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STELLAR BLADE |OT| Twitter May Cry


hot... DAMN!! HOT DAMN I tell you!!


I just downloaded the demo and finished it last night. I have a couple questions. I really like the visuals, the music, and the story seems interesting… however the combat to me just felt bad. There was a part where they wanted me to use the Blink ability in the training area and I couldn't even figure out how to do it on the enemy no matter what I tried. I felt the combat prioritized animations over fluidity. I heard that this was maybe fixed in the real game with some updates. I was playing on "story" difficulty, but it still felt like a challenge to me because I felt like I was fighting the controls more than the enemies. Am I just bad, or did they improve this in the real game? Is the demo an accurate representation of what I'll get, or is it just an old build of the game?

I don't want to waste $75 and it still feels almost unplayable to me
I just downloaded the demo and finished it last night. I have a couple questions. I really like the visuals, the music, and the story seems interesting… however the combat to me just felt bad. There was a part where they wanted me to use the Blink ability in the training area and I couldn't even figure out how to do it on the enemy no matter what I tried. I felt the combat prioritized animations over fluidity. I heard that this was maybe fixed in the real game with some updates. I was playing on "story" difficulty, but it still felt like a challenge to me because I felt like I was fighting the controls more than the enemies. Am I just bad, or did they improve this in the real game? Is the demo an accurate representation of what I'll get, or is it just an old build of the game?

I don't want to waste $75 and it still feels almost unplayable to me

The combat is excellent but it has its own flow and you have to learn at what distance from the enemy you can use those dodge skills (2 mainly). For blink and repulse, the enemy flashes first, you have to wait for your turn to flash and then press the button. If you do it before or you aren't close enough, it won't work. Hitboxes and timings are very precise. It takes a few tries, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes very enjoyable.

The game will not force you to master those moves till the last bosses.


I just downloaded the demo and finished it last night. I have a couple questions. I really like the visuals, the music, and the story seems interesting… however the combat to me just felt bad. There was a part where they wanted me to use the Blink ability in the training area and I couldn't even figure out how to do it on the enemy no matter what I tried. I felt the combat prioritized animations over fluidity. I heard that this was maybe fixed in the real game with some updates. I was playing on "story" difficulty, but it still felt like a challenge to me because I felt like I was fighting the controls more than the enemies. Am I just bad, or did they improve this in the real game? Is the demo an accurate representation of what I'll get, or is it just an old build of the game?

I don't want to waste $75 and it still feels almost unplayable to me
For the blink ability, you need to first hold forward and then press O. Don't try to press forward and O at the same time
Took me a bit of time to figure out


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Any tips for this?

When I'm where she starts the run at the top, as soon as I press jump the first thing she does is the double jump which is wrong, I'm supposed to be able to jump then jump again (and wherever else I am this works) but when I'm trying to jump across at this particular location first time I press X she'll do the second jump animation and fall off.

Around 2:40 on the video. First time in the video its jump then double jump. When I try exactly the same thing its like I've already jumped once and I haven't.

Just cannot do it.

EDIT: not just me then :
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Any tips for this?

When I'm where she starts the run at the top, as soon as I press jump the first thing she does is the double jump which is wrong, I'm supposed to be able to jump then jump again (and wherever else I am this works) but when I'm trying to jump across at this particular location first time I press X she'll do the second jump animation and fall off.

Around 2:40 on the video. First time in the video its jump then double jump. When I try exactly the same thing its like I've already jumped once and I haven't.

Just cannot do it.

EDIT: not just me then :

I did what the vid explained

So you’re saying it auto jumps ?


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Yeah. Basically when I’m there in the same spot as soon as I press jump she does her second jump somersault and falls to ground. The reddit also mentions an issue in general not just at that spot.
My guess is what's happening is you have actually run off the edge even if it doesn't look like it, so then you only get the somersault because you never jumped first to begin with. Try pushing jump just a tiny bit earlier before you think you are right at the edge

This game isn't all that forgiving on hitbox intersection the way a lot of other games are, your hitbox is exactly the size of you and most games aren't like that

This can have really interesting effects on bosses, for example you basically can't hit Raven when she is downed because her hitbox is so tiny when she's lying prone on the ground
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Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I’ve given it a go - I just don’t seem to have enough height when I jump before the platform edge and miss that way too.

Maybe I’m just shit.


I’ve given it a go - I just don’t seem to have enough height when I jump before the platform edge and miss that way too.

Maybe I’m just shit.
Is it possible it’s your controller? Maybe the X button is sensitive and “think” it’s being pressed when it’s not?


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Nope because it only seems to happen at this location - if I'm on the ground I press X and she jumps then X again and she'll double jump. If I'm the location on the video, standing still, starting a run or anything, press X once off the ledge and she automatically does her second jump.
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Nope because it only seems to happen at this location - if I'm on the ground I press X and she jumps then X again and she'll double jump. If I'm the location on the video, standing still, starting a run or anything, press X once off the ledge and she automatically does her second jump.
That’s so strange because there’s so many other places throughout the game where you need to double jump to get to an edge or ledge or poll.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
That’s so strange because there’s so many other places throughout the game where you need to double jump to get to an edge or ledge or poll.
Yep I agree - you have to do a lot of double jumps to get to that location for starters.
NG+ Hard difficulty cleared. In retrospect, of the 2 final bosses, I chose the more annoying one to kill in Hard difficulty

The fucking floating cherubs in 2 phase transitions for the Elder Naytiba fight were by far the hardest thing I've done in this game, no joke. I would always finish shooting 5 and the last one would hit the water and GOD FUCKING DAMMIT have to try again that's such fucking BULLSHIT AAAAAAAA

Also they really pulled some bullshit with Elder Naytiba which wasn't seen in any previous bosses where the boss has a really long windup and then the attack comes out fast just to fuck with you, yo devs this is why I heard people hated Lies of P you know

2 endings done. For the last ending I'll just do a very fast run through on Story Mode I guess, I've challenged myself enough in this game and I just want the damn Platinum at this point
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The music in this game is sooooo good. Love it.

Makes going for trophies in this game a lot more enjoyable.

I really want that "merge" suit.
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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
35+ hours in, I'm about to start the "orbital elevator" main quest, couple of things :

OCD is starting to kick in gents, levels are huge (wasteland and Great desert) and I'm missing a couple of mem.sticks amongst other data and fish.
Cans, I've collected them all besides the last 4 ones which are (apparently) found during the orbital elevator level.
Fucking human corpses though (mem.sticks?)...it's a pain in the ass since I'm revisiting the levels and pressing the scan button every friggin' second OCD-ing me hard.
Then, fuck if I know how many upgrade souls (those corpses that lvl you up) I have left since the game doesn't tell you anything.

THEN, I'm also left apparently with 3 endings of my choosing (fuck if I know the requirements) and...I don't how to proceed from here, currently I'm revisiting the wasteland level trying to mop up collectibles but, I don't even want to think about revisiting the great desert trying to find the final 5-6 mem. sticks I'm missing...

OCD too stronK, what shall I do gents ? Is the orbital elevator level the point of no return ? Can I collect the missing tidbits left in a 2nd playthrough/NG+ or does everything reset ?


PS : the game should have featured a map showing you which places you visited/cleared and which not (like say, RE8), it's way too much trying to figure out which places you've already cleared especially after going back n forth between levels after 20+ hours...
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Gold Member
PS : the game should have featured a map showing you which places you visited/cleared and which not (like say, RE8), it's way too much trying to figure out which places you've already cleared especially after going back n forth between levels after 20+ hours...
so true - the map could absolutely use such feature. There are online guides with locations of every collectible.
Then, fuck if I know how many upgrade souls (those corpses that lvl you up) I have left since the game doesn't tell you anything.
You'll know when you hit max, but you can upgrade it further in NG+
Given how many smart decisions are in the game, it surprises me (badly) that they don't use the drone for:

- Drawing a map (the drone memorizes places you have visited and creates a map as you progress)

- Marking climbable places, instead of dumb yellow paint.

For the Photo Mode, it would be cool if it's the drone that takes pictures so everything is integrated in the game.
35+ hours in, I'm about to start the "orbital elevator" main quest, couple of things :

OCD is starting to kick in gents, levels are huge (wasteland and Great desert) and I'm missing a couple of mem.sticks amongst other data and fish.
Cans, I've collected them all besides the last 4 ones which are (apparently) found during the orbital elevator level.
Fucking human corpses though (mem.sticks?)...it's a pain in the ass since I'm revisiting the levels and pressing the scan button every friggin' second OCD-ing me hard.
Then, fuck if I know how many upgrade souls (those corpses that lvl you up) I have left since the game doesn't tell you anything.

THEN, I'm also left apparently with 3 endings of my choosing (fuck if I know the requirements) and...I don't how to proceed from here, currently I'm revisiting the wasteland level trying to mop up collectibles but, I don't even want to think about revisiting the great desert trying to find the final 5-6 mem. sticks I'm missing...

OCD too stronK, what shall I do gents ? Is the orbital elevator level the point of no return ? Can I collect the missing tidbits left in a 2nd playthrough/NG+ or does everything reset ?


PS : the game should have featured a map showing you which places you visited/cleared and which not (like say, RE8), it's way too much trying to figure out which places you've already cleared especially after going back n forth between levels after 20+ hours...
You have to clear the game a minimum of 2 times anyways to get the Platinum so just enjoy your first playthrough and don't worry about collecting everything the first time because the reality is you can't by design

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Come to think of it, I hate everything gaming related, to think of all the...furore regarding the "censorship" of some of the costumes and people actually playing this unpatched as to "stick it to the man"...fucking lol.

Must have unlocked 95% of the costumes and fucking hell, everything is so tacky, kitsch and over-designed that it's neither sexy, cute or even funny.
G'damn at the ugliness of them all , you gotta be a horny 15year old to actually like or play with them, meanwhile, I've used the One-piece black suit (Bayonetta like one) for 90% of my playthrough since it looks "normal" and in line with something (Asian) sci-fi.

Everything is either a fucking swimsuit, a variation of it or some idiotic weeabo loli shit, like, fucking hell at the tackiness, there's one with a pulsating heart on top the vagina part - and people think this is "sexy" or tasteful ? LMAO

To think that people spent energy debating this shit for weeks online...I don't know what to say lads, gamerZ really are a weird bunch, too much time on their hands to debate stupid shit online.


I think I'm closing in on the end of the game (pretty hard to tell tbh, the story is entertaining in the way that you never quite know exact how it's gonna end IMO).

The game is so much bigger/longer than I anticipated. Several of the side missions feel rewarding and could just as well have been part of the main missions.

Very impressive game, even the most menial of tasks never feel boring (mostly thinking of the different types of locks on chests), great enemy variety and most of all a very fresh and interesting combat system that manages to reward skill yet makes you feel like a badass from the get go. The only real downside I can think of is the wierd floaty platforming, Eve never behave quite exactly as you'd want to in a game with platforming that sometimes require quite a lot of precision (especially noticable when trying to swing ropes and double jumping, sometimes she just flies off in a completely wrong direction and dies).

Edit: Damn, it just keeps going and getting ever more crazier. Both in terms of the story but also in terms lf gameplay. I've barely had any issues before but now I'm die as soon as I lose a bit of focus. I'm pretty much maxed out in terms of gear and skills so I guess it's time to activate "git gud" mode.
I just beat Raven the second time, holy hells some of these finisher semi interactable cutscenes are great. At times I'm thinking it's up there with God of War 1-3 in terms of sheer brutality

Edit 2:
Damn, great game. Really impressed by Shift Up. I really hope they do another one and I hope it's just crazy in terms of art direction and story. They brought some pretty unique gameplay mechanics too tbh.
It was pretty obvious Adam was the Elder Naytiba since at least several hours back. I chose to take his hand, so I transformed in to mecha-naytiba-roid rage-Eve. Pretty unexpected to have the final scene being her absolutely obliterating divers left and right and becoming some sort of friendly neighborhood Jesus-Batman in the post credit scene. I like it.
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One thing that perplexes me a bit is if you look back at the 1st reveal trailer in 2021 the game looks like it was complete from start to finish. As that trailer had segments at the start, middle and end of the game.

So, I wonder if the game mostly finished dev in 2023 and so the sequel or next project from Shift Up is quite advanced already. 🤔
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Finished up the Platinum. Definitely the best non-From Soulslike I've ever played, though that's honestly not saying as much as maybe it should. Also it's not really like Soulsringborne and more like Sekiro. But I digress. It went from "nowhere near my radar" to "I guess I'll try the demo" to "this seems fun guess I'll buy it" to 3 playthroughs and the Platinum. It's a strong contender for my personal GOTY award


One thing that perplexes me a bit is if you look back at the 1st reveal trailer in 2021 the game looks like it was complete from start to finish. As that trailer had segments at the start, middle and end of the game.

So, I wonder if the game mostly finished dev in 2023 and so the sequel or next project from Shift Up is quite advanced already. 🤔
Games aren’t really built in the same linear fashion that they’ll eventually be played in. It’s very common to build out later bosses and levels first if they require specific features, and most of the last phase of development will be bug fixes and polish.


Finished up the Platinum. Definitely the best non-From Soulslike I've ever played, though that's honestly not saying as much as maybe it should. Also it's not really like Soulsringborne and more like Sekiro. But I digress. It went from "nowhere near my radar" to "I guess I'll try the demo" to "this seems fun guess I'll buy it" to 3 playthroughs and the Platinum. It's a strong contender for my personal GOTY award
Is this some kind of mental illness to call everything soulslike or fromsoftware inspired? I'm playing it right now and calling this game soulslike is simply idiotic.



Nothing official (yet)

Some said the haircuts were moved to the main menu

Plus “There’s a new cyber magician variant in the boss challenge mode - and a blue and white outfit with jeans. I think there’s another one that resembles cybernetic bondage but blue and white as well but I may be wrong about that being new”
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