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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Ten Ways Obama Can Help Business Now
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Obama supports using government money to advance stem cell research. Now he can allow it to flourish with the stroke of a pen, by reversing the Bush administration's partial ban. Because Bush limited stem cell research through an executive order, reversing the order would be just as easy for Obama. The new president says he believes in taking an ethical approach to the issue, but he would allow stem cell researchers to use embryos produced for in vitro fertilization. Companies like Geron Corp. (nasdaq: GERN - news - people ) and StemCells Inc. (nasdaq: STEM - news - people ) are a few of many biotech firms that will benefit from this policy change.


Ether_Snake said:
ABX has been doing well recently.

Anyway I'm looking at finally adding to BHI, but I still feel like it can go lower. Any opinions?

Seems like a good buy for a dividend paying stock but I doubt its going back up anytime soon so it might be better to wait as there is still alot of volatility in the market and for the foreseeable future everyone seems to be waiting to see what Obama's economic plans entail.
Think I'll be going into AA tomorrow as soon as the market opens. Might up my stake in ATVI if it goes below 9.00; I have a feeling the last 5 minutes of the market will be a big upswing, though.


I think there will be no upswing. I think people realize now we have yet to see the full crisis unfold, and most efforts to stop the bleeding are somewhat futile.


I find it strange that the media, financial media aside, up to this point has given the ongoing troubles of BoA/Citi cursory glances. Our two biggest banks are zombies, why aren't more people worried? Is everyone just numb at this point?


LJ11 said:
I find it strange that the media, financial media aside, up to this point has given the ongoing troubles of BoA/Citi cursory glances. Our two biggest banks are zombies, why aren't more people worried? Is everyone just numb at this point?

I guess we don't care anymore since those two can't fail. Government will bailout them out.


LJ11 said:
Yeah, there's no choice but to nationalize them, but the ramifications....ugh
LOL, I bought some stock a week ago and now it's worth half the price. Oh well, good thing I'm rich
Anyway it should come back. I'm tempted to buy even more right now. :lol


Deku Tree said:
Anyone thinking we may see some fresh new lows?

Kind of unpredictable, temporarily it all depends on hopium, but long term I see the save the indebted economy by try to get everyone to go further into debt as a loooong shot. Painful transition to a savers economy here we come.

On another note I am about to start trading daily. My losses in investing have paired to market over the past year, anyone have any secrets? lol.


xero273 said:
I guess we don't care anymore since those two can't fail. Government will bailout them out.
People should worry about who will bailout the government when the entire economy collapses .


Damn look at how volatile XOM has been for the past few months: http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=...=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined

Sonarrat could have made a killing on this one;)

Anyway, Chinese Unemployment Jumps, May Hit 30 Year High

I'm thinking people are going to start believing that there will be a similar pattern to what happened in the great depression, where there were multiple rallies with consecutive lower lows. So I think we will see a strong downward pressure on the very short term at least. And then another rally, if the lack of really bad news permits.

Some big earnings coming next week for me, HON and BHI, both of which I need to add to eventutally. My guess is that current estimates for any company (in general) were still too optimistic and now that we see how bad things really are I expect a lot of companies to miss the analysts targets. I doubt I'm playing with fire by waiting till after earnings in both HON and BHI's cases.

ADSK I can wait on, I see no reason for their customers to update most of their apps in this economy, nor will we see a lot of purchases, and we'll probably see more pirating. Same with ADBE. Both are attractive, but at the same time both are quasi-monopolies, which I'm always wary of that unless they're in the energy or defense sector:p

EDIT: And if you want to ultrashort China: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=FXP :D Up 16% today.

Deku Tree

Citi Takes Alwaleed on $10.7 Billion Round Trip

Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who made his investment reputation by putting money into Citicorp 18 years ago, once had a $10.7 billion paper profit on the stake he bought. Now it’s all gone.


Alwaleed received preferred stock in Citicorp that was convertible at $16 a share. After adjusting for the Travelers deal, a subsequent spinoff of Travelers’ property and casualty insurance business and two stock splits, the price amounted to $2.98 for each Citigroup share.

Citigroup dropped below that threshold yesterday for the first time since its formation. ..
Nice day today, all green.

Should rally for a day or two then head back down? I'm not sure of anything these days.

Oh, and Apple is up HUGE after hours after it beat profit expectations.


Yeah wow at Apple, didn't expect that. Goog did well today too, and so did BHI, d'oh! Oil should not rise right now... :|

But I'm thinking the rally was more about the psychological 8000 bar, and Apple.

Anyway, I'm still waiting.

Japan's Exports Plummet Record 35%, Signaling More Job, Production Cuts

Japan’s exports plunged by a record in December, signaling companies will be forced to shut factory lines and fire more workers, driving the economy deeper into recession.

Exports plummeted 35 percent from a year earlier, the sharpest decline since 1980, the earliest year for which there is comparable data, the Finance Ministry said today in Tokyo.

South Korea's Economy Contracts More-Than-Expected 5.6% as Exports Plunge

South Korea’s economy shrank a larger-than-expected 5.6 percent last quarter, the biggest decline since the Asian financial crisis a decade ago as exports, business investment and consumer spending plunged.

The contraction followed growth of 0.5 percent in the third quarter and was more than twice as much as the 2.1 percent drop forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of 10 economists. The economy shrank 3.4 percent from a year earlier, the central bank said in Seoul today.

Considering the number of people getting laid off across the world, I wonder what kind of impact it will have socially. I wonder what happens when you have strong unemployment world-wide in a highly connected world like today's, unlike 80 years ago.


Tarius: Do you plan to sell or hold for a while?

CGT keeps getting contracts, which is nice to hear. I don't see myself adding to it soon because I have BHI and HON to take of first, and some other purchases to make, but I would if I could. Then again it will probably fall further still along with everything else anyway.

And in other news:

Roubini Sees S&P 500 Slump on China Slowdown, Edwards Predicts 40% Decline

Stocks will retreat around the world because of shrinking demand from China as growth in the third- biggest economy slows, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted last year’s financial crisis.

Global equities will fall 20 percent this year from current levels as China, which contributed 19.5 percent to total growth in 2007, contends with its slowest expansion in seven years, he said. Wall Street strategists predict the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, down 8.4 percent so far, will rise 17 percent in 2009.

Roubini, an economics professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, said China already is in a “recession” despite government data showing a 6.8 percent fourth-quarter growth rate, as power output declines and manufacturing shrinks. “Demand is falling in China, they’re over-invested in capacity and there’s a global supply glut,” Roubini, 50, said in a telephone interview. “It has very, very important implications.”

Roubini’s view is shared by Societe Generale SA global strategist Albert Edwards, who was correct in forecasting in March that a U.S. contraction would spur a bear market in equities. Edwards says the China slowdown will reduce earnings at industrial, energy and raw-materials companies, sparking a selloff in emerging and developed-market stocks that may send the S&P 500 down 40 percent to 500.

The future is very unpredictable, we are about to head into completely uncharted territory. Never has the world been so dependent on one another, and never will we have seen such sudden and massive linked unemployment rates around the world. I wonder what will happen. On top of that, there is little reason to believe that a major war could break out. So I wonder what the outcome will be.

People can't just wait and scratch their heads wondering what to do. Last time the world war kept the world busy, but this time I don't see anything that could play a similar role.

EDIT: Except maybe if the US and other countries have an incentive to bring jobs back home. Then I could see the economies turning around, with some good upward movement in the long term. That's what I hope for anyway.


Oh, I definitely plan on hold this stock after the news today.
First Embryonic Stem-Cell Trial Gets Approval From the FDA

In a watershed moment for one of the most contentious areas of science and American politics, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared the way for the first-ever human trial of a medical treatment derived from embryonic stem cells.

Geron Corp., a Menlo Park, Calif., biotechnology company, is expected to announce Friday that it received a green light from the agency to mount a study of its stem-cell treatment for spinal cord injuries in up to 10 patients. The announcement caps more than a decade of advances in the company's labs and comes on the cusp of a widely expected shift in U.S. policy toward support of embryonic stem-cell research after years of official opposition.

"This is the dawn of a new era in medical therapeutics," said Thomas B. Okarma, Geron's president and chief executive officer. The hope that stem-cell therapy will repair and regenerate diseased organs and tissue "goes beyond what pills and scalpels can ever do."Limits on stem-cell research, which prevented federal funding and were imposed by Congress and former President George W. Bush for ethical and religious reasons, have had a chilling effect on both academic and corporate research involving such cells. Proponents of stem-cell research say restrictions have delayed development of promising new treatments, while critics contend that harvesting stem cells from embryos destroys human life.

President Barack Obama said during his campaign that overturning research limits would be a top priority in his administration.

Stem cells are the future


STEM is up 6% in pre-open.

Should be a bad day for Dow/Nasdaq/S&P today thought.


Ether_Snake said:
STEM up 23%

Ubisoft down 15%
I sold STEM to lock in my profits...I repurchased afterwards. I put all my eggs in one basket on this one and it paid off BIG time. I knew this stock was a win-win. I hope you guys listened to me eariler this month. :D


tarius1210 said:
Something wrong with that?

It makes it sound like you sold at say 2.60 to lock in long term gains, and then immediately re-bought the same number of shares at 2.59 :lol

But I suppose you re-bought at a somewhat lower level. Still, the profits you "locked in" are minimal if you re-bought so close to the level you sold at, and could be lost in the next trading day just as easily as if you'd kept your shares. You didn't lock in anything if your money is back in the shares.


gkrykewy said:
It makes it sound like you sold at say 2.60 to lock in long term gains, and then immediately re-bought the same number of shares at 2.59 :lol

But I suppose you re-bought at a somewhat lower level. Still, the profits you "locked in" are minimal if you re-bought so close to the level you sold at, and could be lost in the next trading day just as easily as if you'd kept your shares. You didn't lock in anything if your money is back in the shares.
I initally purchased a couple thousand shares of STEM earlier this month. I sold that and repurchased only a few hundred to go extremely long with. This stock could go well above the $4 mark if the Battens disease results (which I believe are due out next week) are successful and Pres. Obama lifts the stem ban. If you think about, $2.60 is cheap.


tarius1210 said:
I sold STEM to lock in my profits...I repurchased afterwards. I put all my eggs in one basket on this one and it paid off BIG time. I knew this stock was a win-win. I hope you guys listened to me eariler this month. :D

Ha, wish I could've. I found out I probably won't get my big infusion of cash until March sometime, but I'm considering selling out of Apple in the meantime and looking for deals. The urge to play the game is just too strong :D


Yeah Ubi released earnings yesterday. Far Cry 2 and PoP dropped in price quickly and sales have not been as good as expected. Their casual stuff and Wii games are what did great actually. Rayman sold very well (and probably didn't cost much to make) and Shaun White Wii is selling more than the PS360 version combined.

Anyway I'm still waiting on BHI, I hope I don't miss my chance. It looks like investors are psychologically seeing a bottom at 8000, but it's just a damn number. If we eventually break that floor without much resistance over a few days, I expect a really sharp fall after that.

tarius: why didn't you just sell some of the shares and keep the rest?


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah Ubi released earnings yesterday. Far Cry 2 and PoP dropped in price quickly and sales have not been as good as expected. Their casual stuff and Wii games are what did great actually. Rayman sold very well (and probably didn't cost much to make) and Shaun White Wii is selling more than the PS360 version combined.

Anyway I'm still waiting on BHI, I hope I don't miss my chance. It looks like investors are psychologically seeing a bottom at 8000, but it's just a damn number. If we eventually break that floor without much resistance over a few days, I expect a really sharp fall after that.

tarius: why didn't you just sell some of the shares and keep the rest?
I could have done that but I wasn't in my right frame of mind. I never made so much money in the stock market before. I panicked. :lol


I have been beat up so much since the start of this that I am about to heavily consolidate or dump my positions, thank you GE! You not so well managed Bank you.

I am expecting the S&P to go down to at least 600, so I will ride SH on the way down and and sell at 98. Also going into FLR, expecting a major part in China and US infrastructure. Then when I get out of SH I will transfer that into BNI and Oil.

The only issue I can expect is the problem with hopium, you cannot put a time frame on when that goes away. But I still believe that we have not reached bottom.

Give me a reason to cower in my current blue chip heavy portfolio.


Well I'm down a good 50% total I think. I forget, but somewhere around that. Whatever the case, I'm not looking at selling anything. I'm much more careful about buying anything though. If I hadn't put a penny in the stock market I could soon make a down payment on a house. Now instead I have to wait for markets to recover, a lot. Totally delayed my simple life plans:|

Now I'm just waiting to add to my biggest losses, mainly BHI and HON.

EDIT: More details on the stimulus plan:

President Obama, offering the first specifics on a key element in his $825-billion stimulus package, said Saturday that it would add 3,000 miles of electric transmission lines and double the nation's use of wind and solar power within three years.



Ether_Snake said:
Well I'm down a good 50% total I think. I forget, but somewhere around that. Whatever the case, I'm not looking at selling anything. I'm much more careful about buying anything though. If I hadn't put a penny in the stock market I could soon make a down payment on a house. Now instead I have to wait for markets to recover, a lot. Totally delayed my simple life plans:|

You would be amazed at how similarly stupid we both are.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Gallbaro said:
You would be amazed at how similarly stupid we both are.

You should never put into an investment more than you can afford to lose. That said, I too have been taking losses. Though the amount of money I lost is small compared to most people, what that amount is when expressed in percentages is embarrassing.

kathode said:
Sounds like we're in for a brutal week. I think we'll break through that 8k resistance unless there are some nice surprises, which seems unlikely.


Considering getting in some shorts.

Watch financial short FAZ this week. Although, this last week was horribly volatile (esp. the financial sector) and it sounds like more of the same this next week.

I've just stopped anticipating the market based on bad news because we've had plenty of bad news and yet every now and then we have "false" rallies that appear to have no basis other than investors hoping. People don't react as adversely to bad news anymore. People have heard so much bad news that they are more willing to hold for the long term than to just sell out. Yet, the second they hear good news they jump on the band wagon.


kathode said:
Sounds like we're in for a brutal week. I think we'll break through that 8k resistance unless there are some nice surprises, which seems unlikely.


Considering getting in some shorts.
If the GDP numbers on Friday show negative growth then we will officially be in a recession (two consecutive quarters of negative growth in GDP). Friday could be a really ugly day on Wall St. but a good day to buy stocks.


I think everyone expects negative growth really, it is a certainty:p

BHI and HON earnings this week. I think I can wait post-earnings.


Ether_Snake said:
I think everyone expects negative growth really, it is a certainty:p

Yeah, but as always, the issue will be how the reality compares to the expectations. Even still, a 5% drop in GDP is a pretty big deal.


Actually rather than going with SH, I see DOG as the better opportunity considering that the DOW is has incurred %5 less in losses than the S&P has over the past 3 months, seemingly breaking away from a very strong correlation.



Man I wish I could go back in time and short EVERYTHING.


Gold keeps on rising, and oil is making a comeback.

Don't go up oil, not now, give me another two weeks.


Comics, serious business!
Careful with those shorts, guys. Just as the market sold off during the Inauguration, it might be poised to rally if we get some bad news that's not totally disastrous. We're off 10% in the last 14 days, after all.


Yeah I'm never shorted, and probably won't short either.

Yen Nears 13-Year High Against Dollar on Concern Global Slump Is Deepening


Crude Oil Falls on Speculation Global Recession Slowing Demand

Crude oil fell from a two-week high on speculation recession in the world’s largest economies will curtail demand for fuel and energy.

A report in the U.S. today, the world’s largest oil user, will probably show an index of leading economic indicators dropped to the lowest in almost five years last month, according to a Bloomberg News survey of economists. Oil exports from Iraq, not restricted by the OPEC quota, rose 6.4 percent last month, the Associated Press reported yesterday, citing government data.

“There’s no sign out there that oil demand as well as the world’s economy would recover in a short period of time,” Ken Hasegawa, Tokyo-based commodity derivatives sales manager at Newedge Group, said by telephone today. “Oil will probably be stuck in a range of $40 and $50 a barrel for the time being.”

Now... to buy before or after earnings. Hmm. HAL, XOM, BHI, HON, and I forget who else this week.

EDIT: Yeah I think the real impact of this crisis has not been seen yet. I say it all the time but it's in China that we're going to see the real impact, and it's going to be the headline all over the place IMO. I give it another two months at most. After that I can see the US recover, and then the rest of the world.


RSTEIN said:
Careful with those shorts, guys. Just as the market sold off during the Inauguration, it might be poised to rally if we get some bad news that's not totally disastrous. We're off 10% in the last 14 days, after all.

Yes, but I still find the S&P to be overvalued and with the reports and indicators coming up this week I think volatility will be in the favor of the cynic.
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