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Suicide Squad - Cast Photo (In Costume)

For the people not digging Joker's visual we have to notice that those scenes are probably a flashback. Nowadays Joker could be different.
For the people not digging Joker's visual we have to notice that those scenes are probably a flashback. Nowadays Joker could be different.

He's probably still got the tats, though. That's... sort of how they work.

I mean, unless they go full Death of the Family on us o.0
Yeah, that's for sure. I was talking about the rest.. makeup, clothes, hair... even the personality could be different depending of what happened to him throughout the years.

Well, I don't think the clothes or the hair/makeup (hoping it's not makeup, that he's actually Technicolor) are what people have a problem with, it's mostly just the forehead tattoo :p






Deadsmith isn't doing it for me visually. However, I'm more worried we're getting his generic hero persona if only because that's what general audiences expect from him in a late summer blockbuster.

Also, when did this thread get exiled?


Yeah, the tattoos are a bit much, but I quite like what I'm seeing. Also, I'm pretty confident that Leto will deliver.

Funky Papa

I am legit unbothered by nu-Joker.

Sure, the grills and the tats are a bit too much, but the Joker is a goddamned show-off, on top of a true hipster. And it looks like Leto is going to kill this.

Works for me.


Something I wrote on IMDB, bust wanted share: Let's bring to light a major factor that people keep overlooking: production schedules.

The worst films, no doubt, have had a flurry of bad luck and very little time. Some examples:

John Carter - a beloved story and Disney dropped the ball, BIG TIME. First time (live-action) director, months and months of re-shoots. At the time, Disney had a shake up of chairmen who had television background instead of feature films. The film was doomed from the beginning. It also didn't help that the story was antiquated, with a plain protagonist (with a plain name).

Prince of Persia - large fanbase for the game, and well... Disney dropped the ball again! They began shooting with an incomplete script (with four writers - terrible sign).

Wolfman - the director signed on 3 weeks before they began production, and they added an additional 17 pages in the middle of shooting (including an entirely new ending).

Spider-Man 3 - The director and one of the writers have openly said that studio interference brought Venom and Gwen Stacy late into the mix, complicating their schedule. The cinematographer explained his disdain when they kept changing the script and animatics, sometimes an hour before the cameras rolled.

All of these films have something in common; rushed productions and studio interference. Now, I'm not saying that upcoming films in the pipeline are being rushed; but taking a look at the production timeline for some new releases gives us a hint at the faith (and the money dropped) that the studios have committed.

Deadpool - Shoot date March 23, 2015. Release Date February 12, 2016.
Captain America: Civil War - Shoot date April 27 2015. Release Date May 6, 2016.
Xmen: Apocalypse - Shoot date April 27 2015. Release Date May 27, 2016.

As some people know, post-production doesn't necessarily begin once principle photography is complete. It starts once the dailies and the plates start flowing in for the editors and VFX artists. Making some minor assumptions, their post schedule looks like this: 11 months, 13 months, and 13 months respectively. Suicide Squad also has the benefit of having their editing team on-location (exclusive tidbit).

Suicide Squad - Shoot date April 13, 2015. Release Date August 5, 2016. A total of 16 months of post-production.
Batman v Superman - Shoot Date May 19, 2014. Release date March 25, 2016. A total of 22 months of post.

Let's compare with one of the biggest films of the year: Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Shoot date February 11, 2014. Release date May 1, 2015. A total of nearly 15 months.

And how about something bigger? Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Shoot date (unspecified) May 2014. For a December 18, 2015 release. A tally of 19 months in post.

Remember that every one of these films have had at least a year of prep - I know Suicide Squad has been doing pre-viz since summer last year (way before WB officially announced David Ayer was attached). All these films have had dedicated writers and filmmakers who have been part of the process since the beginning. Bear in mind that post does not literally run until the premiere date, so we can safely remove about 2 months off the post, but for sake of clarity, I've counted between the surefire dates that the public knows about.

This is a lot of time to finesse the CGI sequences, to colour correct, to compose the score, and to shoot some pickups. 2016 is going to be an amazing year for film fans :)

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member

Mask is so darn good but not feeling the costume, however the ribbon thing is sweet and should be incorporated into other Katana costumes.

I wonder if there's a single character in this movie that doesn't have at least of line of text on their costume :D

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status


Between the trypophobia-inducing guys, the rubble, the effects on pavement, the body count, the downed aerial vehicles and the stuff that seemed to down them, and that new vehicle shot... this movie looks like it is going to be balls-to-the-walls comic-booky.

Which is exciting but terrifying too because that's new territory for Ayer. With Fury, though, he's proven he can communicate counter-intuitive action well, so I hope this movie works.

It seems after this film, you can literally do anything in the DCCU without someone blinking and saying it doesn't fit the world.
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