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Steam Controller Thread | Comfy Couch Sold Separately

City 17

You've been unlucky I guess, I wonder whether anyone else has faced (similar) hardware issues/how frequent is it?

I've owned one since last November, and no problems with the hardware so far.


My only hardware issue was with the pre-launch controller which had a broken left trackpad that would rapidly press between inputs. Got a controller from Valve soon after and have had no hardware issues since. Only issues I have had since are software related and usually fixed up in subsequent patchs


Junior Member
How well does the steam controller operate with stylish action games like DMC4SE or metal gear rising?

I haven't tried it yet and I don't have mine currently on me but wanted to get some opinions.


I think I may have tried it with MGR but I couldn't get a good handle on it. Maybe I didn't give it enough time but I didn't like it.


I haven't tried it with Metal Gear Rising, but my first instinct would be to map it to KB/M simply because of how the mouse controls work in that game.

I can't remember if it supports simultaneous inputs or not. I think it did?


How well does the steam controller operate with stylish action games like DMC4SE or metal gear rising?

I haven't tried it yet and I don't have mine currently on me but wanted to get some opinions.
I haven't tried it with MGS:R but it works great with DMC4SE. The only problem is that overlays don't work with it for some reason so you have to configure it from outside the game, but it doesn't need any extensive tweaking so it's not a big deal. I use: standard gamepad config with mouse-like joystick, d-pad on radial without overlap, analog triggers disabled to prevent double inputs and X on one of the grip buttons.

The grips are especially great because they obviate the need to rebind the fire button when playing as Nero, which I've always hated. Having your fingers naturally rest on the shoulders and triggers at the same time is also nice when you want to eg. rev your sword while locked on.


I'm starting to get into raiding in World of Warcraft with my SC and I seem to be keeping up with other healers just fine :3
You've been unlucky I guess, I wonder whether anyone else has faced (similar) hardware issues/how frequent is it?

I've owned one since last November, and no problems with the hardware so far.

My only hardware issue was with the pre-launch controller which had a broken left trackpad that would rapidly press between inputs. Got a controller from Valve soon after and have had no hardware issues since. Only issues I have had since are software related and usually fixed up in subsequent patchs
Yeah, I want to think I've just been unlucky. I just hope this next replacement doesn't act up over regular use like my last two have. And to be fair, Valve are pretty quick to approve replacement requests, which I appreciate. Though I wish they'd let me know when they received my device and shipped my replacement (they didn't the first time, and it doesn't feel like they will this time). October's coming up, and I'm itching to finish RE4.


I've come back to making a configuration for Fallout 4 with this controller and I'm getting closer and closer to having a really good one (for me).

The radial menu is amazing for weapon switching. My only complaint about it is that I wish I could hold the grip button, rotate to the selection I want in the radial menu, and then just have it select that option when I let go of the touchpad.

I'm also running into the issue that I really want to be able to use mode shifting for the bumpers. The regular controller setup for Fallout 4 uses the bumpers to switch between tabs in the pip-boy. This is so ingrained in my muscle memory and the WASD usage in the pip-boy just feels so wrong while mapped to the analog stick.


I've come back to making a configuration for Fallout 4 with this controller and I'm getting closer and closer to having a really good one (for me).

The radial menu is amazing for weapon switching. My only complaint about it is that I wish I could hold the grip button, rotate to the selection I want in the radial menu, and then just have it select that option when I let go of the touchpad.

I'm also running into the issue that I really want to be able to use mode shifting for the bumpers. The regular controller setup for Fallout 4 uses the bumpers to switch between tabs in the pip-boy. This is so ingrained in my muscle memory and the WASD usage in the pip-boy just feels so wrong while mapped to the analog stick.

Have you tried using a set that is activated only when the cursor is visible? I don't know if it will be trigged in Fallout 4 when you open the pipboy, but it worked well in some other games for me, like Resident Evil 5.


Have you tried using a set that is activated only when the cursor is visible? I don't know if it will be trigged in Fallout 4 when you open the pipboy, but it worked well in some other games for me, like Resident Evil 5.

No, I haven't but that's a great tip, thanks! Gonna check that out when I go back to messing with it later.

edit- Well that was a pretty perfect suggestion, but unfortunately the cursor coming up in the pipboy does not trigger the action set.


When I am using the steam controller with a game and open the steam overlay to adjust gyro sensitivity or trackpad sensitivity - then go back into the game - it causes some pretty annoying stuttering in the game I'm playing. Then if I close the program and reopen, it will be fine. It seems like adjusting gyro/trackpad sensitivity with the overlay causes issues. Which kind of stinks because I like to constantly tinker with gyro/trackpad settings while in-game to find my preferred settings.

For the longest time I thought it was my computer sucking, but now I've realized it was the adjusting I was doing causing issues. Has anyone else experienced this or know of a solution? I've tried looking around a bit for an answer to this, but don't think I've seen anyone else bring it up.
I really wish they made the trackpads bigger so you could have slower sensitivities without having to reswipe so often. Loaded up Mankind Divided with the 'provided by Eidos' config which is a mix of xinput and mouse and the default sensitivity is jacked. It just so twitchy doing smooth motions without it jittering around takes effort. I can see why people just use the analog stick emulation.
I really wish they made the trackpads bigger so you could have slower sensitivities without having to reswipe so often. Loaded up Mankind Divided with the 'provided by Eidos' config which is a mix of xinput and mouse and the default sensitivity is jacked. It just so twitchy doing smooth motions without it jittering around takes effort. I can see why people just use the analog stick emulation.

Try using lower sensitivity combined with a low friction trackball for larger movements. No swiping required!


I really try to avoid mixed setups whenever possible. There are very few games where they work consistently it seems.

That being said, when they do work they allow for an insane amount of customization that you can't get with just gamepad or keyboard/mouse alone.
I wish they would improve the mouse-like joystick mode. For those games that don't play well with mixed inputs, the mouse joystick never comes close to actual mouse input.


I wish they would improve the mouse-like joystick mode. For those games that don't play well with mixed inputs, the mouse joystick never comes close to actual mouse input.
I fear that can be a sort of "the best we can do" sort of thing. Would be nice if at least newer games patched in mix input, FO4 was post-Steam Controller and unless their code is that fucked up they probably could have done something.


Try using lower sensitivity combined with a low friction trackball for larger movements. No swiping required!

Yeah, currently my favourite setup for FPS type games. My favourite implementation is that in Doom. The low friction allows for both slow long turns and very quick spins when necessary. Feels awesome and you can certainly be very accurate and fast with such a setup
Yeah, currently my favourite setup for FPS type games. My favourite implementation is that in Doom. The low friction allows for both slow long turns and very quick spins when necessary. Feels awesome and you can certainly be very accurate and fast with such a setup.

Absolutely. It takes a bit of getting used to but once you do it feels both precise and fast. It also feels cool! I love the feel of the haptics.


I wish they would improve the mouse-like joystick mode. For those games that don't play well with mixed inputs, the mouse joystick never comes close to actual mouse input.

I was thinking this lately too, but of course there is the wonder if there really is any way to improve it while still having it recognized as a joystick.


Kinda wish there was a mode where to move you had to swipe/ move you're thumb on the touchpad. I mean, it'd probably still have to be an 8-way activation (can't do much about wasd :/), but I honestly feel super uncomfortable with movement on the left trackpad.

Like, have the sensitivity be the amount of movement required to the activate or something. And also 2 modes, one that uses a joystick output like the mouse-like joystick and a wasd output.

They have an option for mouse-like joystick, why not mouse-like movement? I just think if implimented properly It could really change things for how I play games :p


BPM Web browser is extremely frustrating at the moment. Here are several issues I run into all the time.

- Some web pages refuse to scroll / scroll to part way down the page where it stops when there is plenty more of a page
- The entire tab becomes unresponsive to clicks on any links
- Youtube / other webplayers stop accepting input to play / pause / full screen etc
- Some web players demand that the mouse cursor is completely still for several seconds to register a click in the right position, otherwise the response is the wrong one
- Entire BPM interface suddenly crashes and puts you back into the game with no access to the overlay and an error (something like DXGI device has stopped working).
- SteamHellper crashes, closing Steam entirely in the background, prevents controller from working.
- Pages don't load
- Pages load in the wrong formats
- Pop up tips don't go away

Really really annoying when I need to use it. I've resorted to using Steam Chords to use actual Chrome and minimising the game since the BPM overlay has failed so much lately.
I keep wondering, is there a native API for the controller outside of xinput? If so does it require using steam? And if there is and it doesn't require steam why don't we see some native support from actively developed emulators like dolphin and/or RetroArch?
I definitely get that non scroll issue. I'm not sure why Valve needs to override default scroll activity. That's the web developer's job.

- Entire BPM interface suddenly crashes and puts you back into the game with no access to the overlay and an error (something like DXGI device has stopped working).

I think that's an OS thing, not a BPM thing. I get that same issue whether using the BPM browser or just using Chrome next to the game.


Any compelling reasont o have the Xbox one Gamepad around?

I haven't picked it up in a long while thanks ot the Steam controller, so I'm thinking about selling it.

There is no reason, is there?

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Any compelling reasont o have the Xbox one Gamepad around?

I haven't picked it up in a long while thanks ot the Steam controller, so I'm thinking about selling it.

There is no reason, is there?

Personally, I prefer my Xbox One controller over my SC for many games (like Witcher 3, ARPGs in general), so I would still keep it...but if you prefer the SC over it for everyone I can't see why you would keep it :)
I really wish they made the trackpads bigger so you could have slower sensitivities without having to reswipe so often. Loaded up Mankind Divided with the 'provided by Eidos' config which is a mix of xinput and mouse and the default sensitivity is jacked. It just so twitchy doing smooth motions without it jittering around takes effort. I can see why people just use the analog stick emulation.
I hardly hear people resort to analog stick emulation for aiming with this controller... I think it's a matter of learning how to properly use the trackpad. It does take a bit of time, because nobody really has the muscle memory for it initially. Being able to do a 180 with one swipe from the left side of the pad to the right is a nice sensitivity setting, then it's just a matter of getting used to tilting your thumb for smaller adjustments. And when you're just scanning, it's best to just use the trackball flicks near the center of the pad. That way when you find a target you stop your flick, and should have enough room on the trackpad to aim at your target with strokes. Also, I find disabling smoothing altogether is for the best, because otherwise it'll eat up smaller adjustments and ruin your precision. Then if it's a bit too jittery, just raise the in-game sensitivity and lower the trackpad sensitivity in steps, til you get a nice middleground that isn't too jittery, but gives you enough room for adjustment.

Good luck, and I hope you end up figuring it out! I know it's a bit frustrating getting there, but it's absolutely worth it for the satisfying feeling you get when it finally clicks.


I think that's an OS thing, not a BPM thing. I get that same issue whether using the BPM browser or just using Chrome next to the game.

Definitely not. I've had the exact same issue throughout owning two different Steam Controllers on Windows 7, 8 and 10. Maybe this is not the case on Mac and Linux


I really wish they made the trackpads bigger so you could have slower sensitivities without having to reswipe so often. Loaded up Mankind Divided with the 'provided by Eidos' config which is a mix of xinput and mouse and the default sensitivity is jacked. It just so twitchy doing smooth motions without it jittering around takes effort. I can see why people just use the analog stick emulation.
Oh yeah, the default sensitivity for it is just crazy. I use this controller a lot but this was jittery as hell.

Deft Beck

Since I want to bring the controller with me more often, I ordered the accessory pack. I wish the battery door with the adapter holder was standard, and I wish shipping wasn't $10 for the accessory pack.


If we have any Aragami players here, I just uploaded a config I think works pretty damn well. You can do almost everything without moving your fingers away from the triggers, grips and touch pad. The only things you move for are Shadow Techniques and that's only to the bumpers.

I stopped using the Steam controller for a while when I started playing Dead Rising and a couple other games (Deus Ex MD, Shadow of Mordor) because they're designed around standard controller play and messing with buttons just causes problems, plus d-pad is horrible. But Aragami really benefits from the Steam controller and it's great when you nail what your want from a config, everything just becomes so smooth. Especially with this game as it actually allows smoother gameplay from having access to nearly all functions at all times.


Mafia 3 is an absolute shambles at the moment. I think out of the gate, it has the worst feeling controls on the Steam Controller that I have ever had. It is unbearable.

In an effort to retain my ability to refund and not use up the 2hrs limit, I took screen caps of all the controls and am working on a binding set outside of the game. The game does not support simultaneous mouse and gamepad, and the mouse-like stick is unbearably heavy, low sensitivity and laggy, continuing movement for a second after no input, even when the sensitivity is maxed - but since the menus appear to do random things I wouldn't even be sure it got set correctly.

I'll be taking the Mafia 2 approach of keyboard and mouse setup on foot and a mode switch for driving that will utilise the gamepad controls.


Anyone try it with Gears of War 4 yet?

I got my Portal skin yesterday. I was worried it was going to be super shiny, but it's definitely a more matt style. I like it, though some fo the parts were tricky to place correctly.


Anyone try it with Gears of War 4 yet?

I got my Portal skin yesterday. I was worried it was going to be super shiny, but it's definitely a more matt style. I like it, though some fo the parts were tricky to place correctly.

Does the Steam Controller work in UWP games?


The Steam Controller need the Steam Overlay, and currently UWP doesn't support the Steam Overlay, so no Steam Controller in Gears of War.

Well, maybe using a desktop configuration could work?


Does the Steam Controller work in UWP games?

::shock:: I actually never even thought about the possibility that it wouldn't!

Oh man, I really hope that's not the case. I was looking forward ot playing wiht it :(

Edit: Well, UnaiGamer just killed the dream dead.

Mouse and keyboard will have to do, but I'm gonna miss my Steam controller!


Working through the Mafia 3 bindings - it is amazing how wonky the controls are for a standard controller / consoles; I'm not sure if I've only just noticed that this is a kind of norm or if it has increased recently. To accommodate all the actions, the game uses a lot of "hold for x action, press for y action". The keyboard keys appear to be set up with actions being individual to a key instead, so seemingly you can bypass the wait of a hold button to interact with things for example.

For the Steam Controller setup, I'm messing with a bit of a mixture of activators for now, but it is seemingly like one of the more complex to arrange. Luckily, for a bunch of things they use the Mafia 2 keys, so I just imported that config as a base.

Going to need to experiment with it to see what keys can work together in game without needing to be seperated by a hold if mapped to the same button. It's times like this that it's annoying to have the controller, when no presets are available and lack of knowledge of the game makes setup hard to do - unlike Mafia 2 which I already played, so knew what would work.

The Steam Controller need the Steam Overlay, and currently UWP doesn't support the Steam Overlay, so no Steam Controller in Gears of War.

Well, maybe using a desktop configuration could work?

::shock:: I actually never even thought about the possibility that it wouldn't!

Oh man, I really hope that's not the case. I was looking forward ot playing wiht it :(

Edit: Well, UnaiGamer just killed the dream dead.

Mouse and keyboard will have to do, but I'm gonna miss my Steam controller!

Yeah it's ridiculous how many peripherals are prevented from working with UWP as well as all the little applications I'd normally use. Makes buying for lounge play a non-starter.

However, you could setup the controller prior to playing the game and then play it perhaps without issue? Or have MS locked out the peripheral itself like they have done for others so that they don't even function?


Completed the Mafia 3 bindings and I love them. They will need a few hours more play for a little more tuning and checking out to see later game mechanics work, but this is a monumental improvement over the default pad setup.

I've had to use activators for the first time with one double press button in there for quick weapon switching, and there are two "long press" buttons for the grips, but these end up being more of a "tiniest bit longer" press that is maybe milliseconds longer than you'd usually press any button.

It works great so far and mouse look feels amazing, while driving is great with the usual pad setup as a mode switch. I'll post later when I upload it.


Dump your Steam controller and get a Roccat Sova.

It's expensive, but it actually makes couch PC gaming viable. That's more of the direction valve should've taken.


Dump your Steam controller and get a Roccat Sova.

It's expensive, but it actually makes couch PC gaming viable. That's more of the direction valve should've taken.


I have the controller so I can relax on the couch, not sit upright, especially with the dog lurching around
Dump your Steam controller and get a Roccat Sova.

It's expensive, but it actually makes couch PC gaming viable. That's more of the direction valve should've taken.

You really came into the Steam Controller thread to say this?

I have a Couchmaster for if I really want to use KBaM on the couch, but most of the time the Steam controller is more than adequate.


Dump your Steam controller and get a Roccat Sova.

It's expensive, but it actually makes couch PC gaming viable. That's more of the direction valve should've taken.

Why would you come into a steam controller thread and start pimping another product?

I use a steam controller over a kb/m since my wrists hate the position required to use them. With an ergonomic upgrade and 1 or 2 extra options they can add in the future, the steam controller is damn near ace


Dump your Steam controller and get a Roccat Sova.

It's expensive, but it actually makes couch PC gaming viable. That's more of the direction valve should've taken.



Damn just spent 20 min trying to get Forza Horizon 3 working with the steam controller while i wait for Gears 4 to download and couldn't. I thought setting the desktop configuration to gamepad would be enough but I guess not? Fuck UWP man. Gears 4 with this controller would be amazing.


Damn just spent 20 min trying to get Forza Horizon 3 working with the steam controller while i wait for Gears 4 to download and couldn't. I thought setting the desktop configuration to gamepad would be enough but I guess not? Fuck UWP man. Gears 4 with this controller would be amazing.

I think you can't use gamepad in a desktop configuration, just keyboard and mouse.


I just finished up both Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004) and Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (1998) with the Steam Controller. I played both on my TV like they were made for it. This controller has gotten me to play so many older games that I would have either avoided or never bothered to complete. Features like the Radial Menu, Activators, and Gyro are just so clutch.


EDIT - These bindings are up again and the same layout - just the actual game keybindings were changed in an update, but I replaced them and sorted it!

Finally got time to upload my Mafia 3 bindings. They should be available now. It looks more complicated than it actually is:

Mafia 3 Dual Config



- Unfortunately I forgot to update the labelling of the Driving section, but the buttons are correct, just standard gamepad with mouse-like stick.

- On foot is pretty much everything else all to get mouse aim and minimal hand movement while playing, while cleaning up some of the default keyboard settings as best as I could. For example [start] and tab are on the same button and do the same thing, but in tutorials that freeze the game, you have to press tab, so this avoids the game being stuck without the right button. There are several such examples but I covered them all.

- X is the get in and out of vehicle button and auto mode switches to driving and back when you use it. You'll probably hit the odd awkward moment due to a cutscene putting you off sync but easy to work around in several ways.

- LB and RB have a double tap binding for scroll up and down - basically zoom with a sniper as well as weapon switching fast, and zooming on playboy mags / map.

- I switched the traditional gamepad layout of the weapon wheel because PC forces aiming shoulder switching to also be the same key but only when tapped. This way you can still aim and switch shoulder view at the same time if you play with only one finger between trigger and bumper. (A) has the plant bomb button as a double tap - never needed it, but just in case.

- RG is both reload on press, so it's instantaneous. A ever so slightly longer hold will activate the interact button instead. The game is designed around a delay for interaction on gamepad, but this way the delay is minimal and it is the only way I could organise it for minimal hand movement. It clicks pretty quick. You can't move this to LG (or at least I couldn't work it out) since LG is cover, and that has a mechanic that requires a rather long hold to move around corners or slide to new cover - which would make trying to use things super slow. Maybe a double tap would work..

- Anyway, I really really like this setup. The game is a ton of fun with it. I especially like the simulation driving mode - which is why I have hand break as LG and Ram as RG so you can do those easily and move the camera around freely.

Have fun with it, anyone that needs it!


It's good to know that there's a config waiting for me when I eventually play Mafia III. I used your config (with a few tweaks) for Mafia II, and it was on point. I'm going to get you to use the gyro one of these days, though.
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