Mardil said:WTF reaper rush more viable now? I know it is extremely counterable, but its annoying as hell.
The only really big one was the Game editor patch...which was around 500MB...the rest were not too largemcrae said:so my 1.5 TB harddrive isnt being recognized by windows anymore, apparantly because it is not genuine? but anyways i decided after 4 days o just reinstall SC2 on my windows harddrive.... so in the midst of downloading the game client. anyone know how big all the patches are?
if you get a group, surewatervengeance said:I'm so bad at 3v3 and 4v4...
Anyone want to play?
i think it's suppose to be encouragement for later reaper use. i dont think blizzard wants them to be as useless as they are late gameMardil said:WTF reaper rush more viable now? I know it is extremely counterable, but its annoying as hell.
The only use I see for reapers late game is trying to sneak them to the enemy mineral lines while you are attacking on another part of the map, hoping your opponent is distracted. Trying to get them into a big fight would just seem like suicide to me.-COOLIO- said:i think it's suppose to be encouragement for later reaper use. i dont think blizzard wants them to be as useless as they are late game
Mardil said:The only use I see for reapers late game is trying to sneak them to the enemy mineral lines while you are attacking on another part of the map, hoping your opponent is distracted. Trying to get them into a big fight would just seem like suicide to me.
Mardil said:The only use I see for reapers late game is trying to sneak them to the enemy mineral lines while you are attacking on another part of the map, hoping your opponent is distracted. Trying to get them into a big fight would just seem like suicide to me.
Corran Horn said:Damn I want to watch SC1 videos, all of Husky's and HD's SC1 videos are gone. Anyone know if they are randomly hosted somewhere? or a torrent?![]()
The problem is not with the unit, but what you give up.Zen said:Well they do nice damage against Lings/Hydras/Zealots and have only slightly less HP than a Shield upgraded Marine. I've incorporated them a few times to generally good results. I'm not were near the pro level though.
You will be on the Asia server with an English client. Most of your matches will be with AU, NZ, and whatever north of you speaks English.legend166 said:So, I'm just getting across the issue that online play is going to be region locked. I can hardly believe it because it makes zero sense.
First question: Do we know if Australia is going to have its own region or will we be lumped in with the States?
Can someone confirm that I, as an Australian, will not be able to play against people from Europe, or possibly even Americans, in any way?
yanhero said:patch is up
Hazaro said:Can't believe tanks got nerfed.
Fuck this.
That's just. Ugh. Fuck.
Make Zerg better or something. :lol
Roaches die in the same number of hits, so do hydras, and zerglings. More importantly marines with shield die in 2 hits, zealots die in 4 hits, and so do stalkers. This affects early TvP more than anything (The +1 negates those if it still gives +5 instead of lets say +4)Zen said:They already made Zerg better by reducing the Tank damage output. >:|
You're right about reapers not being as cost effective mid/late game. I guess sometimes I just have so much econ rolling that I'm like 'Whatever B|' and roll with it.
Hazaro said:Roaches die in the same number of hits, so do hydras, and zerglings. More importantly marines with shield die in 2 hits, zealots die in 4 hits, and so do stalkers. This affects early TvP more than anything (The +1 negates those if it still gives +5 instead of lets say +4)
Sure the splash might only now kill 80% of your units instead of 100%... but another 1 second and the next tank volley will obliterate you.
You are still going to have to walk into tank range and that is pure suicide.
I played a 2v2 yesterday where it was TTvsTP. I personally dread this matchup since it means they will have more tanks than me.
They both went Bio.
I contained them and expanded to the entire map before they stimmed into my 14 tanks. I didn't lose a single one. (Thank you PDD and Protoss meat shield) :lol
Rez said:I'm going to do better than Bronze this time, I can feel it.
is delusional
fanboi said:Best day ever on Bnet yesterday!
Spectacled ChronicleX vs tlau.
I actually poured up a 30 year old whiskey just for you tlau afterwards... it was soooo good.
-COOLIO- said:i think it's suppose to be encouragement for later reaper use. i dont think blizzard wants them to be as useless as they are late game
Zen said:We should play together sometime :lol
(I was on the cusp of platinum league before this latest patch but whatever)
Replay that we can dl?
Hazaro said:The problem is not with the unit, but what you give up.
a 20 on 20 reaper / marine fight ends up even... but reapers cost an extra 50 gas each and take 40 seconds to build. That is far far too long. They should only be used in small numbers as a harassment unit imo.
Since medivacs and banshees can also fill this role I never get reapers.
You will be on the Asia server with an English client. Most of your matches will be with AU, NZ, and whatever north of you speaks English.
If you want to play on the US and EU servers currently you will need a second account, and thus another copy of SC II.
Ashhong said:anybody know where i can stream casts of the TL Altitude invitational? i want to watch that tester guy