Played around with the new cursor position feature for a bit. If the game/app you're using it with has on-screen buttons that only activate on the release of the left click button, setting the cursor to revert to the previous position would cause it to move and release the mouse button at the same time, and in the case of TIS-100 it wouldn't activate the on-screen button.
I found that I could use a separate activator for the Move Cursor function and the left mouse click, and then increase the Fire End on the Move Cursor activator by a fairly large amount to delay the return of the mouse cursor, which then made the on-screen button work. A few notches on the slider wasn't enough. I had to bring it near the D in Delay in order for it to work, so it'll probably require some tweaking to get right.
Also, when using it like this with the Long Press activators, I found that I had to release the button when the activator started - if I held it too long it would also fail to work. Not sure if there's a better way to do this yet.