I was just able to play a game vs the AI. Medium. Rolled over it. Felt nice.
F#A#Oo said:How come I can't log in?![]()
zoukka said:Euros can't apparently.
zoukka said:Euros can't apparently.
F#A#Oo said:Grrrrrrrr!
I feel like a teenager again...
Europe still discriminated in this day and age...I can understand if it's by Japanese companies but an American company...boh!
Just play as Terran and wall yourself in with a couple of depots and a barracks?Son of Godzilla said:Completed my practice games. I'm not sure they help *at all*. Being walled in basically plays completely different from real games.
zoukka said:Infested Terran is back for Infestor? Can cast it underground??
hover over your player icon in the menu.nilbog21 said:edit: where do you see your friend code btw?
Zealot buildtime increased from 33 to 38 and cooldown increased from 23 to 28.
Reaper buildtime increased from 40 to 45.
Psi storm cooldown decreased from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
Units get trapped by Force Fields considerably easier it seems (confirm?)
BUG: Changelings appear red to opponents after morphing to "blend in" with enemy.
Neural Parasite lasts about 12-ish in-game seconds.
Roaches can no longer move under Force Fields while burrowed!!!!
The 2 Roach Warren upgrades, Glial Reconstitution and Tunneling Claws have had their hotkeys swapped. it's now T and G, respectively. argh
Infested Terrans lasts 30 seconds (up from 20).
Infested Terran spell can now be cast while Infestor is Burrowed.
Stalkers can no longer blink up cliffs blocked by rocks without vision, nor are they able to blink across unpassable terrain (i.e. can no longer blink to islands)
Replays speeds are now Normal-Fast-Faster-x2-x4-x8 (before I think it was Slower, Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster, Faster x3, Faster x6. correct?)
Cybernetics Core now has a research animation.
Larvae no longer count as a Unit (doesn't show up in the Unit display tab while watching replays or Observing)
Overlords (and i'm assuming the other race's dropships) now move to pickup units. Meaning, if you have some unit/s selected then Right-Click an Overlord, both the units and the overlord will meet up to Load, rather than just the unit/s moving, just like SC1.
Critters now roam the maps.
Attack Cooldown values listed in tooltips, when mousing over weapons.
Overlord Generate Creep sound effect seems much quieter
I recall 1 post clarifying that they infact could blink to islands (LT islands), but not scrap station anymore) so maybe blink range got reduced by 1 or 0.5watervengeance said:Some unlisted patch balance updates apparently.
Stalkers not being able to blink to islands is very stupid.
spazzfish said:Damnlooks like i have to spam about with tf2 for a bit longer then.
ChronicleX said:If them undocumented changes are true then WTF, Protoss nerfed again and Terran practically left alone? 5 extra seconds on a reaper is sod all. WTH......
5 seconds to build zealots is the difference between a zerg runby and blocking it on alot of maps. 15-25% buildtime increases on the mainstay of the Protoss army is not cool at all. The second the EU beta goes live, I am learning to play Zerg.
Yep, and not to mention terran bio-balls will completely decimate a protoss that goes heavy warpgate.zoukka said:WhiteRa has this build where his early warpgate push is supported by Void Rays. Very deadly and doesn't rely solely on the gateway units.
It's about timeCybernetics Core now has a research animation.
ChronicleX said:The Zealot nerf if true on the other hand will really hurt Protoss all game long both offensively and defensively. If gateway units are too good compared to the rest of the protoss arsenal then blizzard should at least fix the rest of the arsenal before nerfing gateway units further.
The problem with both Zealots and Reapers is that they get proxied, so rush distance really doesn't matter much at all. If anything will slow them down, it is build time for the units themselves.Won said:They really need to be smarter about the way they change early units and buildings......
Or create better maps without super short rushing distances.....
F#A#Oo said:Can someone tell me what this rally point change is?
Yaweee said:The problem with both Zealots and Reapers is that they get proxied, so rush distance really doesn't matter much at all. If anything will slow them down, it is build time for the units themselves.
Anybody else getting this?The Lamonster said:I tried to create a game, I chose my map, then pressed "Create" and now the buttons are darkened out and the game isn't creating.
BetaIce Monkey said:this is fucking unbelievable. I went to bed and now 9-10 hours later you still cant even play a game? what the fuck, blizzard!?
Bisonian said:All game? You don't use warpgates?
Cru Jones said:Doesn't it say in those same notes that their cool down has been changed from 23-28? I would assume that means the cool down on when you can warp in another zealot. Meaning that they got nerfed 5 seconds for warping in as well.
Bisonian said:Warpgate cooldown is 10 seconds, and uniform across all gateway units. It's the building's cooldown, not the unit's. This won't change that.
TheKingsCrown said:Beta
Cru Jones said:I haven't played in a while, but I am pretty sure this isn't right
Bisonian said:Before patch: Units would attack any units it saw on the way to the rally point if you didn't give them any actions. Attack-Move functionality.
After patch: Units just ignore enemy units and go straight to the rally point, even if they see enemy units, or are being attacked.