Just change your country to the one you are currently in but leave the rest of your address the same. It will work.
Can somebody please tell me what the game is with the picture of the boy and the man on the right? It's not available in my region.
Can somebody please tell me what the game is with the picture of the boy and the man on the right? It's not available in my region.
O theres a chance see Arkham City, wasn't on sale at all and it became a daily deal for 50% off.
Can somebody please tell me what the game is with the picture of the boy and the man on the right? It's not available in my region.
Can somebody please tell me what the game is with the picture of the boy and the man on the right? It's not available in my region.
They have had the entire trilogy on sale a couple times now, they probably will have it on sale again soon.Have the guild wars stuff ever gone on sale? I got the original and first expansion but never anything else and wanted to see what's up.
Can somebody please tell me what the game is with the picture of the boy and the man on the right? It's not available in my region.
How much is LotR: War in the North on the US store, and is it even on sale?
Nope it's still $50 in the US steam store, but I just bought the game from greenmangaming today for $12. It's steamworks so it's all good.
Nope it's still $50 in the US steam store, but I just bought the game from greenmangaming today for $12. It's steamworks so it's all good.
This is basically Mario Kart + Blur, but in the sky with airplanes. Here are few key points after playing through the Skydrift tutorial and the first stage which includes around 3-4 different course maps:
Yay I won S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat after after unlocking 4 lumps of coal.
Well, if that works and it won't get my account or cc borked that's pretty cool! Thanks a lot!
Was just a bit confused when it outright refused me to use my steam wallet funds.
Yay I won S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat after after unlocking 4 lumps of coal.
$12 ? Hmmm, I think I got some credit there too. Tempting. Is the game any good solo?
Gave it a bit of consideration and I think I'm going to skip Avadon.
Not because it's expensive or that it looks bad. But it looks like a modern indie attempt at aping the old bioware / black isle games. And considering that those are all currently on sale for $3 on GOG I might as well start with the originals (I've only completed Planescape) as opposed to a modern indie take. Would probably take me a year to finish any one of them, so no need to go too crazy.
This is a deal breaker for me. Can't race at 30fps. I just can't do it.The game was pretty smooth but people are reporting a capped 30 FPS. I'll check via FRAPS later.
Yeah it definitely works no problem. I have my billing address in the US but spend a lot of time in Canada. I still buy things I want on STEAM with that address just by changing my country to Canada whenever I'm there.
Haha, 10 percent off Activision!
And I thought I was unlucky with 33 percent off Valve.
$12 ? Hmmm, I think I got some credit there too. Tempting. Is the game any good solo?
Also, got the best coupon ever!!!
Anyone feels like saving 6 bucks on MW3 come January? LOL
Just went on blur and there are 24 players online. BUY BUY BUY people. The game is fun.
I have a non steam version and my ID is OMitchF. Add me through the in game add function.
My steam ID is GHG.
$12 ? Hmmm, I think I got some credit there too. Tempting. Is the game any good solo?
Also, got the best coupon ever!!!
Anyone feels like saving 6 bucks on MW3 come January? LOL
What's GAFs opinion on E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy? The game itself seems intriguing but the metascore (60) ain't so great.
I enjoyed it. Reminded me of a somewhat less engrossing Deus Ex - STALKER hybrid. The character progression mechanics are sort of obscured but there are definitely some cool ideas there; augmentations such as being able to run and jump faster/higher, hack ANYTHING including enemies and control them to do your bidding, spawn clones of yourself to distract and take down enemies, invisibility, see through walls, make enemies go insane and attack other enemies... there are plenty of ways to approach combat and you can deck your character out with swords, hammers, pistols, snipers, minigun etc etc. It's not the most polished game but it's quite interesting. And, at least personally, it made for an enjoyable co-op experience.
The total sneaks up on you. Wondering if I should remove any of these.
why didn't you get the Alien Breed Trilogy?
I see only two of the three listed.
So can I get all those achievements as long as I have teh games for them? I don't have to wait for them to show up on the steam sale page?