I feel like I've hit the usual open world game wall I always do, there isn't any "real" thing to go do so I no longer feel like playing. My group is fine, basically upgraded everything I can in the church. Getting more supplies then we can use. Basically drove around the entire main road system and never found a larger place for us to move into.
Little motivation to do much else. If it is strictly about survival, I've already "won". More then enough supplies all over the place and we haven't had any attacks on our home base. Combat against zombies is pretty uneventful. See a horde? Plow through them with a car, then gun it in reverse. Horde dead. Otherwise its just meleeing over and over, with the occasional gun action if I get bored.
And the technical problems are extremely disappointing. Simply driving forward fast enough causes the game to drop to single digit FPS loading in the next chunk, and the pop in is horrendous.
This game has lots of pieces that interesting, but misses a core hook to keep me going. Don't really care about the story, and there really isn't a great focus on base or group management. Focus for the game is very spread out, and I think it suffers for it.
Not a bad game by any means, but not great enough for me to overlook the technical problems and dump hour after hour into this.