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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Did someone on a game forum, really just say "does it really matter if a game is fun".

Nah games should be shit and boring bro 🤣 who buys games to have fun anyway, only silly people that's who. Look at all us sillies wanting fun.
I'm gonna guess it is a language issue and they are trying to say "does all this DEI bullshit matter as long as the game is still fun". The problem is most of this DEI crap ruins immersion due to crappy writing and design it brings along making the game not fun.
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I'm gonna guess it is a language issue and they are trying to say "does all this DEI bullshit matter as long as the game is still fun". The problem is most of this DEI crap ruins immersion due to crappy writing and design it brings along making the game not fun.
The dev ends up hiring people like SBI to fill check boxes rather than hiring the real talent. ESG is poison pill money.
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No one tries to steal something from you.
They literally took all our beloved IPs and turned them to shit in order to get twitter brownie points and allowance from ESG. So yeah, we're sorry if some of us are a little bitter.
No one forces you to like those games.
True. But it's the thought that we could have a new kick-ass Star Wars trilogy and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have had amazing Doctor Who episodes and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a new Star Trek series to inspire a new generation of viewers but we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten the continuation of Joel's journey but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have an amazing Venom arc with Spider-Man 2 but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a Superman / JL game by Rocksteady but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten amazing badass male heroes and amazing sexy heroines, but we got emasculated beta males and butt-ugly emotionless bitches.

And so on, and so on, and so on.

It's not the fact that I am forced to love this crap. It's the fact that I have been getting this crap for almost seven years now while I could have been getting awesome stuff. And I am not getting those because some cunts, some cocksuckers, some disgusting, racist, commie whores and they/thems have infiltrated the industry and poison every fucking thing their hooves touch.


Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.
Are you braindead or something?

Boss Mog

Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.
The only one lacking common sense here is you.


I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.
Nah man, i literally have something about those gsmes for the last 5 years at least - they stink. They lack soul. They are copy pastes of themself. Even if one has potential and ends up being great the sequels drop the ball hard (see Wolfenstein). They virtue signal. They are insulting. The developers hate me. And they all have something in common: they are "AAA".

I haven't bought a single western AAA release previous generation (PS4). Sorry. I got one: Ghost of Tsushima.
My hard drive is full of carefully curated AA and retro games. I literally play DN3D, Quake and Doom. I've get my AAA slop from Japan, thank you. At least they don't hate me and sometimes i get some nice assthetics to go with the gameplay.

I seriously hope this will not burn out and the pushback is staying, cause the fuckers from SBI operate on blood money and that alone should be a big no no for anyone with a spine.


They piss me off SO MUCH by talking about "harassment" all the time, while THEY are the ones harassing people. It's insane, seriously.
It's been like this since the first gamergate, if you search for gamergate you will only see mentions of "harassment campaign" and nothing else, and they're doing it again X10 right now.

I really don't get it.
They do terrible things, then they act as the victims, and if you dare say anything about what they did, you are somehow "harassing" them, what the hell is this? There is no harassement at all here, they are the ones harassing you and threatening you if you are against their ideas.

Truly a mental world.

Yup I came here to say the same thing.
While I really couldn't keep up with the GG nonsense as it moved too fast after I heard about it, but it's clear here they're creating this GG2 narrative to create a smokescreen and make themselves the victim in their hate campaign.

I mean it's fucking insane that we've reached a point someone can be openely racist, or directly hateful and somehow come out as a victim.
It was only a week ago I started thinking we're reaching a point where normal people are finally getting the edge in having enough and telling these people to shut the fuck up.

Now I feel like we've gone back 10 years and need to do all of this all over again because some how these people think it's okay to be an actual bigot, while simultaneously hating on a group of people on historical grounds.
The same people who treat any combative behaviour, or any ill behaviour as "micro-aggressions" or racism or XYZ*phobia.

Can these people ever be told simply no without it being about the colour of their skin, or background, or what gender they are?
Does the relationship between these and "not these" always have to have hidden trap cards you stumble over?

I am so, so glad I've never had to work with people like this because I've worked with too many fucking idiots, knowing now that if any of them had been I would have been called many things I'm not other than had enough of their shitty work ethic or personality, Although I have worked with one person who came out as trans and they just said yeah they don't give a shit about deadnaming and all the drama, but they also just did a really good job so didn't have to have that talk.
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Really people. I hoped this thread already died.

Yes, I would love gamers not being harassed, bullied, and marked with armbands by media and lobbyists disguised as consultancy companies, so these threads were not a thing on any videogame board.

Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.

Don't read. It's your choice. There's a purple safe place at the other end of the street.

No one tries to steal something from you.

They have already stolen, perverted and shitted on games made by people better than them. As Tolkien once said, evil is unable to create, it can only corrupt what was made by others.
Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?

Story matters in a movie, in a book in a videogame. That's why lobbyists are burning billions in perverting them, despite being extremely non-profitable.

I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

Absolutely wrong. Check any game thread before the release.

It is after releasing and learning that they are fucking shit that people started asking questions as to why that happened.
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Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.

You're sidestepping the issue, and what you've detailed is not an accurate depiction of what is playing out. This is not a situation of "we make the games we like, and you can play them if you want." Because that's what the Steam Curator did. It allowed people to identify games made by SBI and opt not to play them. In response, SBI, Kotaku and other gaming journalist sites started a harassment and discredit campaign against them. They tried to get the group shut down and the guy who made it banned. Do you think that's fair? What if you got banned on your preferred format because you made an online group that merely identified developers or consultant groups involved in games? Would it make sense for someone to come along and tell you to "Just grow up"?

When people pointed out the hysteria they immediately claimed that they were being persecuted.

The theory you have listed here is sound. If someone makes a game, and you don't like it, or if you don't like something in it, or whatever, you don't have to buy it. The problem is that SBI deliberately tried to hurt people who did just that. You have to address that. Anyone saying "It's no big deal, just play games" is ignoring that. If these people have their way you won't be able to "just play games".


Linux User
As long as they are cute I don't care what racial or ethnic background a character has. Hell throw in transsexuals if they're cute.

Videogames are escapement from ugliness and boredom.
Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.
Games stop being fun when they are selling me a power fantasy and forces me to play with secondary characters I don't care for the worst parts gameplay-wise. Or when the main (or even titular) character adopts a passive role or it's almost secondary in his own game. Or when has lots of cutscenes and "story" with lots of pandering unfitting with the main themes of its ip or awful and manipulative writting, treating me like a retard. And more. All because "proving a point". And companies don't want to learn because hypocrite smiling is more important than making games they (and us for extent) want to play.

About "no one tries to steal", well, it is easy to say until that kind of bullshit affects your favourite franchise/character. Because they do this specially with established ips (lack of guts for do it with an all-new ip). I still remember Renfield, that Dracula movie with an ACAB plot and characters that anyone was asking. Oh, and selling itself like a 1931 adaptation's sequel of course.

No one wants being treated, tricked and/or preached like an idiot. Specially in his/her hobbies. That's the case with anything. Someone remember the Star Trek New Generation first season with the forced gary-stue kid character and making the main ones too much pedantic and preachy? Well, that sucked so much. How it ended? Learning of all these mistakes and, naturally, getting a much better show. This is the same. Oh, that's right, no one preaching "you dislike our forced kid character and heavy-handed writting because you're a cynical monster who wants to murder children" or the media antagonizing the audience. Or wanting a Steam curator and user account being banned.

In other words...it's not that simple, unfortunately.
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Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.


About "no one tries to steal", well, it is easy to say until that kind of bullshit affects your favourite franchise/character. Because they do this specially with established ips (lack of guts for do it with an all-new ip).
Bingo. They infect every fandom for any hobby that exists. No exceptions.
And it always follows the same MO with them. It's an innocent "why can't we have X" and ends with "you are problematic".

That's why i gatekeep for 40k. The "Why can't we have female space marines" people are trying to get a foothold in the community.


Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.
I feel like I have to write a novel to answer your comment. I'll at least add chapters to make it more readable.

The anger:

People are way to angry to let this go away.
The whole forced DEI or "Wokeness" has done way to much damage on to many existing franchises and studios on both the gaming and movie industry.
In 5 years nerds lost their biggest and most favourite franchises in recent history in instalments that insulted their lore and audience.
In the last 5 years Activists have destroyed: Star wars, Star trek, Marvel, DC, Indiana Jones, Lord of The Rings, He-man, She-Ra, Dr who, the Witcher, Dungeons & Dragons, Saint's Row, The Arkham series, Mortal Kombat, The last of us, and have damaged others like Mass Effect and Alan Wake.

The damage is focused mostly in the movie industry but it's clear, and it's to much not to have people angry, or at least worry about it. There are Nerds who lost the affection for every single IP they ever cared for. You really can't blame them.

The Cause:

The "message" by it self shouldn't be bad. "Give something to the underepresented groups" sounds like a noble cause and most wouldn't have a problem with. However in it's current forced nature it's doing much more bad than good, similar to communism and the prohibition.
It's one thing to add a subtle message like "don't be mean to gays", and another to straight up bringing travesties in schools and forcing using preferred pronouns by law.
It's one thing to add a tough Woman capable of survive in a tough situation, and another to fill all franchises with emasculated insufferable tomboys that even women despise, while all other males are incopetend bofoons.
It's one thing to add a minority character in some modern setting, and another to have black actors pop out as historically white figures.
It's one thing to hire someone despite of race, sex and sexuality, and another to do it precisely because of them.
Besides, barating and demonizing anything straight white male, besides being sexist and racist, it's also very stupid when it's also the majority of your audience.

The Toddler:

Now let's go to the Baby group in particular. Following their comments, answers and reactions, they are clear scumbags. Their discovered training video mentioned clearly that they should threaten with "cancelling" anyone not obeying, and that's exactly what they tried to do to the curator the moment they found his list. The list it self is perfectly reasonable given people's growing distain for woke projects, as even if the Dev's where ultimately responsible for the woke decisions, their stupidity to hire such a group and go that route hints at a bad game...

The beast:

The final piece is the resistance gamers are facing.
Should this list had gone through any other medium, it would had been "cancelled" in minutes for being sexist & racist, promoting Nazi ideology, Satanism and pedophilia. Most mainstream sites are very keen to demonize anyone breathing anything against Wokeness, and that's exactly what they did, with most "gaming" sites writing one sided hit pieces.
The whole thing looks like a Dragon worth fighting against for any man with a sliver of righteusness and rebelliousness.
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No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games.

Hey, do me a favor and as someone who believes in this sort of thing, please explain something to me. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I understand Diversity, and I think that's a good thing when done right. I think Equity is supposed to mean make sure everyone is starting from the beginning of the footrace no matter their race or gender, so to speak. I could spend pages discussing that aspect of things, and why the complete focus on race and gender as opposed to socioeconomic class, but that's not my question.

Inclusion. When it comes to the I in DEI, how does it differ from the D? What is being included that isn't covered by Diversity? I know some are even adding an A to the letters, so it's DEIA, which is an A for Accessibility. But again, why wouldn't the D and the I already have it covered?

Why DEIA, instead of DEI, or even DE? What is the difference between Diversity and Inclusion?
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Hey, do me a favor and as someone who believes in this sort of thing, please explain something to me. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I understand Diversity, and I think that's a good thing when done right. I think Equity is supposed to mean make sure everyone is starting from the beginning of the footrace no matter their race or gender, so to speak. I could spend pages discussing that aspect of things, and why the complete focus on race and gender as opposed to socioeconomic class, but that's not my question.

Inclusion. When it comes to the I in DEI, how does it differ from the D? What is being included that isn't covered by Diversity? I know some are even adding an A to the letters, so it's DEIA, which is an A for Accessibility. But again, why wouldn't the D and the I already have it covered?

Why DEIA, instead of DEI, or even DE? What is the difference bweteen Diveristy and Inclusion?
This information requires consultancy. If we just give it out here, we’re infringing on their possible profits and/or reason to exist.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
I feel like gaming is having their “Disney moment”. The public is catching on and getting tired of their shit. The business model of making bland, woke, super expensive, design-by-committee garbage, and browbeating your audience when they don’t buy it, is finally showing itself to be unsustainable.

It’s over, this industry needs a crash. Fuck all these people who’ve made a career of adding negative value to entertainment + sowing bitterness and resentment. Time to find a real job that actually provides some benefit to others.


No one forces you to like those games.
That's a relief !

I didn't even know about this company when I played Starfield, which I believe is the only game I played they were involved in. And I actually found the NPCs in this game incredibly disrespectful of the player, to the point where I was wondering how we managed to stray this far from the path of "player fun" in game. What is the purpose of a game already ? Being taken for a piece of shit throughout the entire galaxy ?

So of course I am not going to like these games and I am not going to buy them either. Thus the interest in having a place somewhere that keeps track of these games so I can make informed decisions when buying something.
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Gold Member
I’m using Twitter more now than I have in recent years. Not sure what’s happened to the algorithm after the Elon purchase but I’m noticing that people on all sides are seeing the opposing sides tweets and those on the pro-SBI side are protecting their accounts and getting ratioed. Very interesting.


I think Equity is supposed to mean make sure everyone is starting from the beginning of the footrace no matter their race or gender, so to speak.
Actually, Equity basically means that if a mature man is running against an infant, they will smash the man's legs so that he can only limp and thus give the toddler the chance to win, ignoring the fact that the man was running for as long as he can remember and he has trained himself for running, while the infant had no training whatsoever and instead of waiting for it to grow up and train, they decided that it was better to reduce (obliterate) the man's effectiveness instead of cultivating the infant's potential.

That is a gross oversimplification of how the woke apply Equity.
They literally took all our beloved IPs and turned them to shit in order to get twitter brownie points and allowance from ESG. So yeah, we're sorry if some of us are a little bitter.

True. But it's the thought that we could have a new kick-ass Star Wars trilogy and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have had amazing Doctor Who episodes and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a new Star Trek series to inspire a new generation of viewers but we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten the continuation of Joel's journey but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have an amazing Venom arc with Spider-Man 2 but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a Superman / JL game by Rocksteady but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten amazing badass male heroes and amazing sexy heroines, but we got emasculated beta males and butt-ugly emotionless bitches.

And so on, and so on, and so on.

It's not the fact that I am forced to love this crap. It's the fact that I have been getting this crap for almost seven years now while I could have been getting awesome stuff. And I am not getting those because some cunts, some cocksuckers, some disgusting, racist, commie whores and they/thems have infiltrated the industry and poison every fucking thing their hooves touch.
This is probably the best post in this thread.

Well done, summarized my thoughts perfectly.


Waiting for it to hit a million. At this rate it will be there by the start of the summer.

What do you think will happen first, developers rethinking working with a company like SBI, or SBI changing the name of their six year “company”?


Waiting for it to hit a million. At this rate it will be there by the start of the summer.

What do you think will happen first, developers rethinking working with a company like SBI, or SBI changing the name of their six year “company”?
My prediction:

The staff of SBI will be fine. They will either rebrand, go covert, fuse with another consultant firm or will be flat out hired by EA, or 2K or Bethesda or MS or Sony. They won't starve.

SBI will be done, but its legacy will survive.

As long as normies keep buying woke games, our struggles are for naught.

Wokeness will just aid the AAA games in becoming more sterile and boring, which will make gamers drop out before the publishers have the chance to monetize more content/skins/DLC.

If anything, I expect the AAA industry to crash and burn due to its unsustainable business model. Publishers get greedier and greedier due to the AAA games' expenses, so microtransactions will increase. Gamers will not have the money to support all those microtransactions, and more and more gamers will refuse to pay 130 bucks for a game with an online store like a F2P mobile game. Eventually the AAA market will crash, and the AA studios (which will be comprised by former talented devs who were MeToo'd, fired or quit when the studios they used to work with went completely woke/retard) will take over with new ideas and games (aided by A.I. to reduce expenses even more) which will be rewarded by the gaming community.

And then those AA studios will grow up to be AAA studios and the vicious cycle will repeat itself.


Gold Member
The real issue I foresee is that usually when companies hire contractors or third parties in this context, its just to offset an insurance or financial risk.

I'm no fan of talentless shitstains like SBI but if the problem is actually in the studio's then they will just hire a different 3rd party DEI consultancy firm and wait for the mob to go after them too.

I guess what I'm saying is that while SBI do deserve the shit they're getting (especially that ass hat Chris), I think they are deliberately there to be a shield for those in the studio to continue their crusades and to provoke this reaction, and also carry the weight of poor creatives with DEI heavy policies.

It's a fine line they will need to tread between getting to inject this shite into established and popular IPs without it being too egregious. And as long as they want the acclaim and vanity backpats this will never be the case, because it will never look organic and they don't have the juices to create something new. And that's where we are. Beloved franchises and IPs being run into the ground against a backdrop of disappointing new IPs (generally speaking).


World’s Biggest Weeb
The real issue I foresee is that usually when companies hire contractors or third parties in this context, its just to offset an insurance or financial risk.

I'm no fan of talentless shitstains like SBI but if the problem is actually in the studio's then they will just hire a different 3rd party DEI consultancy firm and wait for the mob to go after them too.

I guess what I'm saying is that while SBI do deserve the shit they're getting (especially that ass hat Chris), I think they are deliberately there to be a shield for those in the studio to continue their crusades and to provoke this reaction, and also carry the weight of poor creatives with DEI heavy policies.

It's a fine line they will need to tread between getting to inject this shite into established and popular IPs without it being too egregious. And as long as they want the acclaim and vanity backpats this will never be the case, because it will never look organic and they don't have the juices to create something new. And that's where we are. Beloved franchises and IPs being run into the ground against a backdrop of disappointing new IPs (generally speaking).
I’m sure there are other consulting companies just like SBI, and even if SBI went bankrupt and all their useless employees got jobs flipping burgers, that in itself wouldn’t change much.

But the bigger picture is that gamers are becoming aware that companies like SBI exist, and that all the woke shit is being forced into games by wacko activists and isn’t “organic” in the slightest.


Gold Member
I’m sure there are other consulting companies just like SBI, and even if SBI went bankrupt and all their useless employees got jobs flipping burgers, that in itself wouldn’t change much.

But the bigger picture is that gamers are becoming aware that companies like SBI exist, and that all the woke shit is being forced into games by wacko activists and isn’t “organic” in the slightest.
Yup, and if their counter point is they aren't doing this then they have nothing to worry about do they?


Just wow.

Here in Germany, it is illegal to publicly state that you will not hire people based on their skin color.

Such actions would violate German anti-discrimination laws, particularly the General Equal Treatment Act, which aims to prevent discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

According to this law, employers cannot discriminate against job applicants during the hiring process based on the protected characteristics mentioned above.

Publicly stating an intention not to hire individuals of a certain skin color would constitute direct discrimination.

I'm pretty sure similar directives exist in the entire European Union.
Yes, because despite all the EU issues, in general your EU technocrats are somewhat sane (not inclusive of far left or far right parties).

Meanwhile in US…
Actually, Equity basically means that if a mature man is running against an infant, they will smash the man's legs so that he can only limp and thus give the toddler the chance to win, ignoring the fact that the man was running for as long as he can remember and he has trained himself for running, while the infant had no training whatsoever and instead of waiting for it to grow up and train, they decided that it was better to reduce (obliterate) the man's effectiveness instead of cultivating the infant's potential.

That is a gross oversimplification of how the woke apply Equity.
Reminds me of this post, and my response:

The boxes are [a different situation] because those are resources, and we're talking about taking from one group to provide for another. But the example of the boxes is overly simplified, and leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Who provided the boxes? Was it the stadium? Was it the government? Was it the tall man? If so, does he own all the boxes? Will the boxes be returned to him after the game in case he needs more boxes for a different situation?

Are people of all races able to get into your college? That's equality. Are you bothered by the fact that there are too many of one race and not enough of another according to the surrounding population, so you make it so one group needs to have very high test scores, and another group needs to have much lower test scores, depending on their race? That is equity.

And that sounds nice, until you've found that you've literally been discriminated against because of your race and won't be getting into the school you wanted, because resources are always limited. But in true "that wasn't real socialism" fashion, the people making these rules won't ever have to worry about their kids not getting in, because those will be legacy admissions. Real equity doesn't exist. It's a socialist utopia that can never be due to human nature. The people making the rules will always have more power and give themselves more resources.

But again, that's not the part of my post that I'm really curious about.

I could spend pages discussing that aspect of things, and why the complete focus on race and gender as opposed to socioeconomic class, but that's not my question.

Inclusion. When it comes to the I in DEI, how does it differ from the D? What is being included that isn't covered by Diversity? I know some are even adding an A to the letters, so it's DEIA, which is an A for Accessibility. But again, why wouldn't the D and the I already have it covered?

Why DEIA, instead of DEI, or even DE? What is the difference between Diversity and Inclusion?


They literally took all our beloved IPs and turned them to shit in order to get twitter brownie points and allowance from ESG. So yeah, we're sorry if some of us are a little bitter.

True. But it's the thought that we could have a new kick-ass Star Wars trilogy and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have had amazing Doctor Who episodes and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a new Star Trek series to inspire a new generation of viewers but we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten the continuation of Joel's journey but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have an amazing Venom arc with Spider-Man 2 but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a Superman / JL game by Rocksteady but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten amazing badass male heroes and amazing sexy heroines, but we got emasculated beta males and butt-ugly emotionless bitches.

And so on, and so on, and so on.

It's not the fact that I am forced to love this crap. It's the fact that I have been getting this crap for almost seven years now while I could have been getting awesome stuff. And I am not getting those because some cunts, some cocksuckers, some disgusting, racist, commie whores and they/thems have infiltrated the industry and poison every fucking thing their hooves touch.
Well said. This reminds me of the time Cyberpunk 2077 was about to come out. This was during Anita Sarkessian's time in the spotlight. She had called out the devs to "have them solicit her services so the game doesn't become problematic". I straight up called her out on her bullshit on Twitter; telling her that we don't need you and only Mike Pondsmith (Cyberpunk's creator) should be the obvious consultant. My views somehow exceeded her tweet and I still have it pinned somewhere. It started to come out that she didn't even play video games, downplayed women main characters and stole other people's footage to use for her own with no contribution to the source. She's a fucking con artist and if you called her out? "You are a misogynistic asshole!" blah blah blah...

Same thing when Bully Hunters came out and it was fake and staged as hell. This Zombi Unicorn chick, who led the Bully Hunters nonsense, is literally shitting on the E3 Booth babes and "how they shouldn't be there." They were there long before you were even there. They are models and they're there to promote a game/company, leave them the fuck alone. All the while she was dressing scandily clad during said event. Called her ass out too, got blocked on Twitter.

Like most of us here, I'm not content when groups of people fuck up gaming/media franchises because they just can for "diversity" sake.

For example, Lucasfilm (thanks to Kathleen Kennedy) essentially killed off the important characters in the new trilogy and retconned all of the events that happened in the books post ROTJ. So many...missteps in this. And when the fan base called it out? They were unfairly criticized for it.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance was under fire because the game didn't have black people in it. As someone who is black, I felt the developer should do whatever they want in their game and it didn't bother me at all. Hell, the devs were going from their historical angle from THEIR HISTORY and them being Czech. How much of a fucking idiot do you have to be to tell others how to make your game?!?!? I'm glad Warhorse Studios didn't bend the knee to other influences, as their game sold 6 million copies to date. The attempt to force "diversity" in this case failed and the game succeeded.

Don't get me started on Mass Effect Andromeda. ☠️

Is it really so wrong to have attractive men and women in games and they're badass? Is it so wrong to have minorities in games that DON'T FEEL LIKE A PROP OR BE A TOKEN OR WITHOUT A FUCKING POLITICAL MESSAGE ATTACHED TO THEM? Or have men just demonized for being men (yea I'm looking at you Suicide Squad)?

After seeing that slide that said "Gaming is subtle white supremacy" I laughed my ass off. I thought, "who the fuck is buying this bullshit?? 😂" Apparently, a good amount of Western publishers/developers...

I grow tired of this shit, as most of you are as well. I'm glad people are starting to understand what's going on and getting the true story out here because it's a fucking roller coaster, and I intend to hang on til this ride stops.
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Really people. I hoped this thread already died. Is this forum really lacking so much common sense that I can still read hate comments here all the time.
Just grow up. No one tries to steal something from you. No one forces you to like those games. Does that (not it) really matter if a game is still fun to play?
I guess most of you didn't even had something against those games until this hate against this company started.

sry, my fingers didn't write what I thought I wrote. So I fixed that part with the fun games.
Dont care about quality of those games mate, I have principles, and those principles forbbiden me to give money, attention and/or any kind of retribution to people that clearly are bigoted/racists, hate me and the principles I value...

So from now own if the game has ties with those kind of people Im not buying it, there are tons of games to be played from multiple sources, I wont loose anything and neither the studio selling the game since a lot of people will still buy it.

We can only do so much with our opinions and the way we leave our lifes, you do you and I will do mine, peace bro.


Neo Member
for how things are going, i feel that the random guy that says the N word whit the hard R in online matches are less racist that these Smucks at Sweet Baby


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
for how things are going, i feel that the random guy that says the N word whit the hard R in online matches are less racist that these Smucks at Sweet Baby
You’re not fully off base. The guy doing that online is memeing and trying to get a laugh/rise out of people. Likely isn’t driven by hate or an agenda, nor is a hater of black people.

The Sweet Baby folks on the other hand? Just Adolf without a mustache. Hate with an evil intent and an agenda to create a world full of more bigotry.


They literally took all our beloved IPs and turned them to shit in order to get twitter brownie points and allowance from ESG. So yeah, we're sorry if some of us are a little bitter.

True. But it's the thought that we could have a new kick-ass Star Wars trilogy and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have had amazing Doctor Who episodes and instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a new Star Trek series to inspire a new generation of viewers but we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten the continuation of Joel's journey but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have an amazing Venom arc with Spider-Man 2 but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have a Superman / JL game by Rocksteady but instead we got woke bullshit. We could have gotten amazing badass male heroes and amazing sexy heroines, but we got emasculated beta males and butt-ugly emotionless bitches.

And so on, and so on, and so on.

It's not the fact that I am forced to love this crap. It's the fact that I have been getting this crap for almost seven years now while I could have been getting awesome stuff. And I am not getting those because some cunts, some cocksuckers, some disgusting, racist, commie whores and they/thems have infiltrated the industry and poison every fucking thing their hooves touch.

The one thing I’d say to this is… there’s plenty of awesome stuff out there, dude. Most of the things you mentioned hit their peak a long time ago.

Find and support new stuff. That’s how things change. Or if they don’t, you’re not angry any more, because you’re off enjoying something else.


Tim Schafer should shut this shit down.

They're not [even close to] a renowned enough studio to be get away with their employees saying stupid shit like this.
All it takes is for people to just not support these studios.

But I fear alot of all this happening right now is going to result in nothing.

Sure I've decided I'm not buying these games, but I'm also sick of most games anyway so it's not a big deal to me. I am just one person though. when wolverine comes out which we now know has the spiderman 2 DEI writer on, are people going to not buy it 🤷‍♂️

I get a feeling it'll break all sorts of records and this will all be for nothing sadly.
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