I just beat Batman AC and I'm close to finish Saints Row the Third, which game do you guys recommend I play next, Skyrim, Skyward Sword, Deus Ex and L.A. Noire?
Deus Ex is the correct answer. My second favorite game this year (still 2011 for me).
I just beat Batman AC and I'm close to finish Saints Row the Third, which game do you guys recommend I play next, Skyrim, Skyward Sword, Deus Ex and L.A. Noire?
It's time to revive the thread of "not dailies but still fucking worth it" list of games because tomorrow is the last day and probably repeats of top sellers.Let's not get carried away. Amazon beat Steam on Dungeon Defenders, Civ V, Renegade Ops a d a few others, but there were till amazing Steam deals. Lots of great indie Ames for $2 or less and LA Noire Complete Edition for $12 is great.
And that's only the Alies. There are literally thousands of games on the Steam sale compared to Amazons handful a day.
And already people are mad in that thread already. I guess the concept did work around the event, just not accounting for people exploiting the system like that. I'm sure the next Summer event will be more like last years and whatever they learned from this year's because I did like the scavenger hunt/do achievements for stuff thing, but I think the gift pile is too easy to exploit vs. the summer camp thing.http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2428973
Yup, only Valve games left and coupons.
Yup, only Valve games left and coupons.
Holy shit the responses in that thread are priceless.
"Time to get back to my University work, life is more important than wasting my hard-earned money and precious time with such greedy and money-oriented business' who give absolutely no priority nor have any concerns whatsoever over their loyal customers"
Holy crap, anyone that has this let me know how it runs on PC. Loved this back on Xbox.
Holy crap, anyone that has this let me know how it runs on PC. Loved this back on Xbox.
And already people are mad in that thread already. I guess the concept did work around the event, just not accounting for people exploiting the system like that. I'm sure the next Summer event will be more like last years and whatever they learned from this year's because I did like the scavenger hunt/do achievements for stuff thing, but I think the gift pile is too easy to exploit vs. the summer camp thing.
What I hope to see is still achievements for tokens to redeem on DLC and coupons (cheaper) or full games (expensive, limited pool or even a pool that changes every day) - or even golden coupons as a middle tier cost - and entries into the grand prize for keeping any remaining tokens instead.
Holy shit the responses in that thread are priceless.
"Time to get back to my University work, life is more important than wasting my hard-earned money and precious time with such greedy and money-oriented business' who give absolutely no priority nor have any concerns whatsoever over their loyal customers"
Haha oh wow.
People man. Tell me about another company that gives games away to thousands of people for two weeks straight. "Fukkin scum man".
Still haven't decided whether I want the BioShock games or not. Not sure how they'll run in Windows on my 2011 MacBook Air.
Best part of this being over is uninstalling a bunch of games that belong more in my backlog than HD.
If coal wasn't tradeable we wouldn't be having this problem I feel; everything else is just a result of that.
Fair enough, but I can't think of a way to make tokens tradeable without eliminating the "free" achievements (Steam-related or F2P game related).If coal weren't tradeable I wouldn't have ended up with E.Y.E, Frozen Synapse, Half-Life 2, and Terraria. I would have ended up with just L4D, coal, and a few shitty coupons.
I think what messed up with this promotion was people abusing it with multiple accounts. Also, many of those coupons shouldn't exist anyway when you could simply get those games cheaper during the promotion instead of after it. 10% off Valve? Really?
"... money-oriented business'..."
How about requiring an account to purchase something to access the ability to trade? The issue was making tons of accounts just to get the freebee achievements right?Fair enough, but I can't think of a way to make tokens tradeable without eliminating the "free" achievements (Steam-related or F2P game related).
That or make it so tokens redeem for a giftable copy of a game on a friend's wishlist so it comes out to about the same effect.
How about requiring an account to purchase something to access the ability to trade? The issue was making tons of accounts just to get the freebee achievements right?
If coal weren't tradeable I wouldn't have ended up with E.Y.E, Frozen Synapse, Half-Life 2, and Terraria. I would have ended up with just L4D, coal, and a few shitty coupons.
I think what messed up with this promotion was people abusing it with multiple accounts. Also, many of those coupons shouldn't exist anyway when you could simply get those games cheaper during the promotion instead of after it. 10% off Valve? Really?
I should have looked at that before crafting coal earlier today...
Playing the Dark Messiah demo and this game is amazing. Perfect combat system. And fuck do I love kicking my enemies off cliffs.
No, they don't have to be on the same pad. Are other planes landing when you are landing the helicopters? I got 3-in-a-row first too, so I dunno there because I had a crash and had to retry anyway. Just make sure when they all show up have all the other planes circle while the helis land.Is there a trick to the Flight Control HD achievement? So I landed 5 helicopters. OK but wait they have to be in a row. Well that's frustrating, okay I landed 5 in a row, got the 3-in-a-row achievement...but not 5 in a row.
I checked YouTube, okay so they all have to be on the same pad? I did that too, still no achievement. :|