Speak for yourself, I actually liked the batmobile parts. Especially near the end, when it requires to keep a cool head and not be overwhelmed by a swarm of enemies. I do think they could have perfected it though, you never get the same kind of feeling you get with something like Super Hexagon, which I believe they could have achieved. But whatever, fun notheless.
I found the story overall a bit disappointing, though only because most of the game is a rather convincingt deconstruction of Batman, showing his weaknesses and self-doubt. The ending is such a letdown, however, that it almost ruins the buildup, but not quite.
Defintely my last Arkham game though. Doesn't matter what new post-Rocksteady Batman comes out, if it just copies the Arkham formula (which it will, because AAA industy) I will just ignore it, been there, done that.