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Steam Controller Thread | Comfy Couch Sold Separately


Have you tried portal 2? I used valves config and it felt very floaty. I'm sure I need more time with it but I felt like I didn't have the accuracy of the xbox controller. I could swing the camera around quicker yes, but I couldn't stop it where I wanted to.

Also whenever I move the right pad somewhere and stop, it moves for a couple seconds. Is that normal? It feels really weird.

Also, anyone having big picture mode chug on windows 10? It's when everything slows down and there's a huge delay.

I've tried Borderlands 2, Skyrim, H1Z1, and a few others, all were far more precise than the 360 controller. If it's not feeling more precise, it's the settings.


war of titties grampa
Well i love the controller with shooters! I feel like I have more control and hit things better than on a regular controller. Still not as accurate as a mouse but the movements feel so much better to me on controller than on keyboard and the trackpad is great! Still messing and getting used to it though, but being able to program the buttons has me truly excited for the possibilities!


Have you tried portal 2? I used valves config and it felt very floaty. I'm sure I need more time with it but I felt like I didn't have the accuracy of the xbox controller. I could swing the camera around quicker yes, but I couldn't stop it where I wanted to.

Also whenever I move the right pad somewhere and stop, it moves for a couple seconds. Is that normal? It feels really weird.

You may be experiencing a bug that requires turning the controller off and on again.


Some observations for anyone else who is making and publishing their bindings:

- Most modern multiplatform 3rd/1st-person games (e.g. MGS, Dark Souls, etc) are improved with adjustments to the vertical sensitivity and friction on the right trackpad (in mouse/trackball mode). These games were already designed with very limited vertical looking/aiming to account for analog sticks being poor for this. If you increase the vertical friction and reduce the vertical sensitivity, players will still have the fast turnspeeds and accuracy of the trackpad without unnecessarily pointing the camera at the floor/ceiling. Likewise, there's a setting (I'm pretty sure it's called Rotation) that you can fine-tune to ensure left-right swipes actually go horizontally and not slightly diagonally. A good way to tune this is to go somewhere like Mother Base in MGSV, aim at the horizon, and swipe left to right. If you notice excessive diagonal motion, press the Steam button, go into the controller config, and adjust the Rotation meter a few notches, and try again until your aim when swiping left to right is pretty much in line with the horizon. You can have a look at my bindings for MGSV (by username SteffK, named "A Binding to Surpass Metal Gear") and check out the advanced settings for the right trackpad to get an idea.

-Use the dual-stage triggers wherever possible, they are fantastic! I was wary about the controller differentiating between light/heavy presses on the triggers but it's incredibly reliable by default, without even going in and manually adjusting the trigger points. Going to try a Dark Souls setup where attack/strong attack and guard/parry are on different stages of the triggers, freeing up the bumpers and grips for face button functions like rolling, item use, two-handing, etc. This effectively gives you a suite of 10 buttons accessible without the player's thumbs leaving the trackpad/stick. That is equivalent to the button diamond and all the triggers/bumpers/stick clicks from the standard console controllers.

Using the right trackpad as a giant A button feels great. Tried it in NiGHTS and Jet Set Radio. On that note, the trackpad works fantastically for the graffiti swiping mechanic in JSR as well.

Would really, really like native support for this from major devs but I imagine that's coming later in the early bird period leading up to the hard launch. Ideally a title like MGSV would have multiple configurations like Portal 2 for the main menu, iDroid, gameplay etc, as well as Steam Controller specific button icons.
Few questions:

Can I use the Steam keyboard on the desktop? If I could I basically could use Steam controller for my work.

Can I change the bindings for the desktop?

Can my "trackball settings" be made persistent? Ie; any time that it's configured as a trackball, it will always behave the same? Or is that already the case?

At the moment, no, no, and no, respectively.


I got my pad, Quick question.

the outer edge of the track pads don't seem to work, i went in to the support page, and it doesn't detect movement until i move my thumbs closer.
Is it just me, and i'm misunderstanding the sensitivity of the track pads.

Here's a pic of the outer edge of detection.


I wasn't expecting to hear things like this. I figured this was just a controller. Never had a controller cause crashing or display issues in a game.
I don't think they are due to the controller. These are games I haven't tried on my TV before, so I hadn't run into these issues until now.

I adjusted a few settings and enabled gyro controls in Borderlands and holy shit, it is awesome now. Being able to tweak for precise aim by physically moving the controller is just perfect. I only wish I could assign motion activation to a trigger. I'd love to have zoom on my left paddle, but with gyro on it's stuck as the motion enable button.


I got my pad, Quick question.

the outer edge of the track pads don't seem to work, i went in to the support page, and it doesn't detect movement until i move my thumbs closer.
Is it just me, and i'm misunderstanding the sensitivity of the track pads.

Here's a pic of the outer edge of detection.


These are my two outer rings. I didn't even think there was anything wrong with it... I thought there were also outer ring click points, but the controller only recognizes the one click.
Yes, I think this controller has the potential to be an all-encompassing and fully functional interface device for Windows outside of games, but it needs some upgrades to make that possible.

Yep. Fortunately, the hardware is fantastic and the deficiencies can be improved with software updates.


Anyone had much luck getting the gyro to do anything. Seems chaotic for me. Sometimes responds sometimes doesn't. Not sure if it's a software update


Gold Member
I sorta misspoke about DOOM 3. I just played more today and it's tough with precision. I can aim 110% better with another stick. It's literally like putting a GoPro on a character while they're playing the game. I can't move straight up or straight down with the camera.

I'm getting better at it though. At its best the controller can be very comfortable. I have not tried it on anything else.

I can dodge pretty good in DOOM 3 and I can have some nice shootouts with a regular controller.

Yesterday I must have been lucky or on point. Today Id walk in a room with two guys with shotguns and normally I could take them out in seconds. With the new controller I am finding cover because my first blast isn't aimed properly. I have to move the blast while I'm firing. Normally I'd be dead point on both movement and blasting.

It's going to take some time. I just tried it with the Link. They're like two feet away from one another. It works just fine, but for like a minute I had some lag.

The host screen and the TV are difficult to explain, but oh well... Gotta try more things out
And suddenly ive had my hallelujah moment.

OK I'm not a PC player by origin so mapping from a keyboard feels very hard for me. I prefer abxy inputs (particularly when it comes to onscreen prompts).

So for games that had gamepads as their intended mapping. The steam controller maps the right stick very poorly by default, its slow and feels all wrong. So for these sorts of games, set your config to gamepad then go to the right touchpad and up the stick response curve to "aggressive" and then cnange the haptics intensity to high. You now have an ultra responsive right analog stick with familiar onscreen prompts. Used it on tomb raider and black flag so far to perfection.

Thanks to Nzyme for this. Fucking amazing.


Seek victory, not fairness
These are my two outer rings. I didn't even think there was anything wrong with it... I thought there were also outer ring click points, but the controller only recognizes the one click.

I had the same thought. Here's the trick though - they only need one central button because it knows where your thumb is, which can mean it's a different virtual button being pressed.



I just had my first go of this, and my initial thoughts are so poor but i think it's done to how it was set up and my lack of knowledge.

I got everything working and tried to play The Witcher 3 and Alien Isolation.

I tried a bunch of community layouts for both and in both cases, i can't imagine using this over either KB/M or my XB1 controller.

Does anyone else feel this way or am i not doing something correctly?

Feel exactly the same. I think the goal of this controller is to use it with games that don't support the keyboard like a civilization type game or something along those lines.
Have you guys tried it with platform games? Does it a good job?

Played with meat boy to good effect, but I forced myself to use the left haptic as I usually use analogs for platformers these days (I'm weird, I know) and also mapped it in dolphin for super Mario Bros wii. It was great, I simply forgot it was in my hands and played as though it was a wiimote.

I rate it, but as a caveat, I'm not a platformer expert. I just love Mario!
Wish I didn't cancel my preorder for one of these. At the time I was thinking I didn't need another controller and I could wait until November and now I'm kicking myself.


I've had some wonkiness with the controller which went away with a power cycle. Hopefully bugs will get ironed out quickly.


Somehow managed to get the keyboard to follow me across BPM. Swiping down on the touchpad got rid of it though thankfully.

edit: gah it keeps happening. Pressing home while in chat is whats doing it.


Cant get non steam games to work with the controller. Fifa wont detect it as xinput and obviously making it a non-steam game doesnt work either.

Any way to make the controller recognized as XInput by non-steam games?
It's being worked on. So far ive only had trouble with uplay but mapped to gamepad and went from there. Havent played any EA games yet though.

Booting dead space 2 as we speak.


I got my pad, Quick question.

the outer edge of the track pads don't seem to work, i went in to the support page, and it doesn't detect movement until i move my thumbs closer.
Is it just me, and i'm misunderstanding the sensitivity of the track pads.

Here's a pic of the outer edge of detection.


These are my two outer rings. I didn't even think there was anything wrong with it... I thought there were also outer ring click points, but the controller only recognizes the one click.

Mine do this, but I have to be right on the very edge:

Argh! One of my local GameStop locations says they have extra controllers on hand, but that Valve said they can only sell them to people who preordered and that the extras have to be held until Nov. The fuck??


Nevermind, mine does show the green circles all the way to the end, I could swear yesterday when playing it felt more like the image above.


Weird. Mine go all the way to the edge where like half of the green circle is off the TouchPad. I wonder which of us has the faulty controller.
Wait, mine could be faulty. ? :(
Mine is also like this, I wish they would go to the very edge. It feels unnatural to have it stop with that bit at the end being completely unresponsive. I hope this is something that they can fix.
God i hope so.


Can anyone recommend a good racing, preferably simulation that has some good setups with the Steam Controllee?


I'll give it a few more shots, but my first impression was that the touchpad is unusable as a D-pad replacement.
Do you think right grip as attack and right touchpad click as jump (or visa-versa) in 2D games could work well? It sounds like the face buttons aren't the best and are a bit out of the way to be comfortable for primary inputs. So I'm wondering if the grips and touchpad clicks have a low enough actuation force to be primary action buttons without fatiguing your hand. Especially stuff like rapid firing in a shmup or Mega Man game.
Cant get non steam games to work with the controller. Fifa wont detect it as xinput and obviously making it a non-steam game doesnt work either.

Any way to make the controller recognized as XInput by non-steam games?

Dead space 2 works perfectly. I'm assuming fifa is an origin game?


Dang I just spent a long time creating a config for The Witcher 3 that I really like but guess I can't share it with anybody since I have the gog version.


Do you think right grip as attack and right touchpad click as jump (or visa-versa) in 2D games could work well? It sounds like the face buttons aren't the best and are a bit out of the way to be comfortable for primary inputs. So I'm wondering if the grips and touchpad clicks have a low enough actuation force to be primary action buttons without fatiguing your hand. Especially stuff like rapid firing in a shmup or Mega Man game.
The touch pad clicks require too much force in my opinion.


After playing with the controller more... I really, really can't see its dpad holding a candle to even a PSP's, let alone a good one.

That's the biggest outstanding weakness of the controller to me.
It is, but havent been able to make it work with anything outside steam unfortunately, and the amount of games that support steam overlay while being a non-steam game is really low.

I had the same trouble initially. I had success im mapping the controller as a standard gamepad then making alterations from there (aggressive response curve + high haptics is a first step in everything now for me). All my non - steam games have accepted this so far.


I've run into a pretty major issue.

Without realising it till now it turns out my dpad deadzone is not in the centre as it should be. It is in fact up and to the right, where the indentations indicate is the start of the diagnoral up right area.

Messing with this area makes the dpad perfect in how it functions

So my questions are, is this only on my controller and if so how can I fix it. Might have to email Valve. I've tried multiple games now to be sure.
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