Steam Holiday Sale 2011 | Valve Has Run Out Of 3rd Party Coupons/Games (Dec 19-Jan 2)

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is it me or is RAGE up to 20 now?
Yeah back to 33%, I think it was supposed to be a daily or it got swapped with Batman.

Also, people who have NWN2 on Steam, do you need to run the patcher? Because I am seriously considering paying 5$ to get it on Steam because reinstalling NWN2 Platinum from disc and then having to wait for the patcher to grab all the patches is annoying as hell.


Hmm... I have a Warner Bros. -50% coupon so I could get Batman: AC for 12,50 but I already completed it on PS3. I also have Bastion so the only game I'd be interested in their catalog is Lord of the Rings. It should be 20 if it's daily deal? That would make it 10 with the coupon...



Why You Should Buy Defense Grid:

- Core mechanics

Like most tower-defense game, your mission is to protect your base. Enemies that reach the base will take however many "cores" of it they can carry (normally 1-3) (I think your base has ~20 cores total). On some maps, enemies go back the way they came (through all your towers) but sometimes they have an exit elsewhere. You can recover a core by killing the enemy carrying it. The core will stay on that part of the map and slowly move back toward your base. If another enemy runs across it, it will pick it up and start escaping with it.

The best mechanic is the checkpoint system. Every few rounds you'll reach a checkpoint. If you don't like how a round is going, just hit backspace to go back to the last checkpoint. Or hit it twice, to go back two. It saves tons of frustration and needless retracing of your steps.

There's also a speed up button (f) so you can speed through sections you feel good about.

You get money to buy new/upgrade towers by killing enemies, but you also gain interest on the money you already have. The interest is multiplied by the number of cores you have in your base. So you're rewarded for doing well, but encouraged to wait until the last possible second to build a tower. This adds depth to going for high scores.

- Good variety of mostly balanced, upgradeable towers

All the towers are useful in certain circumstances. You have projectile-based towers and heat-based towers, electrical towers, time-based towers, air defense towers, etc. One of the best towers to play around with is the command tower--it has no guns, but it allows you to see cloaked enemies and more importantly increases the points/money you receive for each kill within it's range.

You also have an orbital laser that you can use once every few rounds to take out an enemy that your towers failed to kill.

- Map design.

The maps are excellent. Some of the maps have a set path (or two, or more) that the enemies take and you set towers around it. Others allow you to shape the path by how you place your towers. And there are in betweens where you can shape part of the path. In addition, the aerial assaults follow different paths and attack infrequently.

- Game modes

The main part of the game is the story mode, but each mission has a more difficult challenge mode, and then there are random other modes to keep you coming back:

Grinder and Super Grinder - endurance modes (more waves of enemies)
Practice - self-explanatory
Frozen Core - the cores don't move back to the base when dropped. Makes the game much tougher.
Poison Core - a dropped core kills any enemies it runs into on the way back to the base. Makes the level easier to "beat" but makes high scores very difficult
Reverse Mode - story mode with entrance and exits reversed
Tower Limit - self-explanatory
Green towers only - limits you to level 1 towers that cannot be upgraded.
Out of bullets - can't use projectile towers.

- Enemy and Wave Design

Some enemies are fast, some are slow. Some carry multiple cores, some just 1. Some are shielded. Some are cloaked. Some shield or cloak those around them. Some are a trojan horse for other enemies. Waves often alternate between strong slow enemies and fast, weak ones. The strong ones are often able to get to your base and get some cores part-way to the exit, and then the fast ones come in move the cores the rest of the way. The fast strong ones are the worst and often show up near the end.

- Charm

Defense Grid is just a charming game. The protagonist/computer is endearing, the voice acting is well done, and there's a sense of polish and professionalism that you don't get from most tower defense games.

If you like tower defense at all, please do yourself a favor and buy Defense Grid.

Base Game: $2.49
Game w/DLC: $3.99
Hmm... I have a Warner Bros. -50% coupon so I could get Batman: AC for 12,50 but I already completed it on PS3. I also have Bastion so the only game I'd be interested in their catalog is Lord of the Rings. It should be 20 if it's daily deal? That would make it 10 with the coupon...

Can't use the coupons yet. Not until the sales are over.


Hmm... I have a Warner Bros. -50% coupon so I could get Batman: AC for 12,50 but I already completed it on PS3. I also have Bastion so the only game I'd be interested in their catalog is Lord of the Rings. It should be 20 if it's daily deal? That would make it 10 with the coupon...

Can't use coupons until next year. Read the fine print. Give me all your coal.
By the way, if Dota 2 is on your wishlist, they'll actually send you a beta key. Someone I know won with Dota2 on their wishlist and instead of gift they sent him the code.

The coupon says 19th december until something march and it seems let me apply it to Batman...?
The Valve coupon is from january though.

A gold coupon!


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Rage is in the ID complete pack now, didn't notice it there before unless I was blind. But I guess it would have been since it's complete.


Defence Grid is quite excellent, but the achievement is a bit annoying. Aced the level, but for some reason I still didn´t have enough points. Then I found out you get more points per click the more money you have. So I have to wait with spending and building as long as possible. So lame.
Right now the coupons just seems pointless. If you're participating in the sale contests, you're not the person who needs a coupon for 30% off of something that's already 50% off now. (Yes, yes, what about all the friends who will sign up for a new account in February? If my friends were remotely interested in PC gaming and I didn't already tell them about this sale, they aren't really my friends.)

Man, these coupons would be way cooler and probably generate more revenue if they were usable during the sale. If that means they're only worth half as much, so be it. If the coupons were like 10 to 20% and they stacked with the sale, you'd see a lot more people trading and dealing for them. It'd be a lot more interesting and you'd see a lot of people buying stuff they might not have because they got their own personal mini-sale.

Card Boy

I highly recommend PAYDAY: The Heist if your a fan of L4D co-op type games, i even prefer it over L4D to be honest.

The deveopers have added heaps of post game support to the game and are currently working on some big DLC for the past afew months according to the Steam forums (where they post)


sparkle this bitch
Muhahahaha at Swords and Soldiers. So many Aztecs, just pick Vikings.

Though it seems like Games are based on rock paper scissors. Aztecs < Vikings < Chinese < Aztecs


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
So, is it only the Valve coupons that can't be applied to the sale prices?

All non gold coupons are not valid during the sale. And those are of course rare. Like 1 Gaffer in 3 days-rare.


Muhahahaha at Swords and Soldiers. So many Aztecs, just pick Vikings.

Though it seems like Games are based on rock paper scissors. Aztecs < Vikings < Chinese < Aztecs

Yeah and it's very easy to get the achievement too as it seems most people I played against were new players like me.

Game is too simple for my taste but you can't go wrong for 2.50$.
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