.
I agree with a lot of the TL points. Not joining games by game title limits the communities ability to interact with one another, and to come up with custom rule types beyond the standard fair (NR 10 min, All Random, etc). Invitation only private games is an annoyance as well.
zerglings.Jangocube said:So Archons, what exactly are they good for?
Never really messed with them until today, and they absolutely suck. Maybe I just don't see their purpose and used them wrong, but I don't know. Anyone know?
They look cool though![]()
they are great!....in sc1 :/Jangocube said:So Archons, what exactly are they good for?
Never really messed with them until today, and they absolutely suck. Maybe I just don't see their purpose and used them wrong, but I don't know. Anyone know?
They look cool though![]()
Jangocube said:So Archons, what exactly are they good for?
Jangocube said:So Archons, what exactly are they good for?
ChronicleX said:At least 3 times now and you still do not understand what a noob is :lol Secondly you have never seen me play seriously ever. Oh and even though the current divisions suck ass and are mostly meaningless, being the current rank 6 in my dia league division is hardly nooby.
Yet I outrank the pair of you skillwise, go figure :lol
Here is a link to a Sen/TLO match on Scrap Station. They have been playing quite a few matches lately, so unsure if this is the one.surazal said:Anyone have the replay or VOD of this Sen vs TLO epic match I keep hearing about? I think it was on Scrap Station.
Ye, he is a noob. He lost vs me once or twice, and lost vs nrn every time he played him as well. If I'm to believe he's improved that much, I'll have to see some replays.watervengeance said:Not saying you're good or bad, but don't go flaunting your rank as thought it was an accurate gauge of skill level. If anything, the amount of points you have and your W/L ratio is more accurate than your rank.
watervengeance said:Being ranked 6 in Diamond means nothing. I've seen and beaten lots of players in Diamond that suck ass.
Not saying you're good or bad, but don't go flaunting your rank as thought it was an accurate gauge of skill level. If anything, the amount of points you have and your W/L ratio is more accurate than your rank.
watervengeance said:A good player takes every game seriously, Custom or not.
Very lucky he did not have banelings :lolrhfb said:Just had a RvR and we both ended up being Z. I scouted him before he scouted me, I was able to get a 2nd hatchery up sooner and mass ZerglingsSpeed upgrade had just kicked in and melee upgrade was about 80% done when I finally pushed him before he could try to tech switch or get a bunch of static D. Mass speedlings ftw
Adent said:This game is really bad for me. I hate losing and it makes me want to punch stuff. I hate marines. They just destroy my mutas.
Get some burrowed banelings and stick them on your ramp, and stick pairs of them around the map. Lure marines onto them.Adent said:This game is really bad for me. I hate losing and it makes me want to punch stuff. I hate marines. They just destroy my mutas.
Game was over too soon for him to get banelings up. Like I said, I basically pushed as soon as speed upgrade was done, he was basically doing the exact same build I was. I just had a better macro game going and had more resources and two queens spawning larva.Hazaro said:Very lucky he did not have banelings :lol
you mean awesome, amirte?Corran Horn said:lol Accidentally played as Zerg on a 4v4. Felt so weird.
I'm not ZvZ expert but I think the time it takes to get a 2nd hatch up + 2 queens + an evo chamber + 80% done with melee upgrade is more than enough time for banelings.rhfb said:Game was over too soon for him to get banelings up. Like I said, I basically pushed as soon as speed upgrade was done, he was basically doing the exact same build I was. I just had a better macro game going and had more resources and two queens spawning larva.
Except I didn't have nearly enough drones and my spawn larva timing is a bit...off :lolDaFish said:you mean awesome, amirte?
Double gas steals are usually quite risky to do. effectively he's trying to cut off your tech, but in doing so he's also denying his own tech, since he's spent all that mineral on the assimilators at your base and not his own. So you're basically both stuck with zealots for a short while, except you have more minerals in the bank. The other scenario is that he has gone for gas (building 3 assimilators, 2 at your base and 1 at his), so you'll temporarily have more zealots than he does, which gives you the opportunity to put on some pressure. Scout his shit with a probe and figure out if you got a window to rush, or if its better to block your ramp and take down the assimilators with your units. If I see him mining gas already, I would only hold back for a bit in order to do some sort of timing push very soon. Do not wait too long, as you'll end up getting raped by dancing stalkers.BigAT said:I just had an interesting (and annoying strategy) used against me. It was a PvP match on a 2 person map, he rushed me early on and warped in two Assimilators on top of both of my gas areas. I didn't have anything up at the time, so they fully warped in and it set me back quite a bit as far as getting my base going.
Has anyone had this used against them or employed it yourself?
Adent said:This game is really bad for me. I hate losing and it makes me want to punch stuff. I hate marines. They just destroy my mutas.
I attempted a meager zealot rush, but he had blocked off the sole ramp into his base with three (later five) photo cannons by the time I got there. I likely made a mistake by destroying both assimilators before making my move. He quickly went double stargates and hit me with void rays before I had the chance to counter.spoon! said:Double gas steals are usually quite risky to do. effectively he's trying to cut off your tech, but in doing so he's also denying his own tech, since he's spent all that mineral on the assimilators at your base and not his own. So you're basically both stuck with zealots for a short while, except you have more minerals in the bank. The other scenario is that he has gone for gas (building 3 assimilators, 2 at your base and 1 at his), so you'll temporarily have more zealots than he does, which gives you the opportunity to put on some pressure. Scout his shit with a probe and figure out if you got a window to rush, or if its better to block your ramp and take down the assimilators with your units. If I see him mining gas already, I would only hold back for a bit in order to do some sort of timing push very soon. Do not wait too long, as you'll end up getting raped by dancing stalkers.
The other thing you can do is just to throw down your first assimilator as soon as you can when you see that they've stolen your first geyser. there arn't a hell of a lot of builds which require super early 2 gas so you should be okay.
The other, other thing is that your opponent could cancel the assimilator while its still warping in, and spawning it again with their probe, and continuously doing it until their probe is dead, finally closing the harrass with a cancel. This saves them a good deal of minerals as they keep raking back the cash after the cancel, and still delays your gas for a good period of time. To deal with this make sure that you do get one gas, and try to kill their probe as soon as you realistically can.
Kinyou said:Playing a RTS against other human players is for always quite exhausting. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Every time I start up a ranked match my heart starts pumping like crazy and to the end of the game I actually start to sweat... It doesn't matter how often I try to calm myself, as soon as I see the loading my pulse goes sky-high.
It's not just the gameplay of a RTS, which requires you to take care of multiple things at the same time, which causes this.... excitement during a game, It's rather this real 1vs1 situation you find yourself in. The opponent has the exact same chances of losing or winning at the start of every match.
Am I the only one with this "issue" or are you guys experiencing similar things?
Agreed, hate people who move their buildings to a corner to stalemate it or hope you quit.Zefah said:Lame... I'm in a stalemate with some asshole Terran player.
I have a large standing army and a lot of buildings left but no Nexus and no resources to build anything. I have killed everything but 3 of his buildings which he promptly lifted off and flew into a corner. I have nothing that can reach them and can't build anything so I can only sit here and watch him spam me with "Just leave!!!!"
They really need to give Terran buildings fuel or something so they can't just hide in a corner forever and ever.
Kinyou said:Playing a RTS against other human players is for always quite exhausting. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Every time I start up a ranked match my heart starts pumping like crazy and to the end of the game I actually start to sweat... It doesn't matter how often I try to calm myself, as soon as I see the loading my pulse goes sky-high.
It's not just the gameplay of a RTS, which requires you to take care of multiple things at the same time, which causes this.... excitement during a game, It's rather this real 1vs1 situation you find yourself in. The opponent has the exact same chances of losing or winning at the start of every match.
Am I the only one with this "issue" or are you guys experiencing similar things?
Aesthet1c said:So uhhh... stat reset? Or the servers having issues? I lost all my stats, and I'm back into placement matches...