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Steam Holiday Sale 2011 | Valve Has Run Out Of 3rd Party Coupons/Games (Dec 19-Jan 2)

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I'm thinking about Anomaly: Warzone Earth and maybe a Worms game because I love Worms. My problem is I keep eyeing that Great Gift Pile and possibly picking up games just to satisfy those achievements and maybe get more games. Agh!

I'm also torn between the Awesome Indie Bundle and the Super Indie Bundle. The Awesome Bundle has more games I really want (Cave Story+, Bunch of Heroes, Gemini Rue) but several games I'd probably never play (Fractal, Hacker Evolution, Lightfish). Meanwhile Super has some games I'm kinda interested in (Sideway: New York, Swords & Soldiers HD, Rock of Ages, Jamestown, Blocks That Matter) but nothing that really grabs me, but also nothing that I'm completely not interested in.

Decisions, decisions.

With the exception of Bunch of Heroes I can't really say anything bad about any of those games. Solution: Get all the things.


Not the advice my wallet needs right now! Noooooooo.

Swords and Soldier isn't spectacular to be fair. It really lacks depth. It's basically like playing a game like Warcraft but in 2d with 1/4 of the units, next to no buildings and where the characters moves automatically to reach the enemy on the 2d plane.


I've got these games lined up in my shopping cart:
Rock of Ages
Sonic Generations

$22 total. More than I'm comfortable spending on a single day since there's another week to the sale and I have no income right now.

What should go? Only one I'm pretty set on is Sonic Generations. Other three are just positive word of mouf.

I'd say for sure keep Sonic and Bulletstorm. Both are damn worth the prices.

I'd get rid of Bulletstorm

You'd be making a bad choice. Don't listen to him.

So. Bulletstorm.

Would I like it? I'm an RPG fan/Asperger's numbers nut. I also enjoy shooters.

Truth is writ here.

Probably not. It's pure FPS. A crazy one at that. I have to say I'm digging the story. It's not deep at all but it's well done like a summer popcorn action flick.

The bulletstorm demo is a horrible interpretation of the game (if it's the same as on consoles).

It's one of the most fun shooters I played in years. The shooting is great, the guns are crazy, and the scoring system encourages you to approach enemys in different ways every time. The humor is on the "ymmv" side - I personally enjyoed the over the top ridiculousness.

Yup. The demo is the same as the console one and it's an awful demo. It's just crazy fun. As I said the story isn't deep but I'm digging it. The Characters while having mouths that would make sailors blush, are pretty damn cool. Shallow but cool.

Bulletstorm for 4.99?

Oh yeah.

Of course, the steam severs are getting pounded harder than a 9 year old at a NAMBLA convention.

Still....I'm sitting here looking at my download speeds like this:


It will be worth it. Trust me.
Nice deals today. I'd budgeted $25 for the whole sale, but I'd not even added it to my wallet yet, as none of the deals had really tickled my fancy. However today is a different story I'm in 100% on Sonic and probably on Bulletstorm as well as Rock of Ages.

I'd also like to my usual stab at being the lone dissenter on King's Bounty. Removing the AI / Human opponents and making the Heroes of Might and Magic formula PvE only really removed a massive amount of the tactical depth from the game. In HoMM returning to base to stock up or switch unit types was always a calculated risk as you were giving up chances to grind XP or find better loot. With KB, nothing is timed, so running back and refilling is pretty much always the correct move. The trash mobs are really thick in each section and the battles play out at a rather slow pace considering how many of them there are. So yeah, the battles are just ok, there are way too many of them, they are too similar, and there is too much backtracking all over the place to fill up on troop types. Charming presentation, but just pick up HoMM III Complete on GOG if you really want.


Gold Member
Bastion was great, I dunno where all this hate is coming from, and it keeps getting better the further you get. But I'll jump on the hate wagon for another game, the 1-2 minute unskippable intro to RAGE was more boring than the worst parts of Bastion for me. At least Bastion has decent VA (narration), I couldn't believe how poor the voice acting to RAGE sounded and how awfully scripted the intro was. They would have been better off paying homage to Doom and just dropping you in the middle of things without any story what so ever. And the look up / look down, have you ever used a controller / kb+m before? Time to drop any expectations I had for it to the floor.


it was pretty much fact this game was going to be in a daily deal, considering it is a gift prize and a coupon.

I was unaware it was a gift prize or a coupon, still had I followed my other rule, I wouldn't be bitching. My other rule is don't pay over $10 for any PC game, which I have only broken once before (Darksiders, regretted it), but it was Xmas and my mom asked me if I wanted anything so I told her I wanted Sonic Gens off Amazon for $15. Just wish I could have saved her $5.

Doubt they'll match the Deus Ex price, I think they will come close though. I do think they will match Shogun 2 however. We'll see.
Anybody who is on the fence about Bulletstorm should pick it up. I got it for $15 for 360 during Amazon's Black Friday sale and it was worth the $15, so for $5 it's a steal. Some of the most fun I've had playing an FPS in years.


Bastion was great, I dunno where all this hate is coming from, and it keeps getting better the further you get. But I'll jump on the hate wagon for another game, the 1-2 minute unskippable intro to RAGE was more boring than the worst parts of Bastion for me. At least Bastion has decent VA (narration), I couldn't believe how poor the voice acting to RAGE sounded and how awfully scripted the intro was. They would have been better off paying homage to Doom and just dropping you in the middle of things without any story what so ever. And the look up / look down, have you ever used a controller / kb+m before? Time to drop any expectations I had for it to the floor.

I never understood the dislike for Bastion, which didn't really seem to appear until a few weeks after the game's release. It reminds me of the backlash against Braid, where its popularity seemed to cause many to retroactively call it a bad game.

There's always a difference of opinion, but much of the complaints about Bastion seem to stem from an over exaggeration of the statement "the combat is simple."

Perhaps it's just a loud minority. I hope that's what it is.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
My only problem with Bastion is that I don't really like kb/m controls for that kind of game. Once I play with a controller I'm sure I'll like it much more.


haven't done the achievement page for a a few days, but it's updated for any missing ones, today's guide:


26th December

Rusty Hearts
• All I want for Christmas is SewersComplete the quest "A Simple Task" from Technical Officer Ryan.
SOLUTION: youtube link

SOLUTION: Game of Thrones
• Winter is coming
Play as the Starks an entire multiplayer game or vs AI.
SOLUTION: just play as the starks for the whole match.

Beat Hazard
• Survive Christmas 5/10/15/20
In Survival Mode last 5/10/15/20 mins while playing to a Christmas Radio Station
SOLUTION: Chose a Christmas radio station and survive 5-20 minutes to get the achievements.

Rock of Ages
• Snowball War
Win a match using the Snowball boulder.
SOLUTION: Go to options, select "snowball" and complete a campaign.

• Ride the Wind
Use the Skyway in the Wharf District.
SOLUTION: load the first level and use the skyway without falling off to get to Bastion.

Worms Reloaded
• 12 Days of Winterval
Deal exactly 12 damage to a worm with 100 health.
SOLUTION: youtube link



I'm thinking...

Sonic Generations
Anomaly:Warzone Earth

Anomaly is the only one I've never seen before, but I like trying new things and the price seems good. Anyone else have any experience with that game? Oh, I also forgot to ask how Generations runs on the PC...

Indeed haha!
Generations runs great on the PC, it used to have a few slowdowns here and there but it seems to be fixed now. Only drawback is the keyboard controls, but I suppose you have a controller.


Anyone wants to trade [or gift exchange] Bulletstorm for another $5 game?

Bulletstorm is $15 for me :(

I guess EA is to blame (it was the same for Mass Effect 2).
Well this gift achiev hunting has finally paid off. I won Dota 2 from crafting coal (beta or whatever). The only problem is I never played Dota or any of the other similar games.

Any noob tips?


I never understood the dislike for Bastion, which didn't really seem to appear until a few weeks after the game's release. It reminds me of the backlash against Braid, where its popularity seemed to cause many to retroactively call it a bad game.

There's always a difference of opinion, but much of the complaints about Bastion seem to stem from an over exaggeration of the statement "the combat is simple."

Perhaps it's just a loud minority. I hope that's what it is.

I got it day one on PC and the soundtrack. I played it for a good bit, and the gameplay just dragged and wasn't fun at all for me anymore. I had zero interest to go on. The gameplay wasn't anything to keep me going. I just keep the soundtrack on my MP3 player and I'm fine with that.


If found the Bastion demo a bit dull. Does the full game get better?
You get more weapons showing up during the course of the game, so you aren't limited to the hammer, bow and repeater or whatever was in the demo.

The levels are kinda the same but you get more structure types in the Bastion as well as challenge modes for all the weapons, more upgrades (I don't think the demo goes into weapon upgrades) and other things that kinda mix up the game (shrines, but I skipped those). Also fantastic music, I am seriously considering getting the soundtrack after playing the game.

There are also the 20-wave challenges with story/exposition in them but I don't think I'll ever do em. That plus NG+ and a score attack mode. 5$ is definitely worth it if the demo even piqued the smallest interest in you, gameplay or narrative/story regardless. The gameplay I thought was meh at times but it was definitely worth playing through at least once.
The bulletstorm demo is a horrible interpretation of the game (if it's the same as on consoles).

It's one of the most fun shooters I played in years. The shooting is great, the guns are crazy, and the scoring system encourages you to approach enemys in different ways every time. The humor is on the "ymmv" side - I personally enjyoed the over the top ridiculousness.

I love ridiculous humor, and satire in general.

Leaning more towards just buying it.


So glad I waited for the daily deal. Saved a like 12 bucks on the whole kings bounty set. Would have cost me 12$ for just Armored Princess. Instead I paid like 9$ and got the prequel, Armored Princes and Crossworlds. Lol.....

Played anomaly...


Unless it gets way more fun or radically changes, I probably won't play it again. I wish I could change the speed though, that would help the game immensely. It's either super fast so your convoy moves at a good speed, but your dude is impossible to control, or its slower than molasses on a slug.


Unconfirmed Member
So far got:
10 Coal
50% off Bit.Trip.Beat (crafted from 7 of 10 coals)
50% off Uplink
50% off Metro 2033
50% off Chantelise
50% off Magic: The Gathering

Feeling pretty unlucky since 4 of those 5 are 50% off right now anyhow. Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 is the only one that would save me money, but only $1.69 worth and for a game where there's tons of DLC not included.

Getting the achievements are fun still, but I wish I had more to show for it.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Well this gift achiev hunting has finally paid off. I won Dota 2 from crafting coal (beta or whatever). The only problem is I never played Dota or any of the other similar games.

Any noob tips?

Play with bots until you know the basics, real players will bitch at you nonstop.
Really surprised at how awesome Bastion is. Very glad I got it for this price. I didn't expect it to be so much fun and look as good as it does. If anyone is wondering if they should buy it, do it. It's worth it.


So all my games acheivements on my community page seems to have disappeired.

Looking at the Steam forums it seems I wasn't the only one.
Anyone else here having that issue?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
If found the Bastion demo a bit dull. Does the full game get better?

I played the demo and was immediately turned off by it's repetitiveness. But I gave the game a second chance and ended up loving it. If you're into story and a good narrative, this game is for you.

I can't decide whether or not to finally dive into the sale with Sonic and Rock of Ages, two of the only games I had actually wanted to grab if they were on sale for a decent price.
It seems the word on Sonic PC is good, what about Rock of Ages? I don't buy just because it's 2.50 if I'm never going to play it.

This should give you an idea of the gameplay.

Quick Look: Rock of Ages


I can't decide whether or not to finally dive into the sale with Sonic and Rock of Ages, two of the only games I had actually wanted to grab if they were on sale for a decent price.
It seems the word on Sonic PC is good, what about Rock of Ages? I don't buy just because it's 2.50 if I'm never going to play it.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Thanks to Echoes for trading me Sonic Generations for Bulletstorm help, was really kind and unexpected. :)
Did the Polynomial achievement, and got 75% off Aliens vs. Predator. imokaywiththis.jpg

Also, I don't know what the hell I'm doing in that game, but it would make an AWESOME visualizer if it could just play itself.


I can't decide whether or not to finally dive into the sale with Sonic and Rock of Ages, two of the only games I had actually wanted to grab if they were on sale for a decent price.
It seems the word on Sonic PC is good, what about Rock of Ages? I don't buy just because it's 2.50 if I'm never going to play it.

It's amazing. Easily worth the full price if not more.


Steam.... why do you hate me and make me play such shit as CrimeCraft, Rise of Immortals and Rusty Hearts... WHY!

(2 coals and a -25% Dead Island Coupon)
Does anyone have a spare guest pass for Killing Floor? Would like to see how the game plays before in case it goes on sale again on the last day.

Can't believe i wasted an hour playing Rise of Immortals. Had no idea what i was doing but had 8 assists and the game ended. RRRRR

Man I wish I would have read this before I uninstalled the game. Could have helped you to get it easily. Damn I knew I should have left it installed.
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