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Study: Soda consumption fuels rise in Diabetes, Heart Disease.

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CharlieDigital said:
The carbonation and coloring really isn't good for your teeth.

True, but I was talking about the artificial sweeteners and their supposed link to various diseases. Guess I should have been more specific.


This year, I successfully cut out soda and salty snacks. (When I had a "lightly salted" Lays potato chip last week, it was INSANE on my buds)

Everything should be in moderation. Treat these treats as TREATS. Not food!

Yesterday for lunch, I had a few sips of Coke Zero with my meal. That's all I really wanted -- just a taste. Then I tossed the can in the trash. There's no need to finish everything you eat/drink.

The rest of my hydration comes from water or juice.
smurfx said:
i haven't drank soda in about a year and i feel great. never was much into bread or sweets so i hardly eat any sugar at all anymore. soda is where i got most of my sugar from before. i used to drink about 1 liter of soda a day.

I used to be in the same boat too, which probably led to my current unhealthy state. Though, turning 20 last year, I want to live my 20s more healthier and enjoy life with more energy, so I've finally stopped drinking soda altogether. I remember the days of just coming home to a cold cup of soda ... and then another cup thereafter, etc. My family has a history of high blood pressure and sugar problems, so I guess in the long run it was a good decision to stop drinking.


My wife and I started actively avoiding HFCS in mid-2009, forcing us to discontinue purchasing just an obscene amount of products. It's incredible how much of that shit the average American consumes. This has cut down our soda intake, as we only purchase soft drinks with natural cane sugar in them - which increases the cost of the soda and, thus, how much of it we can afford. I think we'll end up having about two bottles of soda a month now on average.

Alongside that change we bought a juicer and make our own juice. At any given time our fridge is filled half with fruits and half with vegetables.

This isn't bragging: It's just something we've realized recently and were surprised by how one decision has cascaded into a much healthier diet.


I used to drink lots of soda when I was younger. My sweet tooth has faded over time. I went through a period of being kind of poor so that definitely helped me shrug off all that sugary, fast food intake for more home cooked meals and water. I'm lucky I grew up on a Vietnamese diet since it's considered pretty healthy.

I still have my occasional soda but nowadays I can't even finish a large without feeling like shit. I'm still a sucker for ice cream though. I will devour that with the quickness if the opportunity presents itself.
My parents have been saying stuff like this my whole life. Of course with more soda being drank the more cases of diabetes there are. What do they think is a big factor?

i am happy that quit soda a while back; I used to drink that shit 3 - 4 times a day until my doc told me to quit coffee, soda and alcohol if I want my stomach to stop hurting so much
Sol.. said:
I don't even drink that, I go personal urine. it's the only way.

What the hell? Are you cra--


...Oh. -_-


This makes me laugh, do people really think soda consumption could possibly be good for you? Gave it up 5+ years ago and haven't looked back since. I also don't drink milk, it's not good for you either, you can take a calcium supplement and that will be just fine.


gutter_trash said:
i am happy that quit soda a while back; I used to drink that shit 3 - 4 times a day until my doc told me to quit coffee, soda and alcohol if I want my stomach to stop hurting so much

Wish my best friend would wise up. I would wager that half his blood is Dr. Pepper. What's all the more preposterous to me about how much of it he consumes is that I've personally never liked the taste of it. It's like drinking acid syrup.


unomas said:
This makes me laugh, do people really think soda consumption could possibly be good for you? Gave it up 5+ years ago and haven't looked back since. I also don't drink milk, it's not good for you either, you can take a calcium supplement and that will be just fine.
what is this


Well this should get a big "duh" from everyone, but if not.. go watch Food, Inc. Anyway, yeah soda is really bad for you and I limit my consumption to usually once a week.
I used to drink a lot of soda myself. I don't so much anymore, but I definitely have at least one every 2-3 days. Though I've noticed something in my lifetime, I'm not sure if regular people are like this, but many of my friends down a soda within 10 minutes time whereas it takes me a good hour to finish 12 ounces. To me, soda is like some sort of godly liquid that is meant to be slowly ingested and enjoyed (as it destroys my teeth in each slow, predictable sip!). My ideal amount of soda is an 8 ounce bottle of some description, preferably glass or aluminum as I find the taste to be better than plastic (unless it's Mountain Dew).

Talking about all the sugar in Coke - have you guys ever baked anything even remotely sweet??


Eteric Rice said:
I drink mostly water anyway. When I do drink a soda, it's diet.

But seriously, what the fuck do we eat now adays anyway. It's like no matter what you eat, it's terrible for you in some kind of way.

The fuck...
This is how i feel. I would love to eat healthy if i just knew what the fuck to eat! I mean, im at a healthy weight, and i dont overeat at all... but i know that my diet is horrible because i have no idea what i should be eating instead!

Well for now ill just cut back on soda and sugar in general.


eznark said:
How many times did you pompously push your glasses up and chuckle condescendingly at the plebes while you wrote this post?
Hahaha, yeah that made me out to be an elitist asshole :lol

I was not trying to condescend people, I'm just telling the truth. I personally don't like the taste of sugar. I love desserts and occasionaly drink a Coke when I order a burger, but those things happen once a month, or less.

As a child I had six (milk) teeth pulled in one dentist visit because I ate A LOT of candy and drank soda. I fucking loved sugar when I was five, that's maybe why I dislike the taste of it now or maybe I'm associating the taste with that dentist visit.

Also, drinking coffee, green tea and water makes you less hungry and lowers the craving for sugar/salt/fat. And giving up sugar can make you dislike the taste because you conditioned yourself.

(EDIT) Is there some scientific explanation to why people stop/lower their intake of milk when they get older? I love the taste but I don't crave it as much as I used too.

Hari Seldon

Broseybrose said:
This is how i feel. I would love to eat healthy if i just knew what the fuck to eat! I mean, im at a healthy weight, and i dont overeat at all... but i know that my diet is horrible because i have no idea what i should be eating instead!

Well for now ill just cut back on soda and sugar in general.

I'm just going to eat what I want until "they" invent a cure for eating badly. Eating healthy is disgusting.


Ezduo said:
Shit, juice isn't healthy? When did that happen?

Man, I wonder why I'm so skinny then. When I was a kid my Mom made me drink a glass of orange juice a day. It actually got to the point where my dentist told my Mom to stop serving me juice because the acid was eating away at my teeth and making them brittle, not because I was getting fat or anything.

I think there's a significant difference between drinking a glass of American Tropicana OJ from the fridge, and actually busting out some tangerines or oranges and peeling them and throwing them in a blender. Most juices you buy at the grocery store have hardly any of the actual original fruit in them.

If I eat fruits, I usually throw a bunch of them in a blender. Apparently it's better anyway because it breaks down its molecules to make them easier to use.

Even all of these studies together don’t prove that diet soda or non-nutritive sweeteners actually is the cause of all of these troubles. They report on an association or correlation.

They show that a lot of sugar is a cause of it.

Which soda happens to have a lot of.

I don't care.

Health nuts are more annoying than PETA-freaks.

I enjoy thinking about the possibility of out-living you.

In general, when I'm not with friends, I try to not eat anything that we as Americans didn't eat 100 years ago. That's sort of impossible with all the crap they inject into our foods nowadays, but I want to live to see past 40.

My parents didn't let me have any when I was too young to understand nutrition stuff... by the time I was old enough to know about such things I'd been sufficiently brainwashed to swear soda. It is sort of strange to not know what Coke or Pepsi taste like I guess.

Pretty much same. I was forbidden to have soda from my mom, though my dad let me have some "juice" sodas a lot as a kid. As I grew older, I was allowed to have coke maybe once a year or so, but even then, I swore off the entirety of soda as I just didn't think it was healthy. Now I'd say I haven't touched a soda in at least 2 years.

Works fine for me. In fact, soda is pretty much the only thing I drink.
About 192 ounces of soda and 16 ounces of water each week (and 0 ounces of anything else).

No, I'm not fat.

Soda having sodium doesn't make it dehydrate you. Soda is mostly water. It's a net gain. Soda hydrates you.

I'd be a pillar of salt to rival Lot by now if that weren't the case.

I always find it interesting when people use "I'm not fat" as a ruler to measure their health.


omg rite said:
You're never had a single sip of soda? How is that even possible?

My parents didn't let me have any when I was too young to understand nutrition stuff... by the time I was old enough to know about such things I'd been sufficiently brainwashed to swear soda. It is sort of strange to not know what Coke or Pepsi taste like I guess.


Aquavelvaman said:
I'm not speaking to health concerns, but rather about soda's function as a thirst quencher.

Works fine for me. In fact, soda is pretty much the only thing I drink.
About 192 ounces of soda and 16 ounces of water each week (and 0 ounces of anything else).

No, I'm not fat.

Soda having sodium doesn't make it dehydrate you. Soda is mostly water. It's a net gain. Soda hydrates you.

I'd be a pillar of salt to rival Lot by now if that weren't the case.

Dogenzaka said:
I always find it interesting when people use "I'm not fat" as a ruler to measure their health.
Oh, I'm not claiming to be healthy, just staving off the inevitable accusations of being a fatty.

SnakeXs said:
Sea water is mostly water.
And it's beyond the threshold past which our bodies can't filter out the salts.
Soda is well below that threshold.


Rocksteady33 said:
Type 2 diabetes, mother fuckers. Don't mix us type 1's into this mix.
My daughter was diagonesed with type1 2 years ago ( a month befor eher 3rd bday)
and it is always real fun dealing with people that think we cuased her diabeters due to diet,. :( but that is all people hear these days .. you have diabetes because of your eating habbits.. .

that said, if you have everything in moderation and this includes portion control , then you will do fine.


Dogenzaka said:
I hate the taste of every single vegetable I have ever tried; they taste like garbage to me.

So I try to mix them in smoothies ^_^ especially carrots.

You dont like fries?
Dogenzaka said:
I always find it interesting when people use "I'm not fat" as a ruler to measure their health.

Funny you bring this up. I had been under quite a pretense for years that due to my physical shape (rather slender) I was no doubt in good shape. That surely the plethora of things I ate without regard could not touch my infinite and shining godhood. I was wrong, though. Very wrong.

At any rate, I discovered one day that despite being slender I was in very poor shape (not necessarily health, but I'm sure that's quick to follow). It's not easy deciding to get into shape, after all, you trend towards what you do - which was about nothing.

I'm not the sort to give up the things I love - like soda, video games, drugs, reading, etc, insert your favorite activity here. It's just that many (read: all) of my favored activities are sedentary and therefore further contribute to my problem. The only solution is to inject a solution - exercise, water and the like - into my daily routine. Now I try to exercise almost an hour -at least- three times a week - that's my bare minimum. My goal is an hour every day, but I realize I may not always be able or willing to reach that goal. I have shifted to water as my primary source of hydration.

Eating is another matter entirely. I have no idea what to eat. I used to eat out what I would consider "often" (that's to say a few times a week), but I have cut that down to maybe once a month when it is unavoidable (Ie, I was late, couldn't prepare food and starving, etc etc). The thing is, though I eat at home a lot now, I'm not so sure that what I'm eating is any better per se. It's a really big work in progress.

I know one aspect of my love for sodium, sugar, and the like comes from the fact that I essentially grew up in a small town gas station. My parents owned one for the first twenty years of my life and a Coca Cola (among a million other types of beverages) was secondary nature. We traded in the stuff, after all! I remember having such a fascination with salt, my sister and I would occasionally lick the salt blocks we also sold for livestock. But we also took naps on giant rows of corn and dog food as well. Strange.

In fact, I have a completely dangerous love affair with sodium.


But damn it... Carl's Jr. just released this


dammit, i told myself i wouldnt eat fast food as much this week..

are there any negatives to drinking milk? i go between that and soda as my primary drinks, hate water.


Futureman said:
Wow. That's crazy. I was wondering if the sugar I put in my coffee was a problem, but I use probably like 1/6 of a shot glass in my morning coffee.

I pretty much only drink pop when I eat out, and I'm poor, so I don't eat out often!
This is why the food lobbies - especially sugar/corn syrup groups - do not want there to be a daily recommended dose of sugar on packages. We have daily recommended intakes of total calories, fat, saturated fat, sodium, vitamins and minerals - but not for sugar. One bottle of soda would blow through what nutritionists recommend for the entire day.

I'm hopeful the FDA will push to include the label in a few years, when they update requirements for food labeling; the effort was defeated in the last round because the administration pushed against it.
Ashhong said:
dammit, i told myself i wouldnt eat fast food as much this week..

are there any negatives to drinking milk? i go between that and soda as my primary drinks, hate water.

Bill Maher thinks milk is poison. But he's a nutty ideologue.
Ashhong said:
sweet. i can pretty much drink that nonstop. guess ill cut back a little on soda and have even more milk

Well, I don't know that it should be a primary source of hydration. I don't much like water either, but I drink it now. Hell, I'm drinking some right now. I don't get pleasure or any positive feelings when I drink it like I would a Coke or milk, but I know it's at least not bad for me in any way.

Perhaps you should try slowly branching out to less flavorful drinks as well as tea and whatnot? Eventually you may become attuned to having less "awesome" in your drinks and can stand the taste of water.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
TheLastCandle said:
Bill Maher thinks milk is poison. But he's a nutty ideologue.

His views on food in general are, while mostly logical and well intended, sometimes pretty extreme.
SnakeXs said:
His views on food in general are, while mostly logical and well intended, sometimes pretty extreme.

I don't doubt he means well, but some of the stuff he spews about food and vaccination are just factually untrue. I could rant all day, but it just puts me in a pissed off mood for the rest of the day. I tend to agree with him more often than not politically, however.


I stopped drinking soda after watching that Boondocks episode where Huey is talking to Jazmine and calls Snapple "The white man's poison" and says "High fructose corn syrup. Read about it. It'll kill you." So I read about it and realized it could kill me.

The Boondocks has taught me so much.
Mudkips said:
Soda having sodium doesn't make it dehydrate you. Soda is mostly water. It's a net gain. Soda hydrates you.

Bingo. Soda is highly hypoosmotic compared to blood. You will have net water gain (and will have to secrete water to maintain your blood osmolarity). It just so happens that caffeine blocks ADH increasing water diuresis.
I'm going to make a new statement for people to disagree with me on: sodas with pure cane sugar are usually just as bad as HFCS ones. The main reason HFCS is considered worse is because it's amazingly cheap and therefor much more common and used in higher quantities. Cane sugar is pretty terrible for you in most of the same ways.
I have my questions about that video that everybody keeps quoting (Sugar: The Bitter Truth).

I get a whiff of hyperbole & not-properly-done research whenever I watch (parts of) it.
Also people talking about net water gain are still missing my point: sodium makes you thirsty, period. Sodas are designed to keep you thirsty without satisfying you. I know you can survive on very little water but being hydrated enough to be active requires a ton of water, I have a tough time drinking enough pure water in a day to be properly hydrated. Getting small net gains from a soda all the time would make it impossible.


perryfarrell said:
I have my questions about that video that everybody keeps quoting (Sugar: The Bitter Truth).

I get a whiff of hyperbole & not-properly-done research whenever I watch (parts of) it.

If you watch the entire thing, he properly backs up his claims.
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