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STEAM announcements & updates 2011 Thread 3 | Buy now, play later.

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I recently restored my HDD from a back up, now Steam doesn't see my saves. I know where they are, but how do I get Steam to recognize them? (39 hours into Skyrim, 49 into The Witcher 2 it would suck to start over)

Did you try moving the saves out of the folder and then saving once and dropping the old saves back in? Maybe the game has to associate the folder with the game before it will recognize it. I would just make sure to move them first so that the game doesn't accidentally overwrite them.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Friendly word of advice: Don't do business with GetGamesGo

Why: I got Commandos Complete. It took over 12 hours to download because apparently their servers completely suck ass. It seemed fairly close to finishing so I stayed up a bit later to install it. Now the verification program thinks I'm not connected to the internet, even when I turned off my antivirus and firewall and ran it in administrator mode, so I can't play it. Now I will have to wait all weekend for it to be business hours to even talk to them about the issue.

...should have got Tropico Reloaded from GOG...
Friendly word of advice: Don't do business with GetGamesGo

This might be true for games that require downloading from their servers but everyone should feel free to buy games that activate on Steam from them, because all they do is give you a cd key that you activate on Steam.

I bought Red Orchestra 2 Deluxe Edition and 2 copies of Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (one for a friend) from them. They sent me the keys within a few minutes every time.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
ugh I don't know if I should get Dungeon Siege or not and it's only on sale for another 20 minutes

Don't. The game is Steamworks and will go on sale for at least 5 dollars less somewhere before Christmas. It was $15 on Amazon just a few days ago, for example.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
the only way to get the first two games is the Complete pack though which is only through Steam

First question: will you honestly ever play these? Don't lie to yourself. Search your heart and let it answer.

Now, if the heart says yes:

Second Question: Will you actually play them before Christmas? This stuff will go on sale again on Steam and probably for cheaper.
I keep refreshing the page and nothing happens. Why you no work steam?

Now it works. Btw, anyone else notice that it automatically puts in Jan 1 1900 as the birthday now? Or is it just remembering what I always put in there?


Damn at that deal. If I didn't already buy it during the summer sale I would be all over that. Won't stop me from checking the page out for my entry today though lol.


huh? the standard is $4.99 and the GOTY is $7.49

Not on the UK store



The only DLC worth buying anyway is the General Knoxx DLC. The others are OK (avoid Mad Moxxi, though), but aren't anything special.


Alright gaf, time for another holiday giveaway! This time, it's going to be 3 complete Borderlands editions! This time, the three gaffers that give the funniest joke will win a copy. Contest ends 6pm EST.

Anyone else having massive audio problems with Assassin's Creed: Revelations? I get audio during the Ubisoft logo, then some weird stuttering noise during the disclaimer, and after that there's no audio at all.


listen to the mad man
Alright gaf, time for another holiday giveaway! This time, it's going to be 3 complete Borderlands editions! This time, the three gaffers that give the funniest joke will win a copy. Contest ends 6pm EST.

Two hunters are in a forest looking for deer. All of a suddenly, one keels over and falls down. The other hunter calls 911 and says "Help! My friend is dead and I don't know what to do!". The 911 operator replies "I can help you. First we need to make sure your friend is dead." The hunter quickly puts the phone down, shoots his friend in the face, and then picks the phone up and says "Okay, now what?"

Edit: Why do ducks have webbed feet? To stamp out fires. Why do elephants have flat feet? To stamp out burning ducks.


A man complains that his wife is not making it know when she is in the mood, he comes up with a system

If you want to have sex, jerk my penis 2 times
If not, jerk it 100 times
Patient: Doctor Doctor, I only have 60 seconds to live!!!!
Doctor: Hold on a minute, I'm busy.


listen to the mad man
Okay I'm gonna bring out the big guns. My girlfriend told this one in a job interview for DisneyWorld and got the job. There's an Englishman, an American, and an Idiot. They're all on a plane. The captain of the plane buzzes over the intercom; "You're on a magic plane! On this plane, if you toss a coin out the window over your country and make a wish, it'll come true." The American throws a penny out the window over the US and says "I want this coin to hit my ex-wife and kill her." The Englishman throws a penny out the window over the UK and says "I want this coin to hit the teacher I hated most at school and kill him." The Idiot's got his hands in his pockets but can't find any money. He does, however have a bomb. He says "I hope this makes somebody laugh" and throws it out the window.

The plane lands and they all return home. The American goes to his ex-wife's house and sees a man crying and saying "Something fell from the sky and killed the love of my life". The Englishman goes to his old school and sees a student crying and saying "Something fell from the sky and killed my teacher". The Idiot goes home and sees a kid busting a gut laughing. The Idiot asks "What's so funny?" and the kid says "I farted and my house blew up!"


so i decided to start a playthrough of mass effect 1 for PC after playing it on consoles years ago, yay right?

anyways, time to figure out the DLC situation for ME1.

oh, sweet, really easy instructions i found on the steam forum to get free dlc, called bring down the sky.


oh, the link to redeem it no longer works? what a shame. found a workaround on the steam forum. it involves emailing EA support and asking where is my DLC and they'll send you a key for it, then you'll have to manually install the .exe. it requires you have an origin acount. i see no way to install it via origin, i believe this is the only way to get it atm.

the other DLC? pinnacle station? you have to buy it, and it's on origin only. $5.

ME2? at least it's more streamlined i guess, can buy it all through bioware, using bioware points (at least i heard, haven't installed it yet)

yeah, that's about it. just sharing how DLC currently works in the ME series. i'm not a huge completionist or anything, but i like to have all the content, especially if it's interesting story stuff. gonna be a huge pain to get the DLC as time goes on. i guess i should be grateful to even have the opportunity to buy it.


Neo Member
Alright gaf, time for another holiday giveaway! This time, it's going to be 3 complete Borderlands editions! This time, the three gaffers that give the funniest joke will win a copy. Contest ends 6pm EST.

Baby seal walks into a club

hopefully i didnt take it too far with the joke
I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram. I was like, 0mg!

The first rule of Thesaurus Club is, you don't talk about, mention, speak of, discuss or chat about Thesaurus Club.
I will go with historical angle here.

Poland 1939, Hitler and his trusted allies are watching advancing German troops. Suddently, the Fuehrer decided he was hungry. Goering gets up and yells:

-Mein Fuehrer, wait a moment, I will bring you an apple right away!

Goering runs to the nearby Polish village, bangs on the door, and demands apples from a Polish peasant. The peasant ignores him.
Goering gets back to the car, both Hitler and Himmler are ROTFLMAO. Next, Himmler gets out of the car:

-Mein Fuehrer, pay no attention to Goehring, I will bring you an apple.

Himmler runs into the same village, the situation repeats itself. He comes back to the car, both Hitler and Goering are laughing their asses off. Finally, Hitler speaks up:

-Both of you, watch how Fuehrer does things.

He goes to the same village, knocks on the same door, demands apples. The peasant gets all blue, and with a fear in his eyes he gives Hitler a whole basket of apples. Hitler happily turns away and starts walking, when he overhears the following conversation:

-Wife, wife, guess who knocked on our door just a moment ago? Stalin!
yeah, that's about it. just sharing how DLC currently works in the ME series. i'm not a huge completionist or anything, but i like to have all the content, especially if it's interesting story stuff. gonna be a huge pain to get the DLC as time goes on. i guess i should be grateful to even have the opportunity to buy it.

Sounds like a huge hassle. I finished the 360 version of ME but planned to replay it on PC before playing ME2 and the eventual ME3. After reading this, I think I'll be skipping the DLC all together.


Alright gaf, time for another holiday giveaway! This time, it's going to be 3 complete Borderlands editions! This time, the three gaffers that give the funniest joke will win a copy. Contest ends 6pm EST.


I not only bought it, I pre-ordered Battlefield 3.

Even though I'm sure that's a top 3, I'll pass. Just wanted to enter.


Okay I'm gonna bring out the big guns. My girlfriend told this one in a job interview for DisneyWorld and got the job. There's an Englishman, an American, and an Idiot. They're all on a plane. The captain of the plane buzzes over the intercom; "You're on a magic plane! On this plane, if you toss a coin out the window over your country and make a wish, it'll come true." The American throws a penny out the window over the US and says "I want this coin to hit my ex-wife and kill her." The Englishman throws a penny out the window over the UK and says "I want this coin to hit the teacher I hated most at school and kill him." The Idiot's got his hands in his pockets but can't find any money. He does, however have a bomb. He says "I hope this makes somebody laugh" and throws it out the window.

The plane lands and they all return home. The American goes to his ex-wife's house and sees a man crying and saying "Something fell from the sky and killed the love of my life". The Englishman goes to his old school and sees a student crying and saying "Something fell from the sky and killed my teacher". The Idiot goes home and sees a kid busting a gut laughing. The Idiot asks "What's so funny?" and the kid says "I farted and my house blew up!"

Haha, this reminds me of one I heard years ago (it's a bit outdated now, but still funny IMO).
Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin, and George Bush are on a plane. They're having an argument over who is the most benevolent leader of their country. Blair stands up, and declares, "Watch this - I'm going to make somebody very happy", and tosses a £50 note out of the window. Not wanting to be beaten, Bush states, "That's nice. I'm going to make one hundred people very happy" and throws a hundred $100 notes out. The two look at Putin in expectation. He grunts, and says, "All right... I'll make the whole world very happy" and promptly throws George Bush out of the window.


A bus filled with nuns has an horrible accident and they all died. They are presented to Saint Peter so he can judge if they are worthy to enter the Garden of Eden.

Saint Peter asks the first sister: "What was you worst sin, my child?"

"Oh, Saint Peter! I once watched a man's penis on a magazine...." Said the nun as she blushed.

"Be not afraid my child! Just go to that holy water spring and wash your eyes and the Heaven doors are open for you."

Saint Peter asks the same question to another nun...

"Oh, Saint Peter, I'm terribly ashamed! I've touched a man's penis in my youth..." She said between tears and sobbing.

"Be not afraid my child! Your repentance just saved you! Wash your hands in that Holy Water and the doors of Heaven are open to you."

On the back of the group a nun started to scream: "Saint Peter! SAAAAAAINNNNNT PEEEETTTTTEEEERRRRRRR!"

Saint Peter seeing she was in obvious distress let her take the front and asked her: "Tell me my child, what distresses you?"

"I'm terrible sorry Saint Peter but I have to ask you something of extreme importance..."

"Off course my child! Ask and you shall receive."

"Thank you my Saint! You have to let me gargle the Holy Water before sister Elizabeth washes her ass..."


Haha, this reminds me of one I heard years ago (it's a bit outdated now, but still funny IMO).
Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin, and George Bush are on a plane. They're having an argument over who is the most benevolent leader of their country. Blair stands up, and declares, "Watch this - I'm going to make somebody very happy", and tosses a £50 note out of the window. Not wanting to be beaten, Bush states, "That's nice. I'm going to make one hundred people very happy" and throws a hundred $100 notes out. The two look at Putin in expectation. He grunts, and says, "All right... I'll make the whole world very happy" and promptly throws George Bush out of the window.

Made me laugh out loud. My favorite.
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