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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


ZealousD said:
Yeah, I figured with all those mutas you would have killed them easily enough if you had detection, so I decided to see if I could bother Panda instead, but he had spore crawlers =X

so you went to poor me who had nothing >_<
watervengeance said:
I wish there was an overall ladder. The current ladder is dumb because of how the system populates it. Being ranked 1 means nothing if there's only 10 people in it.
Yeah they should at least put it on the online stat ranking. Actually, have they said anything about online stats?
watervengeance said:
I wish there was an overall ladder. The current ladder is dumb because of how the system populates it. Being ranked 1 means nothing if there's only 10 people in it.
Just go by your overall rating and correct anyone that says, "I'm rank # derpderpderp in division Chronic Diarrhea."

The Lamonster said:
Yeah they should at least put it on the online stat ranking. Actually, have they said anything about online stats?
http://www.starcraftrankings.com Not being maintained at the moment since they're pulling the beta again so soon, but it was a pretty nice resource before the last ladder wipe, and he apparently intends to keep it running
mcrae said:
so once again you're making generalizations based solely on personal experience without regard to common logic?

Nope - I am making statements based on the experiences of around 9 people with a 100% rate. You are just an zealous towards my presence, which I am starting to grow tired of due to how boring your attempts have become.

Edit -

now for somin completely different.

EU toruny games done, but i'll wait for nin todo the update on tat though.


Ok the game only a low FPS when i increase the resolution... I have an i7 at 4GHz(OC) so that shouldn't be the problem... Anyone else experiencing this?


watervengeance said:
I wish there was an overall ladder. The current ladder is dumb because of how the system populates it. Being ranked 1 means nothing if there's only 10 people in it.

Yeah the system is kinda dumb, even when there's 100 person on your ladder, odds are you never played a single game against one of them.
Skeyser said:
Yeah the system is kinda dumb, even when there's 100 person on your ladder, odds are you never played a single game against one of them.

I do recall playing against the same person multiple times though. (So frustrating if I lose to them more than once!)
Effect said:
Is it me or are day9's videos huge when it comes to downloading them? Does he ever make short ones?

Yeah it sucks, I saw he had something on itunes and downloaded it, was excited it was only something like 40mb..

it was audio-only :-(

I have a super crap internet connection at home, a 40mb video takes about 2 hours to download since my ISP has decided to start throttling my connection during the daytime to 15kps on downloads.

And of course all those sites like youtube, blip, and ustream are blocked where I work. I was really steamed when he left Livestream because for some reason its not blocked. I wanted to download some videos onto my ipod, and figure ipod versions should be pretty small since the screen resolution is low.
What's the best way to stop a baneling bust in 2v2 as terran? Scouting + mass marines from 2x reactor raxx with almost no gas? That's all I can really think of.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Effect said:
Is it me or are day9's videos huge when it comes to downloading them? Does he ever make short ones?
They are like 1hr of nice quality videos. Its not bad that they are about 200-500MB since the newer ones are HD
lawlohwhat said:
What's the best way to stop a baneling bust in 2v2 as terran? Scouting + mass marines from 2x reactor raxx with almost no gas? That's all I can really think of.

I believe you have to wall off with Barracks/Factories instead of Supply Depots. It's a lot harder in 2v2, because you have twice the amount of units attacking you. The very best way to prevent this is to scout it early. If you notice the zerg player getting early gas, then it's possible he'll do a baneling bust. Put a worker at the Xelnaga Watch Tower as well. If you see it coming, you absolutely need your ally to be in position to help you.
watervengeance said:
I believe you have to wall off with Barracks/Factories instead of Supply Depots. It's a lot harder in 2v2, because you have twice the amount of units attacking you. The very best way to prevent this is to scout it early. If you notice the zerg player getting early gas, then it's possible he'll do a baneling bust. Put a worker at the Xelnaga Watch Tower as well. If you see it coming, you absolutely need your ally to be in position to help you.

I guess walling with rax/factories makes more sense. Five banelings busted through my bunker and it was over. I was about 30 seconds from having siege tech researched, too. Seems like a really easy way for double zerg to get cheap wins.
lawlohwhat said:
I guess walling with rax/factories makes more sense. Five banelings busted through my bunker and it was over. I was about 30 seconds from having siege tech researched, too. Seems like a really easy way for double zerg to get cheap wins.

But if you successfully avoided the bust, then a counterattack will most likely win you the game. If you have a Protoss partner, Forcefield works as well.
I just started playing Zerg a bit more. Won two practice games against my 2v2 partner yesterday and I'm starting to really like it. I went 14 Pool, 16 Hatch and Zerglings + Roaches and if he went air I built a bunch of Hydras. Worked out very well, except against early Zealot pressure. I guess that's mostly because my timings are still pretty much non-existent and so it takes me longer to get my defenses up than it should.


close to the edge said:
I just started playing Zerg a bit more. Won two practice games against my 2v2 partner yesterday and I'm starting to really like it. I went 14 Pool, 16 Hatch and Zerglings + Roaches and if he went air I built a bunch of Hydras. Worked out very well, except against early Zealot pressure. I guess that's mostly because my timings are still pretty much non-existent and so it takes me longer to get my defenses up than it should.

Had huge problems with zealot pressure too until yesterday.
This is how I deal with it:


You will have 100 gas as soon as the pool finishes. Now you take the 3 drones off the gas and assign them to minerals again.
Now you can get the very vital speedling upgrade asap or get 4 roaches with the 100 gas.


Everything is moe to me
NIN90 said:
Had huge problems with zealot pressure too until yesterday.
This is how I deal with it:


You will have 100 gas as soon as the pool finishes. Now you take the 3 drones off the gas and assign them to minerals again.
Now you can get the very vital speedling upgrade asap or get 4 roaches with the 100 gas.
if roaching, you might as well 17 gas. :\ there's no reason to pull that early and you'll have the resources for queen/warden when the pool pops.
If you know your opponent is going mass zealots you shouldn't be getting zerglings in the first place, you need to go straight to roaches since with the smallest amount of micro they completely rock paper scissors them. Scout, scout, scouuuut!

You don't really need to screw around with your economy that much. If you know for a fact lets say the dude is going to fast fast fast zealot rush you with even his first z's or he successfully proxies you don't freak out. make a sunken in your mineral line, keep all your buildings built very close together, make your queen "H" for hold and stick here in a pot to shoot them without being hit. Just regular 13 pool into a gas with three drones, make 2 or 4 zerglings to hit his zealots, but you only want them attacking IF he's in your line hitting your sunken so that it's essentially being the tank. Don't forget queen has her life regen spell, and get that roach den up.
NIN90 said:
Had huge problems with zealot pressure too until yesterday.
This is how I deal with it:


You will have 100 gas as soon as the pool finishes. Now you take the 3 drones off the gas and assign them to minerals again.
Now you can get the very vital speedling upgrade asap or get 4 roaches with the 100 gas.

With that method you would get destroyed by "proper" zealot pressure, as the zealots would destroy your lack of lings, and surround your roaches if you make any. I say this everytime, do not take games vs me toxic as a helpful experience :lol

The best way to defend against it without spinecrawlers on short maps is to rush roaches by skipping your queen.


ChronicleX said:
The best way to defend against it without spinecrawlers on short maps is to rush roaches by skipping your queen.


There are far greater implications to not getting Queen to actually getting one...


ChronicleX said:
The best way to defend against it without spinecrawlers on short maps is to rush roaches by skipping your queen.

I used to think like this, and make crazy moves so I could use my early resources to make lings/roaches, and it just isn't viable. If you hatch around 15, get 2 queens, focus on your economy, and scout properly, then you can see what is coming your way and with spawn larva you can pop 10+ roaches or 20+ lings at a moments notice.

Skipping your queen is just a bad idea and doesn't work.


If you kite the early zealot rushes with a few zergling in around your base with your queen too that alone it buys you enough time do pump out a ton of roaches...there after it is entirely up to you whether you want to stick with more roaches or get that metabolic boost to compliment.

Cru Jones

Aesthet1c said:
I used to think like this, and make crazy moves so I could use my early resources to make lings/roaches, and it just isn't viable. If you hatch around 15, get 2 queens, focus on your economy, and scout properly, then you can see what is coming your way and with spawn larva you can pop 10+ roaches or 20+ lings at a moments notice.

Skipping your queen is just a bad idea and doesn't work.

Against Zerg I will generally open with 3 or 4 zealots and leave my scout at the opponents natural. If he is FE it, his hatch will start at around the time my 3rd zealot is done (from 2 gate). I will keep pumping out zealots and send them to the middle of the map and move them in so they arrive just as the hatch is completing. Usually there are only lings there (and maybe a Queen, but not usually). I will then build another gate... and then another, and keep the pressure coming... I can usually take down the hatch fairly easily and there will be a lot of resources spent trying to defend. During the battles I will get my cybernetics up and start mining gas and researching warp gate. Once I take out his hatch I will expand and then it is usually just a proxy pylon and a couple of immortals until victory. I have a really high win rate with this build against Zerg.

The best part is that if he doesn't FE, I've only invested in a few zealots that are used to finish the wall at my base and I can go directly into stalkers/immortals and eventually a 4 gate robo.

I am not sure what the best defense against this is as it has worked ALOT for me. The key is getting to the hatch before there is a queen there.
Aesthet1c said:
Skipping your queen is just a bad idea and doesn't work.

Only if you do not apply pressure back on the Protoss. The whole point of skipping the queen is not to defend against the pressure, but to apply your own and expand.

Cru Jones

ChronicleX said:
Only if you do not apply pressure back on the Protoss. The whole point of skipping the queen is not to defend against the pressure, but to apply your own and expand.

I could see this being viable if you can get roach out fast enough and your opponent is dead set on going mass zealot at the beginning. If you can get 3-6 roaches and apply pressure when all your opponent has is zealots you should be able to micro them well enough to not get surrounded.

That being said, once you get those few roaches out, you should get your queen (and I don't think Chronicle was suggesting otherwise)
Cru Jones said:
I could see this being viable if you can get roach out fast enough and your opponent is dead set on going mass zealot at the beginning. If you can get 3-6 roaches and apply pressure when all your opponent has is zealots you should be able to micro them well enough to not get surrounded.

That being said, once you get those few roaches out, you should get your queen (and I don't think Chronicle was suggesting otherwise)

Correct. Just play as normal and if you scout 2xgateway just skip your queen straight into a warren. If you scout 1 gate make queen as normal and do whatever you want from there.


What do you all like to do as Toss if you catch your opponent 2 Gate-ing? Normally I have little problem with it, but last night I played like shit and got demolished in 2v2 by both opponents just tier 1 rushing me out of the game.

Cru Jones

LaneDS said:
What do you all like to do as Toss if you catch your opponent 2 Gate-ing? Normally I have little problem with it, but last night I played like shit and got demolished in 2v2 by both opponents just tier 1 rushing me out of the game.

You should build near your ramp and ensure that you get a sentry up asap (and a couple more to back him up) to stop the tier one units from getting in. Once you get some stalkers and immortals use the FF to only let in a few at a time and whittle down their force this way. They will pull back (if they are smart) and you should be able to expand at this point with your superior units. From there, you just need to keep your econ advantage and start applying pressure with more advance units that will take out zealots and stalkers.

Edit: This was in regards to 2v2
I cannot speak for 2v2 but for 1v1 just wall off and match him zealot for zealot. Since he is in your base you will eventually overpower his zealots due to yours arriving faster, so you can push back. If he has proxied then do the same but once you have defended the first 3/4 zealots just send 2 of your zealots to his base and go nuts on his probes, he'll be unable to defend since his gateways are too far away.


Was trying to sober up after the Hawks loss last night so I jumped into a 1v1 that was PvP. Dude cannon rushed me and took out my main and natural, so I relocated across the map and loaded up on void rays! Ended up winning, the other guy was so angry, he was talking shit the entire time and I was too drunk to even type.
ChronicleX said:
Only if you do not apply pressure back on the Protoss. The whole point of skipping the queen is not to defend against the pressure, but to apply your own and expand.

Wat wat waaat? You can't supplement your production without a queen, they are absolutely vital to zerg. You's crazy...


<takes a deliberate sip of soda, Jon Stewart style>

ChronicleX said:
Warren before queen you braindead simpleton.

<spit takes soda on monitor>

Well, at least we have confirmation that it's a joke account. Er... you know, more confirmation.
Pandaman said:
wtf, are you ten pooling or something?

You really need to start watching more of TLO's replays :lol

Bisonian said:
Well, at least we have confirmation that it's a joke account. Er... you know, more confirmation.

Well if your account is not a joke then you have made it one with your stupidity.
watervengeance said:
Can we get a mod to ban this guy? He's obviously trolling, and now he's even flaming people.

I am flamed no-one. However you lot have been trolling / flaming me for many pages now. I am surprised you have not been banned yet since you are not contributing to this topic by posting such things.

Retaliation is not flaming, it is defence. You are flaming me, I retaliate. Retaliation is allowed, your flaming/off-topic posts are not. Do the math.


ChronicleX said:
I am flamed no-one. However you lot have been trolling / flaming me for many pages now. I am surprised you have not been banned yet since you are not contributing to this topic by posting such things.

Retaliation is not flaming, it is defence. You are flaming me, I retaliate. Retaliation is allowed, your flaming/off-topic posts are not. Do the math.

"Zealous analjuicer" I think is a pretty clear example of flaming. You edited that one out though, which is too bad because I think you at least deserve a few points for clever terminology.
LaneDS said:
"Zealous analjuicer" I think is a pretty clear example of flaming. You edited that one out though, which is too bad because I think you at least deserve a few points for clever terminology.

It was retaliation but too extreme due to the level of flame. I am not the one going through the topic saying "that is stupid" or "ban this guy" etc etc, I am merely defending myself from the swarm of stupidity.

Also by talking about this here the trolls win, so back to SCII.

Edit to avoid bump

The Lamonster said:
I've steered clear from your immaturity up to this point but would like to add that whatever you call it, you're shitting up this thread so quit it. Stop baiting and picking fights.

So what I have just quoted is not you trying to bait and start one with me? I would like to see some examples of this so called shitting up I am supposedly doing that is not me responding to the stupidity.
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