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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Damm, sold a few stocks yesterday not wanting to go long through the weekend and the Euro mess. Everything exploded today to the upside, could have gained a whole lot more money :(


STP up 17% today.

I wish I would have had the balls to buy a lot of shares at a really low price considering I'm down like 86% on this thing.

I sold TTWO and ERTS last week. Bought some more PBR today. Looking into buying some ADSK soon.

I'll buy TTWO and ERTS again if they drop enough.


Man, NetFlix is getting crushed after hours. Terrible guidance. I guess this is them trying to reset expectations out there? I feel bad for anyone suckered in at $200+. C'mon Microsoft, repatriot some of that cash and get out your checkbook!


Cloudy said:
I will be buying NFLX tomorrow cos it's way too oversold. I pity the longs though. Holy crap!

same here, Amazon my be starting their service but it will take some time to mature.

Netflix is betting on streaming and that is the future, until a comparative service even considers entering the market as I see it Netflix can rebound.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ether_Snake said:
A recession could be followed by stagnation.

Recession doesn't imply markets jumping upward afterwards.

Experts expect decades of slow growth

Add to this the fact that oil prices will be a chokehold on the recovery, more than ever.

We are not out of the woodwork.

I disagree. Economic growth is driven by engineering which is driven by science. We'll figure out something to replace silicon, master fusion power, make superconductors operate warmer allowing extremely fast low energy transit, master aging, and find unknowns in physics that will lead to eras of great economic prosperity. What is over are charlatans shifting money around in imaginary investment vehicles, pretending to create wealth. If the United States doesn't do it, other nations will.


I am long Netflix, bought around $119 a share :(

So you guys suggesting it can bounce back? All the talk at finance sites are making it sound like Netflix is done (Bankrupt in a year). Got to decide whether to cut my losses or wait it out. Thoughts?


There's no way the situation is anywhere near that dire. It's still the market leader in what it does and it still has a huge number of subscribers that should be growing again beginning next quarter. I don't blame you for selling in the near future but I wouldn't do so tomorrow.

This is why I like investments in solid, dividend-paying market leaders that aren't so fickle =p


Groupon IPO possibly Nov 4th. at $16-18 per share?

I dunno, anybody game on that? Haven't taken a good look at their balance sheets but I know they haven't been making money.


MWS Natural said:
Have been thinking of rolling the 401k from my previous job into a Roth IRA. Good decision or should I let it sit there?

I think its a better option to roll it over due to the much better options you have with a roth ira. Id especially roll it over if all of your 401k mutual funds have a 1%+ expense ratio


Zyzyxxz said:
Groupon IPO possibly Nov 4th. at $16-18 per share?

I dunno, anybody game on that? Haven't taken a good look at their balance sheets but I know they haven't been making money.

I don't want anything to do with it. I'm not sure how this company can expect to hold its position long-term with much larger companies like Google and Microsoft going directly after them as well as any number of smaller players. It just doesn't seem like a very defensible industry. I've also heard too many bad stories from companies who actually offer their products and how they'll never use it again.

Have been thinking of rolling the 401k from my previous job into a Roth IRA. Good decision or should I let it sit there?

I like the larger number of options that IRA investors have over a 401k. I also think it's a great time to accumulate money in Roth style accounts. That said, there could be some pretty serious tax implications if you roll over a pre-tax account to a post-tax account. If you have a lot of money in there it might be something you want to discuss with an accountant first, maybe find some ways to offset some of that extra income you'll suddenly have to declare.


Wow Netflix is getting hammered pre-market.

Makes me uneasy getting in since I don't know where the bottom will be, could it go down to 50 today?


There you go, I am punished for having sold TTWO. They just announced GTAV, shares up 7%.


I thought it might be already priced in.

I bought some ADSK today. I see nothing but upward momentum for this company over the long run. It's basically simulation, and that sector can only grow. Also, as gaming devices and cellphones become more powerful, you'll see more use of 3D in games, which is almost certain to growth for them.


I'm holding a short position into tomorrow in EDZ anticipating bad news from Yurop.

Also, the Netflix debacle really hurt me. Almost soured me on the whole investing thing, but the fact I have ~9% realized gains and zero realized losses will keep me going.

Saw that AMZN was going to end up the same way as Netflix, and sold pre-earnings for a 10% gain. It plummeted 15% afterwards, as you all know.


At some point Amazon at least becomes interesting. I believe it's entirely overpriced, but it's hard to disparage the company itself. Few companies, maybe only Apple, have the kind of consumer loyalty that Amazon seems to command. Without a dividend I'll probably only get in to it if the next few quarters really punish the stock, but it's certainly on my watchlist.


Anno said:
At some point Amazon at least becomes interesting. I believe it's entirely overpriced, but it's hard to disparage the company itself. Few companies, maybe only Apple, have the kind of consumer loyalty that Amazon seems to command. Without a dividend I'll probably only get in to it if the next few quarters really punish the stock, but it's certainly on my watchlist.

Yea, likewise. If the market crash/steep decline does actually happen (and I think it will) Ill likely put some money into AMZN since I think their future prospects are really good.


Gas Guzzler
Anyone looking at NFLX should be careful it isn't a value trap.

I remember people feeling that RIM was way oversold at 60 bucks...and look how that turned out.


Neo Member
Fatghost said:
Anyone looking at NFLX should be careful it isn't a value trap.

I remember people feeling that RIM was way oversold at 60 bucks...and look how that turned out.

I agree, and was surprised to see headlines from some people deciding to jump into the stock today. I do not trust the business model to grow going forward given how much pressure they are facing from the other content providers. Eventually Netflix is going to be marginalized by the networks and not offer enough exclusive content to justify its subscription cost.


Any company based on tech is a risk. Apple is a rare stock among tech stocks that offers less risk.

Netflix is not a content provider, so they can be choked easily, and the brand name means nothing since this kind of service is still recent, people don't feel attachment to the brands. This is something common in the tech sector, and Netflix falls close to that.

They could end up being bought out in the end, but I don't see it happening unless there is more consolidation in the entertainment sector first, like Warner and Disney, or Sony getting liquidated, etc. I doubt big companies like those would license their content on a big competitor's service.

Apple is the only company that can start a service right now, and force content providers to participate, because its brand name is so strong. They did it to the music industry, they'll do it with the movie/TV industry. They'll start with smaller studios, they'll open things up to independents, and the fees will be low. Same thing they did with music. Then it gains in popularity thanks to brand, price, and content, and then the big players will bend over and participate.

A big thing would be to provide a lot of international content. Mexican/French/Japanese/British TV shows, movies, etc. Go where the other big companies aren't looking, take a footing on the international scale, and provide that content world-wide.


Rubenov said:
I am long Netflix, bought around $119 a share :(

So you guys suggesting it can bounce back? All the talk at finance sites are making it sound like Netflix is done (Bankrupt in a year). Got to decide whether to cut my losses or wait it out. Thoughts?

Even if they do go bankrupt, I can't imagine the stock not not coming back to that level again before then. I'd hang in there but it depends on the amount of shares obviously. Hopefully it's a taxable account and you can write off the loss if it does blow up in your face


Eljay said:
I agree, and was surprised to see headlines from some people deciding to jump into the stock today. I do not trust the business model to grow going forward given how much pressure they are facing from the other content providers. Eventually Netflix is going to be marginalized by the networks and not offer enough exclusive content to justify its subscription cost.

Yeah I only took a small position on $77, I'm not gonna write off the company yet because they are still the market leader in streaming video service.

This is a company that started out renting DVD's and evolved to jump on a new trend before it really took off, I like to think they can hold their ground at least for a bit (so I can maybe make a relatively quick 50%).

I do realize they are facing "potential" pressure but this is a relatively new market and one that has very little past business data to go on. Being that Google and Amazon are jumping in doesn't mean they will have instant success and I keep hearing about their services and getting excited but for the current year forward I see no content or not enough of it yet. As a potential customer I would flock to Netflix for now.

All I know is that with all this cloud computing and streaming craze, I should start looking into hard drive stocks.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
caliblue15 said:
It's dropped 66%... I think the bubble is done bursting.

It's going to keep going down. Netflix days are numbered. Like I always said, it owns no content, no pipes, nothing. Netflix has a userbase that moves with the tide. As it loses more and more content, it will continue to lose customers and the stock will continue to plummet.


otake said:
It's going to keep going down. Netflix days are numbered. Like I always said, it owns no content, no pipes, nothing. Netflix has a userbase that moves with the tide. As it loses more and more content, it will continue to lose customers and the stock will continue to plummet.

The thing is no one owns the content.. You would have to have a separate service for each channel, network, movie company, etc. I think companies will compromise with Netflix and they will regain.


jamesinclair said:
My predictions of an October bloodbath have been wrong.

If Friday October 28 isnt a -500 DOW day, I dont know what to do.

I remember when you said that, and I was 100% buying into it.

If it's not in October, it'll probably hit in November or by the end of the year at the very latest. I imagine the government will continue to fiddlefart around and never create a solution to address the U.S. deficit, which will probably lead to our debt getting downgraded again at some point. On top of that, there are also the EU issues that will eventually spiral out of control.

The bloodbath will come. You'll just have to be a little more patient waiting for it.


jamesinclair said:
My predictions of an October bloodbath have been wrong.

If Friday October 28 isnt a -500 DOW day, I dont know what to do.

Are you short on something? I am losing 13% on my TVIX "short" position :p Luckily I'm net long so profits keep coming.


caliblue15 said:
The thing is no one owns the content.. You would have to have a separate service for each channel, network, movie company, etc. I think companies will compromise with Netflix and they will regain.

Actually around ten companies own pretty much all the content you ever watch. There really aren't that many players, and there will be more mergers and buyouts, like Disney bought Marvel.


Credo said:
I remember when you said that, and I was 100% buying into it.

If it's not in October, it'll probably hit in November or by the end of the year at the very latest. I imagine the government will continue to fiddlefart around and never create a solution to address the U.S. deficit, which will probably lead to our debt getting downgraded again at some point. On top of that, there are also the EU issues that will eventually spiral out of control.

The bloodbath will come. You'll just have to be a little more patient waiting for it.

I dont think our debt will be the reason for a downgrade or stocks plummeting. What will drop stocks like a rock is the EU crisis and shit demand in the EU and America. When will it happen? My guess is sometime in the next few months


Ether_Snake said:
Actually around ten companies own pretty much all the content you ever watch. There really aren't that many players, and there will be more mergers and buyouts, like Disney bought Marvel.

That's what i meant.. do people want 10 diff streaming services.... no.. they want it all in one.
Credo said:
I remember when you said that, and I was 100% buying into it.

If it's not in October, it'll probably hit in November or by the end of the year at the very latest. I imagine the government will continue to fiddlefart around and never create a solution to address the U.S. deficit, which will probably lead to our debt getting downgraded again at some point. On top of that, there are also the EU issues that will eventually spiral out of control.

The bloodbath will come. You'll just have to be a little more patient waiting for it.

Right, everything is still broken. The indicators are still bad. Europe isnt fixing itself. Debt is still an issue. Politics in america are still broken.

Whats keeping the stock market up?

The stock market LOVES plunging in october. Is it sleeping?

Rubenov said:
Are you short on something? I am losing 13% on my TVIX "short" position :p Luckily I'm net long so profits keep coming.

I dont short. Im waiting to buy again. I bought October 2008 and it worked out real well. Its time to buy at the bottom again.


jamesinclair said:
Right, everything is still broken. The indicators are still bad. Europe isnt fixing itself. Debt is still an issue. Politics in america are still broken.

Whats keeping the stock market up?

The stock market LOVES plunging in october. Is it sleeping?

I dont understand it either. Even if this massive recapitalization succeeds, demand is absolutely going to fucking tank in the EU since this recapitalization will be funded by tax payers dollars which will then spark austerity measures/tax increases that will contract the economy and shrink consumer spending.

The US stock market is riding high on somewhat higher earnings growth and slightly better consumer spending. Well, I don't think that consumer spending is going to last due to the job market not looking any better and wages still stagnating and I don't think earnings is a good measure of the economy when demand is in the shitter and the jobs just arent there


jamesinclair said:
I dont short. Im waiting to buy again. I bought October 2008 and it worked out real well. Its time to buy at the bottom again.

I was a fool to ignore the market in 2008, was still in university and going through a quarter life crisis of sorts.

You could have thrown money almost anywhere and doubled your money within a year. Regret not jumping on BAC when it tanked to $2 range.


jamesinclair said:
Right, everything is still broken. The indicators are still bad. Europe isnt fixing itself. Debt is still an issue. Politics in america are still broken.

Whats keeping the stock market up?

The stock market LOVES plunging in october. Is it sleeping?

I dont short. Im waiting to buy again. I bought October 2008 and it worked out real well. Its time to buy at the bottom again.

Maybe because as bad the some people and the doom-sayers make it out to be, through earnings companies have shown they can still grow? I mean for the most part Europe has been priced into stock for a while now. Me personally? I say let Greece collapse and kick'em out of the Euro group :p Maybe I'm just a more bullish person, but I see any pullback as a chance to pick up quality companies cheaper and just keep collecting dividends on the stocks I have. I personally think that a lot of investors who were too worried or scared to invest now or within the next 6-8 months are going to really regret it 2-3 years down the road.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
MWS Natural said:
Have been thinking of rolling the 401k from my previous job into a Roth IRA. Good decision or should I let it sit there?

Depends. If your 401k funds are heavy in fees, then absolutely roll over into some low cost index funds. Nobody beats the market consistently and still works as a fund manager for 30+ years. Managers are just middle men.
Quick question...

What online trader is considered the 'best'? I've been eyeballing a few stocks for a while now and I'm looking to get active soon. Right now, i am leaning towards etrade. Anyone got any personal experience to share?


mastershake said:
Quick question...

What online trader is considered the 'best'? I've been eyeballing a few stocks for a while now and I'm looking to get active soon. Right now, i am leaning towards etrade. Anyone got any personal experience to share?

trade king is pretty sweet. 4.95 a trade, no hidden fees and excellent customer service. Hell, I can refer you and we will both get 50 bucks out of the deal if you are interested

teh_pwn said:
Depends. If your 401k funds are heavy in fees, then absolutely roll over into some low cost index funds. Nobody beats the market consistently and still works as a fund manager for 30+ years. Managers are just middle men.

yup, 70% in total united state stocks and 30% in total international stock index and you can pretty much leave it alone (well, got to readjust those percentages periodically). High expense ratios will just rape your money over the long run and those high expense ratio mutual funds rarely do better than the stock market anyway


I'm happy with E-trade but mostly because I use it as a bank as well. If you don't need that kind of service you might look into something with slightly lower fees if you intend on trading a lot. I also like E-trade's mobile stuff.


mastershake said:
Quick question...

What online trader is considered the 'best'? I've been eyeballing a few stocks for a while now and I'm looking to get active soon. Right now, i am leaning towards etrade. Anyone got any personal experience to share?

Stay away from etrade, its most basic service catered toward the masses is slow to update stock prices, its ridiculous that I have to keep google finance open on the other half of the screen for up to the second pricing. Unless you go for their premium service which you only qualify to get for free if you make alot of trades per month, otherwise you have to pay for it.

I was using TDAmeritrade for a bit managing my mother's stock portfolio and while its not flashy it updates prices quickly.
Gonaria said:
trade king is pretty sweet. 4.95 a trade, no hidden fees and excellent customer service. Hell, I can refer you and we will both get 50 bucks out of the deal if you are interested

I will certainly check it out. Thanks for the heads up...

Anno said:
I'm happy with E-trade but mostly because I use it as a bank as well. If you don't need that kind of service you might look into something with slightly lower fees if you intend on trading a lot. I also like E-trade's mobile stuff.

I don't plan on trading that much at first. In the future i might trade more often or explore other areas of the market. E-trade seems the best place for this being as you can do pretty much everything in one place. I rather pay a bit more for the freedom instead of signing up with a cheaper service and having to switch in the future cause they are more restrictive.
Zyzyxxz said:
Stay away from etrade, its most basic service catered toward the masses is slow to update stock prices, its ridiculous that I have to keep google finance open on the other half of the screen for up to the second pricing. Unless you go for their premium service which you only qualify to get for free if you make alot of trades per month, otherwise you have to pay for it.

I was using TDAmeritrade for a bit managing my mother's stock portfolio and while its not flashy it updates prices quickly.

I plan on holding stuff long term so do i really need up to the second stock prices? I see your point though. If i traded a lot or was only holding stuff for a little bit, that would probably be rather annoying.


Zyzyxxz said:
Stay away from etrade, its most basic service catered toward the masses is slow to update stock prices, its ridiculous that I have to keep google finance open on the other half of the screen for up to the second pricing. Unless you go for their premium service which you only qualify to get for free if you make alot of trades per month, otherwise you have to pay for it.

I was using TDAmeritrade for a bit managing my mother's stock portfolio and while its not flashy it updates prices quickly.

Eh, I guess that depends on your trading style. I place so few orders that, when I do, I don't mind getting streaming quotes from somewhere else and it's always a limit order anyway. I understand your point for sure but I wouldn't urge people to trade so actively that they need top-level streaming quotes. If that's your route then you probably already know you need something heavier.


mastershake said:
I will certainly check it out. Thanks for the heads up...

I don't plan on trading that much at first. In the future i might trade more often or explore other areas of the market. E-trade seems the best place for this being as you can do pretty much everything in one place. I rather pay a bit more for the freedom instead of signing up with a cheaper service and having to switch in the future cause they are more restrictive.

Just to pimp trade king some more, you defintiely arent restricted. Zero minimums, no fees on anything, no trade restrictions, no nothing and can trade stocks, mutual funds, etfs, shorts, options, etc, basically everyhing. You can deposit money from your bank and into your account and leave it there for however long you want with no fees or penalties so that when you see a good stock deal you can get it

mastershake said:
I plan on holding stuff long term so do i really need up to the second stock prices? I see your point though. If i traded a lot or was only holding stuff for a little bit, that would probably be rather annoying.

Depending how long term, youd probably just be better off going with Vanguard and dumping all of your money into their cheap index etfs. They are free with zero fees and ridiculously low expense ratios. And the best part about it is that you will never stress or worry about how your stock is doing because you just bought every single stock.

Lot safer too since you will be instantly awesomely diversified and you fair exactly as well as the market does. Over the long term, its pretty difficult to beat the average

And if its really long term, I would totally just open a Roth IRA instead. Oh, all of that stuff - roths, etc is also offered by trade king with zero fees


caliblue15 said:
That's what i meant.. do people want 10 diff streaming services.... no.. they want it all in one.

Yeah but if the big companies don't want to play, they got nothing to lose really.

I think it will be Apple that will force content providers to play nice in the end. They are the only ones who have the brand power to do it.

edit: almost back in the top 3 in the investopedia game!
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