STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.



Is anyone else having problem buying from Nuuvem? I put a game in the cart, but I cannot go to the cart page and checkout

edit: nvm, I managed to get to the cart page by copy and paste the cart page link


My buddy and I are getting tired of CSGO and HOTS and need a new game. Any recommendations? Any genre with co-op or multiplayer.

We were looking at Vermintide, but he knows nothing about Warhammer.


My buddy and I are getting tired of CSGO and HOTS and need a new game. Any recommendations? Any genre with co-op or multiplayer.

We were looking at Vermintide, but he knows nothing about Warhammer.

You don't need to know about WH to know about this game. Just do some L4D as practice.


It's literally left 4 dead with a different aesthetic.

Also levels are one really long thing instead of split into safe houses


My buddy and I are getting tired of CSGO and HOTS and need a new game. Any recommendations? Any genre with co-op or multiplayer.

We were looking at Vermintide, but he knows nothing about Warhammer.

Rocket League
Resident Evil 5/6
Saints Row 3/4
Lara Croft Guardian of Light
Maybe a fighting game like Street Fighter 4 or Skullgirls



finished lost planet 3, ended up rushing through the story cos clearing the same areas over and over to do the sidequests is not very much fun.

lost planet 3 is a weird ass game. it does some things great, like the story is pulpy but really solid and really fitting for the type of game this is. it's a really well done excuse for the bombastic killing of giant alien spiders, but it does so many things well that it has no right to. it has a really likeable protagonist and a good secondary cast. it has a few plot twists that are fun, a bad guy that really deserves getting killed and good atmosphere. yeah, the idea that the whole 20 hour (in my case) game is being told by the main character to his granddaughter on his deathbed is kind of ludicrous but whatevs, seriously this game has a pretty good story component to it, it's definitely its saving grace for sure. it's kind of reminded me of dead rising 2, which also had a character-focused story that i really enjoyed, so if these games were devved by third party companies i'd say someone at cacpcom knows what they're doing.

outside of that, the game's kind of a mess. there's like a dozen ideas for a potentially amazing open world game but all of them feel half-baked and the main combat mechanics are just janky and really unpolished, so it's not like it's at least a fun shooter either. the idea of having like an open world game in which you're just doing missions killing monsters in a crazy alien planet while riding an absolutely giant mech or going on foot swinging with your hookshot is awesome, specially since it has some metroidvania stuff going on. but none of this is fully realized, the side quests are simply fetch quests with barely even any story to them, the mech is slow and just boring to use, the hookshot is only a context sensitive thing and the metroidvania stuff is barely even there, just a few secrets, that's about it. the map is also split up in smaller maps so it's really not great to navigate from one place to the other. it's just no fun to explore

and actually the mech is pretty well done, cockpit view has a really nice feel and some of the mech boss fights are pretty awesome, and when you're on foot the enemy types are pretty varied. it's just that neither controlling jim or the mech is very much fun in itself, they both feel slower than they should, it's just not fun and it made me wish the game was just smaller and linear so i could just get to the next story bit.

it's also really weird how there's a lot of "working". like, there's a lot of "jim go repair the transmitter in x" that sets up a story mission, and doing that involves getting the job from your boss at base, then running to your mech, then exiting through the slow moving doors, then walking to the area (or fast travel), then walking to the thing u gotta repair and doing the repair qte. and it's likely you're then gonna get asked to do a bit more work before something bad happens and the story gets going. it's weird but it kind of really sets in the mood that you're just trying to do your damn job in that space colony thing and i dunno, i found it very curious how strange it felt to set up the game like that.

it's just a very interesting game cos you can tell they had pretty high ambitions and probably not the budget or the expertise to match them, but the game's got heart and i've got a soft spot for broken messes with a big heart

Vortex slut

Jeff Vogel didn't survive the RPG drought by wasting money on frivolous things.
i don't think it's frivolous. i made a point to say i wasn't expecting something eternity quality, but there's a shit ton of space between eternity and the vogel games, just don't do ugly art, if you're gonna spend time and money on making assets at least make sure they're not ugly. specially if you're gonna reuse them over 3 or 4 games or whatever.

they've clearly got talented people on their team, some of the "scene" art is pretty nice.

just don't do ugly art, that's not a frivolous thing, it's not a zero sum game, you can have not ugly art and still have good rpg design. don't make an ugly game, specially since it turns people off because of how damn ugly it is

it's ugly, ugly is bad

cause zky = L.O.R.D?
i don't get it
My buddy and I are getting tired of CSGO and HOTS and need a new game. Any recommendations? Any genre with co-op or multiplayer.

We were looking at Vermintide, but he knows nothing about Warhammer.

Yeah, Sorey and Edna are awesome.
Rose is the best character of all though. :D
Most people who play war hammer games know nothing about war hammer.

All I know is that I stayed away from Games Workshop as a kid because the cliques in there were way too insular. I went into one store a couple times as a kid to look at figures, and had a group of players eyeball me the entire time I was there.
My buddy and I are getting tired of CSGO and HOTS and need a new game. Any recommendations? Any genre with co-op or multiplayer.

We were looking at Vermintide, but he knows nothing about Warhammer.

Divinity: Original Sin: Enhanced Edition (releases Oct 27)
i don't think it's frivolous. i made a point to say i wasn't expecting something eternity quality, but there's a shit ton of space between eternity and the vogel games, just don't do ugly art, if you're gonna spend time and money on making assets at least make sure they're not ugly. specially if you're gonna reuse them over 3 or 4 games or whatever.

they've clearly got talented people on their team, some of the "scene" art is pretty nice.

just don't do ugly art, that's not a frivolous thing, it's not a zero sum game, you can have not ugly art and still have good rpg design. don't make an ugly game, specially since it turns people off because of how damn ugly it is

it's ugly, ugly is bad
Spiderweb Software
Who Are We?
Our current employees are: Jeff Vogel, President; Mariann Krizsan, General Manager.

Graphic Artist Looking For Work?
Our games have an increasingly voracious appetite for new graphics of all sizes. We buy lots of graphics and pay well (lump sum payments, full rights, no royalties). Please send us a link to a web page with your portfolio or samples of your work. If none of your work is online, mail us some printed samples to PO Box 85659, Seattle, WA 98145. Note that, while we like larger graphics, we're much more interested in icons (small, say less than 70x70 pixels, of people, monsters, items, etc.).

It isn't always as easy as "make it good."
I really disliked Warhammer Vermintide, from the bit that played in the beta, it never felt good to play except for one class (dagger, rogue class was kind of fun), everything else was just to slow, and mixed with the general lagginess of everything meant I never really felt like I was doing much with most of the characters.

The enemies weren't really that fun to fight, the special rats were either annoying and not fun or interesting to fight or a complete push over that was dead by your team mates before the lag slid me to the area that the enemy was at, and the levels were way too long.

It didn't perform well for me either which is entirely subjective but it just left me really disappointed, I love co-op games like that and I was hoping for that to really suck me in but it didn't at all. Hopefully they did some reworking of stuff before release and will continue after because I would totally give it another shot if stuff has changed.
I played actual tabletop Warhammer (fantasy and 40k) years ago. Well, more like collected and painted an army, but still.

It's a huge time and money-sink but it's pretty cool. The games really don't do anything for me in comparison.


I played actual tabletop Warhammer (fantasy and 40k) years ago. Well, more like collected and painted an army, but still.

It's a huge time and money-sink but it's pretty cool. The games really don't do anything for me in comparison.
I always wanted to get into it, but it's to expensive for me. I enjoy reading 40k lore though.
i don't get what that proves

Hiring a dedicated artist to continually make their art beautiful is outside of Spiderweb's budget. So instead they double down on what they have, iterating on it.

The last three-ish games (since Avadon, I think?) are where Spiderweb have really begun to modernise their games and I guess it's been a success, 'cause they're still doing it.
I played actual tabletop Warhammer (fantasy and 40k) years ago. Well, more like collected and painted an army, but still.

It's a huge time and money-sink but it's pretty cool. The games really don't do anything for me in comparison.
In 2016 we'll be able to say the very same about Total War: Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Total Warhammer.
Didn't know a lick about Warhammer or 40K until someone mentioned that the movie Event Horizon (one of my favorite movies) has a pretty crazy fan theory that it's a prequel to the Warhammer 40K universe which got me to read up on Warhammer and I really started to like it. I just have yet to find a Warhammer game that I've really liked.


Didn't know a lick about Warhammer or 40K until someone mentioned that the movie Event Horizon (one of my favorite movies) has a pretty crazy fan theory that it's a prequel to the Warhammer 40K universe which got me to read up on Warhammer and I really started to like it. I just have yet to find a Warhammer game that I've really liked.
Did you not like Dawm of War?


Hiring a dedicated artist to continually make their art beautiful is outside of Spiderweb's budget. So instead they double down on what they have, iterating on it.

The last three-ish games (since Avadon, I think?) are where Spiderweb have really begun to modernise their games and I guess it's been a success, 'cause they're still doing it.
point me to the place where i said beautiful, i just said don't do ugly art. twice i've said that it doesn't have to be anything excessively fancy, try reading what i write instead of being defensive pls


Not really, I tried to like Space Marine too but it didn't do much for me.
They need to make an RPG where you play as an Inquisitor, investigating a planet for heretics. Could be an interesting take on the usual choice system where you less choose an alignment and just get into different shades of devotion for the Emporer.

Anyways, Stellaris is going to be gud.
Took 34 hours but Saints Row IV is beaten. Such a fun game from start to finish. Completed all of the main and side missions, all of the openworld activities, gathered all of the collectibles, the only things left to do is get Gold medals in a few of the openworld missions and farm kills with certain weapons and abilities to get the remaining single player achievements. I'm undecided on whether or not I'll do any of that but have kept the game installed in case I'm bored and just want to screw around and try to wrap things up.

I jumped right into Gat out of Hell immediately afterwards, one nice touch is they used my player created version of the boss in the intro cinematic.


Whew, I held on inpulse buying 200% Mixed Juice. I'd like to support them, but the weeb backlog is too huge.
I'll probably grab it in the winter sale, along with Suguri.
The recent Halo 5 PR has been quite disastrous.

"Yeah Halo 5 could come to PC I guess *under the breath* but it won't never ever"

* all news outlets * HALO 5 COMING TO PC

*ummm Halo 5 is not coming to PC"


You'd have thought the press outlets would have learned from Microsoft by now. They promise everything and anything when it comes to PC, but will never ever deliver.

It'd be nice if they got called out on it infact. Or just laughed at.
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