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Summer 2012 Anime |OT| Goddesses, canines, and killer MMOs!

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Subete no aware
Polar Bear Cafe 15


Mr. Penguin's one sided crush on Ms. Penko went in a direction I totally didn't expect or see coming AT ALL. Jesus christ this fucking show. 10/10
I was wondering if you got to that #gamechanger. So awesome!

As an aside, Sasako's outfits are always so fabulous. The character designs are just pleasant in this and the clothes people wear actually look like real clothes that you would see in the street.


GTO 2012 2

More one liners.

Solar eclipse fist bump!

So, I guess this is new territory for me... but was the anime/manga just a long series of blackmailing arcs? I only really remember the first one.


sealed with a kiss
Binbougami 2

The post ED sequences were the funniest parts in the show. So far it's relied a bit too much on deadpan humor, and it just hasn't been funny enough to really carry the show.


Subete no aware
Saki 19

ooh that was a great end. And naturally more yuri from everyone! Shame probably nothing gonna happen in the next few eps. These tourneys last forever for a show that's only 20ish eps.
Just wait until you get to Saki A. :p

I don't think the ending is
as happy as it seems, Yuuko can't pass on, age, leave the school or have an actual normal relationship with Teiichi.
Which is why Natsu no Arashi is better!

I'm sorry, but wasn't Saki about Mahjong?
It is, they're just selectively image-capping. :p


So, I guess this is new territory for me... but was the anime/manga just a long series of blackmailing arcs? I only really remember the first one.

Well there's a lot of trouble in GTO. Blackmailing was the beginning.

Never read the manga, good excuse to do it anyway.

Do you recommend the 2012 version?


The Light of El Cantare
New anime project for Zettai Karen Children is on the way. What kind of anime and when it will happen are still unknown.


Just please be an actual series, not an OVA.


Subete no aware
Well there's a lot of trouble in GTO. Blackmailing was the beginning.

Never read the manga, good excuse to do it anyway.

Do you recommend the 2012 version?
I'm enjoying it so far, but based on the preview for next week,
there will be at least three blackmailing episodes
and since the series is only 11 episodes long, I don't know what they're planning to do with it.

I only got to the point where GTO leaves the first school and "graduates" in the anime (pretty much the first arc), so the show seems to be diverging from what I remember of it anyway.

But, hey, it's definitely fun. I'm just hoping they move on to different stories after the next episode.

Pretty much. It's not easy being a 22-year-old virgin.
So many compromising positions. :p
Saki - 01


Oh yeah. Definitely going to continue watching this.
Definitely a good scene there... Saki needs to learn how to try. :)

Saki - 03

Glad Saki is finally going to kick things into gear and play for keeps.

Looking forward to what happens next.
Serious Saki is something to be feared.

Saki - 04

Haramura and Saki
got their asses handed to them by that pro-player. Hopefully they can power up before the qualifiers.
Fortunately, in this series powerups can happen quite quickly...

Saki - 05

This fan-service episode did exactly that. The screen I wanted to post would probably have gotten me banned.

I'm sorry for ever doubting you firehawk!
Why did you ever doubt us in the first place? Because it's mahjong? But it's not just mahjong, of course.

I guess some people probably dislike it because Gonzo made it (well, part of it; they collapsed partway through, so another studio made by some ex-Gonzo people finished the season), but I don't know if you dislike Gonzo or not.

Saki - 02

This show is great. I'm kicking myself for not watching it sooner.
You should be! :)

And holy shit at that shower scene.
They certainly upped the fanservice in the bath and shower scenes for the DVD/BD releases, yes.

Saki - 06

Fun episode. Kinda disappointed that their opponents so far have been so weak. Hopefully in the next episode Nodoka and Saki have somewhat of a rough time winning their matches.
Don't worry, they will face strong competition.

Saki - 07

I knew there was something going on with her right eye!
Well, yeah. Why else would she be hiding that eye? :)

And Saki and the gang continue to dominate their pools. Daaaaamn.
Saki is ridiculously amazing (like, broken unfair), and Nodoka's a defending champion...

Saki - 08



This show just keeps giving and giving.
That it does, across the board. The Saki franchise is great. :) (And yes, the hand-holding promise was also great.)

Episode pretty much sets everything up for the following one as the finals are about to begin.

Let's go!
Finals are fun!

Saki - 09

The team captain from Kazekoshi Girls Academy is a beast!

This is what I was hoping for. Because those early pool matches were incredibly one-sided.
Yeah, Captain is really, really good at mahjong, in addition to being many of the characters' favorite waifu.

I see! So that's who firehawk was referring to! I guess I haven't gotten to the scene yet which made her so popular for shipping?
You have now, pretty much. Beyond the bits in the actual show, most of hte rest of it's a fan thing...
That is, it's fairly clear that Captain has some feelings for Hisa, but there's no suggestion in the actual series that Hisa returns her favors, I wouldn't say. They're also quite rarely in the same room together. Not that either of those bother the BuCap fans much (Buchou/Captain).

Sleeping together

Oh, so it looks like
the captain and Hisa have a past. I hope they go further into it in the next couple episodes.
I basically addressed this above.


Saki - 11

Taking her team from
last place all the way to first! Hisa is doing work!
Yup. She can be pretty good at mahjong too for sure.

Saki - 12

Yuri.... Yuri Everywhere. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as there's honestly only one male character that gets any screen time.
They could just scratch him out for all I care.

Props to
Hisa holding it down and taking the win for her round.
Touka, can't you decide between Nodoka and your servants? No?

Also, don't say that about Kyoutarou...
without him around, who'd go to the store to get them food? Also, his heterosexual delusions are quite harmless. Hah, he even thinks Nodoka might be straight... :lol No, she isn't. She's one of the most yuri characters in the show, right up there with Momo and Yumi.

What, trying to finish the whole series in two days? Then watch all 13 eps of Achiga-hen on day three, or something?

As for the episode, silly Touka...
Can't you remember that the villain always loses? But you didn't even manage to do that well, Nodoka/Nodocci never even really figured out that you consider yourself her rival, much less anything like in your delusions there... so yeah, poor Touka. All she wants is for Nodoka to notice her...

But on the other hand, she's got plenty of ... bonds ... with her underlings and is ridiculously wealthy, so there's not too much to actually be sorry for her about, except for her attempts to attract Nodoka's attention. :) (Oh, and those bits where she
tries to be "in disguise" while watching Nodoka's other matches... :lol :lol)
I'm sorry, but wasn't Saki about Mahjong?
It absolutely is, but it's not only about mahjong. SDBurton just didn't post any screenshots of the mahjong games; there are a lot of them, with lots of fun, flashy over-the-top moves. But yes, it's also about relationships, the characters, yuri/pseudo-yuri, etc.

No it was not. Saki is about tacos.
That too.

Only three? I thought it would require another series the way the pacing was going.
As I was saying not long ago with firehawk12, originally it was going to end with ep. 12 there. The anime caught up to the Achiga-hen manga at about the end of ep. 11, so it makes sense that it was supposed to end after Teru... but they decided to add some episodes to cover the rest of the matches, because they wanted to (and probably because it'd done well enough to earn them, too). I don't know when they will air, but that's why it'll be just three. That final round was so long because of Teru. She always has been the big bogeyman looming in the background of the original series, but Achiga-hen is the first time we actually get to see her in action... it make sense that her match would get such a major focus.

A Nova fan at last. Luca tends to be pretty hilarious and Nova singing was great.
Yeah, Nova singing was good stuff, and I thought it was pretty funny that Luca (that is the comic relief guy, right?) got stuck in that tree, even though the cat didn't... :)

Milky Holmes 07

Another show, another hidden treasure turns out to be AKG 49 merchandise.

Extremely fun episode. Going to a trapped filled mansion was extremely fun. Cordelia and her cave madness was fun too.
Most episodes of the franchise are pretty fun in one way or another, for sure. It's too bad there probably won't be a third season... :(
Binbougami ga! 2

This episode was rather boring. I do think I'll rescind my statement about Sakura last week, as this week seemed to at least show she isnt that perfect of such, which is actually good... Unfortunately shes still rather boring character, and Binbou at the very least is > Sakura, though both arent actually good. Baseball, apart from the uniforms and the choice parts they focused on, was actually the best part. Loved that devastating blast.

I wish they did something other than a DBZ ref, one in both of two episodes is a bit much. Guess I'll keep watching and hope for the other characters on the poster appear soon.


Natsuyuki Rendezvous - 02

I laughed, then I got the feels. Shimao's isolation is distinct and real, even if the method with which we are shown it feels somewhat thread-bare. Wonderful show.



Gunslinger Girl 3

This episode focuses on a different cyborg assassin, Rico. Her sad story is perhaps all the more sad due to the fact that she
cannot even realize it herself
. This dissonance is the primary theme of the episode and it of course culminates in a powerful and disturbing ending.



Stockholm Syndrome: it's not just for criminals any more.

Also in this episode, we also learn just how terrible and corrupt the Social Welfare Agency is, as
their target this time is not any kind of terrorist organization, but the political rival of one of their supporters
. Although the protagonists of our story seem mostly likable on a personal level, their complicity in the evils schemed by their rulers seems difficult to reconcile. This theme is most obvious and stark in the girls themselves, but it's actually just as present in the handlers and every other agent of the SWA. I suppose the series is actually rather depressing if you take its argument to be that any individual human will is powerless against the larger forces of the world as a whole.

The series continues to be nicely directed with a heavy focus on visual(and audio) storytelling and some wonderfully composed and lit shots:

New anime project for Zettai Karen Children is on the way. What kind of anime and when it will happen are still unknown.

I see time skip designs! That means it won't be reboot!

Edit: also, if this is fall, then holy shit at more shounen. If not, that's still like 8 adaptations of long running shounen that we know about. Don't think that's happened since the 90s or something.
Sengoku Collection 15

Shower scenes, this, and just really boring moments, I didnt like the episode that much, and actually thought it was boring.

Its a problem when the fireworks were the best part of the episode. It felt like some type of consolation prize for making it through 14 episodes of this.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Fullmetal Alchemist Bro] - 28
Oh, I suppose it had been far too long since we had an inappropriate comedy section -


Thanks for that.
You say this as if this were the first shounen you had ever watched.
It's go time.

Turn A Gundam vs. VF-1
Gurren Lagann vs. VF-25 Messiah
Zaku II vs. Gunbuster
Evangelion Unit 01 vs. YF/VF-19
Just give the trophy to Gurren Lagann already.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
So is Saki actually good like Chihayafuru or does it rely on the stuff posted above to keep viewers?


Subete no aware
Yeah, it's shopped.
That makes sense. lol

Natsuyuki Rendezvous

So much feels indeed. For what I assume will be the only anime about adults this year (unless you count Polar Bears and Penguins), I hope this pans out well. Looks hopeful anyway.


Hey, the show saved me looking this up on Wikipedia. Educational!
Horizon II ep 1 (rewatch)

Slicing Dragonfly is up there with Kyouka Suigetsu, Hyorinmaru, and Sode no Shirayuki as anime weapons Id love to have a replica of. The attack it does and its look is just so gorgeous and stunning. Even its slice is just powerful, epic, and beautiful. Hopefully we do see more of its beauty this season.

I think I like the OP more than Terminated.
Saki - 14

Stealth Momo is awesome! That is all.
Yes, yes she is. Tsuruga's definitely one of the better surprises from the second half of the season. :)

kuroko's Mahjong 14

Wow that was a surprise twist. Shadow momo does make this game a lot less straight forward.
Fortunately, Nodoka has the skills to fight back...
But yeah, Yumi/Momo, great couple.

Will this be the same story beat for every player in the show though? Must everyone wanna yuri with their captain?

I'm not complaining. :)
Nope. Unless this is a joke about how everyone always forgets that Kanbara (aka Wahaha)'s actually Tsuruga's captain, and not Yumi? Or did you really forget too...

On that note, Kanbara's pretty funny. :)

Saki 15

Yuri highfive!

Yuri hug!
Who're the most yuri couple, Yumi/Momo, or Saki/Nodoka? It's close... but I think Yumi/Momo might even outdo the leads.

oh shit. love the random battle scenes sliced in. Shit is getting real. I guess at this pace not much is gonna happen after this tourney in this show eh?
Yes, the first season covers the regional tournament. Saki varies between a slow pace, and a fast one. When it's fast (first 3 eps of Achiga) it skips over huge amounts of time, but when it's slow... well... as I said recently to firehawk:

... On the note of long matches, if you want to know what's happening in the main Saki manga, the very, very long quarterfinal match just ended... yes, really. To understand why this is such a big deal, the first round of Kiyosumi B-side quarterfinal started in chapter 69, and the match just ended in chapter 99. Yes, it took up almost a third of the entire series, in terms of number of chapters. For a long time I thought it would never end, but it just did. If you want to spoil yourself, find my post about it in the manga thread. Otherwise, don't read it. But yes, the ending was a bit surprising.

... I wonder how many episodes it'd take for a TV series to cover that whole match... sure, some of those chapters are short (we're talking about 8-16 page chapters here, usually, not 35-65 page Achiga chapters), but still, that's a lot to cover. It'd be at least 6-8 episodes, I'd think. ... Gah, I'm making myself want to see this animated now... but I know it'll be so far off. Frustrating. :(

Saki - 15

Saki drawing first blood at the start of the captain's round! Keep it up!
She'll do fine.

Saki 16

oh shit. God werewolf loli. power lvl too high.
Loli? But she's older than all of her teammates... (As I've said before, the Saki franchise has at least 3-4 of these characters who look like lolis, but aren't really. Ritz covers all kinds of girls, small to large.)

I don't know if I['d thought of her like a werewolf, though... but it's sort of true, anyway, I guess...

Saki 17


Yuri it up
Life lesson. The power of yuri can overcome any challenges.

And loli isn't werewolf, she's the moon! and tide and water. Got it.
Kana needed some consoling, after how she did...

Saki 18

Saki kicking ass. Turning shit into gold. weeee~
The Miyanagas are overpowered.

Saki - 19

with that amazing comeback! Nationals here we come!
No reviews of eps 16-18 (or 21-24 for that matter)? Oh well...

Saki 19

ooh that was a great end. And naturally more yuri from everyone! Shame probably nothing gonna happen in the next few eps. These tourneys last forever for a show that's only 20ish eps.
You can't have great mahjong action if you don't go into detail with some of the matches, and the great mahjong action is an important part of the show!

Saki 20

oh a pool eps. Surprised it took so long. And I think they got someone else on this, a lot of off model, but a lot more animation. Hair actually moves!



A glimpse at the Sis, and more baddies that probably won't appear this season.

I never got this, I've eaten icecream pops all my life and have never got that stuff on my nose. Etopen beach ball mode is secretly the best part of the eps though.
It's moe.

Boobs are fat, and fat floats. So the bigger the cup, the more fatty, the more floaty.
That does make sense.

Oh and she seems to have sunburned her tits. She really should have put on more sunscreen.
I don't know, is that sunburn, or an extension of her usual massive blush?

Saki - 25



These are scenes from ep. 24
It's all just platonic friendship, no yuri here at all... :p (now to see how wrong that statement is, watch the picture dramas now!)

Wow, what a show. I guess I need to read the manga to find out what happens from here?
Well, first, there are the seven Picture Drama extras. Watch them. Watch them NOW. Expect lots and lots of yuribait.

After that, there's this year's "sidequel", Saki Achiga-hen. It's got 13 episodes so far, with three more to come ... sometime, and tells the story of the other side of the national tournament.

If you want a continuation of the main series, though, yes, you'll have to read the manga. I'd say watch Achiga-hen first, though. Also note what I said above about the Saki manga only just having finished the (side-B) quarterfinal of the national tournament... by the end of Achiga-hen, it'll be at the end of the (side-A) semifinal. So Saki is actually behind, thanks to that quarterfinal match taking 31 chapters and the very slow pace of releases (so many skipped chapters...). I believe that the Saki anime gets to somewhere in the 50s or so, chapters-wise; it covered all material available at the time, and then some (the Saki manga doesn't have that regional individuals arc in it, for instance, that was new for the anime, though it is canon).

Oh, and yes, that last shot, with other teams at the national tournament... yes, you will see those people again.

In addition, there's also the Saki Biyori 4koma gag-manga spinoff that also started last year, along with the Achiga manga (which is very similar to the anime). It's amusing stuff.

A big thank you to firehawk12 and anyone else who were pushing this show.
I thought you'd like it...
So is Saki actually good like Chihayafuru or does it rely on the stuff posted above to keep viewers?
It is good, SDDBurton and Chickdigger just didn't post more than one or two shots from the actual mahjong games. Saki certainly also has its fanservice and yuri, but the mahjong part is a significant amount of the series, and is great as well. Everything centers around mahjong games and the characters. I prefer it to Chihayafuru, myself...


Subete no aware
Saki - 25

Wow, what a show. I guess I need to read the manga to find out what happens from here?

A big thank you to firehawk12 and anyone else who were pushing this show.
Now you can join the Hisa x Mihoko bandwagon!

So is Saki actually good like Chihayafuru or does it rely on the stuff posted above to keep viewers?
Eh, if you don't like mahjong (or yuri, apparently), there's not much to the show. That said, it has much more character development that Chihayafuru. :p

The spinoff series is pure cameo fanservice though. As something produced as a stop gap for the delay of the manga and as a hype machine for the franchise as a whole, I don't think I've seen a property work so well in a while.

Binbougami ga - 02


This show is great. Still waiting for that pink hair girl to make her appearance.

That priest is a SUPER creep.

She might not be showing up for 4 or 5 more episodes. She was chapter 10 in the manga and this has been going at a 1:1 ratio, though that will change when they get to some shorter chapters.

Should be worth the wait though. She's a great character with an awesome introduction.
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