Some observations for anyone else who is making and publishing their bindings:
- Most modern multiplatform 3rd/1st-person games (e.g. MGS, Dark Souls, etc) are improved with adjustments to the vertical sensitivity and friction on the right trackpad (in mouse/trackball mode). These games were already designed with very limited vertical looking/aiming to account for analog sticks being poor for this. If you increase the vertical friction and reduce the vertical sensitivity, players will still have the fast turnspeeds and accuracy of the trackpad without unnecessarily pointing the camera at the floor/ceiling. Likewise, there's a setting (I'm pretty sure it's called Rotation) that you can fine-tune to ensure left-right swipes actually go horizontally and not slightly diagonally. A good way to tune this is to go somewhere like Mother Base in MGSV, aim at the horizon, and swipe left to right. If you notice excessive diagonal motion, press the Steam button, go into the controller config, and adjust the Rotation meter a few notches, and try again until your aim when swiping left to right is pretty much in line with the horizon. You can have a look at my bindings for MGSV (by username SteffK, named "A Binding to Surpass Metal Gear") and check out the advanced settings for the right trackpad to get an idea.
-Use the dual-stage triggers wherever possible, they are fantastic! I was wary about the controller differentiating between light/heavy presses on the triggers but it's incredibly reliable by default, without even going in and manually adjusting the trigger points. Going to try a Dark Souls setup where attack/strong attack and guard/parry are on different stages of the triggers, freeing up the bumpers and grips for face button functions like rolling, item use, two-handing, etc. This effectively gives you a suite of 10 buttons accessible without the player's thumbs leaving the trackpad/stick. That is equivalent to the button diamond and all the triggers/bumpers/stick clicks from the standard console controllers.
Using the right trackpad as a giant A button feels great. Tried it in NiGHTS and Jet Set Radio. On that note, the trackpad works fantastically for the graffiti swiping mechanic in JSR as well.
Would really, really like native support for this from major devs but I imagine that's coming later in the early bird period leading up to the hard launch. Ideally a title like MGSV would have multiple configurations like Portal 2 for the main menu, iDroid, gameplay etc, as well as Steam Controller specific button icons.