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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

-COOLIO- said:
whats the counter to tanks and vikings as terran besides mirroring it? i heard in several hd commentaries that tvt is the most varied mirror match so there must be a counter, right?
Air? You should be able to spam more air then his thors and since his camping to get thors grab an extra expansion.
is it just me or does anyone else thing storm is too instant right now? There is hardly any time to move and it doesn't last very long either.


Pookaki said:
IT dosent hit nearly as hard as it should, IMO.

Agreed, I've had too many army's just straight up tank storm and still come out ahead. Storms not stacking means Hight Templar do pitiful DPS, far far behind the Colossus. Though I do think they can do well in the PvZ match up since the zerg have fewer HP, emergency Archons will be better since they're all biological, and there's no EMP to deal with.


-COOLIO- said:
whats the counter to tanks and vikings as terran besides mirroring it? i heard in several hd commentaries that tvt is the most varied mirror match so there must be a counter, right?

In a direct combat situation? Nothing. But like every match ups involving tanks, catching your opponent off position is where you really put in the pain. Which is of course hard with Vikings in play and I don't think there is a strategy that will screw your opponent over, which is why many just stick to tanks and vikings currently.


Forever Platinum
Gonna be on in a few, I've only played a couple games though, and am playing on a different keyboard, so I'm a little off my game, it'll be decent though.

valenti said:
wow no gaffers online? pathetic :lol

Watching EVO really cuts in to playing time.


Junior Member
Ashhong said:
WOW talk about bad sportsmanship. 2v2, we raped this team and so they decided to start building nexuses everywhere. this dude build like at least 10 nexus. finally he thought he would be clever and actually typed out "FrozenMango has left the game" hoping we would quit. :lol

fuck you. took like 20 minutes longer than it should have.

More like 10 because you scouted so badly. The answer to stuff like that is mass scouting. 5 minutes later it's over. For me it's a great learning situiation. Island fortresses are worse :p


I just saw this thread over on Team Liquid: SC2 Noob School. It's got a series of videos on youtube where the guy explains some of the basics of the game; macro/micro, expanding, build orders, that kinda stuff. If there's a "for the noobs" section of the Official Thread then the videos might be good to link to. :D


I can't add any friends by through their email. It makes me only add through a character friend and asks for a code?? this annoying.


gillFTR said:
I can't add any friends by through their email. It makes me only add through a character friend and asks for a code?? this annoying.
Ask them for their bnet tied email addy, then send the request, they'll have to be on to accept though.
rhfb said:
ZvZ is pretty damn boring at my level (Gold) I out zergling them with superior macro, and with the bonus units and slightly better micro the games don't last long. They try to go roaches or spam spine crawlers, but by then my speedlings are just too much. Just wish I could play Random with no mirror matchups :(
Holy shit you aren't joking. You can pull off the laziest 14pool ever and still dominate zerg when you don't need to scout or get beyond 100 gas or worry about the ramp being blocked.
Orangepeel said:
is it just me or does anyone else thing storm is too instant right now? There is hardly any time to move and it doesn't last very long either.

Let me guess, you play Terran and believe that EMP is not overpowered? :lol
Ugh, it might just be my general scrubbiness, but I can't figure out how to deal with ZvT other than a baneling bust. Getting roaches to counter sieges feels like it takes insanely good timing for all the research involved...


So I really dislike the change to move rally. I preferred attack move rally. I find there are far more instances where attack move rally is useful than instances where move rally is useful. I hope they change it back, since I feel the move rally is only useful in rare situations, and hinders lower skilled players in many instances, while the attack rally was only ever useful for stuff like saving a few units from production facilities under attack.


Son of Godzilla said:
Ugh, it might just be my general scrubbiness, but I can't figure out how to deal with ZvT other than a baneling bust. Getting roaches to counter sieges feels like it takes insanely good timing for all the research involved...

Zerglings with a few Banelings and Mutalisks work decently. You harass with Mutalisks to keep Terran in his base and have Zerglings out in the field to surround any units trying to pressure you or use the Zerglings to backstab his base if he moves out too far, forcing him to return and fight it off. Once you have more bases, mass up a mix of ground units, and tech towards Ultralisk. Ultralisks are pretty useful for breaking Terran balls, especially if they are backed by Hydralisks. The Ultras do a decent job of tanking the damage, and can kill Marines and even Tanks pretty fast due to splash damage.
Son of Godzilla said:
Ugh, it might just be my general scrubbiness, but I can't figure out how to deal with ZvT other than a baneling bust. Getting roaches to counter sieges feels like it takes insanely good timing for all the research involved...

1 Base Mass Infestor

Watch 1 of the more recent D9D's to see it in action, it works very well. With the more recent patch you could even use burrowed Infestors to fling Invested Terrans at the tanks making the strat even more potent.


MisterAnderson said:
4-1'd my 1v1 placement matches and got gold. Oh well lol.

Heh, I 5-0'd the placement and also got gold. I think I read somewhere that 2 important factors that help determine your ranking besides obviously w/l is APM and average unspent minerals.


The initial placement means nothing. You'll soon be transferred to the most suitable division after about ten games.

I got raised to plat, but I'm taking some heavy hits there... nobody plays Zerg.


Wedge7 said:
Heh, I 5-0'd the placement and also got gold. I think I read somewhere that 2 important factors that help determine your ranking besides obviously w/l is APM and average unspent minerals.

I doubt it...I got into Platinum in phase 1 and I had an APM of 30-50...


My initial placement was gold 4-1.

And when my score was about 9-6 I got promoted. Has nothing to do with APM. After initial placement, it's all about winning favoured players and if your ratio is more than 1/1 then you eventually get raised.


Junior Member
Son of Godzilla said:
Holy shit you aren't joking. You can pull off the laziest 14pool ever and still dominate zerg when you don't need to scout or get beyond 100 gas or worry about the ramp being blocked.

Unless you encounter banelings. Afaik it's currently Banelings into Hydra/Roach. The End.

Day9 recently was SO thrilled to recently cast a ZvZ that actually went all the way to Broods for a change :lol


I need some help from zerg players. What the heck do you guys do when your paired up with a terran player on 2v2. Nearly every single matchup the terran player walls in and techs up. Always as the zerg player I get pushed by the two opponents.
I can handle my own against one, but two is just:(
What doesn't help is the terran players always seem to do nothing but hide with no units. What would you advise I do to help fend of early two team pushes as a zerg player besides just GG and leave?


Sigh @ Terran and their Siege tanks. It's hard to play macro-oriented and response to the tanks. It's doable, but the effort you need to put on your micro/scouting is crazy. No wonder 99% of the players are Terran. Leap-frogging tanks isn't all that hard of a strat to pull off.

And haha in one game I forgot to babysit a ball of mutas for a few seconds and they encountered 3 thors. I instantly clicked #1 and moved them away, only to see a hud-full of muta-symbols turning red and vanishing... there must've been like 30 there.

Still won, but keep your mutas in two/three groups :lol

spazzfish said:
I need some help from zerg players. What the heck do you guys do when your paired up with a terran player on 2v2. Nearly every single matchup the terran player walls in and techs up. Always as the zerg player I get pushed by the two opponents.
I can handle my own against one, but two is just:(
What doesn't help is the terran players always seem to do nothing but hide with no units. What would you advise I do to help fend of early two team pushes as a zerg player besides just GG and leave?

Stop playing random 2v2? You really can't do anything if your partner doesn't help you. Communicate?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
still haven't played yet.

t - t - tomorrow... I guess. :lol

I know it will be fun on launch day, what with the large amount of people even worse than me.


Vaporak said:
I just saw this thread over on Team Liquid: SC2 Noob School. It's got a series of videos on youtube where the guy explains some of the basics of the game; macro/micro, expanding, build orders, that kinda stuff. If there's a "for the noobs" section of the Official Thread then the videos might be good to link to. :D
Been looking for this kind of thing, thank you
FoxSpirit said:
Day9 recently was SO thrilled to recently cast a ZvZ that actually went all the way to Broods for a change :lol

That was not Day9. That was either Husky or HD (I think it was HD, was a pretty epic match).

Edit - Unless you are on about that Artosis match from a week or 2 ago, but that only lasted that long because the player Artosis played was unable to end it once his main was taken out. If thats the case you should watch the ZvZ game of Sen vs Idra
Now that is an epic ZvZ, real Epic. I am expecting Day9 to cast that when he returns due to its epicness :lol


relies on auto-aim
-COOLIO- said:
whats the counter to tanks and vikings as terran besides mirroring it? i heard in several hd commentaries that tvt is the most varied mirror match so there must be a counter, right?
Early thor into 3 rax marauder.
It's a tight timed basically all in move since if you fail it you are boned.

Otherwise I can't tell you since I try to go mass tank/viking :lol


Sometimes you got to though a plan out the left field - so to speak. If he hadnt lost the void ray so fast and the mother ship came out, I think he could of won the game there.


I've been going roaches again instead of speedlings early on in every game now and I rarely lose. I can't tell if its because my opponents arent' expecting it or roaches are just that good again :)
F#A#Oo said:
Why not? He had nothing to lose (TLO had him pretty beat) and everything to gain had he pulled it off.

Not really, 1 Scan renders a Mothership useless. He made the fleet beacon long before he was beat.
seems some people cannot comprehend the concept of sarcasm


ChronicleX said:
Not really, 1 Scan renders a Mothership useless. He made the fleet beacon long before he was beat.
seems some people cannot comprehend the concept of sarcasm

I wasn't being trying to be aggressive towards you...or put you down or anything.:D Just giving my opinion.

Anyways...We should play a few matches together sometime...I'll be online tonight. :)
Play me by all means just do not expect a challenge if I got drink with me :lol
Annoying that I did my test match's sober and went straight into gold, then proceeded to loose every single game. I had meant todo it the other way around so I could have unrust steamrollin bronze upwards
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