Boobs & Ass are her character traits.
There is another game in the bundle called 'Miles - Knights of Anal Tyranny'.
Indiegala has got both Hometown and Life fans covered.
Not the Yakuza I'm waiting for ;P
Only Street Fighter I played was SSIITurbo on Amiga 500. I missed the many Alienware giveaways :/Have you never played Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 3?
If at first you don't succeed, give up?
It's been a long time since I played Sequence, but I remember a big part of it is deciding which arrows you go for and which you ignore-- are you trying to hit everything?
Pfft I beat it the first time on Hard, get gud scrub.I bought every western released Yakuza game at launch (even Dead Souls) and fat lot of good that did the cause. Only finished 1 and 2. Gave up on 3 about halfway as I was playing on Hard and no shit sherlock it's really fucking hard on that difficulty.
Only Street Fighter I played was SSIITurbo on Amiga 500. I missed the many Alienware giveaways :/
Huh I wonder how that ver. compares to the OG arcade ver.
The character is from SF Alpha 3, I did a small write up about her design here if you'd like to give a look
Get M&B: Warband. It's super ugly and yet the best sandbox medieval RPG you are going to find.
Get M&B: Warband. It's super ugly and yet the best sandbox medieval RPG you are going to find.
Rocket League -10%
Does this mean it comes with hardware for free, or is it merely a suggestion?
Pfft I beat it the first time on Hard, get gud scrub.
Steam store page reads "Pre-order steam hardware now and get Portal 2 + Rocket League for free"
Im kinda mad, tbqh.
I was going to get Decay the Mare if they did an encore day, but it's $2.50 now when it was $1.50 on day 2.
Come on, i bought Rocket League not even a week ago. Steam, pls.
Does this mean it's included with the purchase of Steam hardware, or is it merely a suggestion?
Steam store page reads "Pre-order steam hardware now and get Portal 2 + Rocket League for free"
Im kinda mad, tbqh.
M&B2 is going to be so good. It will be the Deliverance everyone hopes for.
The problem is that they werent honest before the launch. From what I can gather you get like 1/3rd or 1/4th of the game and in the steam response they were writing that they actually want to develop the game further from the money they can earn with the game itself. They are also saying it in the video. If that was their plan, why didnt they say it before launching.
"We are planning for Trine 3 to be a trilogy/have more than 1 part."
Instead they did this:
Seems the games story is about getting 3 or 4 artitfacts, but the game just ends after getting the 1st.
I think if they would have been honest from the start, people would have understood.
Oh god, that RPS 'Top 25 Action PC game' list is so, so terrible.
Well I'm buying a Steam controller today. The controller's page hasn't updated yet, though.
Can't you just do a refund? Or have you already played more than 2 hours?
Still rather unimpressed with R. Mika I expected far more.
So what Metal Gear reference will be in next month's OT?
How exactly does that character trailer still make you unimpressed, you're like pre 2015 Capcom's crazy high sales expectations :V
So what Metal Gear reference will be in next month's OT?
Oh god, that RPS 'Top 25 Action PC game' list is so, so terrible.
Yeah, im really interested in trying one too, but not for that price. That prepurchase deal would've been perfect if i wouldnt have bought RL a week ago.
Played already for ten hours :3
So what Metal Gear reference will be in next month's OT?
I have a Steam Link pre-ordered. Will I get Portal 2 and Rocket League now?